
Foreign talent crutch mentality or inferior complex

Comments by Ben Tan, President of Singapore Sailing Federation on foreign talent as reported in Channel News Asia.

The Sailing Federation does not have foreign sailors.

"We have had offers from world class sailors and we turned them down because there are other ways to benefit from them without awarding them citizenship. For example, we formed a sparring alliance with the French. On the coaching side, the core team is all local, and only  supplemented by foreigners. Prior to 2010, it was the reverse. The core team was expat, with locals reporting to them. Any investment must lead back to, and benefit Singaporeans."

Dr Tan feels there should more conditions tied to the use of foreign talent.

"I'm fine with foreign talent only if we use them as a stepping stone to develop our own talent. For example, if we hire a foreign coach, we must add a clause in the contract to mandate transfer of knowledge to one or more under-study coaches; or if we bring in a foreign player to spar with our local-born player. Often, people bring in a foreigner with no defined and specific KPI in terms of benefit to the local ecosystem.

"Another mistake that most people make is that they pay foreigners a premium simply because they perceive the foreigner as superior."

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/ben-tan-singapore-sailing-federation-on-the-record-9985092
What Ben Tan said should be the guiding principles for the employment of talent in Singapore in all sports and business appointments. It is not just about pride, but about believing in Singaporeans. Failing to believe and practise this principle will bring about shame and distrust of Singaporeans having the talent and ability to compete with the best in the world. A country that hides behind foreign talent is a shameful country that has no future for its people. 
The policy of bring in plane loads of questionable and dubious foreigners to replace Singaporeans is sick to the core and must be terminated immediately. It is an opt out, a sell out of Singaporean interests and the country. With so many foreigners given citizenship freely, it is as good as giving away the country to the foreigers. What is there to defend when the country is already handed to the foreigners? 
Why continue with National Service when foreigners are already taking over the country?


Singapore must not be part of international gangsterism

By Matt Spetalnick, Phil Stewart and David Brunnstrom

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration and key Asian allies are preparing to expand interceptions of ships suspected of violating sanctions on North Korea, a plan that could include deploying U.S. Coast Guard forces to stop and search vessels in Asia-Pacific waters, senior U.S. officials said.

Washington has been talking to regional partners, including Japan, South Korea, Australia and Singapore, about coordinating a stepped-up crackdown that would go further than ever before in an attempt to squeeze Pyongyang’s use of seagoing trade to feed its nuclear missile program, several officials told Reuters....

The above is the latest development on what the Evil Empire is trying to do in Asia, create more tension by demonising and forcing the North Koreans to react. The most belligerent country in the world is the USA, the biggest trouble maker all over the world. It uses all kinds of excuses to demonise and blacklist countries for sanctions and threatens them with regime changes and wars.

Now it is roping in all it allies, mostly cronies and semi colonies to do its biddings to make an enemy out of North Korea. Singapore is the hot favourite as if Singapore is a colony of the USA and would do as the Evil Empire wants it to do. If Singapore is to join this international gangsterism ring, Singapore would only be asking for trouble. 

The North Koreans are a threat to no one if left alone. It is only developing its own defence capability against the constant military threat by the Americans. If the Americans do not threaten the North Koreans, they would have nothing to do with the Americans and pose the most remote threat to the Americans. The drumming up of this North Korean threat is part of the American grand design to create tension and even to provoke a war in Asia to promote the interest of the Evil Empire.

Singapore and all Asian and Asean states must stay out of this devious scheme. Let the Americans and its semi colonies and cronies to be the enemies of the North Koreans, and in this case of China and Russia as well. Let them fight and kill themselves if they chose to. Singapore must be neutral and stay out of this conflict that the evil Americans are stirring and wanting it to become a reality in the Asian hemisphere, a war in Asia. 

Singapore has nothing to gain but all to lose. The lives of Singaporeans are at stake. Don't be stupid. Don't be taken for granted by the evil Americans. Don't become a semi colony of the USA. Singapore would not only become an enemy of North Korea but also of China and Russia. The stakes are very high.

PS. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy declared that any attack on any country in the Americas by Russian missiles in Cuba would be an attack on the USA.

Both Russia and China must make the same declaration that any attack on North Korea by any country would be an attack on Russia and China and they would declare war against the invader country/countries. Such a declaration is necessary to prevent the evil Americans and the Japanese from starting a war in East Asia.


Frank talks and evil plans of Trump and Turnbull in Washington

"Trump praised U.S.-Australia ties on Friday.

The relationship we have with Australia is a terrific relationship and probably stronger now than ever before," Trump said in brief public remarks at the Oval Office ahead of his meeting with the Australian prime minister.

Turnbull told the news conference that he and Trump had agreed on new initiatives to deepen security and economic ties....."

Above is a comment reported by Reuters during the visit by Turnbull to Washington in Feb this year. The two leaders have agreed on a common stand to deal with China. The two countries have many similarities and common interests and both regard China as enemy Number One. They would like to congratulate each other for conquering and occupying native countries in Australia and North America and for terminating the natives to near extinction. And both would be sharing their European heritage, that they are white Europeans and they should work together against China. 

White blood is thicker than water, better than coloured Asian blood. They must have signed a blood pact, to be the rulers of Asia and Asians and would oppose China in every way they could, even to go to war. For starters the Australians would increase its incursions into the South China Sea. In the home front Australia would limit and restrict China's economic interest and trade with Australia. The latest attack is to prevent Huawei from entering the 5G mobile phone market.

Turnbull and Trump must be thinking that they have all the cards to play and the Chinese are hapless and would be pushed around and be beaten. Just wait for the Chinese to take counter measures. The time is near for China to stand up to these white supremacist and invaders and occupiers of foreign land and countries. And China has started to bash the Aussies. No political leaders would be allowed to visit China. China has stopped or cut down its imports of Aussie iron and other raw material. Being the biggest importer of Australian mineral resources, this stoppage has caused a big slum in the Aussie economy. Chinese tourism and students to Australia also went down drastically. Chinese buying of Australian properties also gone to zero causing a property crash. Australia went crying to the US, Japan, Europe and India to buy its products, but none of them could help as their appetite for such raw material are minimal. Even at greatly reduced prices, the Chinese refused to buy Australia.

Asians must be united against the neo invasion and domination of Asia and the rest of the world by the white men. It is time to stand up to the bullying of Asians. Not only Kim Jong Un has stood up, Duterte has stood up, Hun Sen has stood up, Aung San Suu Kyi has stood up, Assad has stood up, and of course Putin and Xi Jinping and many others in Asia, Africa and Latin America have stood up. The latest is Erdogan and his Turkey. Many countries in central Asia and Africa have shown their middle fingers to the Americans and the Europeans in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China.

The days of European Empires and dominance is numbered. They are fighting to cling on to the last few footholds but not for long. The rest of the world are not stupid, though some leaders are still beholden to the evil Americans, the little USAs. There is a new dawn rising.

Redbean’s scheme to help the seniors to be rich

Everyone is working very hard and suggesting all kinds of schemes to help the seniors to live a rich and comfortable life in their golden years. These people are really kind and compassionate and very caring. They should be recommended for National Day Awards.

I also want to share this honour, to help the seniors not only be comfortable but also rich, very rich. How to do that? Very simple. In order for the seniors to be rich and comfortable, they need to have $1m at minimum if they reach the age of 60. This sum could increase over the years to compensate for inflation. For the moment, I think $1m is a good number to start with. In the future this sum could go up to $1.5m or $2m. For those who are more on the side of caution or used to better lifestyle, that $1m may not be enough, maybe they can work on $2m.

Ok, how to go about it? How to ensure that the seniors would have $1m when they reach 60? Insurance is a good and simple way to go. And where to get the money to pay for this insurance premium? This is even easier. Just make it compulsory and use their CPF savings to pay the insurance premiums. I think to make sure that they get their million dollar target at 60, they should start to pay a premium at 21.

It is not rocket science to work out the premiums. It can be done, quite easily done. And I can guarantee that they will each be a millionaire at 60. But I cannot guarantee if they have enough to eat or to live comfortably when they are young. I cannot even guarantee that they would have enough money left to buy a HDB flat or to get by. But that is not my problem. I don’t promise anything about how they will live till 60. My goal is to make them a millionaire by 60. This is the most important part of this scheme. I don’t care if they have to live a life of a pauper or a beggar. This is not my problem, not part of the scheme.

Anyone interested in this scheme? And if they think $1m is not enough, I can even work out a scheme to make them have $2m by 60. See, I also very clever and very helpful and very caring for the seniors.

The more I think about this, the more I think I deserve a National Day medal. And I am sure the people will love me for making them a millionaire at 60….If they can survive till then without enough food to eat.

PS. I confess that I am not an insurance agent or my salary or bonuses depends on this scheme. Neither would I benefit a cent from it. Good luck. You die your business if you subscribe to my facetious scheme


Contempt of court – part 2

My first part on contempt of court was quite well received but Matilah was not too happy saying that I did not understand the meaning of contempt of court. Let me then quote in brief and easy terms what contempt of court is all about using a paragraph from CNA from an article by Lianne Chia on 15 Aug 2016.

“there are three main types of conduct which constitute contempt of court. These are disobeying court orders, such as refusing to pay a sum of money ordered by the court, publishing material that interferes with on-going proceedings and making allegations of bias against the judges.”

In my previous article I touched on the part about MPs writing to judges when a case is in court that would influence the decisions of the court. This is similar to the above para on publishing material that interferes with on going proceedings, tiok or not? Or is writing to the judges is not publishing material so tak pakai? Actually if the statutes are crafted in such a way, a clever lawyer would split hair and say writing to judges is not the same as publishing material. So the second part, the most important point, ie, interferes with on going proceedings are not applicable. And the judges would have to decide if the argument make sense or the intent and purpose were not to interfere with a court proceeding, ie influencing a judge’s decision on a case. The judges can either use his judgement to decide on this matter or say the law is not clear and ask Parliament to amend or rewrite the law to make it clear, like anything written to the judges or in print would also count as long as it interferes with the court proceeding.

Actually court proceeding and judgement can also be differentiated as the two are not the same. But never mind, I am more interested in the third point in the above para, ie making allegations of bias against the judges. Read this carefully, making allegations of bias against the judges. What about making allegations that the judges are stupid, simpletons, naïve, unprofessional, incompetent, can be easily influence by public opinions or social media? Would a person be charged for contempt of court to suggest, question or insinuate that the judges are stupid, or fools, lack the ability to be impartial and could be easily influenced by public opinions or comments in social media? See what I am getting at?

Would a person make comments that see the judges no up, insults the judges, that the judges are not very clever, fickle minded, unprofessional and would make decisions because of public opinions or silly comments by anonymous writers or bloggers be charged for contempt of court?

I think anyone who insinuates that our judges are stupid or naïve, or gullible should be guilty of contempt of court.

What do you think?

PS. I have full respect for our judges. They are professionally trained, and learned men and women with many years of experience on the job, not with fake degrees and qualifications from degree mills or from third world countries, and are very competent and know their jobs and the law very well. I swear that this is the truth and nothing but the truth. I will be dumbfounded if our judges are not what I believe like the third world countries. Please show some respect to our judges.