
US to pass law to criminalise countries wanting to be more successful than the Americans...soon, under their mafia Rules of Law

 Their new mantra under the 'Rules Based Order' now says you cannot criticize the USA and Israel.

Beyond that, no country can be allowed to be better than the USA. Those countries that are going to overtake the USA must be taken down, like China. The USA had already taken down Japan and Germany for trying to do that. Even staunch allies are destroyed just to further the interest of the USA, like the EU countries. But taking down China or Russia is a different kettle of fish, now that they are closing ranks.

Not only overtaking the USA in anything is taboo under their 'Rules Based Order', even those that are talking about de-dollarization must also be punished according to Trump's latest threat. Wonder what is their interpretation of the title 'Dictator'? Xi, who works for the betterment of his citizens is called a Dictator. USA leaders that care little about its own homelessness, drug infestation, lawlessness and doing evil all around the world are all caring leaders of repute.

We know already well enough that countries pledging to do trade away from the US$ have been destroyed. Iraq and Libya were destroyed for attempting to sell oil in Euros. With no justification to invade Iraq, the USA used the WMD hubris and borrowed the rubber stamp of the UN to drag other countries into the fray and called them the 'Coalition of the Willing' to do their dirty work. The USA and UK manufactured fake evidence to take both countries down. This is war crimes committed by their leaders, clear and simple. And the ICC could do nothing in the face of threats by the Mafia.

Now, countries are getting smarter. The five countries that formed the backbone of BRICS knew that only by coming together can the US hegemony be stopped. Isolated they face grave danger attempting de-dollarization alone. And many smaller countries are now realizing that joining BRICS, under the umbrella of Russia and China is the only way to go.

But BRICS must be warned that allowing France to join, as reported earlier in its expression of interest, must not be allowed to join, as it would be detrimental to the agenda of BRICS. France is another Trojan Horse of the Anglo-Saxon clique, nothing more, nothing less. France has no good intention in joining BRICS, only sabotage can be assumed like you know who. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Criminals passing criminal laws to criminalize others?