
Thanksgiving Day: The true story from native Americans: PART Two

   Trump and his white supremacist racist clique and the West preach so much about respect for Human Rights yet the rape of native Americans goes on and the killings of non-whites intensify especially the mass killings of Middle East Arab muslims by jet bombers, missiles, rockets and drones. They are making a mockery of Human Rights and are shameless hypocrites.

Trump and his clique have revived the Termination of Indian tribes. Trump's administration is forcing the Mashpee Wampanoag tribes onto the precipice. Indian tribes from across the country led by Cedric Cromwell, leader  of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribes have marched to the US Capitol to protest the revival of destructive federal policies inflicted on American tribal nations.

Cedric Cromwell,  said, " This struggle is about indigenous rights and fighting for our land and sovereignty which is the blood and bones of our ancestors that sanctified the land we stand on. What we are seeing is a direct assault and attack on indigenous people's sovereignty."

In 1856 USA secretary of war Jefferson Davis built a statue of Freedom at the top of Capitol to symbolize the displacement of Indians for colonial aspirations. At the Jefferson Davis epitaph to freedom was the over a quarter million graves of those Indians slaughtered by white men and who were part of those four million Indian victims which he had incarcerated and kept in shackles and chains.

Now Trump is trying to acquire Indian reserve territories by force  and by dirty political stratagem and deception. He is trying to get hold of Indian reservations of the Mashantucket Pequots in Connecticut and the Ramapough Lenape Nation of New Jersey under his racial animus. His intention of acquiring these Indian reservations is for his intent to build gaming operations like casinos and hotels.

In a Capitol Hill Rally many Indian tribes representatives led by Rodney Butler emphasized the keeping of "Thanksgiving " in the context of Anglo-European conquests of Tribal Nations and urged recognition for the magnitude of the losses suffered by tribes in the development of the United States.

Trump's attack on eastern tribes was foundational in his depressingly familiar racially changed discipline . Trump is the enabler in Chief to bigotry. FBI had released data that hate crimes against native Americans have increased by a staggering 70 percent during Trump's presidency. Trump is directly responsible for the increasing spate of murders and killing of non-whites and the language of those killers used is consistent with both the language and conspiracy theories of Trump's talking points that fester on social media and the white racists' blogs.

After the Charlottesville demonstrations Trump made a false claim of white victimhood and indicates that he is only interested to be the president of his people 'the whites only' and not the rest of the native Indians, the African Americans and other non-white groups.

Trump and his his white supremacists continue to grab tribal ancestral and sacred lands in the vicious cycle of the rape of tribal lands for multinational energy company. He is just desperately and illogically trying to grab more Indian reservation lands for his industry.

The USA Federal Government is in cahoot working hand in gloves with Trump and the white American supremacists to deprive the Native indigenous Americans of whatever little lands that are still left with them. The free world must do something to help the defenseless native Americans of  their plight and agony.


Monday, 2nd December, 2019

Wild allegations by an Australian wildlife

China is seeking to "take over" Australia's political system with an "insidious" and systematic campaign of espionage and influence-peddling, Canberra's ex-spymaster said in an interview published Friday.

Duncan Lewis, who resigned in September after five years at the head of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), said China could target anyone in political office, with the impact potentially not known for years to come.

"Espionage and foreign interference is insidious. Its effects might not present for decades and by that time it's too late," Lewis was quoted as telling the Sydney Morning Herald in his first interview since leaving office.

"You wake up one day and find decisions made in our country that are not in the interests of our country," he said.

"Not only in politics but also in the community or in business. It takes over, basically, pulling the strings from offshore," he added in the interview with the newspaper's foreign editor.

Lewis singled out incidents of Chinese agents making large contributions to Australian political parties as part of a wide-ranging influence-peddling campaign that also targeted media and the country's universities.

"It's quite clear to me that any person in political office is potentially a target. I'm not trying to create paranoia, but there does need to be a level of sensible awareness," he said.

The former spy chief said the help of Australia's large ethnic Chinese community was "vital in the work against foreign covert influence" much like Muslim-Australians who have aided in the fight against terrorism....

The above AFP article is reported in Yahoo News.  This kind of insidious articles to attack and badmouth China is nothing new. All western media is practising this, China is evil and the enemy. The truth, what China did is only following what they have been doing for centuries across the world, to colonise and control the world. Every Asian, African and Latin American countries are victims to such insidious attacks by the West, and they are crying wolf.  

The ability for China to influence a white racist country is as good as zero. The white racist and supremacists are in charge in Australia and would not all it. The few immigrant Chinese can do nothing about it.

The threat that this wildlife is harping about is more real in Singapore. Singapore would not be influenced or taken over by China or it would have been done years ago. There are too many anti China bananas in Singapore that hate China more than the whites and would see China and mainland Chinese as their enemies. They have been attacking China in many ways and more vicious than the whites against China.

Though Singapore may not be a victim of China, it could easily fall victims to others with their gullible leaders and daft citizens. Like what this wildlife said, 

'"Espionage and foreign interference is insidious. Its effects might not present for decades and by that time it's too late,"...

"You wake up one day and find decisions made in our country that are not in the interests of our country," he said.'

This day is near. There are all the signs that Singapore no longer belongs to Singaporeans and has been long taken over by foreigners. Only the last nail of the coffin is waiting to be slammed in to finish the job.

PS. Going to the stadium now.


Greetings from Kuching

Good morning. I have been here since yesterday afternoon.

Kuching is like another Malaysian town, very like JB, people, roads and architecture of buildings. One thing I was told, very few Indians here. Likely the Sri Vijaya Empire reached only Malaya and Singapore and did not go further east. But these few days the town is flooded with Indians, from India, Sri Lankan, West Malaysia and Singapore. The hotels are full of them, including Japanese and mainland Chinese.

We had a casual stroll along the main river bank of Kuching. Looks more like a larger and longer Esplanade of the 1960s/70s but with more people and activities. Several pop bands were performing, pasar malam and food stalls, cafes and the locals passing away their leisure time with families and children.

This morning went to the stadium to take a look and did a bit of warm up. Tomorrow would be busy and unable to post. Would be at the stadium in the morning to prepare for the 100m  at 1pm. If qualified for finals, would run again at 3pm.

Would be here until Sunday. You people enjoy yourself. Hope Southglory would post in my absence.

Oh, Kuching is only 1 and a half hour away. Met a young lady with her little daughter going home to visit the grandmother for the weekend. So near in time and so convenient.


Thanksgiving Day, The True Story From Indigenous Native Americans: PART ONE

          The Non-European world suffered 500 Years Curse since 1492 when white men went on the rampage of brutal aggression and conquest all over the Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Just as native Americans commemmorate every October 12th, as the day when white men began the genocide of Native Americans, they similarly designate the 'Thanksgiving Day' as  'Day of National Mourning' and as White men's travesty of justice and fake piousnes.

Here is the true story behind white men's Thanksgiving Day as told by the Native Americans. After every killing and massacre of American Indians, white killers and genociders will celebrate with big feasts and prayers which they called it 'Thanksgiving.' It is a travesty of justice and fake piousness with greatest hypocrisy in invoking the name of God for their evil deeds.

What the white Americans in both USA and Canada tell is not true. The true story is the European invaders and settlers after killing of whole native villages would celebrate and called it 'Thanksgiving.' Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, 26th November, 1863 as official National Holiday. He ordered 38 Dakota native Americans to be hang for war crimes which they fabricated. Native all lost their lives to savage white invaders. The white men Thanksgiving is a twisted celebration of their killings of countless innocent native lives and wholesale genocide of many native American tribes.

Daunnette and her friend two native American Indian girls are thankful for being born indigenous to America. They and other proud natives are being thankful for still having their culture preserve alive by the native elders. Their elders kept their culture alive, strong and stand as one united in the face of European aggression.

The first immigrants from England arrived in 1620 aboard the ship Mayflower to the shores of present day Massachusetts, in Plymouth. These British pioneers were only able to survive the harsh first winter on the alien continent due to the selfless assistance of the native American Indians especially those from the Squanto and Wampanoag tribes. With the help of the natives who taught them to cultivate maize, potato and tomato they survived and began to build a new home for their families. With their first successful harvest the pilgrims came together to rejoice in Thanksgiving and praise God for His provision. This was white men's first 'Thanksgiving Day.'

The pilgrims first met the Wampanoag nation which comprised of sixty-nine tribes. The wampanoag was part of the one of hundreds of Tribal Nations with diverse societies that had thrived for thousands of years before the arrival of the pilgrims. So America was not new as it had been inhabited by the natives for thousands of years.

Within a short period of a few years the white immigrants showed their true colours of inherent aggression, brutal savage killing instinct. However they would reinvent their stories in their attempts to cover and diminish their legacy of brutality in the subjugation of the continent's indigenous population. The Pilgrims' first Thanksgiving was very important as they gave thanks to Wampanoag who through a treaty obligation offered protection to the British puritans.

The Squanto tribe had helped them to plant and reaped and harvest in 1621. But whether they gave thanks to the Squanto tribe is unknown. Strange things began to happen. During their Thanksgiving feasts white men began to fire canon and muskets with abandon. So Massasoit Sachem the leader of the Wampanoag tribe came to Plymouth not to partake in the feast but to enquire why they were firing their canons and muskets indiscriminately. Massasoit Sachem was assured by the Pilgrims that they meant no harm to the natives and so he was satisfied.

But some years later there was no mistaking of the evil intent of the British immigrants. The head of Massasoit's son, Metacomet also known as King Philip was displayed by the Puritans at the entrance to the Plymouth in August, 1676.

The British immigrants had intended to displace the natives off their lands in which the natives resisted. Thus Macomet's crime was to resist colonial domination and expansion. The British colonists offered "Thanksgiving" for their victory in "King Philip's war." and thereafter in many more festivals annually. What remained of Sachem's head bore silent witness to their treachery and travesty of truth and justice in their fake 'Thanksgiving.'

Thereafter it is just history for white savage marauders ran amok and under a new doctrine of  American Manifest Destiny' they began the endless march and killings and genocide of millions of native Americans in their unstoppable march from the Atlantic coast towards the 'Golden Coast' of the Pacific Ocean. This well calculated brutal, savage, atrocious and cruel carnage left in its trail countless millions of death of native lives and left in its wake for American Indian indigenous native tribes to designate "Thanksgiving Day' as a "National Day of Mourning."

White invaders had committed travesty of justice and fake piousness when they killed the tribes that helped them to survive. Subsequent white American rogue leaders would compete to exceed those in their previous generation in their cruel treatment and killing of the native Americans.

President Andrew Jackson was a psychopathetic native American killer. He was the architect of the 'Indian Removal Act' and 'The Trail of Tears. He was a slave owner and slave trader.

President Trump is no different from Andrew Jackson in his evil attitude to treating the native Americans. He is the replica of Andrew Jackson. He has no regret in unleashing brutral carnage on the natives as what monster Jackson did.


Sunday, 1st December, 2019

The pilgrims


Another great opportunity for Singapore to help India or is it the other way?

'India’s debt-crippled national airline is focused solely on daily survival and keeping its flights in the air, a spokesman said Thursday, after the government warned it would have to shut down unless a buyer was found.

Air India owes more than $8.6 billion and has struggled to pay salaries and buy fuel, with losses mounting following earlier privatisation attempts....

Aviation minister Hardeep Singh Puri said Wednesday that the airline would “have to close down if it is not privatised”, adding the government would soon invite takeover bids.

The company’s debt mountain may be hived off in a bid to make it more attractive to potential buyers, according to media reports....'

The above is quoted from theindependent.sg.  It is a big surprise that India with so many talents could run its airline to the ground, in a mountain of debt. Let's see who should be blamed for this. Could it be that India had sent all its talents to help Singapore, including helping Singapore Airlines? If it is so, then Singapore must be blamed and must compensate India for such a big sacrifice. On the other hand, if not so, then Singapore must not bring in Indian talents to help SIA unless it wants SIA to be like Air India. This is funny, how come so many Indian talents helping Singapore companies to grow and make more profits but could not help Air India? Maybe India has talents in every industry except running airlines. Or maybe all the Indian talents flying to Singapore flew in SIA and not Air India.

So it is payback time for Singapore. Singapore should help India by pumping a few billions into Indian Airlines to save them or else many more Indians would be unemployed. After all we have so much OPM to spend and it is only right to reciprocate for so many Indian talents helping us and providing employment for Singaporeans. It is Singapore's fault for stealing all the talents from India. India, please stop sending your talents to teach Singaporeans how to do business, how to run an airline successfully.

I am trying to find a way to say that it is China's fault but unable to find a good reason for it. China did not steal India's talents. The most China could do is to sell cheap wares to lower the cost of operating Air India. So Singapore is a good scapegoat for the failure of Air India. It has to be, after taking a million of its talents to make Singapore's economy so healthy, with all the talented Indians in top posts earning millions of S$ instead of rupees. And because of CECA, SIA can fly to many Indian cities to pick passengers, to steal Air India's passengers, to steal the lunch of Indians. This type one benefit only Singapore cannot lah.

What do you think? Can't believe it, India has so many talents but cannot run its own airline but can run other people's and country's companies so well, including many Singapore companies and banks.

PS. Leaving for Kuching this morning. Will try to post when possible.