
Old World Order OWO versus New World Order NWO

The Old World Order, OWO, was created by the American Empire post WW2. The key elements of this OWO is all about an Empire and either you are with the Empire or against the Empire. The Empire also believes in war as the main solution to international relations and has been expanding military gangsterism using the guise of military alliances. War instead of diplomacy is the guiding principle of the American designed OWO. War is also the means to create instability and dependency on the Empire’s military might. Thus, war becomes more and more prevalent and widespread in the world under the OWO. War is also driving the major industries of the American Empire, the weapons and war machine industries, the most profitable industries but without contributing anything good or benefiting the people of the world except destruction and loss of lives. And for war to be relevant to the Empire, enemies or demons must be created to justify war. It is all about creating a state of constant tension and conflict between the Empire and their demonized states.

The New World Order, NWO, led by China, is about economic growth, trade and cooperation for the good of the people of the world. In pursuit of this new reality, China has embarked on a major initiative in infrastructure development all over the world by injecting trillions of dollars into several international and national banks to finance these developments and to promote trade. War and conspiring to build military alliances to conduct war are furthest in their policies and agenda. Many developing countries have benefited from the Chinese initiatives and enjoying higher rates of economic growth through trade and infrastructure developments. Without the Chinese pumping money into these countries, many would register low economic growth or negative growth.

In spite of the economic progress that China is bringing to the rest of the world, in Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and SE Asia, while the American Empire is conducting wars all over the world, destroying the economies and lives of many in the war torn countries, China is branded by the western media as a belligerent and warlike country while the warmonger American Empire is trumpeted as a peace loving country. The saddest part of this tragicomedy is that many silly leaders and their people still believe in the American lie, in the OWO that is plagued with constant warfare, and refuse to accept the new reality created by China. They refused to see the economic growth that China is bringing into their countries and still want to join the American formula of military alliances and provoking and fighting wars.

The Philippines under Duterte has seen through the American lies and is turning to China for economic cooperation and development. So is Malaysia and Thailand and to some extent Vietnam and Indonesia. The Americans are getting wary and suspicious of the Philippines and have sent James Matthis, the war hawk, to try to get the Vietnamese and Indonesians to join them in their military gangsterism. They would not want to leave SE Asia in peace. They would not go away. They want to sow more discord and division and to plant the seed of war in SE Asia.

They want to maintain the OWO with American primacy and to be the ruling Empire of the world. Would the Vietnamese and Indonesians be lured by the evil Americans and join the world’s number One gangster to be enemies of China, their number One trading partner? Malaysia and Myanmar have seen the evil hands of the American Empire messing with their domestic politics, trying to create instability and even to do regime change against their interests and are keeping the evil Americans at arms length.

If the warmongering Americans succeed in what they are trying to do, to keep a tight grip on the OWO, the world will be in a constant state of incessant warfare and the war zones shifting from one region to another. Which country would be the next target of the American Empire is as good as anyone’s guess. There is no neutrality, it is either becoming a stooge member of the international gangster or be its victim. The Americans are relentlessly recruiting more countries to become international gangsters.

For the NWO to establish itself, to replace the OWO, countries of the world must see through the American hypocrisy and evil ploys, the warmongering, the military threats, and resist any attempt to recruit them to be part of the international mafia. Trade and economic development are the ways for peace and prosperity for humanity, not war, not military gangsterism. The OWO must go and be replaced by a peaceful and prosperous NWO. Wherever the Americans go, there will be military alliances and war. Instead of peace, the Americans create tension and instability, start war. Wherever the Chinese go, there will be investment, infrastructural development, trade and economic growth.

The choice is clear and obvious, but not to those who are suffering from stupidity has no cure. China was a major victim of the OWO and western colonialism and imperialism. China has seen the obsolescence of the OWO and war. War must not be the norm to conduct international relations. The future is about peace and development, interconnectivity, trade and cooperation. The Americans still cling to the old belief that war is everything and war is the only thing they know. They have been threatening everyone with war while claiming that they are for peace. The wars in modern history and today are all created by the Americans and more to come if they have their ways.

American Arrogance, Aggression and Imperialism : PART ONE

In the early 1830s the Western countries of England, France, Russia and America forced China to open up her country for trade by using Gun Boat Policy. Using force of arms to open China to unfair illicit opium trade confirmed the Chinese belief that the Caucasians were basically uncivilized, savage and wild. The white men had nothing good to offer to China except opium and that they exploited it to the full dimension.

China, not only had to pay millions of silver dollars for the illegal opium trade but also had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars as war indemnity to England, France, Russia and America for the wars they imposed on China. These Opium Wars not only impoverished China but also brought down China's self respect and dignity and almost destroyed the Chinese, heart, soul and spirit.

In the 1910s to the 1940s European countries, USA and Japan fought two world wars largely because of unfair terms related to international trade. After the Second World War they still believe China could offer them a huge lucrative market for their trade and commerce. USA quickly  seized the opportunity in the 1970s when the honourable Chinese supreme leader Deng Xiaoping opened up China for international trade. Hundreds of USA countries set up offices and factories in China . The USA government and its commercial and trading companies make huge profits of thousands of billions of dollars and smile happily to the bank.

The American companies in China export the products they make in China to America. Soon the American government found the balance of trade is largely in favour of China to the tune of hundreds
of billions of dollars per year. They began to cry foul and accused China of unfair trade.
China as a member of WTO- World Trade Organization, is trading under all the rules and regulations of WTO which are largely dictated by USA. USA cannot beat China in a fair and open trade due to its inefficiency, less productive workforce and spending beyond its means.

USA  surely cannot expect people to believe its accusation that China indulges in unfair trade. This will be an embarrassing contradiction to earlier USA proud  statement of Alfred Thayer Mahan who in 1880s saw China as a vast land and contended arrogantly that "The Chinese were not entitled to control their own country . Imperial USA will take over China and develop it into a new country to serve USA and The West."

Indeed President Trump is making a fuss and a mockery of Alfred Thayer's arrogant statement when he and his government accused China of unfair trade though in the light of what America wants , isn't China  now serving the needs of America and the West. 

USA must not expect special deals just because others are more efficient and productive. However, though the benefits of the China trade largely go to the one percent American elites but the ninety-nine percent masses also benefit from cheaper and affordable Chinese goods otherwise the disparity of their income to the one percent elites will make their life miserable.

President Trump and his government should stop making false and fake accusations against China as it does not reconcile to USA's arrogance both past and present.


Wednesday, 31st January,2018


When value is irresistible

Many snobs in the West are still sneering at any product made in China. Some have cultural biases and would never buy Chinese because of their deep inherent negative upbringings against China and Chinese. But when value for money does matter, Chinese or not Chinese, the products sell by itself. The consumers would want value for money and they know if they are getting value or otherwise. Wallmart would have gone backrupt long ago without Chinese made products. Apple would not be able to sell its handphones if they are not made in China.

With greater interconnectivity, with online shopping crisscrossing the world, Singapore as a shopping paradise and Orchard Road in particular would see its day numbered. No consumer would want to pay through their noses when they can get the same product at a fraction of the price in Orchard and within the reach of a finger hitting the keyboard. The state of denial that Orchard Road can reinvent itself and Singapore continues to be a shopper's paradise is over despite the hype of the Jewel in Changi. No retailers can afford to price its products beyond its competitors. Orchard Road is a microcosm of what Singapore is all about, unsustainable, high price low value, high salary low productivity joint.

Look at the sales transacted over ezbuy, taobao, aliexpress, Qoo10, Lazadas etc etc, the amount is hundreds of millions daily. The numerous distribution points set by by the likes of ezbuy are all over the islands and with numerous repeats per day per point and with long queues of consumers happily collecting their value buys, mostly goods made in China and South Korea. No one is complaining. One can get a genuine mechanical or automatic watch, made in China, with genuine Seagull mechanism for less than $50, the same mechanism that many western brands used.

And Chinese cellphones are flooding the markets across the world. Even in India, a country that would not want to buy anything Chinese, could not resist the value for money Chinese cellphones and other products that could be had at even cheaper price than Make in India products. The Chinese cellphones are dominating the Indian market with a controlling market share.

Value is irresistible. No amount of talks or negative commentaries could beat products that are value for money. No amount of gimmicks would make consumers pay more for less. The retailers may think the consumers are stupid but would have to live with the realities when consumers just stay away when they could not find value in their goods.

This value is irresistible can be expanded in scope to cover AIIB and BRI or One Belt One Road. Both are great initiatives from China that would benefit all the participating countries. The Americans and its allies have put all the stops and obstacles and offensive propaganda against these two projects. American allies were told not to participate. But the values of these two projects stood up glaringly and those countries seeing their goodness found them irresistible and went against the dictates of the rogue Empire. They joined in full force and the Americans, while trying to isolate China found itself isolated, together with Japan.

When something is created that is of value, there is no fear that it would be rejected. But things that are of no value and overpriced would soon be rejected and dumped.

PS. The European Central Bank and Germany and several western nations have include the Chinese Yuan in their reserve currencies to hedge against a US dollar that is going to turn into banana currency soon.Saudi Arabia is going to sell oil to China using Chinese Yuan, not American banana currency. They knew that they have been had by the Americans. Their hoards of petrol dollars would vanish like smokes in thin air soon.


The next PM controversies

Chok Tong is worried that there is not enough time to appoint a PM designate to learn the ropes and tricks of the trade to be the next PM. His time frame is a few months and nothing more or it would be too late and too little. On the other hand, from statements made by Hsien Loong, what is the farce all about? In good time the problem, if there is one, would sort out itself.  What is there to worry about?

And in his latest public statement from New Delhi Hsien Loong talked about a cabinet reshuffle after the budget reading in Parliament but categorically confirmed that the PM designate would not be assigned, or there would be no appointment of a new DPM for this purpose. Hsien Loong is in charge and he is comfortable or not unduly worried that there will not be enough time for the new PM to learn and to settle in for the new job.

The ding dong going on at the top may have come to an abrupt end and nothing more would come from Chok Tong again on this matter. But there are signs that things are getting hot and people are rattled. The young Turks, the group where the next PM would come from or would in a way decide the next PM, not Hsien Loong if you believe in the PAP's official statements, that is what the public is made to believe, has came up with a joint statement on the succession issue as reported in CNA.

''In the statement issued on Jan 4, the office holders said they were "keenly aware" that leadership succession is "a pressing issue", given that PM Lee has said he intends to step down after the next General Election.

"We are conscious of our responsibility, are working closely together as a team, and will settle on a leader from amongst us in good time," they added.

The statement was signed by 16 of the younger office holders - comprising Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin, 10 ministers and five senior ministers of state. The names of Senior Ministers of State Maliki Osman, Lam Pin Min and Amy Khor were absent from the list.''

The 16 seem to agree with Chok Tong that the succession is a pressing issue but also agree with Hsien Loong that there is nothing to worry about the timing to name a PM designate. Brilliant statement! The loophole exposed by this statement speaks of a hurried decision to say something resulting in a few, or 3 ministers of state were inadvertently left out from the list. This may seem to be a slip of mind and Hsien Loong has told the people not to make too much of those that were left out.

"I think a lot was made of the fact that they left out (some of the Senior Ministers of State's) names there. I think they didn't intend to do that, and I don't think you should put a lot of weight on that."

There are only a few ministers of state and they knew each other very well. To miss out one minister of state could be a slip of the mind. To miss out two ministers of statement is unusual. To miss out three ministers of statement cannot be anything but not normal. The PAP is not a slipshod party, or is it, was it, that 3 ministers of state could be left out in an important joint statement on the succession issue to show unity and seen as normal? This situation would definitely send tongues awagging, that something is sorely amiss.

What is the missing jigsaw piece that let to the 3 ministers of state being left out? How many people would accept Hsien Loong's explanation that there is nothing to it? I think many people would be asking themselves why and what to make out of it. At the very least, they would think PAP is now capable to making such a simple mistake that is unnecessary and should not have happened at all.

What do you think? Were the 3 ministers of statement intentionally left out and if so, what could be the reason? If not, then is this ok, or is this slipshod acceptable?  What is the message?

Back to the issue of  a PM designate. Chok Tong may have his reasons why time is running out. Hsien Loong thinks he has all the time and even planned for his stepping down after the next GE. This is all good and pretty. Given his medical condition and the unpredictability of nature, would it be prudent to appoint a PM designate quick and fast or be prepared for a power struggle when there is a power vacuum due to an unfortunate event? Should things come to this state, the 4G PM hopefuls can kiss their chances goodbye as the two DPMs would then become the real contenders while they continue to muddle around not knowing who is the crown prince.

When Hsien Loong is still in charge, everyone would tow the line and accept the 4G scheme. When Hsien Loong is not in charge, everything goes and the strongest contenders would be the two DPMs. The boys would not stand a chance as they did not have anything good to show except being told that they are next in line for PM like a birth right, bypassing the DPMs. Their ground is weak and slippery.

Trump's Hypocrisy in Condemning Terrorism

It is only correct we must condemn terrorism. But Trump like all American or Western leaders condemnation of terrorism is couched with hypocrisy and self-righteousness.

There are two categories of terrorism in this world. The Islamic militant terrorists and the state organized terrorism of the USA government. The Islamic militant terrorists consist of Taliban, Alqaeda and ISIS and others . And don't forget Taliban, Alqaeda and ISIS are the brain child of America. They were organized, armed and supported and funded by USA government via the medium of CIA to instigate and foment wars , distabilities and disorder in places or countries where USA decides to carry out regime change, topple governments disagreeable to USA  or cast dissension among neighbouring states. Ultimately from among the choas USA will grab power, control and hegemony over the warring states.

But the Islamic terrorist actions are disorganized and mild compare with the USA state organized terrorism. The terrorist arms of the USA government are CIA and Pentagon and other disguised NGOs or Non Government Organizations and they make full use of the American air force, navy and army in carrying out terrorism in other countries. The American terrorist bombers can kill hundreds or thousands of innocent civilians and they call it collateral damage. Why don't the Americans condemn themselves of their wanton and brutal terrorism instead of pointing their fingers at others.

It is high time to condemn American terrorism and its monstrous terrorist arms the CIA and the Pentagon and bring their evil leaders to justice.


Monday, 29th January,2018