
Taiwan - War is imminent

 The declining evil American Empire is hell bent to hold on to its hegemony over the world. They would do anything to stay on top, to rule the world. The Ukraine War is not going anywhere but down the slope with Russia gaining full control of the country in a matter of time. But that is not an issue. The goal of the Americans is to keep the War going for as long as they can with the belief that they could outlast the Russians or at least keep the American Military Industrial Complex in business, the only business that is still profitable to the Deep State, not so much as for the benefit of the average Americans. The Deep State is happily sacrificing the lives of Ukrainians and their country. And sacrificing the interest of the average Americans too would not mean anything to them.

They are now going to open another theatre of war over Taiwan. They are doing everything to provoke China to fire the first shot with the latest 200 American soldiers in Taiwan on top of whatever they already have there. The USA has crossed the red line with this move and China would response accordingly. The Americans are testing China's resolve to hit back. If China does not react, then more soldiers and arms would flow into Taiwan. The Americans are also herding the European cronies to drum up the beats of war, all using the same narrative and talking like they are all ready and capable of fighting a war in the surrounding waters of China.

The most obvious sign of an imminent war is to give notice to the Philippines to bring back their workers now working in Taiwan. Marcos Jr has been briefed of the American's war plan. American soldiers are starting to pour into the Philippines with more military bases now open to them. Weapons and supplies would be stocked up in the Philippines. Marcos Jr's order is to save and protect the lives of Pinoys in Taiwan, to bring them home fast. Let the Taiwan Chinese face their fate of certain death and destruction, especially for those that are deluded that they could defend Taiwan island against the PLA. The Taiwan Chinese must be very happy preparing for this day, to die fighting like the Ukrainians. 

China too is watching every move of the warmongering Americans and is ready to take on the Americans. The likelihood of a direct military confrontation between the Americans and the Chinese is low. The American formula would be the same as the Ukraine War. They would goad the Taiwanese to fight to the last men and the full destruction of the Island with the Americans giving verbal support and supplies of military weapons.

Would the Taiwanese Chinese be willing to die like the Ukrainians and to have their good life now completely destroyed,家破人亡  ? The DPP leaders would behave like Zelensky and his gang, shouting about defending the Taiwan island, defending democracy and freedom and asking the Taiwanese to go fight and die for them. How many Taiwanese would be foolish enough to fall into this deadly trap?

The window for reunification with the mainland and for peace is closing rapidly. The Americans could create a false flag incident anytime now. If the patriotic Taiwan Chinese are not going to act fast, then they should end up like Ukraine...very soon.

The Taiwan Chinese must choose between peace and reunification versus war, destruction and death. Not doing anything and hoping for the best is as good as asking for war and death.


Virgo49 said...


Good morning All

China speeding up their Subs and Aircraft Carrier even on exercise at the Pacific Oceans to have a final showdown and bash on the Americunts.

Good good, lets this be a Final Lethal Blow to their Imaginary Might that they are the Number One in.the World that All must obeyed their damn Rules Based Orders.

Whacked them till with little skunks tails behind their arseholes and be no longer a threat to Humanity.


Anonymous said...

Expect more lies from The Empire Strikes Back:

Paraphasing Gonzalo Lira @GonzaloLira1968

'With Tucker Carlson's firing, there is no one in the Mainstream Media pushing back on the lies of the Regime.

And now, the Regime will repress the truth even more—MUCH more.

More lies are coming—with no one left to push back.'

They can't handle the truth so more bullshit before the fight begins??

Link to article: Tucker Carlson Out At Fox

'According to the statement, Carlson's last show was Friday, April 21st as he continued to dominate, and his slot will now be filled by 'an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named."'

Virgo49 said...


President Xi accepts credentials from 70 ambassadors to China.

Virgo49 said...


PLA snipers waiting for you.

One shot one kill.


Anonymous said...

Washington Geniuses Discover It Would be Impossible to Resupply Taiwan:

'The exercise was carried out this week by the US House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, with help from think tank Center for a New American Security in Washington.

The US retards created “Chi-Merica” in the first place.

Are they suggesting that the entire US business sector to collapse itself because of their anal sex war agenda?

None of these war games are serious.

Firstly, China can blockade Taiwan completely in like, 12 minutes.

Secondly – and this is the real key here – there is an assumption that the Taiwanese are going to fight, and there is just zero basis for that. There is no data to support that theory.

The KMT could immediately seize control of the military and the civilian government and declare a collaboration government, and probably just outright declare reunification.

This entire war is a nonstarter.

Link to article:

Anonymous said...

The other significant development is South Korea asking for, or intending to go nuclear to counter the North. If this goes ahead, it will push Russia or China will arm Cuba, and other South American countries with nuclear missiles as well. There is already speculation that Russia will be doing what the Soviet Union did in the 60s in Cuba, if the USA or Nato escalates the conflict further by sending more lethal weapons to Ukraine or inducting Ukraine into Nato, posing a threat to Moscow. This was in fact what the Soviet Union did to counter the USA in Europe in the 60s.

Meanwhile, Australia is using China as an excuse to station long range stategic missiles in the country. Australia is talking about China threat everyday. China is more than 4,600 miles away and China will need an armada to invade Australia, with no hope of success given the size of the island. China has not even thought of invading Taiwan over the last seven decades, until the USA gets involved. Has China threatened to invade Australia for the last five thousand years? Suddenly, with the rise of the USA, China is accused of threatening to invade every other country in the world. How ridiculous is it?

I would venture to believe that Australia is more like flexing its Sheriff appointment by the USA to show the ASEAN states who is boss, rather than trying to take on China. You see, just weeks ago the Aussies were talking about not getting involved in the Taiwan issue, and in the next breath talks about countering China. Where and in which area of the world are they trying to counter China if not over Taiwan?

China cannot take the word of any Anglo Saxon White leaders at face value. Just look at Olaf Scholz, doing a 180 degree turn after returning from his trip to China. He is quiet as a mouse today. Neither is Macron to be taken at face value despite the stance taken by him during his Beijing visit. They can change their stance when threatened by Satan.

Or closer to home, take a look at Marcos Jr, no Anglo Saxon, but still succumbing to the evil hand of Satan. Now trying to calm Beijing by feigning to approach Washington to clear the air over USA demands in the Philippines. China better steer far away from the Pinoys for its own good, economically and development wise. Africa and Latin America would be a more safer bet for trade and development.

Anonymous said...

China and Russia should help Indonesia to build a strong military force to be the number one regional power and not be threatened by Australia, a brash and arrogant AngloSaxon state with only 22m million population.

Marcos Jr's position is hazy. Very likely wanting to be neutral but got blackmailed by the Americans. He is walking on a very thin line and could be thrown off balance by a regime change executed by the Americans.

Anonymous said...

When life is so good in Taiwan, how many Taiwanese would want to die like Ukrainians when the alternative is an even better life, full of opportunities being a part of the Motherland, Greater China?

Anonymous said...

A regime change in the Philippines is a walk in the park for the USA, with the military sleeping with the enemy. Among ASEAN countries, Thailand and Philippines vie for honours for being the most coup tainted countries in this region. So, that scenario is well ingrained in the mind of Marcos Jr at this juncture. As I said many times before, Marcos Jr does not have the backing of the military like his father and is easily swayed by threats of a coup. Unless he keeps pandering to the USA demands, he will not last long.

Anonymous said...

Marcus Jr is a smart politicians, he will be like a softer type of Do-durty. Using the bobian tactics on Stronger Countries. China want to assist, no problems and tell USA, bobian. USA want to have militaries bases, also can, and tell China bobian. Russia may also offer gifts now, bobian must also accept. Smart guy. Huat ah.

Anonymous said...

The Whole World is preparing for a show-down.
Australia, Europe, the USA, Koreas, Japan,
the Pgilippines are all arming to the Teeth.
Of course there are also internal wars in Myanmar, Sudan and at the
the Holy City of Jerusalem.
Currenyly the Russia Ukraine War is small in scale.
with the US and its' Allies provoking, stoking and instigating, it shall intensify.
The Next Flare Point shall be the Korea Pe
ninsula. And once it starts, there shall be no end until most beings are annilated.

There is no running away from the Third and Final Battle on Earth.

From a prophet of doom.

Anonymous said...

Correction to the Word annilated in my earlier comment.
It should be annihilated.

My Sincere Apology.

Virgo49 said...

Right you are Anon 10.36

Think the UAssA won't direct confrontation at Taiwan.

Be at North Korea towards South.

Then China be involved again like the Korean War of old.

The Americunts would like to have a bigger arena to create bigger chaos in the Korean Peninsula.

So their Military Industries will keep humming.

Their Debts deferred.

Anonymous said...

Ferdinand Marcos, the father of Marcos Jr, was the stooge that the USA put into power and who later stagnated and stiffled the Philippines economically. It became so bad that Filipinos had to find work overseas to survive. The fall of Marcos Sr was actually a blessing for the Filipinos, but with the military controlling the leaders, and who in turn are still largely dependant and controlled by the USA's military presence in the Philippines, breaking away from the yolk of control was impossible to this day.

I was working in a shipping agency that dealt with Filipinos who occasionally came over in the mid 70s and early 80s, and they categorically confirmed that all the money the USA poured into the Philippines to station their military over there all went into the pockets of Marcos Sr, with no benefit to the country whatsoever. The USA was supporting their stooge, bribing him in order to let the USA maintain a military base unhindered. The Philippines then was so corrupted from top to bottom that nothing positive was happening to lift Filipinos out of poverty. Today the Philippines still lags behind economically among most of the top countries in ASEAN, in GDP terms, despite having the second biggest population in ASEAN.

Subsequent leaders were all under the USA leash, except Duterte who tried to do likewise and was obviously threatened with extinction by the CIA if he goes over the line. He quietly had to tow the line, but they are still going after him despite his leaving office. They basically wants to silence him for good, using the ICC over his drug wars, as the loose ends over negotiations over the years may be incriminating, and not good for the USA. Only dead man tell no tales.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Last paragaph '....except Duterte who tried to do 'otherwise' and was obviously threatened.....'

My apologies - Anon 10.49

Anonymous said...

The Philippines is a pathetic country when its leaders are under threats from the Americans, could be killed at the pleasure of the Americans and nothing can be done about it. It is an American protectorate, not an independent country, not a normal country.

The President and political leaders of the Philippines are fearing for their lives and always at risk of being shot dead by the Americans. What kind of country is that?

Anonymous said...

Accordng to Charles Nenner; 1/3 world pop will die from WW3:


Anonymous said...

The USA loves countries with weak leaders like the Philippines and Australia.

The USA does not like to deal with countries with strong leaders such as Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and even India. The USA hates leaders like LKY and Mathathir that they cannot manipulate at their whims and fancies.

Now, they USA is dealing with strong leaders emerging in Africa, Middle East and Latin America, and they are at their wits end. The same cannot be said of Europe though. Can we just say stupidity has no cure over there? The West still resorting to old tricks to push their narratives and were shamefully destroyed by many African leaders. They sheepishly returned home licking their wounds after each and every visit. Blinken admitted that what the West did to Africa is now beyond restitution, no matter how hard they tried to turn the tide.

Virgo49 said...


S.Korea's Daft Leader Yoon who kow towed to the Japs and Whites with his equally nonsensical speeches that angered China and Russia.

SKorea's exports chips to China lost profits of 96%.

UAssA sabotage all these imbeciles and they still in dreamland waking up to nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Marcos bong bongs mother imelda marcos and her billions are in USA with the court proceedings still deferred 30 years later.. They have bong bongs mother and his billions inheritance as ransom blackmail

Anonymous said...

To be forced to cede 4 military bases to the Americans is an act of treason. The coercion must be very fierce that Bong Bong just cannot refuse.

The people of the Philippines must march on the streets to reverse the lost of these military bases to a foreign power. Bong Bong is hapless now. Mass protest may be the only way to force out the Americans. If Bong Bong cannot stop the loss of these additional 4 bases, the Americans would know that they have Bong Bong by the balls and would demand for more, maybe base nuclear weapons in the Philippines and endanger the lives of the Pinoys. Nuclear weapons would be top priority targets to be hit first by nuclear weapons.

Anonymous said...

Karma is fair. Don't blame U.S., blame the Taiwanese government.

Anonymous said...

The civil war between CCP and KMT was for the right to be the government of China, not to break Taiwan away from the Motherland as an independent state.

The DPP wants to break Taiwan from the Motherland. Now the KMT also losing its original mission, and being dragged by the DPP towards independent Taiwan, This will compromise the position of the KMT.

Anonymous said...

Will the Philippines have a 'People's Power' uprising version 2? Version 1 was a wasted event after getting rid of Marcos Sr. They have to get rid of the US bases to make 'People's Power' really working. Otherwise, no way.

I think there is realistically no way it can materialise, as the Philippines military has been bought over lock, stock and barrel by the USA. Otherwise how could a country's sovereignity be in the hands of another? What are arm forces for?

Anonymous said...

It is looking like the Philippines Armed Forces are there to protect the interests of the Americans.

Anonymous said...

Taiwan, as an independent state, could be and definitely will be used to threaten mainland China, as then the USA could station military forces and weapons, even nuclear, on Taiwan Island.

That is a red line for China, nothing more nothing less. And that is what the USA is aiming for. They already signaled their intentions by claiming that 'Taiwan is an unsinkable aircraft carrier' for the USA that they must protect and control.

Anonymous said...

China, Singapore to launch joint military drills to counter US

China and Singapore will hold a joint military exercise as soon as this week, their first combined drills since 2021, as Beijing deepens its defence and security ties with Southeast Asia, a region with strong existing US alliances.

The Chinese navy will deploy a missile-bearing frigate, the Yulin, and a minehunting ship, the Chibi, to the joint maritime exercise which will last from late April to early May, the Chinese defence ministry said in a statement on its website on Monday, without specifying the location.

Anonymous said...

The unfortunate thing about Taiwan is that the war would be dictated by the Americans, not by China or Taiwan. The Americans would be the puppet master, making Chinese to kill Chinese at the pleasure of the Americans.

Virgo49 said...

Xi knew if Kim been provoked too humiliating Four by Two Recruit standard hair cut will lose his head and start a conflict.

That's why he purposely asked him to communicate more.

He be giving his Fatherly Advice and their plans.

Once first shot been fired the Americunts would be rubbing their hands as in their usual agenda Wars to be fought on other's land and they will poke poke and earned monies.

The most they Charade their troops be joining the ROKs rokkos and them hope for China to join in.

But this time round, Put In will join the funs.

As the Yoon wayang want to send arsenal's to Urukiane.

Three Militaries together.

Japan, South Korea, Philippines would be Waste Lands.

Anonymous said...

With all the drills and countering, the doggies are running around like crazy and on heat. Some rabid doggies may bite the wrong leg and hallelujah, end of days.

Not only will Japan, South Korea, Philippines be waste lands, some are still thinking life can still exists after a global nuclear war. This is not just one Fat Boy on Hiroshima and one more on Nagasaki. If only 1/3 of world population dies, the remaining 2/3s can survive meh? Good luck to them.

Just one Fukushima is already too difficult to handle, with a big area unhabitable and many dying of radiation sickness. How many Fukushimas will a nuclear world war unlease? It is just madness to think about it.

Anonymous said...

Long live China 🇨🇳 And Long live Russia 🇷🇺 God Bless both great country🙏🙏🙏

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Taiwan is encountering jamming of GPS signals all along the northern part of the island. This coincides with the presence of China warships.

It is not known at this time why the jamming is being done, but it's interfering with air traffic into and out of Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

China should jam all American aircraft coming to Taiwan.

The Taiwanese must take control of their future and their lives. Get rid of the traitors or let them work with the Americans to start a war with the mainland and leading to the destruction of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people. The Americans are now in charge and could start a false flag incident to start a war. The Taiwanese would be sacrificed for the interest of the Americans and the traitors.

Anonymous said...

Taiwan people are living dangerously. Any time the Americans or Japanese could fire a cruise missile at a Chinese warship or at a site in Taiwan and put up a narrative that China has attacked Taiwan, or fire a missile across the Strait at Fujian, war will start and Taiwan would be another Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

China must rein its'
Taiwan at all costs, even if it means sacrificing the Taiwsn lnhabitants and or even the lsland itself.
China cannot and should not allow the Traitors in the Province to cause problem in collusion with foreigners for the Motherland.
It is a case of neccessary sacrifice no matter how sad and tragic it has to be.
In many ways, it is the lnhabitants in Taiwan that is drawing themselved to the Consequence for betraying their Motherland.

Anonymous said...

World War 3 is imminent and unavoidable.
Will probably happen within 5 yearr or earlier.

Anonymous said...

Tsai-lensky will fight to the last Taiwanese for her master.

She can run back to Japan if the shit really hits the fan.

Anonymous said...

Some Taiwanese are dying to be heroes, to fight and die for the DPP and the Americans, or is it for the Japanese?

Anonymous said...

They have been misled by the DPP's distorted history of China, thinking that they are fighting for independence. The truth is that they are fighting to be traitors of the Motherland. They forgot that they are Chinese and that China is their Motherland and Taiwan is a part of the Motherland.

Anonymous said...

The Taiwan People shall have to decide their own fate. It is up to their own sensibility.