
21,000 turn up at Gay Party in Hong Lim

This is surely a very big number for a non govt event or an event organised by the public. It sure beats the 2,500 or 3,000 turn out at the first population protect rally at Hong Lim in February. That was what we were to believe as the right number.

I scrutinised the two photos of the crowd in Hong Lim yesterday and the crowd at the first protest rally and found that they were not much different, at the most a 10 per cent variant. And the first crowd was conveniently tagged at 2,500 with some reports claiming it to be as low as 1,500. And this gay crowd is claimed to be 21,000!

Holy cow, I thought photos don’t lie. So either the first protest number was wrong or the gay party number is wrong. With the two photos as evidence, I kinda think the crowd at the gay party was over stated and that at the first protest rally was understated.

What is interesting is that photos can also tell lies or people with cock eyes can be so screw up in their number guessing game.  Was there an agenda?


Anonymous said...

Does it matter if it is 1500, 2500 or even 21,000?

Sinkie opposition election rallies had crowds in the 10s of thousands. And PAP rallies have only a couple of hundreds.

But which party won the election, and won convincingly with 93% of the seats?

So crowds matter or not, you say lah?

oldhorse42 said...

May be it was the camera that lies .

Anonymous said...

Let's have a Gay Political Party in Singapore.

Now that's a real alternative party!

Anonymous said...

PAP succeeds when and where it really matters.

Anonymous said...

Gay Political Party may get the crowds, just like the strongest opposition WP, but cannot win enough seats and also not ready to be government.

So what's the point (WP) ?

We don't need another WP party.

Anonymous said...

For the sake of humanity, the human race may disappear if all go for gay lifestyle

Anonymous said...

Then what is the point of poting comments here if everything is of no point in bringing up? Just bury the head in the sand at Sentosa?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the only point for some people is just continue reading the Shit Times and voting PAP.

Anonymous said...

Actually I long suspected that pinky is bisexual. People who came from authoritative fathers usually developed gay symptom.

Anonymous said...

Whether Pinky is gay or not, it don't matter to me because I am never going to vote for him.
(I don't live in AMK GRC.)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The gays have their right to live like any other groups of people. Just live and get on with their lives like any responsible and law abiding citizen.

Anonymous said...

No one denying their rights to live as normal person except probably the tax department. However in some countries, they also want to get marry in a straight church , have kids somehow (but dunno how maybe surrogate, adopting, trafficking), be given free hiv/std treatments.