
China sowing the seed of cooperation to improve Indonesia's food security....But, but, but, but....

"China’s hybrid rice might be Indonesia’s latest solution to improving its food security, but at what costs? 

Indonesia is the third-largest producer of rice in the world but isn’t self-sufficient, having to import the grain every year to make up for the shortfall.  Kiki Siregar @KikiSiregarCNA"

And despite the generous offer by China, transfer of technology and all the benefits of a better hybrid rice, here are the standard '4 buts' from a typical western educated parrot. Whatever China does to help countries of the Global South, whatever great feat or achievements, no matter how good the intention and offer, in this case, improving Indonesia's food security, and even the possibility of becoming a rice exporting nation, it is always but, but, but and but. Better to ask the Americans or western nations for help, but this got to wait for them to massacre the Palestinians first. They are now very busy with their genocide of the Muslim Palestinians.

Below is a typical CNA article on China.

"JAKARTA: Rice planting is set to be a new area of cooperation for Indonesia and China, promising better food security for the Southeast Asian state but also possibly tilting their bilateral ties.

The ambitious plan to progressively develop a million hectares of rice fields in Central Kalimantan province with Beijing providing its rice technology in support emerged from high-level bilateral talks last month.

(1st but) While local farmers CNA spoke to welcome the initiative, analysts caution that key issues like the differences in local conditions, lack of infrastructure and overall costs stand in the way.

(2nd but) The analysts also highlighted Indonesia’s uneven farming track record - expressing concern the latest undertaking will repeat previous failures over the past three decades. 
(3rd but) And even if success is reaped, at least one expert is concerned that it could tilt the balance of Indonesia-China ties, especially if China’s signature hybrid rice is involved.

(4th but) “If we export the hybrid rice from China, Indonesia will be very dependent on China because the parent seed is controlled by China,” said Prof Dwi Andreas Santosa, an agriculture expert from Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB)."

My recommendation to Indonesia is to agree with this parrot reporter Kiki Seregar and believe in the buts of the anal lysts and experts, don't accept the hybrid seed from China and go on planting the same old seed as usual. There will be no concern to worry about. No need to even bother about whether the so called concerns are valid or silly. Just be like what the Americans want the African states to be, be poor and ignorant forever and repeating what they are doing forever as an unprogressive third world state.

 And trust the intelligence of western educated parrots and so called experts and anal lysts. They have Indonesia's interest and well being in their hearts. And they are very clever as well, full of words of wisdom. Indonesia can live with lower grade rice and forever be faced with the problem of food insecurity. Not to worry, the experts and anal lysts would come up with better ideas for Indonesia, when they have one.


Anonymous said...

With so many concerns raised by the anal lysts and experts, Indonesia should stop using the bybrid seed from China.

The money and effort saved can be used to buy more American weapons. Maybe can buy marked down F35s with apps inserted to bring down the aircraft in mid air if needed.

But there are conditions for such purchases. Israel must approve the deal. And Indonesia cannot support the Palestinians.

Indonesia buying American weapons for war would be the best thing to do and no anal lysts and experts and reporters would say but, but, but, but.....

Anonymous said...

Lest we forget, China has succeeded in its experimental rice growing in salt water, which is basically just sea water. Rice growing needs lots of water, fresh water diverted from rivers. With sea water, it is a different perspective altogether for regions where fresh water is scarce, like in Africa.

And how can we forget about the de-desertification success of China, reclaiming deserts and turning them into orchards and usable agricultural land. How many countries in the world are doing that much for saving the earth and fighting climate change?

And yet, the USA and the West are fighting tooth and nail to prevent China from dominating the clean energy sectors like EVs, solar panels, wind turbines and demonizing China's dam construction urging downstream countries to go against such dam construction. The clean-energy revolution is going to put the Internal Combustion Engine, the legacy of the West, into extinction. High speed trains are putting the steam engines, another legacy of the West, into extinction as well.

It seems that whatever good China does is always construed as the opposite in the eyes of the USA and the West. In their warp mentality thinking, war is good and peace is bad. Under-capacity is good and over-capacity is bad. Democracy is good and socialism is bad, which had been proven to be a load of shit by China. Now they no longer trumpet the mantra that democracy trumps socialism, or communism is a grave threat to democracy. They no longer have the moral high ground to make such empty slogans.

Xi had been called a 'Dictator'. But he has done better than the couple of successive USA Presidents put together, by being able to lift hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty. And just look at the infrastructure developments in China under his leadership. Is that bad for a country ruled by a dictator?

What has democracy done for the USA and its citizens? Homelessness is an aggravating problem, drug problems are getting worse, crime is festering with malls being ransacked all over the country, citizens are more afraid of cops than criminals, taxpayer's money have been channeled to help outsiders rather than improving the lives of citizens, and the whole economy is thriving on printing toilet papers and being kept beathing in ICU. Oh yes, the stock market is reaching for the sky, jobs creation is out of this world, lots of back-and-forth yoyoing about interest rate cuts just to keep the soap opera alive. When the shit hits the fan, we know what will happen. Kicking the can further down the road is not solving anything. They will still have to come across that 'can' when you go forward.

Anonymous said...

Better be careful on August 9th, as another falling F16 may land on your head while watching the NDP.

Virgo49 said...

Every planes even commercial are checked throughly before fly off.

The Fighter Planes has their own teams of professional trained technicians and so called engineers to make doubly sure that they are in good fighting conditions.

Where's in.the World 's operational issues or problems?

Its the hand guns pilots lah that cannot handle the plane lah@

Or or is it Bidamn?

Anonymous said...

The high speed Jakarta Bandung train is good but, but, but.....
BRI is good but, but, but....
China is peaceful but, but, but....
China is generous and built good infrastructure but, but, but
China is influential but, but, but....

America is the most peace loving country.
America is the most trustworthy country.
America loves the Arabs and Muslims and the Palestinians...no buts

Anonymous said...

Or buy more Boeing airplanes which now comes with a free screwdriver/wrench set to be placed next to the life jacket under each seat. Sorry no discount as it comes with this freebie.

Anonymous said...

Wanna bet? The Indonesians would soon stop using Chinese hybrid seeds and buy more American weapons because the Americans told them China is going to invade Indonesia. And the Indonesians would believe everything the white men said. And they would even believe the Australians would be there to help to defend Indonesia.

Virgo49 said...


Here's another "BUT" by CNA.

Buy no breakthrough. What's you expect with all the shits as shits by the White Barbarians and Savages

Virgo49 said...

But no breakthrough

Not buy idiot