The two atomic bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not enough. They only settled the debt of Pearl Harbour, which is really nothing, 3 or 4 thousand men and women from the American Pacific Fleet and the loss of half of the Pacific Fleet.
The invasion of Asia, from the Koreas and China down to South East Asia, the air raids, rapes, looting, burning and massacres, comfort women and the destruction of the countries and millions of innocent lives have yet to be repaid. The paltry sums paid as compensation were nothing compared to the war reparations inflicted on China in the 1894/95 wars, the 21 Demands etc, etc. Though some South East Asians are very happy with the Japanese compensation and are jumping into beds with the Japanese, forgetting the invasion and massacres of their people, the great pain and destructions in Korea and China were too painful to describe and to bear. While these two nations would like to forget these dark passages of their histories, the Japanese are working very hard to remind them that Japan would want to repeat these sufferings to the Koreans and the Chinese people by drumming up the glory of Japanese Imperialism, by remilitarization and by taking aggressive, assertive and abrasive acts against the Koreas and China.
The refusal to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and the repeated claims to Dokto Islands owned by the Koreans would only ignite nationalistic fervour in the two nations. And the aggressive and threatening acts of intercepting and challenging Chinese aircraft and ships in the East China Sea, the cries against the North Korean threats and threatening to attack North Korea, would not go unanswered. The two countries are waiting for the right moment to return the Japanese the favour and to let the Japanese remember and experience the pains and sufferings of the two people during the Japanese invasion.
The denials by the Japanese of their aggressive acts and intents at China recently would only open up old wounds. This was what the Japanese said, ‘Japan said on Monday it had protested to China over a Chinese complaint that Japanese fighter jets had engaged in "dangerous and unprofessional" behaviour when they scrambled at the weekend as Chinese aircraft flew near Japanese islands…. But Japan rejected China's assertion.
"I have received a report from the defence minister that the Japanese planes did not conduct any close-range interference toward the Chinese military planes ... or threaten the safety of Chinese military planes or its personnel," Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said.
"The fact that China’s military unilaterally announced something clearly different from the facts is extremely regrettable and harms the improvement of relations between Japan and China, and we have strictly protested to the Chinese side," he said.
Suga said Japan would watch the actions of the Chinese military, "which are expanding and increasing", and make every effort towards "firmly protecting our country's land, sea and air space and, in accordance with international and domestic law, take strict measures against any invasion of our airspace".
These kind of hawkish and unrepentant talks are a stark reminder of the days of Japanese Imperialism when they rubbished all Chinese and Korean protests when they were militarily stronger and they are still behaving just like their Imperial past. Today, the militarily stronger countries of China and a combined Korea would flatten Japan in a matter of days and the Japanese would be given a taste of their own cruelties committed during WW2. Japan is asking for it, unrepentant and arrogant and aggressive, assertive and the end result would be a just retribution that they rightly deserved for their cruel crimes against China and the Koreas. When it happens, there will be no mercy. It will be a bloodbath across the whole of Japan in the same scale the Japanese inflicted to the Koreas and China.
And Japan is working very hard for this day by continuing their bad behavior to their neighbours and provoking them, reminding them that Japan has never changed and just as evil and Imperialistic as they were in the past. No one would be there to save the Japanese when Judgement Day comes for Japan, to pay its war debt to the Koreas and China. The Americans had their desserts, the Koreans and the Chinese are waiting for the main course.
There will be no tears in heaven.
Japan’s two greatest enemies are China and the USA. China for fear of a retaliatory invasion of Japan to repay the war debt and humiliation of the Chinese people, and the USA, for dropping two atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima and keeping Japan as a semi colony since WW2. Japan would want to make the Americans pay for the two atom bombs one day.
Their most hideous plan, if they could pull it off, is for Japanese Harry Harris to start a war with China using American soldiers and weapons, leading to the destruction of Japan’s two arch enemies in one go, without the Japanese having to do anything or to die for it. And Harris is rattling his sabre, wanting to charge into China with American boys and girls to die for him and his Japan.