
F35s is a piece of fake waiting to be scrapped, F22s already scrapped

 Several articles have been written about the F35s and its perennial shortcomings. After more than a decade and a half of tinkering with its problems ever since entering service in 2006, nothing came out of Lockheed Martin's attempts to solve those problems that still persists.

And those persistent problems are still afflicting the aircraft, with the USA even admitting that only 25% of the F35s in its fleet are fit for combat duty. That tells the whole story and just boggles the mind that some countries are still vying to buy them at exorbitant prices. A newer version of that plane is already being produced and the price is said to be 'astronomical'. But some silly goons will still buy them undoubtedly.

One of the many problems of the F35 is the special skin coating needed for radar evasion which is reported to peel off after just a few flights. Such peelings will render the stealth factor to be compromised.

In the face of recent developments in radar technology and the relatively slower flying speed of the F35 compared to other newer supersonic fighter jets, the F35 is losing its relevance. Its only useful role is carrying out bombing missions using its stealth approach, which is becoming irrelevant with newer radar capabilities being developed to track them. Only continued hyping has kept it in production to sell to those still living under a rock.

Moreover, smaller countries have little use for them as bombing other much bigger country is not in their interest. The USA's experience in Vietnam shows clearly to the world that using carpet bombing is a perfect example of how a war can still be lost with that superior advantage.

And the USA is also said to have stringent covenant regarding the F35's usage and in whose hands they can be flown. A F35 falling into enemy hands or crashing in enemy territory is a big matter of concern. However, in today's weaponry development, it may be a different story. China was not even interested in the F35C that fell into the South China Sea in 2022, while landing on a carrier, which the USA had been blowing up the fear that the Chinese may be attempting to salvage it to learn its secrets.

Just a matter of interest, reports have now surfaced that some of the supposedly destroyed weaponry left behind by the USA during its hurried scampering out of Afghanistan, some have been rebuilt by the Taliban and are causing nervousness in the USA and the West. The USA may have assumed that they have damaged those weaponry beyond repair before their hurried escape from Kabul, but using reverse engineering the Taliban has managed to reap a windfall not only in breathing new life into those damaged weapons but also in understanding the workings of those weapons, which will serve them well. If they share them with the Russians or Chinese, that will be highly detrimental to the USA. Shooting its own foot is becoming the hobby of the USA.


PS. F22 is supposedly the best air superiority American fighter. Why did the Americans scrapped production of this aircraft when they did not have another better aircraft? Very likely the hype about the F22 is just that, hype, not real. So it is better to scrap it fast. F35 is nothing better than the F22 but another hype. Since there are still stupid buyers, the Americans would just keep pushing and selling it like fake mRNA vaccines. There will be suckers wanting to buy it. If not, coerce them to buy and keep spreading the fantasy that it is the best American aircraft, the best in the world.


Anonymous said...

Sinkieland would be more than happy to buy F22/F35abc...whatever their ameriunt master offered. Sillyporean have no said in all this purchase of expensive toys. MIW will always pain a scary scenario to frighten sillyporean that without expensive toys we will be makan/bullied by our neighbour. Daft sinkies all the most easily frighten lot.

Anonymous said...

The same hype about those tanks and armored vehicles sent to Ukraine. Just provided moving target practice for the Russians.

Most are now in Moscow, on show. To shame the West, really!

Russians are waiting for a F16 or even a F35 in its collection soon.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkeland F Fighter crashed.

Wow UAssA Fighter Planes Hand Guns ah?

Anonymous said...

Pilot saved himself in time. Like that how? Demoted for sure! No? Already 'lau sai' where got courage to fly and do air battle again.

Virgo49 said...

Wah, think this year so much peace from June onwards till Aug 09. NDP.

Our place wah piang how many fly past rehearsals thundering through the skies that always passed our estates.

Think they will scrap fly pasts this NDP.

Anonymous said...

Will there be a dent in the arrowhead fly past formation? One plane short still can meh?