
More taxi drivers being beaten by FTs

I was quite aghasted at a video showing two locals charging at a taxi driver and wanting to beat him up for sounding his irritating horn. And then there was this uncle taxi driver that did not give way properly and was punched in the tummy by the other driver.  Seems like taxi drivers are getting into situations where they become easy punching bags.

And in the ST a few days ago, an angmoh FT lecturer whacked a taxi driver till his umbrella broke, and punched his face as well, and did not pay for the fare. In the same report another FT was also reported to have beaten another taxi driver.

Is this a new reality game in Sin City, beating up taxi driver and see who can do it best, and get a free ride at the same time? Why are taxi drivers such easy targets and can anything be done to protect them in this only protected occupation for Singaporeans? This also means that when a taxi driver is beaten, a Singaporean is beaten while doing his job, and for driving his passenger around, driving them home, providing them a chauffer service.

What a way to be rewarded! Where is Singa? Retired? Just as well. Singa is only meant for Sinkies, to be polite even if beaten.


Anonymous said...

Should Singapore build more studio for the older citizen to retire and realise their retirement money when they downgrade?

Anonymous said...

Move to jb lar and give your space to another FT lor. U should know your place in sinkie land when u are no longer productive so don't waste space and resources here lar

Anonymous said...

taxi drivers deserved to be beaten up. when taxi queues all long or around midnight or peak periods all show busy or hired or shift signs when inside taxi no passenger, all want to force people to call them so can get extra $3.50 or $5.20. sinkie passengers too scared to scold them, just let taxi drivers bully them. so now fts come and beat taxi drivers. well done. keep up the good work. i have no sympathy for the taxi drivers.

agongkia said...

Whether taxi or not,many drivers deserve to be punish.Many Sinkies driver are just too arrogant,drive with high beam headlight on,occupy two lots,taking up carpark lot even they came later when someone is waiting for the lot......
Come to road courtesy,we are worst than neighbouring countries.
Taxi drivers need to use their brain for their own safety.
I met one uncle who refuse to send a pregnant lady to kk as the 2nd destination ,only 15 minutes drive and claim that he was not told before hand which the pax did
and even challenge the pax to fight or to report him .
Maybe becos some Sinkies think they have connection .

But wish to add there are many good cabby.I will be one one day and I pledge free ride to hospital for those above 65 and special discount for those who tell me who he vote for.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I don't know what it is about Singapore drivers -- damn impatient, ya-ya, and downright DANGEROUS.

Last trip to the Unique Island, I was all ready to plonk down a sizeable wad of cash for an gorgeous hard tail carbon fibre 29-ner mountain bike. I borrowed a similar model from a friend to ride around for a couple of days -- taking advantage of the wonderful cycle tracks in Singapore -- notably the PCN (Park Connector Network) put up by National Parks Board. Riding along these routes are fine. However if you venture onto the main road -- FUCKING HELL. Instant "near death experience" -- one after another. So that was that. One bike shop in Singapore lost a big sale plus an ongoing customer for their overpriced accessories.

No lah, Singapore drivers are damn aggressive, rude and ignorant. It is unnecessary. It is just stupid.

Taxis, because of their numbers are amongst the worst offenders.Even I want to hammer them ;-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Today you can say that because most are oldies or ex PMETs. Those days of pia kia taxi drivers are over, though still a few around. And for the oldies and PMETs to be quai lan, they deserve what they get.

I am still against foreigners beating daft sinkie drivers.

Anonymous said...

Bike shop lose bussiness is better than MS become organ donor cos spare part no use leow.Only waste AB trip and deprive others need lah.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Since I refuse to own a car in Singapore -- pay tax until backside koyak -- I use the taxi service ALOT. I have had very few bad encounters. The drivers I get -- all at random -- are courteous and patient. Recently, I've encountered very well groomed and well spoken drivers -- a few even playing classical music in the cab. Beautiful, peaceful. I've discovered that many of these folks are ex-PMETs -- well travelled, ex managers...none of them have awful, fucking ugly ubiquitous "shrines" on the dashboard with radio blaring some loud annoying rubbish.

Women taxi drivers by far are the best. Polite. Gently spoken. And SAFER drivers, believe it or not. They are patient, they allow drivers through from the side roads in heavy traffic, and are honestly and sincerely thankful when they are tipped.

So there. Generally the cab service in Singapore is good. As for those FT's who bash cabbies -- it is not because they are FT's, they are just nasty, probably "uptight" people who behave the same way in their own cuntrees, which is why they had to leave ;-)

Anonymous said...

MS come to women driver everything good.I still see many are indecisive when changing lane,hesitate to take over vehicle,slow down unnecessary and blur like sotong.

One thing good about them is that they are more gentle,courteous,sweeter than my gf and make me sometimes feel wet talking to them.I prefer elderly woman driver and I won't mind risking my life to be an organ donor,taking the cab.And my spare part is in demand.
Spending an hour ride on their cab is like spending an hour in a ktv lounge with meimei.I love auntie cabby.Muahhh..

Anonymous said...

Taxi drivers, just like sinkies, are daft. They should unite together and when one of them was attacked, he can signal and the rest drove in to help to attack the attackers. The problem is after pap 50 years of rule, united power becomes extinct in this small island. They are competent in manipulating the minds and thinking of the general public into total submission.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 230:

I was referring to women as cabbies being better drivers. Women in general are not that good, but I still prefer them than the assholes in power cars who try to squeeze into every "lobang" they can get at high speed/ acceleration, then brake. Women might be blur, but at least they slow down and "play it safe". In general.

Kanninah, you don't save any time by doing that lah, and you endanger the lives of others on the roads -- especially scooters, motorcyclists, blur pedestrians and death-wish cyclists.

One time whilst I was crossing at the pedestrian crossing in Holland V (in front of Tambi magazines), this yaya comes screaming through the crossing and I had to jump the fuck out of the way. Wah. Angry. Take out phone, take picture of license plate. He not satisfied.

Come out of car yaya some more. He had had kid in the car. So don't want to lose face, he decides to "challenge" me: "Why you taking a picture of my car?". Calmly in a low voice (non threatening) I replied: "I'm going to report you to the police for dangerous driving. You nearly ran me over".. His balls drop (probably running out of demerit points -- unsurprising the way he drives). His state changed immediately. "Oh, I am very sorry about that. Please don't report me. My mistake. Very sorry"

Good. Submissive. My turn to tekan him, still in a low voice, no emotion, speaking slowly: "You have a child in the car. And the child is unrestrained. You endager your own kid and me. No, no, I think people like you should not have the privilege of driving. I'm going to report you. If I don't, next time someone will get hurt...or worse". Wah, the fuckers face turned white. Started pleading like a little bitch. Almost want to cry already...ah fuck it. Pan chan him lah. His kid is looking at him and me through the rear window, seeing his dad body language all scared and shit, face like funeral...

"Never, ever let me catch you doing this again. I'm at Holland V nearly everyday, I'll be looking out for you.". More "sorry's" and "thank you sir's"...I split ASAP, it was getting painfully embarrassing. The Singaporean kay poh kia's had already started to gather.

People who really feel the need to race should consider renting the track at Sepang International Circuit. For around SGD 5k, you can get all that energy out and drive for an hour (I doubt the average fucker will last more than 15-20 mins) and see how really good you are.

theonion said...


You were saying only FTs beat up?

The singapore cabby whose blog is there and can complain about someone who just invites him to church( in 2 minds on its theology) yet not willing to report to police an ah beng who cut into his lane and chase him and punch him.
Wow, such dichotomy in thoughts being unkind in written words yet not willing to take action against a person who has done physical harm

No cabby should be physically abused however, the records shows both and most cabbies complaint about drivers in big cars which includes locals and FTs

agongkia said...

@the onion
The cabby admitted that he has been hogging and that the so call assault is a light punch without causing grievous hurt.
The cabby make the right decision not to report as its a waste of time because he will be advise to lodge a magistrate report and cost him more.
On the propagating,its common here and need not make an issue.The cabby should be commended for not being narrow minded and his honesty to admit he hog the road .We should be proud of such magnanimous driver.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. These people are just doing their jobs in the best way they can. Many taxi drivers will go out of their way to help others. See this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh42MKxhId0&feature=share&list=UUk4_6XzBMYTy_Cw1n_AfGuQ

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

"As long as my customers are happy I am happy".

Now that's the spirit.

I use cabs a lot, since I drink too much in Singapore and therefore should not be behind the wheel. My experiences with the Singapore taxi service has generally been good.

It isn't "sad" that these folks are cab drivers. What would be "sad" is if these types of people were NOT cab drivers.

So tip your cabbies often, and with good spirits. They are worth it!

Unknown said...

Dear bog visitors. If any of you ever would like to visit Minsk or Belarus, feel free to book taxi in Minsk with Apartment Hotel BelTopRent. You will get professional Minsk taxi service 24 a day. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I no sympathy for those who brainless like you