
Medishield Life – A life time living tax

With all its good intent and purpose, there is a sinister side to the Medishield Life Scheme. It is all good for what it sets out to do but it can be deadly to many people it is supposed to help. Just like the minimum sums schemes, the intent was good but the effect can be very painful and can even kill. What is the point of dipping into the bank accounts of the citizens to take their money and telling them they can live well when they are 99 or 100 years but they would starve to death tomorrow?

The Medishield has this wicked element in the scheme. It is a life tax from birth to death. One has to start paying from the day one starts breathing to the day one stops breathing. Not paying is a criminal offence. The parents would have to pay for their children and would have to pay for their parents as well, a real sandwich that must pay for three generations of living family members. Not many senior citizens would have the money to pay after 60, let alone at 80, 90 or 100 and above. Many would be jobless way before 60. How are they going to pay for a life time of premiums, particularly in the late years when they have no income?

Who in his sound mind would expect the retired, the jobless, to pay for Medishield Life premiums when they don’t even have enough to eat? Do they think everyone is a LKY or a Nathan or a Pillay and can afford to pay forever? Anyone with designs on the few dollars left in the pockets of the seniors, for whatever farcical excuses or good, is wicked and mean. It is a very vicious intent to rob the old. Leave the old and feeble alone, they need help, all kinds of help, especially financial help. How can any sensible and good people, with a good heart, forget about those with bad hearts, designed a scheme to take money from the oldies until they die?

The sandwiched parents/children and the Silver Brigade must stand up to resist this demonic attempt to take money from the oldies. They have to do it now before it becomes a law in the hands of the heartless politicians and civil servants. They must go to their MPs to tell them that this is very wrong and unacceptable. Putting a financial burden on the very old and feeble is unthinkable in a civilised society.

What have their parents been teaching them about taking care of those that need to be taken care off? Taking care of them is not using the mouth and then dipping the hands into their pockets. A govt of wise and caring people must know, it is not rocket science, that old people have no money unless they are the likes of LKY and Nathan.  The govt must provide for their medical care. It is a debt to these seniors, it is being caring and grateful, being human, not money grabbing assholes.

All the MPs that are human, with a little human milk of kindness in them, must not allow this life tax on the oldies to get pass. It is time they do something that will be good for their own hearts. Stop robbing the oldies.


Anonymous said...


Have been advocating the scheme
of medishield-free many moons ago.

People will pay up to 65 years

From 66, medishield-free scheme
kicks in, a premium free scheme.

Very very very simple!

People should pay when young.

Together with % of funds from the
taxes collected from say gst,
coe, etc etc etc can be budgeted.

Worth considering!


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

A little modification. Start paying only when they start working. From birth is too demanding on the parents. They still want people to bear children and load them with more taxes for having children?

Anonymous said...

uncle rb 8.58am pls note....

Good morning!

Agreed with U.

Medishield-free scheme is one scheme going forward that can be sustainable with the help from our govt.



Anonymous said...

Are they thinking of the premiums to pay for their million dollar salaries?

patriot said...

Received my CPF Annual Statement days ago.
Noticed a deduction of $455 from my Medisave Account to MSH which stands for Medishield.

Googled Medishield and read that Medishield is scheduled to be implemented in Year 2015. Meanwhile the Authority is asking for feedbacks and suggestions before the Scheme(Medishield) kicks in. There is another Medishield Life Scheme. As a lowly educated Sinkie, me has difficulties in understanding the Different Medishield Schemes.

Is it right to say that the Deduction on my Medisave Account to Medishield is for Medishield Life? If so, how do I interpret that the Implementation of Medishield Life will begin in 2015 and I got a sum of $455 deducted from my Medisave Account on JULY 2014?

Can someone help me to understand the Medishield Schemes?
Another Question this blur king needs enlightened is that Medishield Life is COMPULSORY ON ALL CITIZENS,

Yours Truly

Anonymous said...

If you want to improve Medishield Life ... you must get to the root cause of the problem.
Vote Opposition and maybe we will start getting better terms & conditions with Medishield Life.

Talk no use.
Blog no use.
Protest in Hong Lim also no use.
Vote Opposition and then maybe the PAP government eyes will suddenly open big, big.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Like I said before, Singapore public health care system is the BEST in the world. The funding is provided by the user. In that way the system can remain sustainable.

Look at public healthcare systems all over the world:

UK --- fucked up
Canada --- fucked up
Australia --- on the way to total collapse

Singapore: AOK and rock solid. Your life, you pay lah...what's wrong with that?

So how?

Anonymous said...

Patriot, they treat your money as their money. Suka suka they want they take. What can you do about it?

Anonymous said...

RB, the cut off age for free coverage should be 65. 80 is much too old.

Anonymous said...

Vote Opposition until it becomes government.

You will get better terms for Medishield with no side effects. No more means testing, can also withdraw CPF at 55, all. Children no stress, Adults lagi no stress.

要风得风, 要雨得雨

心想事成, 万事如易

b said...

7 things the gov can easily screw the exploited class: education, jobs, housing, transport, retirement, healthcare, security.

b said...

"Can someone help me to understand the Medishield Schemes?"

- your ignorance is their power. they will confuse and con every cents of our hardearned monies.

Goh said...

@Matilah 11.46 am
Please lah.Talk dirty ,vulgarity , sex toys or mei mei etc maybe u can be no.1 and can call u sifu.
Dun anyhow bluff ok.My love one is in Canada and receive free treatment for cancer.
Told me that the most fortunate thing is being a cancer patient as a Canadian else become pokkai long ago.

Anonymous said...

You can guess who is his master.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Please lah uncle, one sparrow does not make a summer---i.e. one data point cannot prove that the system works overall.

It is great that your kindred received good treatment in Canada. Those who receive proper public healthcare in Aust also do very well. But for many tens of thousands more...they don't---i.e. the system has failed them.

BTW, I always caution people that I dun write "truth"nor do I always back up my opinions with evidence. That is up to you to seek out....if you are interested in the the real truth.

However I've noticed that people prefer to tekan me. They cannot control their emotions. They tu-lan when they read my dubious shit....so much so they forget to do research. They have fancy degrees. I have PSLE. At the end, they are no closer to the truth. They just cling onto their beliefs, and shoot the messenger who sings a different tune.

So , agongkia, go and do some real research lah. And BTW, I am not a sifu lah.

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