Vicious warhawk United States threatens to invade Mexico, Canada, Panama and Greenland
RSA and China on path of total decoupling of trade
The USA also thinks it is a big deal now by launching a formal investigation into Chinese legacy chips citing security reasons. Let us assume that as a result of such an investigation, the USA were to ban all Chinese legacy chips, what is going to be the consequence?
On the surface it is a step to deny Chinese legacy chips from being used in USA manufacturing, right? Wrong! Even the USA aircraft carriers, warships, drones, missiles and weapons made by the USA's Military Industrial Complex are still depending heavily on Chinese legacy chips. The USA wants to ban Chinese chips from being used by industries but kept discreetly mum about Chinese chips still being used in the USA military. See the hypocrisy?
Now, what will China do? China will do the same with USA made chips entering the Chinese market, citing National Security issues. National Security Issues are easy to use to target for convenience, but difficult to prove. The case of Huawei already says everything about the accusation. Where are the proofs after years of accusation?
40% of global chip production goes to feed China's Industries, be it EVs, solar panels, wind turbines and consumer products. That begs the question of who is losing more of whose chips market and whose semiconductor entities will suffer the greater damage? With all the huffing and puffing of rapidly setting up semiconductor manufacturing in the USA, even forcing foreign entities to set up facilities in USA, who are they going to sell the excess chips that those facilities are going to turn out in the face of a protracted chips war? McDonalds?
Biden is just busily setting up more time bombs for Trump, using his last days in office to do that. He wants to make sure Trump has no way to wriggle out of all the traps he sets. The good news arising from this is that both are going to make China and Russia even greater and the collapse of the USA faster and uglier.
The Good, Bad and Ugly of 2024 - USA and Israel the most savage and barbaric terrorist states
No one would dispute that the title of the most savage and barbaric terrorist state must go to the USA and Israel. Both are hand in hand, up to their necks in the Gaza Genocide in modern history, and still going on with the rest of the world looking haplessly, unable to do anything to stop the massacre, and still got to bear with the lies, deceit and fake news of how the Americans were trying to stop the Genocide, but continuously sending weapons of mass destruction to Israel and claiming they have no control over the evil regime in Israel. The killing continues and will go on and on until there is no more Palestinians left in Gaza and the West bank, in the same pattern as the Europeans' genocide of the native American population to take over their land in the past. This is American Genocide 2.0.
The saddest part is that many silly people are still believing in the American terrorists' lie and still hoping and asking the American terrorists to stop the killing. This is the fictitious world that silly people chose to live in, to believe in the biggest liar of the universe.
The Americans are still saying that they are not at war with Russia in Ukraine, they are innocent in the toppling of the Assad govt, in the Genocide in Gaza. And they are happily having a good time helping the Jews to commit hideous crimes against the Palestinians and letting clown Zelensky to send more Ukrainians to be killed by the Russians and the North Koreans. The Ukraine War is an American war against the Russians. Period. All the European colonies of the American Empire are just taking orders from the zombie in the White House and the savages in Washington. Even Russia is afraid to admit that they are at war with the Americans. Many of the bombings in Russia cannot be executed without the Americans or the Brits' involvement in men and weapons. So, the Russians have to live with the lie of fighting the Ukrainians while the Americans are conducting and controlling the whole war effort from afar. And the daft hillbillies also believe that they are not at war with Russia, without knowing that a misstep by the Washington clowns could see nuclear bombs all over the USA.
China is also living with the American lie that the Americans honour the one China policy but sending weapons to Taiwan, including Special Forces, and conniving with the separatists to break away from China. The mischievous and trouble making American terrorists never stop a day in trying to stop China's reunification, interfering in China's domestic affairs. Perhaps the Chinese leadership knows about this, but the time is not ripe to reunite with Taiwan and drive the American terrorists out of Taiwan for good, like Mao did in mainland China. The Chinese just play along and waiting for the fruit to be ripen while the American clowns and liars continue to think they are smart, and the Chinese did not know the treacherous schemes of the forked tongue Americans.
2024 marked the end of the main media as a respectable and reliable source for independent and objective news. Most main media in the West, and media of American colonies and doggies, are now fully under the control of the Americans to disseminate and report fake news, fabricated news, lies, negative news, disinformation, directed against the proclaimed enemies of the evil American Empire, targeting China, Russia, North Korea, Iran etc etc. The relentless effort of the western main media is now a joke and no longer believable, funded by the American war chest of US300m annually. The main media are now fake news and disinformation agencies.
And good, clean and healthy journalists and reporters are now made to look stupid, unthinking and silly, producing silly reports instructed by the Americans to please the Americans, to support the vicious agenda of the Americans.
2024 also saw the decline of freedom in the western world with all the American colonies in Europe, in Japan and South Korea, and in SE Asia losing complete freedom of independent actions and to act in the interests of their respective countries, all singing the tune of their American masters and contributing to the war effort of the American terrorists with material, weapons, manpower and sanctions after sanctions to their own detriment. In so doing, healthy western states have voluntarily destroyed their own economies and the livelihood of their people, digging their own graves.
2024 is the prelude to the demise of the evil American Empire. But before that, the collapse of the European colonies, including the Philippines, Japan and South Korea would come first. On the contrary, the rest of the world are happily trading and engaging in their own economic development in peace and stability and improving their infrastructure and the quality of life of their people.
2024 also see the rise of the Global South, with a bigger voice, bigger clout, to break free from American and western domination, manifests in the expansion of BRICS and partners. The rest of the world for the first time, have taken the initiative to fight back, to decouple from the American control financial and banking system, to stop being forced and coerced to use the American dollar but to use their own currency instead.
Many factors have been put in place in 2024 to scuttle the evil American Empire dominance and control, while the clowns of the Empire are clueless as to what they were doing to expedite in their own destruction. Every silly action and decision, sanction they made created more harm than good to the evil American Empire. The world has not seen so many silly and fundamental mistakes committed by the Americans and the West in so short a span of time.
And 2025 is going to accelerate the pace of decline of the evil American Empire with more clowns being put into power by the daft western populace, notably the hillbillies in the USA, thinking and believing that clowns and D graders can bring glory and progress and make America Great Again.
2025 is going to be a tumultuous year for Americans and the West. They are spending so much money, resources and schemes with the intent to bring down China and the Russia camp but instead steadily chopping off their own legs. Nothing they had done in 2024 was good for them. And the trend is for them to indulge in more silly antics and behaviours in a futile attempt to reclaim control of the world by sanctions and military force, only to be prisoners of their own doing, fighting in little corners by themselves while the rest of the world keep running ahead in economic development to prosper their countries and people, stay clear and far from destructive wars of all kinds.
2024 was a year of wars and sanctions for the savage Americans and the West, but peace and prosperity for the rest of the world. 2025 would be more of the same and... the sky might fall on the Americans and the West without warning when the dollar is no longer the world currency. 2024 made the Americans the most notorious troublemaker and warmongering state in the world. The American terrorists were very busy every day fighting wars, starting wars, all kinds of wars, spreading fake news, and hates about other countries, spreading fears and killing people all over the world.
China did none of these, no wars, just spread goodwill and peace all over the world and building roads and bridges to link the world into one united family for trade and economic development for the common prosperity of the humankind.
Americans talk about decoupling...China just do it
How the USA could be so wrong in its foreign policy strategy is appalling. All the attempts to punish other countries, particularly Russia and China have more or less backfired very badly. Which policy has been working well - not the Ukraine War, not the trade war, not the EV war, and soon not the chips war, I am sure. I am not betting on China losing the chips war.
The sanctions on Russia backfired badly on the EU, which I believe the USA and NATO had not expected Russia to be still standing. Those sanctions have and Russia's retaliation have instead deprived the EU with cheap energy and gave China a gift of cheap energy to feed its high industrial needs and makes China's manufacturing even more competitive. On the other hand, lack of cheap energy from Russia is crippling the industries of Europe very badly.
The trade war started by Trump against China did not do very well at all. Trump had not expected China to retaliate despite his warning. China is no longer going to endure another century of humiliation that is for sure, and it retaliated. And China's retaliation against the USA was to have dire consequences for the USA, particularly with its agricultural sector targeted, which is now in tatters with Brazil, Argentina and Russia filling the void and is also making China realize the danger of depending on just one source for much of its food needs. This is giving impetus for Brazil, Argentina and Russia to grow their agricultural sector at the expense of the USA going forward. That is one misstep that the USA made and is now being found to be extremely costly leading to farms going bankrupt by the thousands.
The other massive misstep was the chip's war, which is forcing China to go all out to fight it out with massive investments to achieve self-reliance. Now, this would not have happened if the USA had been content to keep the status quo and let China depend on them and its allies for high-end chips. But the USA choose to awaken the dragon by poking and thus opening its eyes to provide competition to the USA's and its allies, destroying their chip monopoly in the process.
All the silly schemes of the Washington clowns failed and backfired
How the USA could be so wrong in its foreign policy strategy is appalling. All the attempts to punish other countries, particularly Russia and China have more or less backfired very badly. Which policy has been working well - not the Ukraine War, not the trade war, not the EV war, and soon not the chips war, I am sure. I am not betting on China losing the chips war.
The sanctions on Russia backfired badly on the EU, which I believe the USA and NATO had not expected Russia to be still standing. Those sanctions have and Russia's retaliation have instead deprived the EU with cheap energy and gave China a gift of cheap energy to feed its high industrial needs and makes China's manufacturing even more competitive. On the other hand, lack of cheap energy from Russia is crippling the industries of Europe very badly.
The trade war started by Trump against China did not do very well at all. Trump had not expected China to retaliate despite his warning. China is no longer going to endure another century of humiliation that is for sure, and it retaliated. And China's retaliation against the USA was to have dire consequences for the USA, particularly with its agricultural sector targeted, which is now in tatters with Brazil, Argentina and Russia filling the void and is also making China realize the danger of depending on just one source for much of its food needs. This is giving impetus for Brazil, Argentina and Russia to grow their agricultural sector at the expense of the USA going forward. That is one misstep that the USA made and is now being found to be extremely costly leading to farms going bankrupt by the thousands.
The other massive misstep was the chip's war, which is forcing China to go all out to fight it out with massive investments to achieve self-reliance. Now, this would not have happened if the USA had been content to keep the status quo and let China depend on them and its allies for high-end chips. But the USA choose to awaken the dragon by poking and thus opening its eyes to provide competition to the USA's and its allies, destroying their chip monopoly in the process.
100 kg of depleted Uranium found in military camps used by the USA in the Philippines
There is now an unfolding saga over the discovery of 100 kg of depleted uranium in two Philippine cities close to army camps occupied by the USA. There are suspicions that this may only just the tip of the iceberg.
The question is why the Philippine Government and military are keeping quiet about all this discovery, as the Philippines does not have any nuclear facilities resulting in such depleted uranium. Or are we being blindsided about what they are doing inside those USA army camps inside the Philippines? Those were said to be military grade depleted uranium usable for making dirty bombs. The USA had been using depleted uranium to make shells used by the Ukrainians. Those are supposed to be highly controlled substances that are not normally be allowed to be moved by civilians. So how did they end up in the Philippines?
The discovery was on October 28, but information released in December, more than a month later.
Overcapacity Japanese manufacturers merging to build more legacy cars?
Merging and hoping to win the EV war is already a lost cause. Japanese carmakers are making cars using expensive imported energy, high labor costs and a dwindling Chinese market. This is made worse by the falling Japanese Yen, which means imported energy cost are also escalating.
Japanese cars are also not going to sell well in the Global South countries competing with China. They will have to sell their cars at huge losses. Does that make any difference with what they are going through today?
Merger may allow the cutting of some jobs, sharing of machinery and savings on wages to cut cost. If that is the intention, why not do it separately, which achieves the same objective. Or is the move just to make the Chinese EV makers shiver in their pants by creating another mega car maker? Just look at Volkswagen and learn its lesson first. The Germans are as innovative as the Japanese and yet find it extremely difficult to compete globally, having to close factories. It was a hard pill to swallow. Big and intimidating means nothing but being competitive is something. And who can compete with Chinese EV makers in terms of pricing? China has the cheap energy, the supply chain, the head-start and innovative ideas and above all the market to boast of.
I think China has the best of both worlds. The ability to leverage on its over-capacity and the advantage of having a ready big domestic market to compete in are what makes China unique. Where else and who has that kind of advantage to speak off. Those that have the capacity to produce lacks the domestic market to sell to and have to rely on exporting. And which is the biggest market for most of their products? China of course.
Boeing - The number one killer commercial aircraft
The latest Jeju Airline crash, another Boeing 737-800 send chills to all air travellers flying Boeing. The 737 series is looking like a death machine. Within the last 10 years, more than 10 deadly crashes involving Boeing 737 aircraft are not simply due to accidents. It is manufacturing defects. More than a thousand lives had been taken by Boeing 737 aircraft. What is there more to say about the safety of Boeing aircraft in general and Boeing 737 in particular? They keep failing in one way or another, with parts falling from the sky and landing gears malfunction.
Boeing has started to blame the Indians and to fire Indian executives and engineers and checks on their works, especially on safety. Indian software codes are full of bugs that posed high risk to the aircraft. The Indians in return blamed Boeing for its poor quality control systems and standards. The blame game can go on for a long time, but this would not solve the safety issues of Boeing aircraft. More passengers are going to die flying Boeing aircraft. Until Boeing gets it right in producing safe aircraft, no one is going to buy Boeing or fly in Boeing aircraft. Walking into and sitting in a Boeing aircraft is becoming a frightening experience and to be avoided at all costs.
Good luck to Boeing's marriage with Indian engineers and executives. Cheap and good? Nearly a century of reputation going down the drain and Boeing heading towards bankruptcy...and more retrenchment if not closing down altogether.
Nord Stream pipeline bombing, the Europeans believe the Americans are innocent!
So many European countries did the investigating of the Nord Stream bombing, and none even dare to name the culprit. Does that tell us something?
Now it seems that most have to agree that it was six men in a boat that did it. No more speculating or trying to blame the angelic USA. Therefore, the USA is in the clear and is not involved in the bombing. Dementia Joe only said that the USA has ways and means to take out the Nord Stream pipelines. And the USA did nothing about it after years of coveting the sale of energy to the EU? The only way to do that was put Russia out of the equation. Can you honestly believe the shit that the USA is not involved?
Now we are beginning to see the horse hidden behind the screen showing its legs. The USA is now threatening the Europeans with tariffs if they do not buy more USA oil and gas. Now, isn't that telling us something even more revealing as well? Can't the Europeans be left alone to buy from other sources? This also shows that the USA is selling more expensive energy to Europe than what the Europeans can buy cheaper from other sources. A three-year old can put two and two together and see the hypocrisy.
American terrorists sending the world on a wild goose chase
Now the focus is on the plane crash in Azerbaijan, with investigations hardly started and conclusive, with the two black boxes just recovered and not yet analyzed, and already being blamed on Russia, based on holes on the body of the crashed plane. Whether it was brought down by Russia is still not an open and shut case, but the planting of the seed of demonization against Russia is really fast and furious.
When USA fighter jets were brought down, they were all blamed on friendly fire, not giving any possibility of the enemy getting the real credit. But when civilian planes were shot down, Russia gets all the unwanted credits. Strange world indeed! You can therefore see the difference in how they can make use of the MSM to overturn facts with fiction. Two such incidents were all blamed on friendly fire. Their missiles and those launching such missiles must be really friendly.
Following this, there was another submarine cable cut and, as expected also blamed on a Russian vessel now targeted for investigation. It seems that anything happening anywhere that is bad can conveniently be blamed on China and Russia, the perennial punching bags. So many ships sailing on the ocean, but it must always be Chinese and Russian ships committing all the crimes. Their satellites must be on 24-hour watch concentrating on monitoring Russia and Chinese ships sailing on the high seas, thousands of them. If such Russian or Chinese just happens to pass the area that the cable cut was committed, they are suspected of committing the crime.
By the way, they have not yet exhausted their fabrication of who really blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. As those fabrication loses credibility, I wonder whether there will be an 'insider' coming out to accuse either Russia or China behind it. Yes, Russia sabotaging their own pipelines was what they did try to fabricate in the early stages. Now, with all the focus on Ukraine and Middle East wars, the semiconductor wars, the EV war, let us just believe it was six men in a boat (or five depending on which country did the investigation) that did it. Like the John F. Kennedy assassination, new clues and insiders are coming out periodically with new 'revelations' to muddy the waters. The Nord Stream bombing will follow the same pattern. Just muddy the waters and no one will be the wiser.
Transportation blues in an overcrowded island
Some areas in Punggol are served by only one bus. They tried to force commuters to use the LRT. However, if you live between LRT stations, the walk is quite tiring, and the trains are overcrowded during peak hours. My two kids live in Punggol, and I know the situation.
The thinking seems to be that by building many MRT lines and stations, the crowds will be dispersed island-wide and underground, and the situation will appear less critical. But for most, what is important is just the MRT line that gets them to work and back being less crowded, not meandering around the island switching trains.
The LTA will be releasing 20,000 more COEs in February 2025. Is this good news or bad? Good news for the Government undoubtedly, but bad news for those driving as more congestions and jams will be the result.
Ten million population they were gloating. Now at about six million and already we are finding it hard to breathe. I live in the North-East and I honestly hate travelling on the overcrowded MRT trains. I think the situation is the same with the North-South line that I have also used. And that must be the norm with all the other lines.
Progress does not come easy for China. US playing catch up
To be great again needs hard work and dedication, not mere shouting of slogans. That is just for winning votes, which is a blatant waste of time and energy. And politicians can promise the moon and the stars before an election but conveniently forgets about those promises afterwards.
And that is one reason for the failure of democracy attempting to provide freedom of choice by giving voters a choice. The irony is being given a Hobson's Choice that fooled the voters for decades.
Progress does not come easy for China. There was much planning, good insight about which are the potential growth sectors and having done that, procure the resources, educate and train the workers for the specific sector being prioritized. It is not a game of trying one's luck or quick picking of winners.
China already won the game of dominating by picking the right sectors and choices and the USA is just trying to play catchup from scratch. There will be lots of catching up to do for the USA, even if it tried, and even if it drags all its allies and doggies to help with all hands to the pump.
Trying to accuse China of copying when China is already ahead in various sectors does not hold water. Is there a necessity to copy outdated systems and technology when one is already ahead? China had been cut off from progress in many sectors by the West, but China perseveres and rose from the ashes.
China's rise also did not come about by just trying to push others down so it can go on top. This is unlike the USA that had to push down the rise of Germany and Japan. Now the USA is sacrificing the whole of Europe to satisfy its greed, by using NATO to decimate Russia as well. It is killing two birds with one stone. The USA has over-rated itself by biting off more than it can chew.
Lee Kuan Yew - Stop being a westernised Asian!
Stop being a westernised Asian! In other words, stop being a banana! This is the message Lee Kuan Yew wanted to pass on, that Asians should not be too westernised and forgot who they were and their roots and became westernised into a world that they did not belong, would not be accepted except superficially by a small minority in the West.
Xinjiang invites the world to visit to hunt for concentration camps and genocide
Now, after all the great promotion about Xinjiang over racial mistreatment and human rights abuses, foreign visitors are flocking to visit the region to have a look at how the Uyghurs are doing under such bad treatment. They are also searching high and low for those concentration camps. All they found were the beautiful and well-kept mosques, well developed infrastructures, friendly people of all races living together harmoniously.
Some even compared the Uyghur Muslims with the Muslims in the Middle East. Who is having a better life without conflict? Have the Uyghurs been forced to migrate due to wars created by the Whites and treated as unwelcomed aliens by the Whites like in Europe. In fact, the Muslims and minority races in China have better benefits than the majority Han people. They can have more kids, more educational benefits and subsidies. But this has never aroused jealousy among the Hans. The cultural heritage of live and let live have never been a problem in China, only hyped up by the lies of the West to instigate animosity and promote chaos. That it existed in the West does not mean it is existing in China, which they are trying very hard to portray as the norm. It failed miserably!
But amidst all the lies, the truth is being discovered by Westerners travelling to the region and seeing for themselves the reality. They realized they had been lied to by Western propaganda machine. Oh, please do not say that all vloggers are paid to say those good things about China and Xinjiang. China is not the USA, where paying to spread propaganda is in its DNA, since time immemorial.
China does not abandon countries that it helped before
China does not abandon countries that it helped before. China had given help to Africa for decades, since the visit of Chou En Lai in 1963, even when it was dirt poor itself, and Chou made a promise that had been kept to this day of helping Africa. Did China push North Korea under the bus after the Korean War? The West had attempted to split the good relations between China and North Korea with veiled fabrication of disagreements. Did China abandon Vietnam after helping it to fight the USA? China is still Vietnam's biggest trading partner and a great investment destination for Chinese investors. That is how Vietnam grew so fast over the last decade or two. It made the USA nervous and paranoid.
Now China is even helping Afghanistan to rebuild its economy and infrastructure. In fact, China has no roots in Afghanistan before and yet is willing to help in its reconstruction. One thing though, China should not help in Ukraine with its reconstruction when things go back to normal. After all, Ukraine is not in a position to pay for any reconstruction. Let the USA and the Europeans do the rebuilding and set their own debt traps for Ukraine under the IMF or World Bank.
F grade EU leaders no match for D grade Trump...all taken to the cleaners
The forefathers of the present crop of EU leaders must be turning in their graves seeing their legacy being destroyed by their offsprings. Never in history have I seen such stupid leaders being taken to the cleaners by the USA without a whimper or showing any sign of protesting. Even dogs will bark loudly in protest if treated unfairly, but not these EU leaders. Just look at Mexico's new leader, Claudia Sheinbaum, voicing her protest over Trump's tariff threat. There are brave leaders and there are cowardly leaders.
The worst thing about the EU leaders today was and is making their own citizens suffer the indignity of having their jobs stolen by the USA. Oops sorry, cannot say stolen, but lured to the USA, unlike USA jobs that were touted to be stolen by China for attracting USA companies to set up shop in China to take advantage of the lower wages, that were later claimed to be 'slave wages' after reaping all the benefits. I fail to differentiate the two scenarios that looks perfectly alike to me. But of course, the stupid EU leaders would not dare to accuse the USA of stealing their citizen's jobs.
To add insult to injury, the USA is even attempting to push the Europeans under water when they are already drowning. Leaders work for the benefit and improvement of their own citizens, not throw them under the bus just to help another country to do harm to them. This could only happen in a socialist country like China of course, LOL. What China did in lifting more than 800 million citizens out of poverty was and is wrong in the context of their benevolent democratic system.
Americans developing EV battery from scratch. China started 30 years ago
Kevin Wamsley on his site 'Inside China Business' did an interesting analysis and discourse on EV batteries and what the USA is trying to do to prevent USA EV makers from relying heavily on Chinese EV batteries.
The USA is going all out now to build EV batteries at home but starting from scratch. China is already in control of all the essential raw materials that goes into such EV battery production. And the Chinese are well ahead in battery innovations for EVs.
The USA just have a plan and is just trying to start looking for those raw materials, with feasibility studies ongoing, and eventually hoping to start digging under the ground for the raw materials, build plants to process them and to feed their EV battery makers at home. How many years that will take is unknown and what will be the cost? Will investors bite? Of course, subsidies will be used as always, but for how long and how competitive can this all get?
In order to do entice investments, investors of such projects are demanding the USA Government set tariffs at 920% on Chinese batteries imported into the USA. USA EV makers are at present importing Chinese batteries amounting to almost US$2 billion a month.
If such astronomical tariffs become reality, USA consumers will shy away from buying EVs, which suits Trump's agenda of supporting fossil fuel extraction. And while the rest of the world continue to enjoy buying cheap Chinese EVs that cost half the price of USA or EU made EVs, USA consumers will have to make do with highly expensive EVs.
The USA has already lost the plot and trying to turn the tide on the spur of the moment. China already set in motion its plan to corner the EV battery market and EV production sector three decades ago. That is how China is now dominating this sector and many other sectors. Semiconductors and aviation will be the next frontier that China is eyeing. Do not bet against China.