
The world would be choked to death by American's evil Rules Base Order

 Very soon the USA will pass a law that buying cheap is illegal and a crime. People of all countries must buy expensive things to make sure the USA can compete. In this way, the whole world would have to compete over who can turn out the most expensive things. And the USA will win hands down.

Hey, it has already happened with the EU. Buying cheap Russian energy is not in the interest of the USA, and so it threatened Germany and those countries constructing the Nord Stream 2. But Russia proceeded to complete the pipeline on its own. Unable to stop it, the USA, in complicity with its Anglo-Saxon terrorists, blew up the Nord Stream pipelines.

China has voiced its support for the UN's move to conduct an investigation into who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. Sweden objected to most people's surprise! Why is Sweden suddenly so vocal in objecting? Was Sweden the country that blew up the Nord Stream 2? Or was it jointly involved in the plot?

I believe Denmark police was involved in an earlier investigation, but called off claiming there was no 'deliberate sabotage'. Nothing further was revealed about how they reached that conclusion. Some other EU country also conducted investigations but was too timid to reveal the truth, possible under threat, but citing 'for security reasons'.

The 'no deliberate sabotage' story from the Danish police to distance itself from the investigation was really intriguing. It does not tally with reality and perception as the USA had all the motive to take down the pipelines. Even fake narratives were later invented to cover the truth, using five Ukrainian Patriots in a boat to take the blame. Even if it was physically impossible, why make such an elaborate narrative to fool the world. That the five men in a boat did it, does that not clearly show that deliberate sabotage was intended, even if that was an imaginary story.



Anonymous said...

The pipeline was blown up by Sinkieland using it newly purchased Swedish submarine.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that they have not blamed China for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines. Soon, such a narrative may be invented if they cannot find new issues to demonize China with, just like making up fake evidence to start the Iraq War. Such narratives will be easily manufactured in a USA propaganda factory and distributed to all the MSM in the West and anti-China shrills on social media. And they will make a song and dance about it.

Now they are inventing the narrative that China was somehow involved in the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. And George Soros, a Jew himself, was accused of involvement in the pro-Palestinian protests in the USA and around the world. A Jew working on the side of the Palestinians seems odd. Has Soros done something that is causing anger within the ranks of the Anglo-Saxon clique?

More shit is stirred up by the UK of China conducting cyber espionage on the UK military. What does China hope to gain from such espionage of a country that is a complete washout in the eyes of the world, with not even seaworthy aircraft carriers and still trying to wear big shoes and strut its hollow threat. Putin has threatened the UK many a time, warning the UK that it is courting extinction, with Putin's latest threat of even going to target the UK outside of Ukraine soil.

And yet more shit is being stirred up by the Kangaroo gangsters about their helicopter involved in the Yellow Sea incident. They were said to be working under UN orders to watch for evasion of sanctions by North Korea, an excuse that is hard to believe. That helicopter must be performing much more than its legitimate claims. After all, Australia is one of the Five Eyes keeping watch on China and cannot be ignored by China.

Putin is conducting nuclear exercises, and this is rattling Macron, who came out to say that France is not at war with Russia. Putin knows that France has boots on the ground in Ukraine discreetly already. So does many of the NATO countries.

Virgo49 said...

Aussies Convicts Land Air Copters and Planes half past sic oops six still wants to act as Sheriff for their Masters the UAssA ah?

Later kena just flares from the PRC planes crashed like Sinkieland.

Aiyo, all these Commonwealth weaklings hand guns ones.

Anonymous said...

The global fight is between "rules-based order" versus international law as enshrined at the UN.

Singapore's Lawrence Wong stands on the side with the US "rules-based order"

Singapore wants to work with US to bolster rules-based order: DPM Lawrence Wong - ST headline OCT 14, 2023

Virgo49 said...

Studied in the UAss on Government Scholarships sure UAss One.

Anonymous said...

Why need an Australian Military helicopter to keep watch over whether North Korea is breaking UN sanctions? Why can't the South Koreans be entrusted with that role by the UN? South Korea could do a better job than just one military helicopter loitering momentarily around the region. That helicopter could never have the capability to keep a prolonged constant watch on North Korea honestly. So, the excuse has no credibility at all. What then was the Australian Military helicopter really doing and its motive for being there?

It does not need much thinking to assume that that Australian Military helicopter claiming to be working under the UN was just an excuse by the kangaroos and was nothing more than just provocation conducted by another 'Malicious Actor' working for the USA, knowing that Australia is a member of the Five Eyes and AUKUS? Australia is more than eight thousand kilometers or even more away from the Yellow Sea. I was under the impression that Chinese jets must have fired flares around the Great Barrier Reef or Sydney Harbour necessitating such a song and dance response.

The Yellow Sea is the front yard of China, and it is natural for China to make sure that 'Malicious Actors' are not privileged to be near its sensitive regions, which is just a couple of hundred kilometers from Beijing. The kangaroos are lucky that it is China's Military jets firing just flares. The Russians or even Iranians would have shot it down and asked questions later as to what it was doing over there.

All the USA's 'Malicious Actors' are making provocations fast and furious. The UK is thousands of miles from China but could not avoid provocating China and had been making up stories that China is a threat to them. Now the UK is making up more malicious claims that China is conducting cyber espionage on its Military. Why would China bother with the UK's Military, knowing that UK's aircraft carriers are just old bathtubs that may sink by themselves without engaging with China. History is going to repeat itself just like the 'Prince of Wales' and 'Repulse' that were sunk by the Japanese even before reaching the battleground. What a joke!

That tiny Chihuahua in Europe, Lithuania, wants to have boots on the ground in Ukraine. It really wants to be nuked for that. Russia now has tactical nukes in Belarus bordering Lithuania, that can make that loud barking Chihuahua disappear. Yes, Lithuania wants nukes too, LOL. That Chihuahua is barking for attention to show that it is a big player in NATO, antagonizing China and now Russia as well. And it is complaining to the WTO about China cutting off trade and putting hurdles in its exports to China. That little dog really needs to be taught a lesson to keep it quiet.