
Ukrainian stupidity - plainly speaking

 Frankly this stupid Urukiane is fighting with their hands tied behind their backs.

Firstly, do not have the arsenals that could bombard Russia Mainland.

Hello, you are fighting a war man, now just in your damn country.

You bomb or shoot also your own country destroyed you know idiots?

Russia bombed and shoot also in your country that been destroyed you know or not?

Where in the World your allies or supporters told you hello you must not attack Russia proper as they might also bombed our countries ah.

Where got even gang fights you cannot attack the other gangs territories ah?

In any war, you must also whacked the other party that their peoples and properties also chia lat chia lat so that they so also feel the pains and then maybe slow down and negotiate for peace and settlement.

Now Russia had their Air Superiority and also their Radars tokong with their satellite superiority that can just simply scanned and see your ongoing operations.

So you cannot match them in this field of military technology.

The Nuts and Imbeciles can send their Tanks or Condoms to you, the Russians simply wait and when they arrived, just bombed them to scrap iron.

They also can see where the Arsenals coming from which neighbouring states and directions.

So just simply bombed them into oblivion.

Even you deployed your tanks into the battle fields, Russia just simply with their air superiority and radar scans fly their cheap cheap drones or just their long-range artillery and bombed them into splinters.

That's why your tanks and other fighting vehicles all became scrap iron and memenyos for Putin to display and humiliated you.

Your are fighting am uneven war and the damn daft Americunts and their Marconi just wanted you to be s sucker on their behalf to wrakne the Russians which every day you yourself kena whacked.

Without your Air Covers and ability to fight the Russians in the Air and also can bombed and hurt Russia , how to fight and win the War ah?

You tell me!

So better surrender and negotiate for peace which the Russians alreday occupied those lands that are of strategic purpose as buffers for their security.

They had the Upper Hand now

Tell your Masters or Handlers that this is the only solution before more of your Urukians die and your balance scrap land no more.

Also think you had enough dough in your banks to kaput to enjoy your life with your materialistic and greedy wife.

Think they still held your monies so you still have to obey and listened to them.

Your NATO aka No Action Talk Only Wants to save their water faces as now they knew cannot makan Russia.

So they hope for some miracle that maybe You idiots can do some magic tricks.

Listen to old uncle lah.

Surrender lah you had enough.



Anonymous said...

The American-controlled clown Zelensky has led many of his countrymen to the death and completely ruined Ukraine. Meanwhile, the American-controlled puppet Marcos Jr is doing the same to Filipinos . . .

Anonymous said...

Zelensky should write a book, How to destroy a country 101. It would be a best seller.

Anonymous said...

It must be compulsory reading for Asean states, especially for the Pinoys.

Virgo49 said...


Scott Ritter's best in cristising the UAssA's ignorance and the intelligence of the Chinese.

Virgo49 said...


See this video how the Russians slaughtered the Urukians

Wow no fights

Virgo49 said...

China's sold drones.

Wow piang Tokong

No wonder Blinking Idiot said cannot sell lah!

Virgo49 said...


Listened to Scott Ritter story of how Russia blowed up the latest arsenals as send by the Daft UAssA.

Virgo49 said...

Zelenskky the Clown. Surrender lah.

My heart aches for your Innocent Urukians that died unnecessarily for your Stupidity.