
China collapsing...or America collapsing?

 'You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time' - Abraham Lincoln

If the USA's economy is that good, why are supermarkets closing outlets like no tomorrow, companies downsizing with headcounts diminishing, banks facing failures and F&B outlets calling it a day. Where are these people going to find other jobs? Without jobs, people just resort to robbing supermarkets freely, without being arrested. My God, this is turning into the new USA economy.

Without jobs and earnings to spend, how are supermarkets and F&B outlets that are left going to survive with dwindling customers? It is a wheel of misfortune overcoming the USA on all fronts. And yet they are only concerned and worried about China collapsing! China is not going to collapse tomorrow or ever. Its 5.2% growth in the first quarter of 2024 is even beyond the ability of the USA to achieve.

The most unbelievable part of the fairy tale is the talk of how rosy the USA job creation was only yesterday, and today it comes crashing down like a house of cards. This is not job creation honestly. It is all an illusion, a sleight of hand! All those talks about the ups and downs are like the weather forecast, just to continue to keep the USA economy on steroids or in ICU, until the November elections. 



Anonymous said...

One step forward and two steps back is what is happening with the USA economy. Powell is now clueless how to deal with the problems. He is sending mixed signals every day, just to keep the economy in ICU until November.

All the optimistic reports about Wall Street and job creation are just ploys to delay the inevitable.

The West can keep chanting the mantra that China is collapsing. If it makes them feel better, so be it. BRICS should fast track its de-dollarization move and prepare the systems to accommodate the inevitable event unfolding.

Anonymous said...

Germany is in recession, only it is not admitting it. France is in equally bad shape. The UK is a basket case, with the Conservative Party under Rishi Sunak's leadership losing its pants in the local elections now happening.

There is only one country to blame and that is the USA. Enemies of the USA faces danger, but Allies of the USA suffer ever worse fates. The USA is destroying the whole Anglo-Saxon clique single-handedly.