
Origin of anti Semitism

 To fully understand the Palestinian / Israel conflict it is important to delve into the background story of this conflict. Logically and historically the Jews have no right to be in Palestine. In around 60AD the Jews rebelled against the Roman occupation of Palestine. They were then persecuted by the Romans. The Jews then of their own accord started the mass exodus to all over Europe and Russia and later to US and Canada. Since then Palestine has been the homeland of the Palestinian Arabs for over two thousand years.

The Jews in general just like the Anglo-Saxons British and Americans are as a people very quarrelsome, aggressive, warlike, deceptive,untrustworthy and unforgiving. These negative characteristics are in their genes and DNA just as they are found in the Anglo-Saxon tribes.

Over the centuries the Jews multiplied like ants or grasshoppers everywhere they go. They cause a lot of troubles in all the countries they emigrated. Thus over decades in every century there were pogroms of Jews all over Europe and Russia and later in the United States itself. Thus the white men of every European country and the US always intend to get rid of the Jews from their countries.

The opening chance came in the mid-1850s to 1940s. In the 1800s to 1940s England was always at wars with some other European countries notably France, Germany and Russia. These wars required great financial support and it came from the wealthy elite Jewish community the leader of which was the Rothschild's family and cabal. However, an agreement was signed that with the Jewish financial support for England's war effort, the British had to help the Jews to establish a Jewish state and country in Arab Palestine. This fall exactly into the Anglo-Saxons and the European countries plan to found a place where they could get rid of the much hated Jews.

Thus in the First World War and Second World War and after the defeat of Germany and Turkey the British took over the whole of Middle East under its jurisdiction or trusty. Palestine and the whole of the Middle East had then been under the rule of Turkish Ottoman Empire for many centuries till its defeat in these wars.

The Anglo-Saxons British and USA then in agreement and support of all the European countries treacherously planned and planted a Jewish state of Israel in Palestine in 1948 at the expense of the Arab Palestinians. From the 1920s to 1948 there were constantly violent protests and demonstrations by Palestinians and all the Arab countries against the West plan to establish a Jewish state in their midst at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs. But their protests were to no avail as British and American might had the final say and the final outcome. Thus the Palestinian Arabs have to suffer this outrage of the scourge of the undesirable and much hated Jews.

This is the barest description of the history of the Palestinian Arab and Israel conflict. For more detail of the subject matter please refer to my earlier article on around October 8th or 10th, 2023 -- Background story of the Palestine / Israel conflict.


1 comment:

southernglory1 said...

Background story of the Palestine / Israel conflict.

It was written and published on 19th October, 2023

under the Heading : "The Rogues, Villains and Criminals in the Palestine / Israel

Conflict - The Anglo-Saxons US & UK."
