
The West headed by the Anglo-Saxons US & UK is attempting to dismember China again.

  Toxic clouds from the West especially from USA are now hovering over China's horizon and the Far East and threatening the peace and tranquility of the Asia - Pacific region.

The whites especially the Anglo-Saxons USA and UK are not happy to see China and the Chinese people rising up gloriously now after suffering  over a hundred years of brutal Western invasion and domination from 1830s to 1948. 

The rise of China was not easy. The Western powers headed by Anglo-Saxons UK / US and Japan have always cooperated to put China and the Chinese people down. From the 1760s to 1830s England imported large quantities of China's silk, porcelain and tea and resold them to other European countries for huge profits. All the products imported from China had to be paid in gold or silver dollars at the time.  Greed caused England to over import more than what the European market could consume. England then faced the problem of payment to China as it had run out of gold and silver. It was then at this critical time an Iraqi Jewish merchant by the name of David Sassoon who had run foul of Iraqi law for swindling the Iraqi kingdom of hundreds of millions of dollars had to free to England. In the 1830s David Sassoon suggested to the British Government to redeem payment to China with illicit money from smuggling opium to China. The smuggling of opium to China by British went on for many years with great dibilitating effect on the large mass of Chinese society. The lucrative illicit opium smuggling business was soon joined by many ill repute American traders. This huge scale nefarious British and American opium smuggling in China not only destroyed Chinese society but also impoverished China with great devastating effect. In 1839 when China banned the illegal and illicit opium trade and destroyed much of British traders opium the British government then declared war on China. The rest is then history with many more European countries notably Russia and Japan joining hands to trample on China's sovereignty. England took away Hong Kong from China and occupied Shanghai, Nanking, Lingpo, Amoy and Canton. Russia just marched from the north and took away freely millions of square miles of Chinese territory from Lake Baikal to the Maritime Province and the Sakhalin Island. From the 1920s to 1946 when China was still very weak Russia marched into the Chinese province of Outer Mongolia and declared it a Russian protectorate. Russia then cut off Tannu Tuva a large part of Outer Mongolia and annexed it to Russia before arbitrarily declared Outer Mongolia independence from China in a Russian organized fake plebiscite in 1946. Japan took  away Liu Chiudao in 1875 and renamed it 'Okinawa.' In 1895 Japan took away Taiwan after defeating China in a war . In the 1900 to 1915 England continued to occupy Chinese territories in South west Xinjiang of Aksai Chin and the Chawang province in Southern Tibet which is the seed of present China - India border dispute. England also took some of Chinese territories in Yunnan and incorporated them into British ruled Burma. At this same time in 1885 France took over control of Indo-China. France then  stole some Chinese land from Kwangsi Province and incorporated it into French ruled Indo-China.

China have not settled scores to recover these lost territories and yet the West and Japan still want to create turmoils, aggressions and uncalled for issues with China. 

From 1911 after the fall of the decadent Ching Dynasty to 1946 China was a divided country ruled by warlords who were former army generals in the Ching Dynasty. These warlords were uncouth and unscrupulous and ruled the provinces under their control brutally and selfishly to serve their own selfish ends. Many of them treacherously cooperated with Western countries to undermine China's national interests which was then under Doctor Sun Yat Sen.  Dr. Sun's government had appealed to all the major Western countries like England, US, France, Germany and Russia as well as Japan to help China get united and to help China with loans for national development. All China's appeal for help was turned down by the West and Japan who openly said that it was not to their interests and advantage to help China get united and developed. 

So after Doctor Sun's sudden death in 1925, China was left in choas and shambles at the mercy of the warlords and the Western powers and Japan. In every province, cities and ports the Western powers and Japan freely carved off large areas to be controlled by them under extra-territorial rights where they exercise all their own laws and collect all the taxes. Thus from 1925 to 1948 China continued to be humiliated and impoverished until the establishment of the Peoples' Republic of China on 1st October, 1949 under the Great Leadership of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung and his comrades in arms of the glorious Chinese Communist Party. 

It is without doubt that Chairman Mao and his comrades in arms and the Chinese Communist Party have saved China and the Chinese people from the jaws of death of the insidious diabolical plots of the West and Japan who wished to see  the end and destruction of the Great Chinese nation and Civilization. 

Providence is in favour of China and the Chinese people when the great mighty heaven blessed China with good, devoted intelligent, diligent and hardworking dedicated patriotic self-less leaders from Chairman Mao to President Xi Jin Ping. With these great lines of leadership China's progress and development in all spheres of life , in science and technology, in high tec and cyber and space technology and in prosperity and healthy welfare for all Chinese people will be well assured.

The Western countries and Japan now look at China's astronomical progress and advancement with jaundiced eyes, with insidious envy and ill-intent. They now harbour many evil diabolical plots to divide and take down China again. The evil Anglo-Saxons Americans and Japan are plotting and conniving with Taiwanese Chinese traitors to restart the Chinese civil war to break-up China again. The West headed by America has planted espionage agents and spies in many parts of China to carry out nefarious and espionage activities  to foment turmoils and orange revolutions to overthrow the PRC government for regime change.  The CIA had organized the Tibetan rebellion from India hoping to break away Tibet from China. It had also organized and funded the Uyghur terrorists movements in Xinjiang hoping to detach the province from China. In June 1989, the CIA via the US embassy in Beijing plotted the Tiananmen incident to topple the Chinese government. However, China managed to put down the rebellion though most of the rebel leaders were quickly whisked off by CIA to US before they could be arrested.

But the latest attempt though not the last one to break up China was the 2019 CIA insidious plot incahoot with Chinese Hong Kong traitors and US consulate via its spies and agents to create tremendous turmoil and revolution in HongKong with a view to expand the revolution into mainland China to effect a regime change. Nevertheless the diabolical CIA plot failed due to the incredibly intelligent and effective handling of the situation by the Chinese Central Government. The Central Government seemingly had allowed the trouble makers, the snakes and scorpions, the hyenas and what not to come out in full force before casting the net and caught all the evil trouble makers in one full swoop though some managed to escape to UK and US with the help of US and British embassies and agents. The plotters in Washington and London were dismayed and frustrated and so they barked furiously and wildly at China for being undemocratic in putting down the savage rebellion sponsored by them.

The West headed by US is now conducting hybrid warfare against China hoping to destroy China and the Chinese people in this way. They use trade sanctions and trade blockades as seen in their tariffs and illegal blocking of Huawei and the illegal arrest of Huawei's Chief Financial Officer , Meng Wan Zhou. The American government continues to sanction many Chinese companies and Chinese businessmen. They impose illegal and illicit fines of millions of dollars on many Chinese firms. They even try to rob China openly by trying to take over Chinese firms on the most flimsy and spurious reasons of  American security. As an example they unashamely try to take over Chinese owned high tec firm Tic Tok. They try to cripple China's technological development by imposing ban on exports of computer chips to China. They bully and hunt down Chinese scientists in America. Whenever they are unable to compete with China on a fair level playing field they will try to destroy the Chinese companies. The Americans really are despicable with no shame and no decency at all. They are really rough and uncouth, wild and savage, aggressive and warlike, always think of nothing but looking for fights.

At present China's progress and development in science and technology, high tec, cyber and space technology, in the economy, in trade and commerce and military have outstrippped that of all Western European countries and Japan and is almost in parity with that of the US though in some cases like in the economy, industrial production and space technology, AI, 5G and 6G China is ahead of the US. China thus stands on a very firm footing and so if the US and its pack of Western trouble makers want to create aggressions against China now  they have to think very carefully less they will meet their nemisis in a war with China counting out nuclear war in which no country will be a winner but the destruction and end of mankind is a certainty. That's hope the Anglo-Saxons US and UK and the white European countries are not so desperate and frustrated that they want to commit nuclear suicide. If so they must die alone themselves and not drag the whole world to die with them causing the end of destiny of the human race or mankind.

Whatever it is China and the Chinese people are determined never to be bullied and trampled again by the savage barbaric West and Japan. China has risen like the phoenix from the ashes in the fire  in great strength and power and will never again suffer the trauma of Western and Japanese aggression. On the contrary the US and all the Western countries and Japan are now suffering the Karma or retributions of their  cruel misdeeds and atrocities towards mankind as seen in the great upheavels and debacles of their societies and the collapse of their economy and industries. It is hoped that after suffering this Karma they will repent and change for good and be more peaceful towards other countries and people.

Let's hope there will be more good will and kindness among mankind and people everywhere can live in a more peaceful and harmonious world. 


Wednesday, 1st May, 2024.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Japs are really getting rid of Taiwan's historical roots. They are pulling down statues of Chiang Kai Shek from public places.

Ma Ying Jeou who visited China recently and given an audience with Xi is also from the KMT. The Japanese are not happy with that and is taking it out with the KMT.

Next, they will put up statues of war criminal Hirohito.