
GE2020 - Who believes in Singaporeans First Policy?

Below is an article by Kimberly Anne on the debate between Tan Cheng Bock defending the Singaporean First Policy against LKY and George Yeo. Read it and ask yourself who is for Singaporeans and who for foreigners, and who were/are those that opposed looking after Singaporeans first. To think that they would trade Singaporeans for foreigners underlies the arrogant belief that they were the super smart ones, could remain high up there while the loser Singaporeans can go to hell.

After reading the article and knowing the truth I almost peng san. Unbelieveable that people can be so ungrateful to Singaporeans. You vote for them right?

Now read the article below and know what is really going on behind the backs of Singaporeans, what were people thinking and planning to do and who are/were the people that want to replace Singaporeans with foreigners. Singaporeans are just dispensable tools or labour to be used or discarded.

Be frighten, be very frighten....of people who would do you in, would dump you for foreigners. They don't care about you. That is why there are about 2m foreigners here.

GE2020: PSP's Tan Cheng Bock recalls how Lee Kuan Yew shot down his wish to put Singaporeans first

Progress Singapore Party (PSP) chief Tan Cheng Bock may have been shot down by founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew but he's still standing his ground and touting his "Singaporeans first" approach.

Dr Tan, who was formerly a member of the People's Action Party (PAP) and served as MP for Ayer Rajah SMC from 1980 to 2006, reminisced his days in Parliament during a PSP e-rally on July 6, recalling what he described as a "difficult period".

He had first floated the "Singaporeans first" idea in 1999 in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, but it was not well-received.

"So I went to the House. And I remember when I first said that we should think Singaporeans first, I was actually taken to task.

George Yeo, who was then Minister for Trade and Industry, had also debated with him on the issue in Parliament and told him that he was sending the wrong signals to foreigners, Dr Tan said.

"But I said, 'No, you are sending the wrong signal to our people.'

The "Singaporeans first" approach remains a key focus in the policies put forth by PSP, such as their push for job priority for Singaporeans and for a quota on the number of Employment Passes introduced by the government.



Virgo 49 said...

These Papies are a very vindictive lunatics breed.

When they lost some Opposition seats they became very revengeful.

LKY is the man who does things his way thinking that he is always right and is offended when people questioned him.

With Jega as a thorn to his arse, he became very revengeful and started the rule and divide policies of what's not giving the Oppo wards and benefits and privileges.

Also, he toyed with the notion of human smart genes.

Thinking that Sinkies are peasants and they needed foreigners with smarter and cunning genes to thrive in Singapore.

What's you expect from this half tank shits Babas descendents mostly favoured by their British Masters as balls carriers and speaking their language.

They deemed Chinese educated Singaporeans as nit wits and as lower species as peasants.

That's where Nantah mets it's demise.

Thinking at that time Chinese Sinkies like the China Men at that era were poor and miserable

These Ang MOH sais thought that they built Singapore on their own and not on the hard work of all Singaporeans.

That's why they are so arrogant today.

They favoured the Indians as they spoke English and been the so called International Language in commerce.

Not knowing that they would be displaced by the Chinese today.

That's why they hypocritical in front of you to get your votes smiling away and clasping their hands or palms in obsisience but behind your backs scorned and smirked at Singaporeans.

Many a time, you can see their true colours of their arrogance which sometimes unable to hide due to losing their cool.

Fine examples the two TEOs.

Virgo 49 said...

Why they created the GRCs?

Racical representations?

All these bullshits!

They created these GRCs as their senior
MPs and their Ministers are getting lazier and cosier in their Ivory Towers after years of Good Lifes.

So that their newbie employed beholden new MPs can do their donkey work of meeting the SINKIES peasants on their behalf.

See JT brushed away that old uncle who wants to grouse his problems to her as her MP. She just simply ignored him with such arrogance and thinking that there peasants are a ungrateful lot which we ALREADY gave you so much of YOUR own monies to you and still a complaining lot.

Making noises. Even her team mates MPs like Denise Phuah simply told a kar kai to take down that man number as though he is like a beggar.

All these arrogance Ministers and their Senior MPs delegated their meet the peasants duties to their balls or chee carrying kar kais.

You think they there to help you?
Nuisances noises peasants.

Not even attending Parliamentary Sessions and delegating meeting their residents personally.

You can see how intently the Oppo MPs listened to the problems of their residents.

Even Chiam had to meet them near the Rubbish Bins at their blocks.

One ex One Term Minister said to a HDB Officer seconded to carry him and provide them with all their required data of every households told him:

They want me as a ex Chairman of Please Suck Again (PSA) and now Minister to listen to their bullshits trivial daily affairs of leaking pipes and lifts breakdowns?

So voters vote wisely for full time MPs who worked and serve you.

Not those from the Papies camps who skived and get their gaji butas.

Worse, scorned at you.


Anonymous said...

Ever since LKY called our National Pledge "an aspiration"
- I have a lot of doubt in my mind about LKY and PAP

Do you think we should question LKY's and PAP's loyalty to Singaporeans?



"Truth is not what you say. It is what you do."
- Chee Soon Juan

KT said...

It seems that when multi-million$$$ monisters walked the ground, they looked at residents like strangers and there were no friendly connections. To the residents, it seemed monisters come with bodyguards to protect their bosses, therefore, they have difficulties connecting with residents. Some residents can't be bothered with them or even be bothered to look at them. Why? The residents felt the monisters were so high up in the sky whilst the residents on the grounds.

Anonymous said...

GY was also the one who told us off we should know our place before we question their authority. Did we elect them as little emperors and empresses?. Good that he and his team was booted out of Aljunied GRC.Did they stay to fight for another day? No, but no one doubt CSJ's spirit. Taken down, even bankrupted too many times, he is still there fighting for what he believes in. And we all do pray and hope he does funally find success this Fri.

Anonymous said...

Chee Soon Juan is many times a better man than George Yeo.

Hope the people of Bukit Batok vote him in this time. The last and current MPs of Bukit Batok only brought problems to them. The women there, young and old, safe or not?

Anonymous said...

This pooh bor kia like India so much but ended up got fucked in India.

Anonymous said...


The feeling now is like the opposition parties gg to form the new z government after the GE

Every GE the feeling is Sama Sama. The pap always ended up winning BIG BIG!


Virgo 49 said...

Why? ??

Because these dafts are ALREADY zombies.

Brains dead as brainwashed by the PAP.

Thats why?

Anonymous said...

In certain applications submissions , they ask for family members details and what they're doing, as if deeds of other family members, if shameful, can impact upon your application.

The same should be applied for aspiring candidates into Parliament and those seeking re-election.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

In certain applications submissions , they ask for family members details and what they're doing, as if deeds of other family members, if shameful, can impact upon your application.

The same should be applied for aspiring candidates into Parliament and those seeking re-election.

July 08, 2020 12:14 pm

So if immediate family member committed crime, jailed etc, aspiring candidates and those seeking re election should not be considered?

Anonymous said...

In China, when princelings committed crimes, the fathers are sacked from their Party posts.

Virgo49 said...

Ah Sing ah, Ah Sing ah!

Ah Sing said that renegotiating any FTAs or Agreements would put Singapore's credibility and confidence into bad lights.

He meant to say even it that FTAs and agreements were unfavourable to Singapore, we must also bite our tongues and grit our teeth and bear with them

Aiyo, that's what you get for a Military Man who is your Trade Minister.

No wonder Singapore is called Sinkieland and Sinking Land by others.

Not even an ounce of Commercial experience in the Commercial world and he could be in your MTI as Minister of Trade and Industry.

Better go back to the military camps and tell your recruits "Kie Chiu"

Anonymous said...

What are the fucking millionaires that negotiated this unequal agreement called CECA? They are paid millions of S$ and got outwitted, cheated by those being paid a few thousand rupees?

Now said boh pian, got to live with it or else got to offer the Indian garment something good in return.


Virgo 49 said...

Hi Anon

Very simple. PAP cannnot renegotiate the CECA but another alternative Govt can renegotiate and even rescind or cancel their past agreements.

So. Very easy just in time before July 10 to change and vote in the new Government.

Singaporeans just have to vote in another alternative Ruling Government and revoked all past agreements as agreed by the previous one as NULL and VOID.


Virgo 49 said...

So if they still Ruling Govt, then CCS is telling you that they be unable to stop the CECA and other Agreements and you have to lan lan suffer for next five years.

Worse is that many more coming in as to their agreements.

So better wise up and vote wisely.

SSO said...

GE2020 - Taking Stock: Questioning PAP's Actions

1. Why did Lee Hsien Loong said that Singapore belongs to everyone, including foreigners who work or stay here? Does he not know that Singapore rightfully, legally, constitutionally belongs to Singaporeans. Was he so sick in the mind, perhaps affected by his failing health, that he has lost his mental balance to say things correctly in public? Or was his statement a slip of his tongue? Whatever reason/s he may have, the fact remains that pro-foreigners policies and activities are still in place and being promoted openly and relentlessly.

2. Why did Chan Chun Sing disparaged Singaporeans in general, behind closed doors during a secret meeting with business people, as SHIA SUAY, meaning DISGRACEFUL? How can such a rude, I'll-disciplined and unbecoming person be our leader, let alone holding the position of a Minister? Did he think that Singapore belongs to him and his elitist gang and we fellow Singaporeans are merely his slaves and therefore there is no decency to show respect to Singaporeans?

3. Why is CECA signed, upheld and promoted, against the interests and will of Singaporeans, in order to benefit Indians from India? Who in Singapore benefited from CECA? Is it only GIC and Temasek Holdings having special access for investing in India at the expense of Singaporeans losing the top and middle management jobs to CECA Indians without quota limitations?

4. Why is the People's Association and its grassroots organizations supporting only the People's Action Party's activities instead of supporting all political parties? Is the People's Association an appendage to the People's Action Party or is it one of the national statutory boards that belongs to all Singaporeans and should support all Singaporeans?

5. Why must the Elections Department come under the command and control of the Secretary-General of the People's Action Party, istead of under the Judiciary, or rightfully as an Independent Body?

6. Likewise, why is the CPIB under the command and control of the Secretary-General of the People's Action Party, instead of under the Judiciary or an Independent Body?

7. Why are foreigners (Permanent Residents) allowed to buy HDB flats? HDB flats should be only for Singaporeans, for obvious reasons, is it not?

8. Why did the PAP abolished the Estate Duties? Thereby, relieving the rich from paying tax and the need to report fully how and where their wealth come from?

9. Why did the present PAP Elites handled the COVID-19 Pandemic so badly? Even up till now, six to seven months after the outbreak, there are still at least 100-300 infections per day? Why are they so incompetent? Is it because too much pay makes complacency sets into the heads of millionaire ministers-almighty?

10. Why did the PAP made use of the sanctity of Parliament to settle the PM's personal family feud? Isn't the rightful place to settle such a disputes should be in a court of law?

Anonymous said...

11. Why HDB dwellers can buy private properties, but private properties dwellers cannot buy HDB flats?

Anonymous said...

8. Why did the PAP abolished the Estate Duties? Thereby, relieving the rich from paying tax and the need to report fully how and where their wealth come from?

This one very serious. Hide their wealth, buy more properties to evade taxes, push up property prices, wealth kept within the families. Wealth in the hands of the rich and not redistributed.

Anonymous said...

Behind your back they called you sia suay.

Behind your back they want to bring in foreigners to replace you.

Which is more serious? What else are they doing behind your back against you?

Anonymous said...

PA* lockdown singaporean health - CONVID 19
PA* lockdown singaporean CPF- Retirement funds
PA* lockdown singaporean HDB- from owner to leasee
PA* lockdown singaporean PMET jobs - FT CECA took away local jobs
PA* lockdown singaporean Free speech - POFMA
Many Many more.....
PA* created all these mess, PA* must put right what has been wrong. OR singaporean peasants will fix it -Vote Them Out (VTO)

Virgo 49 said...

Actually, also the Sinkies themsleves had to be partially blamed for this debacle.

Past few elections given chances to put in one third Oppo MPs but gave them 70% majority with only the WP MPs.

Any agreements by the Ruling Govt with any Foreign Countries are subjected to debate in Parliament and also must be ratified by the MPs.

So if have knowledgeable Oppo MPs and knowing that these terms are unfavourable to Singapore they can make known to the Singaporeans who might protest and have a referendum on this.

It's because they are given blank cheques to do whatsoever they liked with checks and balances.

So, damages had been done with this CECA and our PMETs unemployment

Anonymous said...

The only good PA* Millionaire is a dead PA* Millionaire.

SSO said...

12. What is the use for voting PAP candidates into the Singapore Parliament, when they are controlled by the PAP's WHIP to vote not according to their conscience for the people they represent but only vote for the motion made by PAP's leaders?

13. Where is the need to vote for PAP's MPs when they absent themselves from Parliament Sessions or fall asleep during Parliamentary Debates, or failed to raise questions that concern Singaporeans and their constituents?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

OK updated as 13 funny questions.

Signing off, no more updates.
