
Globalisation – It’s all coming back home, Charb knows.

The Paris attack on a controversial magazine, Charlie Hebdo and killing its editor Stephane Charbonnier, is taking the western world to a new reality. They can never hide under the name of freedom of expression to ridicule and humiliate the poorer and military weaker countries. Globalisation has a price to be paid especially by the bullies who think they can bomb another country, conduct regime change, or as the killing of Charb has demonstrated, you can’t go around abusing other people, their culture, race and religion and their political leaders with impunity.

Globalisation, when the enemies are living with you, a better comprehension of asymmetrical warfare and a zealous motivated individual are enough to turn a country upside down. Walking down the streets of Paris, London or New York is no longer safe. Safety cannot be taken for granted. The West may want to reflect upon this menace they have created by oppressing other people, religion and states. It will all come back home to settle scores. The battle field is still uneven and heavily lopsided, but it is not invincible, impenetrable and impervious to suicide squads.

At the national level, taking pot shot at other countries like the roguish cruise missile strike against a Chinese Embassy in Belgrade would no longer be tolerated and accepted as a price to be paid for weakness. It will be war and American Embassies will be struck if a similar shameless attack is repeated. The highhanded and criminal invasion of Iraq and the recent unprovoked attack on the North Korean computer system will see a return of the favour in a matter of time. The USA and the West may think they can continue with their reckless exploitation of their military and technological superiority to coerce and attack other nations and people. The reality is that the victims can hit back and will strike back.

Let the Paris attack be a lesson to those haughty and cocky western criminals that they cannot hide and cannot run if they throw stones at other people. The stones will come crashing back.

PS. Matilah and Veritas, please be careful with your expletives and insensitive comments on other people and religion. You would not know when they will look for you. You are as safe as Charb.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you.


Anonymous said...

This has been our worries all the time. For those who are not afraid to die, they can actually inflict more panic than going to war. What is there to stop a die hard religious (no matter how misguided) to commit a killing in front of a CCTV camera. He may be killed eventually but the impact is immeasureable.

Anonymous said...

Let the Paris attack be a lesson to those haughty and cocky western criminals that they cannot hide and cannot run if they throw stones at other people. The stones will come crashing back.

Tiok. If only those western criminals were like Sinkies, save for the likes of Veritas and Matilah, this would not have happen.

Anonymous said...

sad sad sad ......

but what to do.....

this is the world we are living in......

sincerely hope this will not happens here......

please pray pray pray.....

jjgg said...

Rb...Are you saying that the massacre in Paris is justifiable. Cannot be...right? The Americans also realize how useless their arsenal is...buy n build weapons they can't use n can only sell to dumb countries under their umbrella programs...their weapons can wipe out countries but can't defeat people..warfare is already taken to new levels..cyber attacks are cheaper to launch than expensive rockets..creating chaos n mayhem are not taught in Sandford but in Palestine n Beirut ..BGs with their impressive ribbons on display only attest to their longevity due to lack of warfare experience..hehe.. But to say that you can shoot up people for poking fun at you takes idiocy to a whole new level.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Jiggs, where did you get the notion that it is right to shoot people, or taunt at people, or drop bombs at other people?

The whole issue is not to do to others what you do not want others to do to you. What is fun to someone is not funny to another. One must know the consequences of one's action.

It is ok to play with fire. It is not a right or wrong thing. But don't cry foul when burnt by fire.

Anonymous said...

Is the men in blue doing anything about it? Non issue, no threat?

Anonymous said...

Annon 10:22, new CP just took over. Now enjoying the new office and shaking hands. No time to issue warning liou.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Chua, though I agree it is highly insensitive and wrong to ridicule other religion, but it is no excuse for violent and killing. Terrorist act is totally wrong. It is clear from your blog you cannot stand US and Japan. You love China and nothing they do will displease you. But please do not let your prejudice blind your reasoning.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> You would not know when they will look for you.

No worries lah. I won't be intimidated to be silenced on matters of religion, especially radicalised, violentpig-headed, barking mad Islamo-facism.

Point in fact: for freedom of speech and expression to prevail, no one's feelings or ideas are so "sacred" that they are immune from or should be specially protected from scorn, derision, ridicule, satire and a general shitting on, pissing on, fucking off, vulgar and offensive response.

The attack on "funny people" by "unfunny people" in yesterday's massacre is typical of those who just can't take jokes and have to resort to violence and murder. Nothing new here.

>> They can never hide under the name of freedom of expression to ridicule and humiliate

In the case of Charlie Hebdo, they never "hid"---they were wide open with their satire. Anyway freedom of speech and expression require you not to hide: you make your views and opinion KNOWN publicly --- that's the fucking idea lah.

And yes, there could be consequences, especially if you make fun of the "Religion of Peace".

...and so the world continues turning...

Do you think freedom of speech and expression will die, to the point where not a single Muslim is no longer "offended" by people ridiculing the religion?

I doubt it. In fact I guarantee a ground swell of backlash.

Curtailment os freedom of speech and expression---no matter how hurtful or scornful---is THE MOST OFFENSIVE idea.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

P.S. In fact Islamo-facists do a great disservice to the REAL peaceful Muslims. They continue to "spoil" the brand, which has taken a walloping because of the insane ideas it contains.

Islamo-facists have a typical style: they will come in all macho and pumped to kill unarmed non-combatant civilians in brutal "surprise" attacks.

Wah, damn "heroic" lah. Give those fuckers a few virgins in paradise, because as sure as shit they don't have the skills or class to seduce women here on earth like REAL MEN do and have FUN.

A doctrine that is against FUN is dangerous, twisted and sick.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Posted in solidarity, I declare:


(cartoon translated: LHS: Must Not Mock. RHS: A Star Is Born)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Let me answer this in general and to anon 12:22 in particular.

We condemned the terrorists for killing 12 innocent people. We are we not condemning the Americans for bombing the daylight out of Iraq and those in Eygpt, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan? Many innocents, hundreds of thousands were killed or maimed.

Oh, that is not terrorism. That is war? Really?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is not terrorism. That is war?
RB 1:37 pm

But does it matter whether u or I think that is terrorism or war, anymore than whether PAP govt is good or bad?

The blame must go to those in Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan for not able to protect their many innocents, hundreds of thousands from being killed or maimed.

And for the same reasons blame must go to the Sinkie opposition for not able to be ready to form the govt to protect many daft Sinkies, hundreds of thousands suffering money no enough under PAP govt.

Anonymous said...

The West must understand what the East meant when they say revenge after ten years is not too late.

They can humilate because they are strong and more advance, but revenge can come in all shapes and sizes.

The pigeons have come home to roost for the West.

patriot said...

Not all oppressed are able to counter oppression, however, there shall always be some who will sacrifice and martyr themselves when driven by idealism, religion and or even fanaticism.
Unhappiness breeds contempt and hatred, which if allow to build up, is like driving the tiger up the wall(逼虎跳墙), bound to lead to consequences.


Anonymous said...

Why not standing up for injustice? Why is the word injustice absent?

The bombing of the Chinese Embassy was an act of terrorism, an act of war.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ searching for moral equivalence, RB:

>> We are we not condemning the Americans for bombing the daylight out of Iraq and those in Eygpt, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan? Many innocents, hundreds of thousands were killed or maimed.

The USA gets CONSTANT CONDEMNATION for the above acts....even on a DAILY BASIS from Americans themselves---in the media, on social networks, on blogs, forums etc.

The situation in the Middle East is a complex mix of powers and ideas, with many players affiliated with each other, as well as counterveiling

I think you are really stretching it and cherry-picking to bolster your claims. And it is understood, that is your role as "provocateur" on the blog.

Anyway the attack on CH was probably motivated by RIDICULE and SATIRE --- like the Danish cartoonists case several years ago.

This is an issue of freedom to make jokes and satire about religion and their facists.

Je Suis Charlie!

(caption: Mohamy says "Lively diversity")

b said...

12 french die and the whole world on high alert. Many more die everyday in some places and no one cares. are french people lives more important?

Anyway, the whole thing looks like a setup. this kind of play often used when the working class very unhappy with the elite ruling class. to save their skins, they will plant fears on people. the entire thing looks like a divide and rule conspiracy. people too easily judge on the surface of things.

Veritas said...
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Veritas said...
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Veritas said...

The final objective of Islamist is to bring us into dark age of tyranny, no human right caliphate.

And Pakistan has shown us how far into shit the blasphemy phobia of Islamofascism can bring us. And going forward more shit has been planed in the pipeline by Islamofascist.

In Pakistan, people can accuse someone of blasphemy and the next second, the allege blasphemer will be club till death.

Do we want to "be sensitive" to Islamofascist blasphemy-phobia or do we want support comic artists who ridicule and have not murdered anyone?

Anonymous said...

don't worry about matilar lah, RB. he is very safe. no terrorist will look for matilar. he is just too small. if you read the hate sites commentary and talkcock sites, there are 20 million like matilar, with 19 million more eloquent than him. same for veritas, dime a dozen.

Anonymous said...

Only two types of people condemned the Americans killing the Arabs, the victimised Arabs and those Americans with a clear conscience.

The rest of the stupid Afro Asians do not see anything with what the Americans are doing. If Americans fart, the Afro Asians would say nice smell. They are so stupid that they cannot see anything wrong with what the Americans are doing.

Anonymous said...

The blind anti-western ranting of the original post is only matched by the ferocity of the anti-islamic posting.

Not sure if the author of the post has ever seen the kind of anti-western & anti-semitic media published in some middle-eastern countries? (E.g. Iran, for one). Maybe after seeing those you'll think that the Westerners are justified in bombing them, just as how you think Parisians should be punished for this "ridicule and humiliation".

You know something even more interesting? France was one of those who opposed the War in Iraq.

P.S. Charlie Hebdo mocked more Christians and Jews than Muslims.