
Evil Americans blame game getting ridiculously naive

 I am surprised that they have not blamed China for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines. Soon, such a narrative may be invented if they cannot find new issues to demonize China with, just like making up fake evidence to start the Iraq War. Such narratives will be easily manufactured in a USA propaganda factory and distributed to all the MSM in the West and anti-China shrills on social media. And they will make a song and dance about it.

Now they are inventing the narrative that China was somehow involved in the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. And George Soros, a Jew himself, was accused of involvement in the pro-Palestinian protests in the USA and around the world. A Jew working on the side of the Palestinians seems odd. Has Soros done something that is causing anger within the ranks of the Anglo-Saxon clique?

More shit is stirred up by the UK of China conducting cyber espionage on the UK military. What does China hope to gain from such espionage of a country that is a complete washout in the eyes of the world, with not even seaworthy aircraft carriers and still trying to wear big shoes and strut its hollow threat. Putin has threatened the UK many a time, warning the UK that it is courting extinction, with Putin's latest threat of even going to target the UK outside of Ukraine soil.

And yet more shit is being stirred up by the Kangaroo gangsters about their helicopter involved in the Yellow Sea incident. They were said to be working under UN orders to watch for evasion of sanctions by North Korea, an excuse that is hard to believe. That helicopter must be performing much more than its legitimate claims. After all, Australia is one of the Five Eyes keeping watch on China and cannot be ignored by China.

Putin is conducting nuclear exercises, and this is rattling Macron, who came out to say that France is not at war with Russia. Putin knows that France has boots on the ground in Ukraine discreetly already. So does many of the NATO countries.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We just have to look at how ridiculous it really was for the USA and UK to create all the fake evidence to start the Iraq War. That is really the 'Mother of All Evil Doers'.

If the saner leaders of the world cannot see the evil intentions of the USA and the UK, it really is a pre-requisite for human extinction. Human existence really needs to be rebooted and restart from the stone age.