
Singaporeans, PRs, locals, residents?

Read a front page article in thenewpaper talking about Jobless graduates
and the numbers of locals unemployed, residents unemployed but not a word
mentions about Singaporeans or PRs. What is a local, what is a resident? A
Singaporean, a non Singaporean, a PR or a foreigner that happened to work
here? Who cares?

Who cares about locals or residents? What a true blue Singaporean would be
concerned about would be the well being of Singaporeans, whether they are
happily employed or unhappily unemployed, under employed or retrenched.
This is what being Singaporean is all about. And isn’t this is what the
govt or people in govt should be concerned about?

Why are they mumbling about locals and residents? Are these some secret
codes that are used to confuse matters, to hide facts that are important to
Singaporeans? With all the numbers mentioned in the report, does any
Singaporean know how many Singaporeans are unemployed versus non
Singaporeans? Is this not the issue?

What is happening? What is the agenda? Does anyone want to know how many
Singaporeans are unemployed or retrenched? Locals, residents, what the
hell? These are meaningless terms unless we know what they are and what
portion or percentage is Singaporeans. Not talking about Singaporeans, not
wanting to say anything about Singaporeans is as good as not wanting to let
Singaporeans know, something to hide, something unpleasant to hide.

The fate of daft Sinkies is sealed but no one wants to talk about it. Not
saying it, not revealing it does not mean it will go away. Singaporeans
have a right to know what is the situation and whether they are being sold
to the karung guni man.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Uncle RB.
Today is International Happiness Day.
Hope your blog will bring Happiness to many Sinkies here, many r unhappy due to many reasons ( such as no money, no job, no boy or gal fren, no children, no pleasure etc)...

Virgo 49 said...

Singapore citizens, born and bred here are no longer considered as Singapore citizens.

Now, all are grouped as Residents. Whether you are here just today or born eighty years back as now pronounced as Residents.

Everbody owns this little rock.

So what's the Hell, the citizens or any person residing here is unemployed, under employed is not the government's concerns.

All are equal in their eyes.
But they still wayang, Singaporeans must be United to fight terrorism.

Announcement in the plane b4 Landing, now Singapore Residents, no more Singaporeans, loud and clear.

What's the Hell they carried National Service for fark??

SINKIES been Sinkies will never questioned them

Anonymous said...

Who cares about locals or residents?

Tiok. Nobody cares, not even PAP.

Because for the sake of GDP growth, if PAP can get 70% votes without caring for locals, why would PAP want to care?

So caring for locals is very low priority for PAP, if it does not help in GDP growth. Indeed it does not help because locals are expensive and also not enough of them to do the jobs needed for GDP growth.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Who cares whether you are singaporeas or others!

Living in singapore.......all same same!



Singapore today.....is no more the Singapore of yesterdays!

Wake-up! Wake-up!

No choice! How to change! You tell me!

So......be happy and worry less!


Anonymous said...

A Singapore without Singaporeans?
A country without citizens?
A shithole belonging to everyone here?

Anonymous said...

The low birth rate of Sinkies in Sinkieland has hit a low point of TFR 0.82 .The current Sinkies population is estimated to be 2+millions true blue born local Sinkies vs 4millions (foreigners,PR & new citizens)..which is why the garmen dun wan to classify into true blue Sinkies, or locals or residents or whatever la..Sinkieland now belongs to everybody in this earth..sold or hotel California or whatever u wanna call it ( eg. Foreign-pore, Rojiakpore, Cheenapore, Chneena-Indo-Pinoy-pore, or HsienLangPore ...u name it Lah...)..

patriot said...

Sin is a haven for the Filthy Rich no matter where they come from.
As for Native Sinkies, if You are rich or powerful, aristocrat or elite; You are member of the Chosen Ones.
The Rest of the Local Born serve National Service, clean the road, table and toilet. Drive and send the Loaded to where they want to go.
Sometimes getting bash up for not satisfying them.

Notice many youngs working at restaurant, retail outlet and frontline service that require long working hours and low pay to push up productivity?
Sinkies voted and asked for it.

Please DO NOT BLAME the Rulers of YOUR CHOICE.


Anonymous said...

Send PAP a message in GE 2020.
Vote out a PAP Minister.
And I think the employment of our Singaporean children will go up straight away.

True or not?
You tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

1 2 3 3 2 1 Singapore is number 1!

We are the world! We are the world!

新加坡是天堂! 新加坡是天堂!

如果新加坡不是天堂 哪里是天堂?

So.......we are the world.....新加坡是天堂!


Anonymous said...

7 signs Japan has become a ‘demographic time bomb’

Singapore is facing the same problem.
Is PAP's policies to blame?

We won't know until we vote out the PAP.
Vote out the PAP before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

it is good to dream like anonymous 9.26am.......

but who in the pap ministers line-up is the BEST candidate to be voted out.......

you tell me lah........

difficult.......although not impossible.......

anyway.......it is always good to dream.......dream on......

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9.26am
Some people predicted that PAPIES will still win in the next GE cos the Oppies not ready to form a garmen ...by then there will be many newly minted citizens to vote the PAPies ..which is why Ah Long Ge can be so happy even to visit the Gardens by the Beh to take photos of Sakura & on CNY took Jump Shots & says Huat ah as he is so sure that his party gonna rule 4ever..

Anonymous said...

It is indeed disappointing to note that there was no mention about Singaporeans in any of the communique. MSM loves to use the word "Locals" to mask government's failure to protect the interest of Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9.34am is 100% correct.

It is predicted that pap is likely to increase % to 79.99% at next ge.

Furthermore, pap is expected to recapture AHTC.

So how?

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, pap is expected to recapture AHTC.
9:53 am

Makes no difference to Aljunied residents like me, whether pap recapture AHTC or not.

I will still have my good life, whether it is WP or PAP MP.

Anonymous said...

The PAP will win the next election, and why not? They are doing a good job, plenty of jobs for all those who are qualified to do the work, good schools, best universities, good hospitals where those pioneers receive cheap and good care, a safe environment, good transport etc etc etc. I could go on, but lets face it, Singaporeans are too pampered and whinge too often and too much. Having the best and caring government for the past 50 or so years has resulted in a very " strawberry " society. It is time Singaporeans stand up and fight for the piece of economic pie. Nothing comes free and easy.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Singapore is the only in the country where the citizens did not mind or have no say and willingly giving the country away to foreigners.

The fallacy of a declining population is bad must be debunked. It is only bad in economic terms. A country like Japan and Singapore, with lesser populations, would be better place to live in. A world with lesser population would not lead to the rapid depletion of its resources and forest, its livestocks in the ocean, and mankind could live a few more centuries longer without self destruct.

Please stop spreading this stupid myth that smaller population bad. Bigger population is the real bad wolf. Get it?

Stupidity has no cure.

patriot said...

Without increasing the Population, how to increase consumption and
make consumption the Engine of Growth?

how to get rich as fast
as possible before destiny sets in?

They know the Fate of Sin because they make the Fate themselves.

Brace yourself for choosing them to lord over You. You deserve


patriot said...

Did someone predicts matilah Singapura?

Dare say the Predictor is damn wrong.

lt is matilah(die lah)
Singaporeans aka Sinkies
to be accurate and precise.


Anonymous said...

Yes! I agreed with rb.

Stop it! Stop that stupid myth that smaller population is bad!

Be simple! Be simple!

Please remember......简单才是福!

Yes! 简单才是福! 简单才是福!


patriot said...

Remember what the Late Horrible Man once said whence he launched his Stop At Two Birth Control Campaign, when thousands if not tens of thousands baby lives were aborted and killed.

His argument ror the Campaign then was that lesser children meant that they(the Children)
can enjoy more in terms of care, love and material.
However, when he wanted Sin to get rich fast to remunerate themselves well, he imported aliens and increased the Population. His Successors is doing more
to increase the Population in Sin.
Hence, Sin is sold and Sinkies are pawned as a consequence.

must say that it is the Choice of Sinkies for the State Of Affair in Sin..
Blame not the Nincompoops.



patriot said...

Remember what the Late Horrible Man once said whence he launched his Stop At Two Birth Control Campaign, when thousands if not tens of thousands baby lives were aborted and killed.

His argument ror the Campaign then was that lesser children meant that they(the Children)
can enjoy more in terms of care, love and material.
However, when he wanted Sin to get rich fast to remunerate themselves well, he imported aliens and increased the Population. His Successors is doing more
to increase the Population in Sin.
Hence, Sin is sold and Sinkies are pawned as a consequence.

must say that it is the Choice of Sinkies for the State Of Affair in Sin..
Blame not the Nincompoops.



Anonymous said...

"The fallacy of a declining population is bad must be debunked."

This is the most important key sentence. Politician talked about community bonding. Politicians ask one group born here to do NS, invite another group to take up jobs well above NS men s salary or leaving NS men jobless. Politicians asking for bonding or another word for "be loyal to me if my power is threatened by foreigners". Will the locally born group react?
I guess 20% will be died hard defending the politicians, the remaining 80% will watch the fire going, similar to those video watching the indian rioters burning the public owned cars.

One video showed an ambulance was about to explode. It was the rioters who opened the back doors to ask the trapped uniformed groups hiding inside to "run run".

I personally do not see the need to know the Singaporeans number being jobless. It is well known. We know the politicians hidden agenda. They are afraid that jobless foreigners are so few, and NS men jobless are so many more than the jobless PR.

The demand must go on. Whoever forms the new garmen, voters must demand to abolish NS or to push PR into NS in first generations. Many PR living in this place earning very good jobs but putting their sons away in other countries or home country to avoid NS.

NS is a liability that employer dislike to grant off days and to seek replacement for NS men s absence.

Do believe there is preference for born Singaporeans. It is not a family. It is just a place. The garmen gather difference groups to make money for them to enjoy the big salaries. They use gst as a tool to increase their pockets. Bigger number of head counts, bigger pockets they can take on.
What singaporeans or not, none of these politicians concern. Soon they may be at departure halls if there is invasion. Of course, the PR will line up at causeway and airport. Only Singaporeans have to stay home or report to camps. Why like that lah. Singaporeans vote for such system to work out the defense. U vote for it, u get it in democratic voting. May be opposition government will may singaporeans to feel they are singapore s natives, similar to japanese are japan s natives. U get the message clear? All depends on who u vote for in 2020GE.

Anonymous said...

/// Please stop spreading this stupid myth that smaller population bad. Bigger population is the real bad wolf. Get it? ///
March 20, 2017 10:41 am

Dear redbean
Respectfully it's you and the 70% voters who don't get it.

Smaller population is good for you.
But maybe smaller population is not so good for PAP.
Who does a smaller population benefit?
Who does a bigger population benefit?

Smaller population means fewer NS men.
Does fewer NS men means fewer PAP Generals?
Does fewer NS men mean a smaller military budget?

Smaller population means a smaller parliament.
Does a smaller population mean fewer PAP MPs in parliament?
Does a smaller population mean fewer PAP Millionaires in the Prime Minister's Office?

Smaller population means fewer new HDB flats will be required.
Does fewer new HDB flats mean fewer crony contractors will be happy?

Smaller population means fewer cars on the road.
Do fewer cars on the road result in lower COE prices?
Do fewer cars on the road result in less money being collected by the PAP government?

Ask not what is good for PAP.
Ask what is good for you and your family.
And then vote accordingly in GE 2020.

Anonymous said...

If there are no checks and balance on the PAP government ...
- will the PAP government do what is good for PAP?
- will the PAP government do what is good for Singaporeans?

Dafties. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Lao hero //Singaporeans
have a right to know what is the situation and whether they are being sold to the karung guni man.//

After how (selfish, self ctrd, kiasi, kiasu, kiachiakbore .....) sinkies behaved in 2015, it is not impossible non-apathetic sinkies decided to watch indifferently how these dafts are "screwty, standing there watching impassionately and emotionlessly, even if the kongcums AHs are bleeding profusely or intestines come out ......"?

One dunno ah ma/ ah gong (in msn?) already said these dafts must be made to feel the pain, beyond "human tolerance or threshold, until they fainted from unbearable, insufferable, excruciating pain, mb worst than a pregnant lady seikia ......"?

Does it matter whether such "dafts" are sold to "guni karang orang or african negroes to be sodomised senseless" or "like those naive 19th century coolies sold from asia to americunt karLEEfondnear LA as slave labourers and traded like piglets once they landed on americunt soil"?

Anonymous said...

AnonymousMarch 20, 2017 8:48 am
//Today is International Happiness Day.//

What abt Sinkies Happiness Day?


Is it this week 23rd March 2017 (thur super "toto")?

AnyboLEE (in msn) got xo or stout?

Can dabao a few roast peking ducks (to xia jiu) if yall want?

Cheers .....?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1.11pm
The 70% dafts think this way:

1) the PAP government will do wat is is Right for PAP.
2) the PAP government will do what is Right for the Locals (FTs, locally born Sinkies, PR & new citizens , as Sinkies has become a minority liao).
The above will always hold True as the Old Fart has promised the dafts he will put them Right when everything falls apart & it continue to his Son till eternity ( as nobody even dared to challenge Him to form a new Garman Leh)...many dafts will pay pilgrimage to His Holy-ness kindness come this week on 23rd March ..

Anonymous said...

@ March 20, 2017 1:47 pm

23rd March I very busy lah.
Opening my new bottle of Macallan Scotch Whisky.

Anonymous said...

@ March 20, 2017 1:17 pm

//Singaporeans have a right to know what is the situation and whether they are being sold to the karung guni man.//

If you don't vote Opposition, then how you know if you are being sold to the karung guni man?
Only Opposition can demand answers to such questions in parliament.

Anonymous said...

patriotMarch 20, 2017 10:59 am
//Without increasing the Population, how to increase consumption and
make consumption the Engine of Growth?//


In Economics, when u bring up consumption, any analysis is incomplete without considering consumers IBC (intertemporal budget constraint), LCH (Life Cycle Hypothesis), PIH (Permanent Income Hypothesis), RWH, Richardian Equivalence, Fisher Model of IC (Intertemporal Consumption), Euler's Economic Eqn ..... etc etc?

Sinkies life time income and thus wealth will be VASTLY lower given that someboLEE already rebutted WP NCMP Leon Pereira that HEALTHCARE expenses MUST go up (OVER TIME) and thus TAXES must go up (SOON & REPEATEDLY)?

Given by 2025 , seniors aged 65 and above will be triple (900k+ vs 300k+) the figure in 2013, means (in the words of someboLEE in parliament recently) HC (HEALTHCARE) will be funded by (3 times tax increase) to pay for the grey wave explosion or silver tsunami detonation by 2025?

Given expected taxation is going to go up (exponentially) over next 5 to 15 years, the life time income (and wealth too) CALCULATED at PV (present value) will be much reduced?

Where is the COMSUMPTION GROWTH going to come from?

Do you think those who rebutted WP NCMP Leon Pereira's qns in parliament recently are good with their economics policies (and numbers) to bring about LONG TERM SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE economic growth in peesai?

Are those motherhood statements ....... oops ..... objectives (abt sustainable and inclusive growth) published in the recent 2017 CFE reports ATTAINABLE?

The Neo-Keynesian KCF (Keynesian Consumption Function) of using population growth to drive consumption spending is theoretically flawed because it is based on current income (and taxes), NOT future income (and taxes)?

Empirically, from singstats.gov.sg data for recent years, per capita consumption spending in recent years has been falling (like MAD .....?) supporting the LCH or PIH analysis than the KCF analysis?

What do u think?

Are those who rebutted WP LP (Leon Pereira) in parliament recently on the right (Economic) track to engender SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH in peesai?

Or izzit Yr of Cock (so talk COCK only)?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB:

» Who cares about locals or residents? What a true blue Singaporean would be
concerned about would be the well being of Singaporeans, whether they are
happily employed or unhappily unemployed, under employed or retrenched.

NO LAH. You Don't understand Singaporeans at all.

A TRUE BLUE Singaporean only cares about himself/ herself. The most important thing is they they themselves have a job.

As "they say" in Singapore: ❝You die, your pasal!❞ Don't forget OK?

Anonymous said...

If I keep voting PAP.
Am I also voting for a nuclear power plant to be built in Singapore?


Anonymous said...

"AnyboLEE (in msn) got xo or stout?"

Thanks for reminder. I didnot know u guys bother to remember someone else s rebirth date haha.

be very gentleman please, do not be greedy on xo or beer.
celebrate celebrate, i like madona s song, celebrate, and open one, is enough, two is limit, no more, WHO s advise.

Anonymous said...

Why are there so many unhappy people around?

Must try to be happy lah.

70% already OK-ed.

What else do you want to do now?

Can only wait for next GE.

But dont be disappointed....predicted pap % will go up by 10%.

This is singapore.....voting is like that.

You dont know meh?

Anonymous said...

What do u call people who always hide the citizens' real issues of concern? -- PAP !

Anonymous said...

2.12pm //23rd March I very busy lah.
Opening my new bottle of Macallan Scotch Whisky//

Why would anyboLEE do that?

Bcos the LOVE in their hearts is everlasting (for 1,000 yrs)?

To understand, one just need to do the opposite and think of Hitler, Emperor Qin, Stalin ..... etc?

Even after 2,000+ years, Emperor Qin is remembered for burying scholars (alive), burning books, .......?

The emotional polar opposite in human beans evoke intense SCARS naturally?

A million years may not erase the brutalities committed ......?

Anonymous said...

Indoctrination, propaganda, disinformation, misinformation, confusion, psychological operations, psychological warfare, national education, half-truths and fake news - all these are tools of government to influence, pursuade and convince the populace by channeling them into a certain way of thinking in favor of the government. This is called the 'soft selling'. On the other hand, there is the 'hard selling' whereby intimidation, subjugation, repression and assassination are employed through the use of the police, spies, military, hit-men, lawyers, courts, prison and mental hospital. Remember always: There are two systems existing in parallel in any society - the open and the secret; the light and darkness; the overt and the covert; the legal and the illegal, the rational and the irrational, the good and the evil.

Anonymous said...

Singapore ranked 26th on list of world's happiest countries, according to a report. Is that fake news? How can Singaporeans be happier than the French, who came in at 31st ???

Anonymous said...

Fucking good!!! I need more cheap & obedient foreigners for my company. I don't mind paying them $2,500/mth plus fixed 1 month bonus if we exceed minimum profit target plus extra bonuses if more profits. $2.5K per month is equivalent to 7 months pay back home --- of course they will work like slaves for me. Sinkies mostly useless workers, especially those millennial types or those above 40+. Only want fat pay with easy jobs.

patriot said...

The Reason why the Consumers got to be aliens/foreigners.
And the More the Merrier.

Pappies not depending on locals who they know are losing their purchasing power.
Think it is obvious and everyone can see
it. lf they are blind, they can still hear that many Sinkies are jobless or working on contract with low pay and without benefit.
Most struggling to survive.


patriot said...

The Reason why the Consumers got to be aliens/foreigners.
And the More the Merrier.

Pappies not depending on locals who they know are losing their purchasing power.
Think it is obvious and everyone can see
it. lf they are blind, they can still hear that many Sinkies are jobless or working on contract with low pay and without benefit.
Most struggling to survive.


patriot said...

The Reason why the Consumers got to be aliens/foreigners.
And the More the Merrier.

Pappies not depending on locals who they know are losing their purchasing power.
Think it is obvious and everyone can see
it. lf they are blind, they can still hear that many Sinkies are jobless or working on contract with low pay and without benefit.
Most struggling to survive.


b said...

Majority of people voted for pap. The problem lies with the people.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies mostly useless workers, especially those millennial types or those above 40+. Only want fat pay with easy jobs.
3:31 pm

Not mostly, only some lah, although I personally encounter such Sinkies. That's why companies retrenched such Sinkies.

So such Sinkies are still a minority lah, so doesn't matter if they don't vote PAP.

Majority Sinkies are not useless, some even deserve their higher pay, that's why PAP can still win swee swee with 70% votes.

Anonymous said...

patriotMarch 20, 2017 3:34 pm
//The Reason why the Consumers got to be aliens/foreigners.
And the More the Merrier.//

How many countries are there with a higher per capita income (calculated at PPP - Purchasing Power Parity) than peesai?

If peesai citizens find the sky-HIGH COL (Cost of Living) unbearable, the Matlanders (exchange rate 1 to 3.17), Tigals (1 to 25), etc etc will find peesai very "CHEAP" and spend spend spend?

Ask the Matlanders who work in peesai and commute back daily the proportion of income they spend in peesai?

Often, even their breakfast and lunch also dabao from their own cuntry food outlets (cheaper by 66%)?

Knn, u know sthg, the other day 1 ang mo grandmother tourist asked for direction say cannot find taxi stand but after walked her to taxi stand and she saw the LO(OOOOOOO)NG queue of TAXIS (yellow, blue, red, maroon, black, silver and what have u except no rainbow colour [yet]), she said she worried taxi fare expensive, changed her mind and decided to take mrt instead ....... so walk her to mrt station which was just below the taxi stand (and the place she was gg was like 10 to 15 mins away by taxi and even then she finds it likely to be expensive .......)?

One data point may be laughable right?

Actually it is not one data point but countless ......?

Go to the various tourist spots in peesai ........?

Observe how they (the foreigners) dig their wallets to pay for the food etc ......?

With online shopping and DIRT cheap consumer goods even from KOREA or Japan, the retail biz is mostly as good as dead (not all, mostly, read carefully)?

Look at John Little?

Almost 200 years household name?

Sold for a big CHUNK of profits to the Abu Dhabi Investment group in the 2000s?

Bleeding red ink from day 1?

Even some "branded" multiple outlet F&B chains likely gg to down size and eventually follow JL "demise" (from the retail scene) over the next few years?

In financial industry, it is called the fallacy of the greater fools?

How many times a typical tourist would want to be "ripped off by the sky-high pricing here"?

A plate of cai fan at some tourist spots costs near to S$10?

To a Matlander, that is Rm30 for a plate of "lousy" cai fan?

To a Mainlander, that is Rmb50 for a plate of "lousy" Fan He?

To a Taiwanese, that is NT220 for a plate of "lousy" Bian Dang?

The Taiwanese can get a piping hot bowl of famous delicious Lu Rou Fan for as low as NT20 to NT30?

Their bakuteh meal with pig trotters are not that much higher in price mostly NT50 to NT90?

Not many Taiwanese are so daft to eat NT220 sinkie cai fan multiple times?

Anonymous said...

Majority of people voted for pap. The problem lies with the people.
4:11 pm

Majority of people are still OK in their life (money got enough) under PAP.

So there is no problem with the people voting PAP. The problem is that the people cannot even form an opposition ready to be govt, let alone do a better job than PAP.

Anonymous said...

Not many Taiwanese are so daft to eat NT220 sinkie cai fan multiple times?
4:20 pm

But no choice mah, if Sinkies cannot or don't want to cook and have to eat out.

Multiple times also have to eat, tio bo? Or eat your own sandwiches for lunch and dinner?

Anonymous said...

That's why if u look at the meals indian and blanga construction workers eat, it is like 5 bowls of rice, 1 big pkt of curry source with a few pieces of cheap cabbage and nothing else?

Anonymous said...

The only times these workers have plenty of dishes is at River Valley Kim Yam Rd, nearby Kallang Rd ..... etc?

Daily free vegetarian meals provided by the various Buddhist temples near those locations where some construction sites happened to be?

After 2 to 3 years, shift construction sites, then those workers back to eating equivalent of 3 to 5 bowls of cheap white rice, big pkt of curry sauce with few pieces of cabbage and nothing else?

Anonymous said...

For Matlanders workers, if they eat here, often see them order one plate of chicken or duck rice or roast pork rice then ADD what ......?

One to TWO ADDITIONAL bowls of white rice with free sauce ......?

Very gooooood SPENDING POWER lor?

Anonymous said...

Their bakuteh meal with pig trotters are not that much higher in price mostly NT50 to NT90?
4:20 pm

Taiwan got pig farms lah. In fact they even export pork to Japan for the ramen.

Singapore where got pig farm? Even pork from Indonesia is expensive. But don't know why they still don't want to import Malaysian pigs for slaughter like last time.

Anonymous said...

@patriotMarch 20, 2017 3:34 pm
//Pappies not depending on locals who they know are losing their purchasing power.
Think it is obvious and everyone can see
it. lf they are blind, they can still hear that many Sinkies are jobless or working on contract with low pay and without benefit.
Most struggling to survive.//

Angkor, what u said above could very well be CORRECT?


In simple Economic Consumer Theory, there are three types of goods ......?

1) Normal; 2) Inferior; and 3) Giffen Goods?

When prices &/ or income changes, there are these two EFFECTS attributed as Hicksian and Slusky Effects?

Anonymous said...

Between 2 goods or a choice of 1 good vs all other goods, there is substitution effect and income effect in the quantity consumed after the price &/ or income change?

A tax on essentials such as parking, water, electricity is as good as price increase?

Now, how do Hicksian or Slusky substitution and income effects translated in real world for different types of goods when prices change say due to 30% water tax, 20% to 50% carpark fees increase, and what have u .........?

Anonymous said...

To make matters simple, such effects are further analysed under compensated demand (or compensated variation aka CV) and equivalent variation (aka EV)?

Now, how to put all these together to tie to Angkor Patrait's empirical observations of eroding purchasing power?

During lunch time or dinner time at coffeeshops what u do see?

Virgo49 said...

Anon 4.58

Temasick investment in Batam Pig farms must make profits.

So no Malaysian pork.

Excuses not healthy, not clean.

But sinkies walloped bah kut teh with klang 101 varieties with relish.

Even our VVVIP walloped also.

But they banned pork products from Malaysia.

What a joke!

Wah today's all banks shares red red.

With many knock out effects akang datang.

One anon cajoled get on and compete with no free meals even though you are citizens.

Good, good, no priority for own citizens.

See whether he or she joined the ranks of the unemployment.

Whether he or she will shouted the papies are doing a good job.

Get on and compete with no free lunch.

Preach by old man who conned you by giving priorities to their own.

Anonymous said...

That is, which stall the queue LO(OOOOOOOO....OOO)NGEST?

Especially when time is bad?

For anyboLEE who have some trainings in economics, no need (waste time) go coffeeshops to confirm empirically?


Confirm not the "luxury goods or normal goods" stalls lor .....?

Bcos simple economic concepts mah?

When income falls due to wage decline &/ or price increase due to (rampant) taxes, for GIFFEN GOODS, the SUBSTITUTION EFFECT is negative but INCOME EFFECT positive?

Means what?

The INCOME EFFECT for giffen goods far outweighs the substitution effect and though price has shot up or income declined, consumers buy much more of such goods?

So as taxes keep PILING, PILING, no need to tell which QUEUE LO(OOOOO..OO)NEST at the coffeeshops?

Almost 100% is the stall selling the GIFFEN GOOODS?

Anonymous said...

Majority of Singaporeans, 70%, voted in for the PAP to govern them. Only 30% are against. That does not mean that 70% are in favor of the APP's policies and ruthlessness (in the habit of telling you to take the bitter medicine while they themselves take the sweet elixir).

Anonymous said...

Majority of Singaporeans, 70%, voted in 2015 for the PAP to govern them. Only 30% are against. That does not mean that 70% are in favor of the PAP's increasingly ruthless policies and self-enriching self-preserving priorities (in the habit of telling you to take the bitter medicine while they themselves take the sweet elixir). Making themselves millionaires while suppressing wages of commoners. Pro-rich and pro-business while rendering workers and their trade unions powerless to fight for their wages and using the National Wage Council as a tool to cushion and absolve all blames and responsibilities. Increasing shop and factory rentals, HDB flat prices, water and electricity prices, bus and train fares in order to reap more profits by sucking from the pockets of commoners. These tactics and strategies have been going on for decades, yet Singaporeans seem to love the. Perhaps the Japanese atrocities during WW2 have instilled into their psyche the willingness to take suffering as a form of social enjoyment? Or, perhaps the proverbial frog in the boiling pot is more apt to describe them? Very interesting species for research into human behaviour!

Anonymous said...

Lao Hero://Who cares?//


30%Sinkies升官发财死(le)PAPigs, 梦中也会笑呵呵?

Virgo49 8.53am //Everbody owns this little rock.//


EveLEEboLEE本是同林鸟, (PEESAI)大难临头各自飞?

Anonymous said...

"30%Sinkies升官发财死(le)PAPigs, 梦中也会笑呵呵?"

Google translate:

"30% Sinkies rose to death (le) PAPigs, dreams will laugh Oh?"

Anonymous said...

"EveLEEboLEE本是同林鸟, (PEESAI)大难临头各自飞?"

Google translate:

"EveLEEboLEE this is the same forest birds, (PEESAI) a major disaster?"

Anonymous said...

Weird - the ST is calling Singapore sweepers "heroes" !

patriot said...

A little creative tweak to the Housing Cooling Measures and it is reported that property business is picking up.
So yes property market is up, car sale is up and so is SGX Index.

Everything is rosy, at least for now.
Expect more sales.


patriot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The reporting of local, resident, sg, pr and foreigner classification is to smoke the sinkies lar. Whenever data is favourable to whatever category, it will be used.

Anonymous said...

11.09pm Patriot //SGX Index.//

According to some report, the US FED "printed" US$267 Billion between Mid Jan to End Feb 2017?

The balance sheet of FED before 2008 crisis was about US$800 billion?

They printed 1/3 that amount within 6 weeks?


Latest FED balance sheet reported at about US$3.9 trillion?

Anonymous said...

Patriot 11.09pm //So yes property market is up,......//

Funny right?

Borrowing cost is going up?

Mid Mar US FED just up short term Fed Fund market rate to 1%?

Peesai is an interest rate taker?

So borrowing cost also up in peesai?

US interest rate up but gold price also up?

Dun u find it strange?

US interest rate up but USD down?

From 1995 to 2000 is the dot com bubble?

Late 2000 dot com bust?

Late 2000 stock market crashed?

From 2002 to 2006 is the US property bubble?

2007 - 2008 global stock market crash and GFC?

From 2016 to 20xx what bubble?

The US public debt is going up exponentially?

How are they going to pay the debt?

And they are going big time into fiscal spending?

Money come from where?

In the past 200 years, unsustainable fiscal deficit in any country inevitably led to DEBT MONETISATION?

Anonymous said...

Stock market is just a paper market?

Investors buy in the belief share prices will go higher and he will make profit selling to a greater fool at an even higher price than he bought?

So after the 2016 US election, the US market is set for another bubble?

It is not if but when the new bubble will burst?

4 years too LO(OOOOO.....OOO)NG?

3 years probably buy enough time for the bubble to reach its limit where even taxi drivers, road sweepers, toilet cleaners are in the market?

A feel good frenzy like 2006 when eveLEE thing is so ROSY?

When taxi drivers, road sweepers, toilet cleaners talking about stock market, better run as fast as u can?

Historically, when even aunties are expurts in the stock market, it means bubble reach its limit le?

What happened in latest G-20 meeting?

After BREXIT, London stock market at record high?

So globalisation good or no good?

What answer did the market give?

After BREXIT, London market at record level?

Before Jun 2016 BREXIT referendum, global financial experts were warning all kinds of Dire Consequences?

Then now when it happens, UK London stock market at record high?

After BREXIT Article 50 trigger date set as 29 Mar 2017?

Hope 29 Mar 2017 sky won't pour like it did on 29 Mar 2015?

Angkor Patrait, do u think we are in an "interesting" era?

Modern economics founding father Adam Smith published his magnum opus "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" in 1776, the same year the US broke away from the Pax Britannica empire?

The fate of Adam Smith's free market system, ironically dubbed Capitalism by of all people Karl Marx, may share the same fate and destiny as the US as a superpower?

In 2009, in a coffeeshop in the middle peesai, an ex-thug couldn't pay for the beers he ordered?

And the beer auntie openly sneered at this guy saying "What Lao Da when 2 bottles of beer oso no $$$ pay?"

Can a thug still call himself one when no $$$ le?

Can a superpower still be one when every month it needs to borrow about US$60 to US$80 billions to pay its bills?

What happens when a superpower tells the market it intends to borrow trillions to finance its infrastructure projects when it already owned 20 trillions and its yearly interest payment alone wipe out its yearly income tax revenue?

Btw, even a 30-year bond will be due eventually?

A 30-year bond issued in 1987 will be due this year?

A 10-year bond issued in 2007 will be due this year?

A 5-year bond issued in 2012 will be due this year?

A 2-year bond issued in 2015 will be due this year?

Obama administration issued nearly US$8 trillion bonds between 2009 to 2016?

Whether 10-year bond or 5-year bond or what naught will be due when it is due?

How the US going pay when they need to borrow money every month for operating expenses and interest payment?

With an annual US$800 billion trade deficit, the whole world has to lend $$$ to the US to finance their imports?

When this relationship eventually breaks down what will happen?

Sinkies enjoys shopping in matland at 1 to 3++ exchange rate?

One day, hypothetically, when 1 SGD sells for 3 USD, what do u think the world would have become?

With the trajectory of the US debts, when less and less people lend money to them, it means they will have to print more?

And the exchange rate has to come down in relation to how much they print?

A current account deficit can only be balanced by a net BOP surplus?

If the other sources of capital flow dry up, the current deficit means a bop deficit means perpetual depreciation?

Is depreciation good for their exports?

Their debts in USD anyway?

Can a govt force its creditors to take a hair cut?

How about their imports down the road?

Who would have thought this generation might be living in a time to witness a historic moment?

How long can the current party prolong before the night finally ends?

Anonymous said...

Patrait 11.09pm //.....car sale is up.....//

Who is buying?

How many cars parked in your HDB multi-storey carparks have SLx car plates?

How many belong to Uber and Grab rental companies?

Anonymous said...

Patrait 11.09pm //So yes property market is up, car sale is up and so is SGX Index.
Everything is rosy, at least for now.
Expect more sales.//

Property up?

Faster borrow $$$ go buy lah?

Got $$$ to make dun want?

Stupidity got no medicine to cure?

Future so good then change the cooling measures dare to lend at 20% downpayment?

patriot said...

Good Morning Sir Chua Chin Leng and All.

This Morning Channel News Asia reported that the Rich are getting richer; a confirmation of what most people have observed and something commonsensically known to common man in the street as money makes monies.

Got to say that l know nuts about economy: what l read in the Media, Main, Old, New, Alternative or Official, l try to make sense of them with my own observation of the Market.

COMMONSENSE tells us that there are smog, smoke, fume, fart, propaganda and fake in all reports. Much more real are the Many Expurts and Experts in the So-called professional analyst, specialists in economy, market, business and even medical field.
Of course, we also know of many expurt/expert in other field such as Geology, Vocanology etc
and none ever predicts an eruption before it happens.

Happened to watch one Economist that appears on Channel News Asia as frequently as the Newscasters one or two days back winked his right eye involuntarily whence he told viewers that the GDP Forecast is
the Highest at 2.8% for the Coming Year.
l find that 'Wink' very interesting and that anyone can read it anyway one fancies.

Like volcano eruptions, the Many Stock Market Crashes that are being mentioned by the My Singapore News Resident Economist cum Geomancer, were also never ever predicted by any specialist though even lowly educated me knows and even speculated them; the Only Inaccuracy in the Speculations were the Timings the Crashes took place. Like to say there were commonsense in the Speculations as what goes up must come crashing sooner or later, no much intelligence needed.

Okay, US print money anytime it likes, how much is printed is anybody's guess. Sin also print monies. lf anyone wonders what happens if one Sgd becomes three US Dollars, my guess in that the World will still believe and rely on the US $ as the World currency.

l have an imagination for sometimes that Sinkies may wake up one morning to find that the Sin Dollar is unwanted hy other countries.
When l told friends about my imagination, they told me that l have gone nuts or even berserk.
l hope l am indeed too imaginative because l keep thinking there is nothing in Sin to back up
Sin Currency when Sin is sold and all that's left are all liability.

as l speculated before, the End could be two three secades away and by then l am no more in Sin due to old age.
l am just worry about it happening much earlier. Things can be very freaky like weather and weather according to us Chinese is
天有不测风云/weather is changeable without warning.
The Second Coupling/Verse
shall be left for us to let reality shows us.


patriot said...

Must say l know nuts about economy or economic.


Anonymous said...

Patriot 9.01am //Happened to watch one Economist that appears on Channel News Asia as frequently as the Newscasters one or two days back winked his right eye involuntarily whence he told viewers that the GDP Forecast is
the Highest at 2.8% for the Coming Year. l find that 'Wink' very interesting and that anyone can read it anyway one fancies.//

Ha ha ha ha

When u realise how the (economic) numbers are added together, that "wink" is no more a "mystery"?

That (kind of) "wink" may mean different thing though if targeted at the opposite sex (hopefully not the same sex, oh gosh?)?

Anonymous said...

Patriot 9.01am //Okay, US print money anytime it likes, how much is printed is anybody's guess.//


That is an interesting observation given recent settings?

After the mid Mar 2017 US FED short term fed fund rate hike, that was how the market reacted, was it not?

Stock went up, USD down, Gold up etc etc?

Is the market crazy?

It took the rate hike as rate cut (for the way it reacted)?

Funny huh?

Anonymous said...

patriotMarch 21, 2017 11:06 am //Must say l know nuts about economy or economic.//

In the financial market, there is always this UNCERTAINTY?

Even the most complex macroeconometric models cannot predict everything bcos real life and nature is dynamic?

For example, no model could have predicted 911 (at least the scale, timing, targets, damage etc etc), right?

Many billionaires probably "know nuts" about economic theories too?

For example, if u ask them why the market reaction to the recent US FED rate hike was the opposite of what was expected, how many can give an explanation?

But they are billionaires, at least still?

Tons of economists beside many other fields expirts will help them make money lah ......?

Conclusion: Many billionaires probably also know nuts about complex economics models and theories but they still become billionaires?

So whatever written here are not any advice/ recommendation per se but just tkss lah (as part entertainment for msn oldies ......)

Whoever reads and makes decision based on tkss will be at their own risks lah .......

Anonymous said...

Patriot 9.01am //Like volcano eruptions, the Many Stock Market Crashes that are being mentioned by the My Singapore News Resident Economist cum Geomancer, were also never ever predicted by any specialist though even lowly educated me knows and even speculated them; the Only Inaccuracy in the Speculations were the Timings the Crashes took place. Like to say there were commonsense in the Speculations as what goes up must come crashing sooner or later, no much intelligence needed.//

Tiok lah?

If an IMH fool say he can (defy gravity forever and) fly, can believe or naught?

Now, in the US political and economic arena, there are more than meet the eyes?

In the year of the COCK, politicians (and their cronies) can talk whatever "CORK" they want but in the end, when they "mess up", the masses and future generations foot the bills?

The market reacted the way they did since Nov 2016 bcos there are certain expections?

So the race is against time?

The clock is ticking?

The term for current US FED chair and vice-chair expires in early 2018?

So will they be re-appointed or replaced?

Would they want to be re-appointed (...........)?

Now, certain things can be said, some wiser left unsaid ........?

There are many able players in the world (and the US is not the only game in town)?

As u have rightly said, what goes up must come down?

Mind "old fren", watch the fundamentals .......?

Before the GFC, the US FED balance sheet was about USD800 billion and about "20+ bullets" to use .....?

Now it is about USD4+ trillion with more than half in US govt treasury bills?

And the US FED only have about "3 bullets" left (unless they "reload")?

What about the rest of the world?

There are many variables ...... (some better left unsaid)?

Anonymous said...

Patriot 9.01am //Anyway, as l speculated before, the End could be two three secades away and by then l am no more in Sin due to old age. l am just worry about it happening much earlier. Things can be very freaky like weather and weather according to us Chinese is 天有不测风云/weather is changeable without warning. The Second Coupling/Verse shall be left for us to let reality shows us.//

In life, anything is possible?

It is just a matter of probability?

That brings to the point of near and mid term outlook?

Many people only know about business cycle and thus tend to talk about business cycle?

Have u often come across people talking about "political cycle"?

So, given the current political cycle, the "economic sky" should hold up bah (with reasonable probability) ...... at least in the near term?

As regards to the 2nd verse, how about the following addition?


Cannot blog anymore le (for a LO(OOOOO)NG time to cum)



patriot said...

lf Nature is incharge or not meddle with as in organic development, things shall be unpredictable. And there shall be chances of 祸福/calamity or blessing.
However, when humans are incharge, fate is very much in their hands. lt shall all depends on their 善恶/virtue or evil and the End will be the Result and Consequence of the Deeds Done.
ln Sin, much have went and gone awry with avarice and glory seeking.
Vices are being used and promoted as means to wealth against the Virtue of propriety and proper human behaviours. Humanities are sidelined for greed and selfishness.
Leaders are rewarding themselves sinfully and exploiting the People with impunity.

There is little concern
about the wellbeings of the People who are goaded to downgrade their property and job to survive for their old age and make to work longer hours as they turn older even into their late 60s and beyond in age.

There is glaring neglects in the Care and Concern of Family Bonding and the Spiritual Wellbeing Aspects of the People of all ages.

Things have all come to a head where it has gone irreversible. Although the Chinese has a Saying
先死后生 meaning there can be a new beginning when thing comes to an end,
everyone would prefer a natural end as in 生老病死/die or end naturally due to maturity and NOT due to accident or MANMADE MISTAKE 而不是人造或招的祸害。

It shall be very regrettable if 祸/calamity ends a society due to human mistake(s).


patriot said...

'organic development' in my above comment to read
natural(organic) growth
as well.


Anonymous said...

Anon 22 Mar 2017, 3.01am (Under 21 Mar 2017 Post)
//There are too many smart alecs but no real talents with the feel of the ground in the world stage as well as at home. None of them has the vision for the future. That's why they need a huge team of more than a thousand experts and the duration of 3 years to come out with the a stereo-type CFE, the main parts of which are mere adaptations and modifications of previous Economics papers. With leaders like that Singaporeans are doomed!//

Patriot 5.06pm
//ln Sin, much have went and gone awry with avarice and glory seeking.
Vices are being used and promoted as means to wealth against the Virtue of propriety and proper human behaviours. Humanities are sidelined for greed and selfishness.
Leaders are rewarding themselves sinfully and exploiting the People with impunity.//

Anonymous March 21, 2017 9:08 pm (Undèr 21 Mar Post)
//They really believe that they are the real talents and the rest of the Sporeans are daft.
Their insane desire to bring in more bodies for growth is driving them mad. Not enough water, not enough power/electricity and die die want to build nuclear plants.//

Patriot 5.06pm
//There is little concern
about the wellbeings of the People who are goaded to downgrade their property and job to survive for their old age and make to work longer hours as they turn older even into their late 60s and beyond in age.//

Anonymous March 21, 2017 7:49 pm (Under 21 Mar Post)
//They are not here to serve you. They are elected to boss over you. Their mid and top people are usually unreachable. They have low level people to run your lives. You have problems...go beg or say ...pretty please//

Patriot 5.06pm
//There is glaring neglects in the Care and Concern of Family Bonding and the Spiritual Wellbeing Aspects of the People of all ages.//

Patriots 5.06pm
//Things have all come to a head where it has gone irreversible.//

AnonymousMarch 21, 2017 7:45 pm (Under 21 Mar Post)
//"deep engineering talent in Singapore"

Many engineers are jobless, this guy is looking for engineers for future needs?
When he next say singapore engineers are short, there are many engineers from mumbai and chennai might be the next.
Singaporeans are so receptive, whatever these guys say, singaporeans agree. Watch the hr go through the middle men and fly to mumbai to select talents. When hr comes back, ask him got shiok to hire from overseas. Its the same old tricks starting to surface again.//

Patriot 5.06pm
//It shall be very regrettable if 祸/calamity ends a society due to human mistake(s).//

AnonymousMarch 21, 2017 7:27 pm (Under 21 Mar 2017 Post)
>>>>>Dr Puthucheary<<<<<
>>>>>also said efforts to improve the way the Government is run will not work as well as desired without "excellent people".

"A big part of what we want to do is to build a deep engineering talent in Singapore, bringing more people into engineering, into ICT engineering, cyber security engineering, data analysis, whether they're here in Singapore or Singaporeans residing overseas."

He added that there are many talented Singaporeans working in these fields overseas. "We're hoping we can attract people back into Singapore to build that engineering team here."

"Smart nation"? Govt is getting invasive. Be afraid, be very afraid - the rise of Sin religion<<<<<

Anonymous said...

AnonymousMarch 20, 2017 9:02 am
>>>>>///Who cares about locals or residents?///RB

Tiok. Nobody cares, not even PAP.

Because for the sake of GDP growth, if PAP can get 70% votes without caring for locals, why would PAP want to care?
So caring for locals is very low priority for PAP, if it does not help in GDP growth. Indeed it does not help because locals are expensive and also not enough of them to do the jobs needed for GDP growth.<<<<<

AnonymousMarch 20, 2017 2:12 pm

///23rd March I very busy lah.

Opening my new bottle of Macallan Scotch Whisky.///

AnonymousMarch 20, 2017 2:34 pm

///Thanks for reminder. I didnot know u guys bother to remember someone else s rebirth date haha.

be very gentleman please, do not be greedy on xo or beer.
celebrate celebrate, i like madona s song, celebrate, and open one, is enough, two is limit, no more, WHO s advise.///

AnonymousMarch 20, 2017 9:05 am
>>>>>Yes! Who cares whether you are singaporeas or others!
Living in singapore.......all same same!
Singapore today.....is no more the Singapore of yesterdays!
Wake-up! Wake-up!
No choice! How to change! You tell me!

So......be happy and worry less!
