
Pity the Man in the Sandwich

While the young men all over the world are striking out to make a career, to make their pot of gold, our young men are struggling and beating around the bush and straggling in the river, preparing for a role that would see them putting their lives on the stake for the sake of country. And better still, foreigners, plus young men of their peers, were brought in to do the jobs they were supposed to do and eventually become their bosses to order them around in the country they have pledged and trained to die for.

Next change, a new law is being passed to add a new burden to these Men in the Sandwich. Our young men are expected to get married and bring up a family. He is expected to bring up his children to the best he could to be the nuts and bolts of our economy. Now he has to pay for their medical insurance from birth. Gone were the days when a civil servant or a soldier would have the medical needs of his family paid for by the govt and the services. Now the Man in the Sandwich would have to carry the full burden of bringing up his children for the country, to be NS men to keep the machine turning, and to pay for their medical fees to be healthy and alive, from birth.

Another burden, who do you think would be paying for the seniors, the Silver Brigade’s Medishield Life Premiums when they have no income? No prizes for the correct answer. The Man in the Sandwich will have to pay for them or they would be sent to jailrock. How could they not be paying for them when no one else will? Looking from the positive angle, this Man in the Sandwich is likely to be a magician and can pull a lot of money from his hat whenever he needs it. Have faith in the Man in the Sandwich to pay for everything.

In SG50, let’s celebrate this Man in the Sandwich. And if he is unlucky, he would lose his job to foreigners before he is 50 and expecting his children to pay for his Medishield Life Premiums in some cases. And many could look for a very long and rewarding career of plenty as security guards and taxi drivers. The latter is protected by legislation for them, a privilege exclusive for citizens.


Anonymous said...

It is getting tough to be a citizen in Singapore. We have to study double hard to get into local university. We have to sacrify our two years to NS. We pay higher cost of housing, food and transport. These are bearable until government allows foreign cheap labour to compete with us. These foreigners do not take Singapore as home so they worked double hard for little (to them it is a lot more when convert to their peers at home). So, all the hard work and sacrifies become useless. Jobs are snatched from locals because we have family to handle and morgage to pay. Foreigners have nowhere to go but to work for overtime. Employers love foreign workers because they are cheap and so is our government who earns tons of money by just issuing employment passes. Man in the middle is the only loser in this game.

Virgo49 said...

One fucking ang mho said Singaporeans had the mentality that the world owe us a living!!

Do we have to undergo NS to defend him, his family, his business??

Anonymous said...

Perhaps bringing back hdb housing prices to pre crazy horse days and 1 of the many ways to help the sandwich man.

Anonymous said...

Such "Men in the Sandwich" already existed in worse times before 2011, and under a worse PAP.

Assuming these "Man in the sandwich" are angry and will not vote PAP, but it turned out that there were not enough of them to vote PAP out in GE 2011.

Will there be enough of them this round? Or are they, like what kaki lang WP Teochew Ah Hia said, very scared to accidentally vote PAP out in a GE because WP is not ready to take over as govt?

What do u think?

Anonymous said...

Very Very Sad!

my neighbour commented one day
over coffee that my son who had
just graduated as a professional
can no longer afford to buy a
car, a house and must start
saving for his wedding, etc etc

it is very true......

in my 20s, armed with a just a
diploma from sg poly, I were able
to buy a car and Q FOR bto, etc
etc etc......

it is hard for the young.....

it will be much much harder in

sad, very sad, very very sad.....

Anonymous said...

The NTUC is very proud of their efforts in pushing for the jobs as security guards and taxi drivers to be exclusively reserved for citizens.

Now they say they are making the NTUC stronger by putting someone who can 'Chant, Chwoon and Sing'. At the very top of the pyramid, of course. By the way 'chwoon' in teochew means twist. More exclusive jobs for citizens with more chanting, twisting and singing.

Anonymous said...

Help the sandwich man?

But if don't help, what will happen?

1. Will PAP be voted out?

2. Will GDP grow better?

If no to 1 and yes to 2, and if u were PM Lee, why bother to help the sandwich man, u tell me lah?

Vrgo49 said...

Bro, my bro-in-law just with a poly diopma joined SIA as aircraft technician later called engineers.

On duty overalls, off duty uniforms like flight captains or first officers can even buy bungalow at gallop ave by having SIA shares at few dollars and sold them at ten or more on initial trades.

Sapoo shares that subordinates been allocated and unable to buy giving them some bones and made a pile out of them.

Just poly diploma, no need serve NS born before 1949.

Now U- double degree no house no car no wife

Anonymous said...

Celebrate SG50 with 50 Opposition MPs in parliament!

patriot said...

If the Sandwich Generation knowing well their very own situations are to make more babies in Sin, they have to prepare for the Consequences.
They must also shoulder the Sin of bringing others to suffer.

The Priority now is to end ones own suffering. However, those who are able to be responsible children to their parents, no easy feat these days and are confident of being responsible parents, by all means, make and bring more to share the Joy.



Anonymous said...

可怜! 真可怜!
可怜! 真可怜!
可怜! 真可怜!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

C'mon lah...it is SG50. Have you seen the events calendar for the year? Wah, damn impressive lah.

Why do you prefer to sulk in a dark corner as if the world is falling apart, when there's lots of fun and activity to be enjoyed?

Life is to be savoured lah. One day, we all die...why waste your life being gloomy and negative all the time? Kaninah, the National Gallery is opening Oct 2015...dedicated to the visual arts...that in itself is awesome lah. In April, it's the Yacht Show. Singapore is up there with the best in the world when it comes to "luxury brands".

Got spirit to live?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Don't talk cock lah.

'If you live your life trying to meet someone else's expectations, then you have WILLINGLY surrendered your life. You are no longer in charge of your fundamental existence, and you fucking richly deserve all the pain, suffering and torment you have chosen to bring upon your entitled self.'

The Man in the Sandwich has no choice. His being is being legislated against his free will. You think he can get out of this Medishield Life, get his money out from cPF at 55?

Anonymous said...

Why Greeks voted for Syriza: ‘We have nothing left to lose’


What about Singaporeans?
Will we vote Singaporeans First because we also have nothing left to lose?

Anonymous said...

Maria, 78, a lifelong conservative, said she had voted Syriza for the first time because she had “no confidence left in anyone, any party, who has governed us up until now”.

She added: “Things are in a very bad way here. But at least Syriza seem to care. My grandson – he’s seven – said to his mother, just now: ‘Vote Tsipras, mummy. He talks about the poor people.’”


Does your PAP Millionaire talk about poor people?
Was PAP's former MP, Michael Palmer aware that Singapore had poor people?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ still confused, RB:

>> The Man in the Sandwich has no choice.

Complete and utter nonsense. You always have a choice. You also have the choice of choosing to make the best out of any situation...even situations you are forced into.

Get real lah uncle!

>> His being is being legislated against his free will.

WTF lah uncle? The WHOLE POINT of legislation is to regulate AGAINST the suka suka freewill of individuals---i.e. it is to FORCE individuals who have wandering minds, vivid imaginations and freedom to act however they choose---to CONFORM to a set of legally defined principles at the threat of punishment.

So you are constrained by legislation...but you still have freewill to choose to act in ways that will render the best outcome, under the circumstances.

The grumpy long-faced motherfuckers are thankfully a minority in Singapore. Most others are oblivious to all this negativity and simply get on with life as best they can.

You want to be the "under dog" in Singapore? Go ahead...knock yourself out...win the "Entitled Victim of The Year" award I guarantee you, no one else except your shared-misery loser friends will care lah :-))

Anonymous said...

Hear hear, the mole speaking.

Anonymous said...

'The WHOLE POINT of legislation is to regulate AGAINST the suka suka freewill of individuals---i.e. it is to FORCE individuals who have wandering minds, vivid imaginations and freedom to act however they choose---to CONFORM to a set of legally defined principles at the threat of punishment.'

Typical PAP speak. This kind of thinking cannot be missed. Sinkies are dead meat with rulers thinking and talking like that.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 240:

>> Does your PAP Millionaire talk about poor people?

Of course not. The Singapore Brand is about attracting the world's wealthy. Why is that a problem? IMO if you are poor in Singapore, that is a CHOICE lah.

>> Was PAP's former MP, Michael Palmer aware that Singapore had poor people?

Please lah. Everyone is AWARE of poverty---it occurs in every society, even the richest. However no one gives a shit because they are too busy trying to keep themselves from becoming poor. i.e., if you really want to help the poor, the first thing is to ensure that you yourself don't become poor. So take care of business lah.

Anyway, social experiments have been conducted, and the general consensus by normal, average people just going on their daily lives is :


Lesson for poor: No One Cares lah.

b said...

Young men has a choice. Look around and try to migrate to Aus or Nz. Forget about Sg lah. Its an extreme crony state.

Anonymous said...

The Man in the Sandwich.
Straight away I thought of Chan Chun Sing.

Do you think maybe he also will become a sandwich Prime Minister between Senior Minister LHL and LHL's son.
What do you think?
Can happen or not ah?
Got happen before or not ah?

Anonymous said...

Darkness says this Matilah is out to stream everyone onto Facebook.

Is this true? Starting two days ago. There is a huge pull out from the Singapore Facebook.

I am afraid. It's like they are planning for war in the virtual.

Everything has shut down and gone silent like underground.u

Anonymous said...

With election in the background and getting nearer, you can expect a big war in internet or a big shut down.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ cool story bro', 737:

>> Matilah is out to stream everyone onto Facebook.

Wah lau, You are elevating me to a skill set I can't even imagine having....i.e. super hero super powers.

Please lah, I'm just a harmless nobody with an opinion and the means to broadcast my yammerings.

And BTW, fuck Facebook lah. It is for losers ;-)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

P.S. If people are pulling out of Facebook, that is a truly wonderful (if it is true).

If Facebook were to die like MySpace, I will hold a party to celebrate. Facebook and other social media sites has bred a truly narcissistic culture where people actually have to boast and show others what they're eating, where they are...and the height of elevated self importance and pathological narcisscism: The SELFIE

In my time if you went around taking portrait after portrait of yourself, and SHOWING IT TO OTHERS en masse, you would be called BOASTER COCK.

Anonymous said...

Garment kee seow leow. Don't pay for compulsory medical insurance can get arrested and put behind bars.

Seow leow.