
IMF warning the Americans to cut down on war spending

 Why does it take the IMF so long to slam the USA about its spending spree? I think it is too late to stop the cancer. With US$95 billions to be given to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, the spending is getting even more ridiculous instead of under control.

Is it because the USA is now openly in deep, deep trouble with its economy, that the IMF is now raising its voice in order take credit for its belated warning to the USA? Inflation is creeping up and banks are tottering. Republic First Bancorp just gone bust and many others are in equally dire straits.

The IMF probably just emerged from under a rock to show its awareness, and trying to tell the world that it now sees the problem. What an amazing discovery! Isn't it a little late, as most people already saw the writing on the wall long before it did.

Everything was just recently reported to be so rosy in the USA with job creation hitting the roof, resulting in a tight labour market for companies. The Fed was earlier reported to be ready to cut rates in the first quarter of 2024, then pushed back to June or July, now postponed to September I believe. All those loose talk of cutting rates back and forth are realistically a tactic to keep the economy on ICU, in order to give Biden a better chance in November. A collapse economy will kill Biden's chances, which is already rather slim.

Ukraine and the EU are nervous about a Trump victory and their lifeline is at stake. So does Israel. China has lately been accused by some USA quarters of interfering in the November election and the narratives are surfacing. China is basically not interested in whoever wins in November, knowing that both Presidential candidates are anti-China to the core. Therefore, why should China interfere in the coming November election? It does not make sense. 


1 comment:

Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Why their Gooddamn Sucks oops Goldman Sachs and their also Moody still moody wake up the wrong sides of the beds and also Standard, oops what's Standard and Poor, sure Poor lah as no Standard never reports and downgraded the Damn Bidamn's State of Papuer Economy?

Wow cover up ah?

Just to instil the Wrong Confidence to con the World.