
Cleaner is another choice profession

Other than security guards, taxi drivers and hawkers, the next choice profession for Singaporeans looks like cleaners. There were several reports in the main media about steady increments and bonuses for this profession. A cleaner can look forward to $1,400 per month or $1,600 and with bonuses some more. So, for those professions that are getting less than $1,600, it is high time for them to switch profession and join the cleaning force.

The attractiveness of being cleaners is that entry level is low. There is no need to have a degree, no need to sit for courses and pass professional examinations, no need to take courses on anti money laundering, no need for character checks, no need to declare non indebtedness, and no need to attend annual upgrading or refresher courses. And there is no authority to watch over the cleaners like a hawk as if you are a crook, a cheat and can be called up to ‘lim kopi’ for minor mistakes.

If these are still not attractive enough, cleaners can wear face mask when working to conceal one’s identity for those that are too shy to apply.  And for some organizations, cleaners used the fireman or delivery lifts for more privacy. Think about the annual increments and bonuses as a cleaner. Better than being self employed, with no increments, no bonuses, no medical benefits, no staff benefits, and no financial risks.

After posting these benefits I am getting convinced myself that being a cleaner is not a bad idea. When a cleaner finishes his cleaning duties, he can go home without a worry.

Singaporeans that are jobless, underemployed, wrote resumes and got no reply, need not worry anymore. They can just apply to be cleaners, the next choice professions for Singaporeans that are displaced by foreigners, or the so called young and discouraged Singaporeans that no one wants to employ.

There are choices, and being a cleaner would soon be a lifestyle choice. Ph Ds, Masters degrees from world best universities that cannot compete with backlane degrees, this is a new employment opportunity. Don’t be choosy. You are lucky to be employed.


Japan working hard for its just retribution

The two atomic bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not enough. They only settled the debt of Pearl Harbour, which is really nothing, 3 or 4 thousand men and women from the American Pacific Fleet and the loss of half of the Pacific Fleet.

The invasion of Asia, from the Koreas and China down to South East Asia, the air raids, rapes, looting, burning and massacres, comfort women and the destruction of the countries and millions of innocent lives have yet to be repaid. The paltry sums paid as compensation were nothing compared to the war reparations inflicted on China in the 1894/95 wars, the 21 Demands etc, etc. Though some South East Asians are very happy with the Japanese compensation and are jumping into beds with the Japanese, forgetting the invasion and massacres of their people, the great pain and destructions in Korea and China were too painful to describe and to bear. While these two nations would like to forget these dark passages of their histories, the Japanese are working very hard to remind them that Japan would want to repeat these sufferings to the Koreans and the Chinese people by drumming up the glory of Japanese Imperialism, by remilitarization and by taking aggressive, assertive and abrasive acts against the Koreas and China.

The refusal to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and the repeated claims to Dokto Islands owned by the Koreans would only ignite nationalistic fervour in the two nations. And the aggressive and threatening acts of intercepting and challenging Chinese aircraft and ships in the East China Sea, the cries against the North Korean threats and threatening to attack North Korea, would not go unanswered. The two countries are waiting for the right moment to return the Japanese the favour and to let the Japanese remember and experience the pains and sufferings of the two people during the Japanese invasion.

The denials by the Japanese of their aggressive acts and intents at China recently would only open up old wounds. This was what the Japanese said, ‘Japan said on Monday it had protested to China over a Chinese complaint that Japanese fighter jets had engaged in "dangerous and unprofessional" behaviour when they scrambled at the weekend as Chinese aircraft flew near Japanese islands…. But Japan rejected China's assertion.

"I have received a report from the defence minister that the Japanese planes did not conduct any close-range interference toward the Chinese military planes ... or threaten the safety of Chinese military planes or its personnel," Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said.

"The fact that China’s military unilaterally announced something clearly different from the facts is extremely regrettable and harms the improvement of relations between Japan and China, and we have strictly protested to the Chinese side," he said.

Suga said Japan would watch the actions of the Chinese military, "which are expanding and increasing", and make every effort towards "firmly protecting our country's land, sea and air space and, in accordance with international and domestic law, take strict measures against any invasion of our airspace".

These kind of hawkish and unrepentant talks are a stark reminder of the days of Japanese Imperialism when they rubbished all Chinese and Korean protests when they were militarily stronger and they are still behaving just like their Imperial past. Today, the militarily stronger countries of China and a combined Korea would flatten Japan in a matter of days and the Japanese would be given a taste of their own cruelties committed during WW2. Japan is asking for it, unrepentant and arrogant and aggressive, assertive and the end result would be a just retribution that they rightly deserved for their cruel crimes against China and the Koreas. When it happens, there will be no mercy. It will be a bloodbath across the whole of Japan in the same scale the Japanese inflicted to the Koreas and China.

And Japan is working very hard for this day by continuing their bad behavior to their neighbours and provoking them, reminding them that Japan has never changed and just as evil and Imperialistic as they were in the past. No one would be there to save the Japanese when Judgement Day comes for Japan, to pay its war debt to the Koreas and China. The Americans had their desserts, the Koreans and the Chinese are waiting for the main course.

There will be no tears in heaven.

Japan’s two greatest enemies are China and the USA. China for fear of a retaliatory invasion of Japan to repay the war debt and humiliation of the Chinese people, and the USA, for dropping two atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima and keeping Japan as a semi colony since WW2. Japan would want to make the Americans pay for the two atom bombs one day.

Their most hideous plan, if they could pull it off, is for Japanese Harry Harris to start a war with China using American soldiers and weapons, leading to the destruction of Japan’s two arch enemies in one go, without the Japanese having to do anything or to die for it. And Harris is rattling his sabre, wanting to charge into China with American boys and girls to die for him and his Japan.


The naivity of Donald Trump

This is what Donald Trump said about the defence of its allies and his intention to make them pay for US protection.

On September 2, 1987, Trump published full-page
advertisements in The New York Times, The Washington Post and
The Boston Globe that were billed as an "open letter from
Donald J. Trump".

     "Make Japan, Saudi Arabia, and others pay for the
protection we extend as allies," he said in the advertisements,
which cost him a total of US$94,801. He said the US should
"'tax' these wealthy nations" and allow the US economy to grow
by relieving itself of "the cost of defending those who can
easily afford to pay us for the defence of their freedom".’

The big question or big deception is that do these countries need the Americans to defend them? Saudi Arabia is the most powerful country in the Middle East with the most modern military weapons money can buy. Japan was the world’s top military nation, conquered the whole of Asia and nearly conquered the USA. Do the Japanese need the Americans to protect them and to protect them from who? Which country in Asia wants to conquer Japan or is able to conquer Japan or has the intention to conquer Japan?

The hype about North Korea is purely an American red herring. The North Koreans would have problems dealing with South Korea let alone thinking of attacking Japan and getting away with it. The tension or threats of war in Asia is an American creation, an American myth created to force Asian countries to embark on military expenditure, to buy American weapons to fatten American coffers. Without the Americans inciting and raising tension, Asia is peaceful and does not need to keep buying expensive weapons to protect against an imaginary enemy created for them by the Americans. The threat to peace in Asia is actually Japan, that the Americans have supported its remilitarization. Japan is the threat, not the victim.

Trump can keep all the American soldiers and weapons back home and no one would miss them except one or two little puny countries. Donald is still so innocent about the American conspiracy to force Asian countries to spend extravagantly on unnecessary military weapons, to buy weapons from the Americans. The war merchants and war industry will murder him for that.

Trump is ‘trumping’ up more contentious issues and is attacking China on all front as if he is the only one that is holding all the cards and China has nothing to play with, that China does not know what to do or how to hit back at Trump. China building military fortresses in the South China Sea? I think he would faint if he sees the American fortresses in Diego Garcia, Guam, the Marshall Islands and Okinawa. He has no imagination or clue of what a fortress is all about. And China is lost, China is hapless, does not know how to respond, how to deal with Trump,  and waiting to be knocked the daylight out of them.
To all those in the western camp, they could only look at the issue from only one perspective, the superiority of the West perspective, that they can do anything they want and China is at their becks and calls. If things were so simple, then the Americans would have swallowed up China long ago. If things were so simple, ISIS would still be running wild in the Middle East and all the Arab countries would be on fire. If things were so simple, the South China Sea would have flared up into a full blown battle field with silly puny American cronies fighting China.

If things were so simple, the Americans would not be owing trillions to China and the rest of the world. If things were so simple, they would not need to vote for Trump, the best of the worse presidential candidates they ever had in American history. And how could such a poor quality candidate yesterday becomes a savior of the American dream overnight? He is now the Superman, the American hero from the comic books.  It is good to live in a lie, that Trump has all the solutions to all the American problems and he would dictate to China and to the rest of the world what he wants, take it or leave it. China and the rest of the world would be on their knees begging for mercy?

Keep living with the American fantasies, that the rest of the world is just dumb folks and the only clever people are the Americans with Trump the super ‘knows all’ genius. Didn’t the Americans forget what the media were saying about Trump during the run up to the presidential election? The two rejects but the winner is now the maverick they were waiting for?

PS. China told Ford Motor, you want to sell your cars to 1.3 billion people, build your factory in China. Ford said no, we will build factory in the USA to sell to 300m people. This is Donald Trump’s brilliant advice on how to do business to Ford.

I stand corrected, not sure if Ford is building car factories in China or pulling out of China.


Unemployed Singaporeans – Mismatch, no skill, no experience?

The problems of Singaporeans losing their jobs and unable to find reemployment is reaching a critical point. The senior PMEs have long given up hope, resigned to their fate that the govt is not going to do much for them except telling them to go for retraining to take on low paying jobs.

What is frightening and unacceptable is to find out that under 30s are also unable find gainful employment, fresh from polytechnics and universities. In many countries there will be riots on the streets and the govt will be brought down. Here we have the govt trying to explain away the problems.  The reasons cited by the MOM for the unemployment of Singaporeans, ‘the belief that there is no suitable work available, employers’ discrimination or the lack of necessary qualification, training or experience’.

As a result 1,200 young and discouraged workers, under 30, were reported, up from 700 last year. This is only known statistics. How many more not accounted, not reported. And the total number of discouraged workers is 9,900, up from 8,700 last year. As if a consolation or an achievement, it was down from the high of 11,300 in 2009. What a relief.

If the reasons quoted by MOM are the real reasons, how come there are more than 500,000 foreigners here gainfully employed? They did not believe there is no suitable work available, the employers discriminated in their favour, they have all the necessary qualification, training and experience that graduates from our top polytechnics and universities did not have? Who is kidding? Or our polytechnics and universities are so hopeless, useless, cannot produce graduates with the right qualification, training and experience that third world rubbish bin universities and polytechnics and schools could do better?

Please, what is the real reason for such a big number of discouraged workers that are unemployed, not counting probably much more that were not in the statistics? If there are so many Singaporeans that cannot find employment or proper employment, why is the MOM still issuing so many thousands of WP, EP and SP  to the foreigners and they are still arriving in huge numbers daily?

Is the lax issuing of WP, EP and SP the real reason for Singaporeans being unemployed or under employed? Has CECA got anything to do with the plight of these discouraged Singaporeans and those that have given up all hopes?

This is what Gan Kim Yong said at the Teochew food and cultural Fair,

‘Speaking at the event in Mandarin, Minister Gan Kim Yong said that Singaporeans should understand their culture and stand united during difficult times. Below is a translation from States Times Review:


“The understanding of a common culture can unite Singaporeans during difficult times. Every Singaporean should promote the kaki lang (Teochew for my family) spirit to be united and overcome difficulties.”’


The first thing that came to my mind was the follow up phrase. But I need not have to waste time trying to figure it out. A James Bong replied,

‘Kaki nang, ka chern sair tang, pa see bor siang kang!’


Is this what is happening to the discouraged and unemployed Singaporeans?  ‘Kaki nang, pa see bor siang kang!’ Though the millionaire ministers are having a good time in all seasons, the discouraged or unemployed or under employed Singaporeans are really having a bad time. Anyone think these are kaki nang and need to be helped, deserved to be employed instead of the 500,000 foreigners?


Save ISIS, save ISIS

Now who is so mad to be shouting 'Save ISIS, save ISIS'? Not me for sure. Just a year back, everyone was shouting to destroy ISIS. The Americans were taking the lead, and many crony American countries were sending their boys to the Middle East to fight and die, fighting ISIS. Even today, our media are still daily reporting on ISIS bombing or threatening to bomb this country or that country. I am sure Singapore also have some of our boys in the Middle East fighting ISIS.

At the peak of the fight ISIS campaign, the Americans were seen leading the fight, and ISIS somehow got stronger and stronger, gaining more and more territories, victory after victory, and the Americans appeared to be hapless, the world's most powerful military force unable to contain a rag tag group of misfits called soldiers. How could that be? Were the rag tag soldiers, mostly untrained, half trained, badly trained and badly equipped, no air power, no big guns, were thrashing the professional Rambos, Green Berets, Special Forces and threatening to conquer and rule the Middle East? Their morale was so high, and this became their strong point to recruit more jobless kids from SE Asia, who believe they were on the winning side.

Then the Russians stepped in and the picture of the war against the ISIS changed. The Russians made the ISIS soldiers looked like misfits, rag tag soldiers as what they were supposed to be, incompetent, unable to fight and on the run after many were killed in battle. The whole image of supremacy, a victorious rebel fighter force collapsed. Rag tag meant rag tag and had no chance against the professional Russian army but triumphant against the Americans. Why, how could it be?

Then the Americans panicked and behaved like incompetent rag tag soldiers. They told the world they were attacking the ISIS but ended up shooting down Russian fighter bombers and bombing the Syrian soldiers. What was happening, what was going on? The Americans, the world best professional army, apologised. They made mistakes in attacking the Syrian soldiers just like they made 'mistakes' in sending a super accurate cruise missile into the Chinese Embassy from 1000 km away. The Russians and the Chinese knew the cunningness of the Americans. The Chinese then were militarily too weak to strike back and had to swallow bitter pill. The Russians sent in their anti aircraft missiles and all the attacks against the Russians and Syrians by the Americans stopped.

The Russians, Syrians and Iraqis continued to slaughter the rag tag ISIS soldiers daily and only a handful were left in Aleppo waiting for a total wipe out. Thousands of the ISIS soldiers have surrendered. Victory and a total annihilation of the ISIS soldiers were imminent. Now what? What are the Americans doing?

The Americans are pleading to save ISIS. Yes, save ISIS, save ISIS! This is now the American stand. They wanted an immediate ceasefire. They wanted the Russians and the Syrians to let the ISIS go to live and fight another day, to continue to create instability and wars in the Middle East and threats all over the world.

Why, why are the Americans pleading mercy for the ISIS?  Anyone still blur and did not know what was and is happening in the Middle East and ISIS? The truth that everyone has been talking about, ISIS was and is the baby of Hillary Clinton and Obama and the White House. ISIS is the Americans weapon of mass destruction, WMD. ISIS was created, fed, trained and financed by the Americans to destabilise the Middle East and the rest of the world, to keep all the countries in trouble, under ISIS threats and needing the protection of the Americans and needing to buy more weapons to protect themselves.

The Americans have pushed through a resolution in the UN to force an immediate ceasefire against ISIS in Aleppo. And all the silly American cronies that were fighting the ISIS in the Middle East and in their own countries were told by the Americans to vote to save ISIS. And they did, and still have their boys fighting ISIS in the Middle East. How delirious can this be?

The Russians and the Arab countries would not  have such nonsense. The continue to bomb the ISIS positions in Aleppo. The ISIS rag tag soldiers must either surrender to die. There is no two way about this. They would not be let loose, to run out from the tightening noose to live to cause destruction all over again.

The Americans are furious and desperate and John Kerry is threatening to charge the Russians and the Syrians for war crimes. He forgot that he should be the first to be charged for war crimes for feeding, arming and financing ISIS and all those involved in the White House.

Anyone on the side of the Americans wants the ISIS to be let off? The mother of ISIS cannot let her baby die. The baby is very useful to disrupt and destabilize countries and govts. Please help save my loving baby. All American crony countries must stop persecuting ISIS and let them live.

The American hypocrisy is exposed in broad daylight for the world to see. How many silly cronies would still want to send their boys to the Middle East to die fighting ISIS?