
Heng ah, I am not a sia suay or disgraceful

I can claim this honour because I have not bought a single mask since the outbreak of Covid19. The only 4 masks I have were given free by courtesy of our very caring govt. Oh, I have not used any of them yet. I am still using an old one from a pack I bought many months ago for use in the train to reduce the smelly BOs or when someone is having a running nose and sitting beside me. And I have been reusing this mask for more than a month, just a bit of dusting it after getting off the train. If I were to discard after every train ride, I would be running out of mask in no time and would have to join the long queues or become another sia suay or disgraceful. OK, ok, I did not use the mask in highly contaminated places, and did not it use everyday, just when I need to.

I dunno how many of you have come under the sia suay/disgraceful class, but if you are, this is food for thought. There are many ways of looking at it, from the point of being kiasu, so next time if you do not want to be called a sia suay/disgraceful, do the right thing, the politically correct thing. Another politically correct thing to do is not to wear mask if you are not feeling unwell. But I can't help it because most of the time though I am not feeling unwell I still have to put on mask in the train for obvious reasons I mentioned above. But whatever you do, don't buy plentiful of toilet paper or instant noodles, and don't buy too many masks. Just buy what you need. If you need to wear everyday and throw away after use, then I think you must buy and buy more masks, and have to live with the sia suay/disgraceful tag.

For those who already got this sia suay/disgraceful tag on them, do not be disheartened. Just stop buying or rushing out to buy up the whole NTUC Fairprice next time if something like this happens. You have many more chances not to fall back into this category unless you have kiasu and kiasi virus in your blood.

I think I am a minority that can say heng ah, I am not sia suay or disgraceful. Wondering who would those sia suay/disgraceful vote in the next GE?

PS. This Covid19 is not in the air, not spreading freely at this moment in the island. The danger zone is when you are near those that are infected. And if you suay suay stands near to one, talk to one, then the chances of getting hit is much higher, and the simple mask may not really do the job in such cases as have been proven by the hospital workers being infected. The mask gives a false sense of security, but better than none in dangererous zones.


Covid-19 - Did novelists predict Wuhan coronavirus in 1981 and 2008?

Two novels have gone viral after people noticed the eerie similarity between the viruses mentioned in them and the very real Covid-19 virus which has spread to multiple countries today.The first book, titled The Eyes of Darkness, was by thriller writer Dean Koontz. According to a recent report by Must Share News.comthe 1981 book follows the story of a woman  named Christina whose son supposedly died while camping. After she gets a letter saying that her son is still alive, she goes in search of — and finds him. The intriguing thing is that  her son is being held in a military facility after having been infected by a virus manufactured as a biological weapon by the Chinese military based in Wuhan. In the novel, the virus is called “Wuhan-400”....

 The second book, titled End of Days: Predictions And Prophecies About The End Of The World, was written by Sylvia Browne and published in 2008 — more than 30 years after The Eyes of Darkness and 12 years before Covid-19 struck. Browne, who claimed to be a psychic, foresaw that “in around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tube and resisting all known treatments”. She predicted that the outbreak would not last long but that it would return later on. “Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”

The above is posted in www.theindependent.sg.  What to make out of the two novels and their similarities with the Wuhan Epidemic? Were the authors prescient to this event, have powers of foresight to see or predict the future? The second author Sylvia Browne claimed to have psychic power. The coincidence cannot be so simple as coincidence. In life, many coincidences are preplanned, premeditated and not coincidences as some may think.

Another possibility is that some organisations could have been planning some wargames using this scenario like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation planning and simulating a coronavirus attack that led to 65m infections and millions dead. Such exercise premises are often planned and tested many years in advanced and could be picked up or privy to the authors who would then write books about them. There are of course authors with great imaginative powers to write stories like Harry Potters and Lord of the Rings etc etc.

It looks like a virus attack in Wuhan has been played out many times by some groups of people and whether this turns into an inspiration for some to mount such an attack, a copycat act or just playing out the real thing after preparing it for years and decades before.

Those who believe in conspiracies, who believe in dirty wars and undeclared wars would not find such information new or bizarre but common knowledge.


Covid19 - temperature rising in public transportation

Taking temperature of staff entering building is now a must in many offices and buildings to act as an early detection and prevention to the spread of Covid19.  Staff with a higher than normal temperature are suspects and it is best to separate them from the rest of the staff as a an added precaution. Though a bit inconvenient, this is necessary given the seriousness of the Covid19 and how easily it could spread to people around the affected person.

I would believe that all govt agencies and ministries would also be conducting this temperature check on their staff. What I think is a missing link in this preventive and precautionary measure is to take the temperature of bus and train commuters.  These are the first entry points of people before they were bungled together in packed buses and trains, and if they are already infected, it would be too late to do anything subsequently.

Would it not be necessary and essential for the public transport operators to do this part of the exercise? They have many guides in the station helping passengers to get in and out of trains, a job that in many ways is not really necessary or important than to conduct temperature checks on commuters at this point in time. Or is it too troublesome and would involve too many manpower that it is better to miss this part of the exercise?

What do you think? Commuters in public transport never mind if they are sick, never mind if their temperature rising? Or since it is so burdensome, never mind lah? If there is a case and is spreading in the train or buses, ok or not?


Talking Points : War And Peace

     In 1421 when Admiral Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty  made his Seven Voyages to distant shores touching Malaya, Indonesia, India, Ceylon ( now Sri Langkar ), Middle East and Africa there was peace and tranquility in the world. China was under the rule of the glorious Ming Dynasty, the continental land mass of Asia from the Pacific coast to Russia and Hungary was under strong Mongol rule, the Middle East and Turkey was under the Turkish Ottoman Empire , while north Africa and most of Spain and Portugal were under the rule of the Moors muslims who were associated to the Turkish muslims, the Ottomans. Earlier in 1260s Marco Polo's description of the wonders of Chinese science and inventions,  the wealth and splendour and the grandeur of Chinese society in China struck the first spark and stirred the Renaissance of all Europe. However, it was the spread of knowledge of the  Zheng He's epic voyages that fired the zeal and interest of Europeans to look for the sea route of Zheng He's to China. The overland route in continental Asia was controlled by the Mongols and the Arab or Turkish muslims who guarded their rich Chinese trade with severity to the exclusion of others. It seemed many Italian merchants from Venice and Genoa used to visit Zheng He's ships when they were anchored in Middle East ports in Saudi Arabia or Egypt. It was claimed that an Italian merchant stole some of Zheng He's sea route charts and handed them to Christopher Columbus in a trade deal. Thereafter some European seamen preceded by Christopher Columbus were able to set out to sea for the journey to China in search for the fabulous wealth of the Chinese trade viz some rare products like tea, silk and spices.

Zheng He's voyages were friendly and peaceful. Everywhere he went he was warmly welcome. He gave to the rulers of each country he visited expensive gifts from the emperor of the Ming dynasty. In the Malay peninsula he protected the ruler of Malacca, Paramesuara from Thai invasion. He also prevented the Thais ( Siamese ) from attacking Kelantan and Trengganu.. In Java he was warmly welcomed by the king of Java. In Ceylon he helped the ruler to negotiate peace with the opposition rebellion and brought peace to the island. It was the same everywhere he went in the Middle East and Africa he was warmly welcome.

On the contrary right from the beginning the motives of European seafarers were evil for they were armed with the motive to conquer new lands, to rob, plunder and steal and to kill natives so as to deprive them of their lands. The diabolic and sinister motives of their voyages were poles apart from Zheng He's peaceful voyages. The European seafarers were financed by their rulers who expected rich returns for their investments. Thus for five hundred years since 1492 the Europeans were the bane of natives in Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. Their voyages were protected by well armed soldiers who would enforced their  plunderings and killings of natives to achieve their rulers demand for acquiring new lands and riches from natives.

These western aggressions of savage conquests, plunderings and robbings have continued unabated to the present. It is headed by the white Americans and led by the egregious American Jewish zionist illuminati cabal. In the continuity of their aggressions they not only followed their earlier evil militant religious cum political doctrine , 'the Doctrine of Christian Discovery' but also have added new potent doctrines to reinforce and justify their aggresssions and conquests. They are the doctrine of American Manifest Destiny , the Doctrine of American Exceptionalism and the latest American Jewish Doctrine of Wolfowitz that clearly stated the insidious doctrine of  the United States to hold uncontested total control and hegemony of the whole world to the exclusion of others. Under this doctrine there will never have peace in this world for the American Jews have took control of every strategic department of importance in the US administrative government. The American Jews constitute the Deep State government of the Wall Street tycoons and rogue bankers of the Zionist Illuminati cabal and the formation of their aggressive foreign policy goes a long way to preserve and maintain Israel overpowering behaviour and domination in the Middle East. 

So long as the American aggressive doctrines are in place they will continue to carry out permanent and perpetual warfares all over the earthly world.

The motive for permanent warfare against other countries is to generate perpetual gargantuan income for American Pentagon military industrial complex which is solely owned by the Deep State of the Anglo-Saxon Jewish Zionist Rothchild's Illuminati Cabal of the Wall Street business tycoons and the insatiable blood sucking rogue bankers. The Deep State which is the real power and authority behind every US government and administration controls both the civil, military, foreign policy as well as FBI, CIA, NGOs and other intelligence agencies like the mass media viz TV, newspapers and periodicals.

China, Russia, North Korea ( DPRK ) and Iran should not delude themselves in talking and negotiating peace with the Evil Empire. The United States is not sincere and never have been sincere  in talking peace. They always make use of the iterim time in peace talks as an opportunity to upgrade  their next steps and strategy to step up their offensive warfare.

Every country outside the evil empire and its allies should familiarise themselves with the bellicose potent and toxic militant political doctrine of the American Jewish Zionist, The Wolfowitz Doctrine, to realise it is not possible for the world to have peace so long as all the American gingoistic doctrines are in place.

The Wolfowitz  Doctrine consists of many articles. Some of the more glaring ones with all their implications for war and peace are tabulated below.

The American Neo-Con doctrine of  Paul Wolfowitz, a hawkish anti-China and anti-Russian Jew.

1.     To prevent the emergence of a rival that poses a threat to the United States dominance.
Implications:   US will hold total power and complete hegemony over every other country. US will hold sovereign rights and all others will be treated as dependents of US, meaning slaves of US.

2.   To prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would under consolidated control be sufficient to generate global power.

Implications:   China would not be allowed to be the dominant power in Asia. Only US will have that power and control over Asia especially in the East China Sea and South China Sea. Russia would not be allowed to have dominant power in Central Asia and eastern Europe. Iran should not be allowed to hold sway in Iran and its neighbouring regions. The United States reserve the right to control the whole of the Middle East and all of its oil and mineral resources.

3.   US fundamental goal is to deter or defeat attack from whatever source.

Implications: Other countries have no right to arm and defend themselves. Any sign of this will be put down by US military might. Thus do we witness the over one thousand US military bases around the world threatening countries big and small.

4.   To strengthen and extend the system of defense arrangements with other democratic nations together in common defense against aggression. A collective response to preclude threats and to deal with them as a key feature of the United States regional defense strategy.

Implications:   All US overseas puppy allies will be the frontline defense of mainland US peace and security. At the end of the day the interests of these puppy states do not matter so long as US security is assured.

5.     To preclude or prevent any hostile power from dominating a region critical to USA interest and also thereby to strengthen barriers against the re-emergence of a global threat to the interests of the US and its allies.

Implications     This can be seen in US dangerous posture in the Baltic Sea region,  Ukraine, Korea, the Philippines and Middle East. If US  initiates trouble in the Baltic Sea and Ukraine the first casualties will be the small  countries in the region, as an example Crimea is now under Russia. In the Middle East the front line casualties are Syria, Lebandon, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. In the South China Sea the United States will start bellicose activities against China but the chief casualty will be the Philippines where the US military bases there will be the targets of China's missile response either conventional or nuclear. In Korea if the US starts hostilities against DPRK the main casualties will be South Korea and Japan In the meantime US will feel safe and sound in security and remain unscathed..

6.     US must convince potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests.

Implications:    This is the most consummate arrogance ever. The inherent evil and wickedness of the United States is beyond redemption. Under this article it is assumed that US will attack any country that opposes US dictatorship and tyranny.

7.     In non-defense areas US discourage other advance industrial nations from challenging USA leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order. USA must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.

Implications: Even in commercial and internal political governance in other countries, US wants to have the final say. In other words US hold the sovereign rights over every other country and the people therein are just treated as dependents of the United States. Toshiba the most advanced Japanese corporation in electronics was demolished by the treachery of the United States in the 1970s resulting in the stagnant Japanese economy for decades. Now the evil empire is trying with spurious reasons to undermine Huawei  just because they are unable to compete with Huawei on 5G, the key to artificial intelligence and the 4th great industrial revolution. Well, Huawei will not be so foolish like Toshiba for it will fight the American evil design with contempt and disdain and also it has the main support of most countries in the world as its 5G is the most advanced. Also the despicable evil empire is using undeclare hybrid warfare against China so as to contain China's peaceful rise and development. This can be seen in its implant of Coronavirus in China and the simultaneous naval threats to China in the South China Sea.

8.    Unilateralism

The doctrine downplays the value of international coalitions. US will maintain that the world order is ultimately backed by the US .

This is another ultra arrogance of a drunken power. It implies that  world order means US order and that US can and will tear away or abrogate international treaties which it feels no more serve its interests.  US did not sign the United Nations International Laws of the Seas. It walked away from TPPS and unilaterally abrogated the missile treaties signed with Russia as well as the international treaty with Iran on nuclear issues.

It is impossible for the world to have peace with an evil empire bent on creating choas and instabilities everywhere and perpetual warfare to maintain its only superpower status and world hegemony. The rest of the world's peace loving countries must unite to take down this satanic United States or face a bleak future of Anglo-Saxon Jewish Zionist Rothchilds Illuminati Deep State insidious dominance and hegemony.


Tuesday, 25th February, 2020.

American agents, how to detect them

On this topic I am talking about American agents engaged in producing and posting fake news, disinformation and outright lies to smear and discredit enemies of the USA. There are plenty of them in the main media, social media, the academics and business people etc etc. You can find them by what they said, what they posted, and often than not, they tread a specific line while pretending to be talking about an issue. They would insert key words and phrases that they would repeat and repeat at every instance, to drum them into innocent readers unconsciously. Like the saying, keep repeating a lie, after some time it would stay in the minds of the unwary readers.

Remember the message they were pushing during the Aquino island claim in the fake UN court in Hague? The message they were pushing, that the fake court made up of paid judges by one party which had nothing to do with the UN but claiming to be part of the UN, the phrase they used, 'a UN backed international court'. In reality it was a commercial private court that was normally set up by two consenting parties to settle their differences. In this case China did not consent to it. It was a one sided court set up by the Aquino group with the backing of the USA and Japan.  Anyone or media repeating this phrase you can guess where they are coming from, where they got this idea from.

And when talking about this dispute, another favourite and consistent phrase is to emphasise that '
China is having a dispute in its claims on the South China Sea islands' but not mentioning that it was the Americans that agreed the return of these islands to China after defeating Japan in WW2. This is do sow discord between China and South East Asian countries. Don't forget, most of these countries were not countries until after they gained independence post WW2.

In the case of the BRI, instead of admitting all the benefits that came with the opening of these trade routes to the participating countries, the catchphrase were 'debt traps' and 'exploitation of raw material of African countries' in a way saying that the leaders of all these countries were idiots and China was exploiting them without them knowing.

And now in the case of Covid19,  it is not about the virus epidemic, the agenda is to tell the unwary that China is unreliable, untrustworthy by attacking China for lack of transparency in every article or news reported. This is the key message they want to sink into the readers mind without them knowing what is going on.

To detect when an author, journalist, reporter or a producer, or an academic is paid by the American govt, just look at their articles, documentary and commentary etc and if they include these phrases or phrases that would smear the enemies of the Americans, you can safely conclude that they are under the payroll of the Americans. And this would also include messages that they would repeat all the time, Communism is bad, CCP is bad, China is bad, Kim Jung Un is bad in their posts and works. They would include these phrases everytime, in every opportunity, to implant these ideas in the minds of the readers, exactly like what Matilah has been doing, a clear tell tale sign of where he is coming from. An innocent thinking person would not stoop so low to do such things over and over again, unless he is paid of course.

Other than the paid agents, authors, journalists and producers and academics, there are some people that are heavily influenced by such contents and would repeat them as second nature without thinking why or how they came to such a view. Many bananas are like that, thinking that this is the right view, correct position to take, unaware that the ideas have been planted in them daily by the American propaganda machine through the main media.

Be wary when you read these phrases, they are giveaways to tell you where they are coming from, where the source of the information is from, and who the writer is, paid agents. Another giveaway is for jobless people who have a lot of money and free time to travel all over the world, not for holiday but for you know what, to eavesdrop or to contact their counterparts to do what they are paid to do.