
Water pricing no need rocket scientist

A person needs just so much water to clean himself and so much water to drink daily. Many are already using the minimum to keep themselves clean and not smelly, and drink just enough to be alive. Should these people be forced to cut down using the little amount of water they are using now with this 30% tax hike to remind them that water is a strategic asset, a national security asset? Which clowns are making such unreasonable demands on the poor people trying to be alive? It is nonsense, it is cruel, wicked and insane to make such demands on the people already living with the bare minimum to be slammed with a 30% price increase.

You don’t need a rocket scientist to explain to the clowns that people need a minimum amount of water to live and to clean themselves for basic hygiene needs. But the clowns are so thick that they could not understand this. And now a foreign talent could not tahan their stupidity, and the media in agreement, had to publish his thoughts to remind the clowns that this foreign talent could not take it anymore. And the reasons given are simple common sense that any daft sinkie would also know.

Dr Jochen Krauss said this as reported in the Today paper, ‘A fair system needs to differentiate users.’ Can understand this or not? He added, ‘But it is the Government’s responsibility to ensure the lower income can afford and have access to water….At some point, households will not be able to reduce their water consumption any further.’ Why thoughtlessly hike the price of water across the board to hit the lower income households who are struggling to pay the water bill with another 30% increase? Is this a responsible thing to do for a govt that claimed to be caring, compassionate and ‘thinking’ because it is all so talented? Where is the thinking, where is the compassion, where is the caring? I can’t find them, can you?

This Dr Jochen must be so exasperated to find the nonsensical logic being shafted down the people’s throat thinking that the people cannot see the silliness of the reasoning and had to say it out. Be sensible and responsible, and stop hitting the poor and lower income households with a sledgehammer. Super talent? Caring? All inclusive, no one being left out? Oops, yes all inclusive, no one being left out from this 30% hike, all must kena taxed and made to know the price of water even when they are using the bare minimum.

Should not there be a reward for people who are already using the bare minimum, who already knew the value of water, and are saving this precious water, not wasting them? The thinking of this policy is that these people also must be made to feel the price of expensive water regardless of whether they know or did not know. This is the same kind of silly totalitarian thinking like when one person went to Batam to spend his money then all the CPF members must be punished.

The truth is that they are just finding excuses to keep the people from their CPF money. And in this water hike case they just want to tax more, to collect more money. They cannot be so stupid not to know how nonsensical and unreasonable is the logic and the policy. They are punishing the very responsible people who have been cutting down on wastage of water over the years.

Stupidity has no cure.


Anonymous said...

On my everyday morning walks I find helpers washing cars each and every morning. The same cars are being washed EVERY MORNING. I ask myself, is this ritual a necessity or is it just to keep the helpers from idling? Water wastage is it not?

Virgo 49 said...

All the time, they used penalties to find solutions to the problems that they created.

So, the easiest way is to hit your pockets.

Sinkies always bite the bullets and bear with their policies.

So, they always think it would worked fine.

Really Gaji buta.

Anonymous said...

No one is asking you to cut down on water usage.
Just pay for what you use.
Increase is good to prevent water wastage.You can bath once a day instead of 3 times .Drink 2 kopi instead of 3.Many in kopitiam also drink half or 80% instead of finishing all.
Or you can join Virgo,stay
Genting hotel or Malaysia soak in water whole day or bath ten times also no one care.
Oops,since when we contribute cpf?

Virgo 49 said...

Anon 8.42

In every consumption, some people will waste unnecessarily what they supposed to consume.

Buts that you cannot hit everybody just because some do so. Just like some squandered their monies in Batam and some gambled away.

You cannot impose rules to hit everybody just because of a few.

Simply don't want to admit their bad policies of having too many trashes of consuming the water.

Anonymous said...

It is disappointing that no MPs or Minister can provide a satisfactory explanation as to why water rate needs to go up now and why 30%. After this round of rate hike, will there be more or people are assured of no more trouble for the next 10 years? Tell us the truth. We can take it. Just do not feed us with bullshit!!! Can?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha......good morning everyone here..........

Yes! Stupidity has no cure!

But, who is actually stupid?

They are not stupid!

How about the 70% OK-ed? Are they stupid?

No! No one is stupid!

They know what they are doing! They are not stupid!

Now, they are just getting the treatments they deserve, so why kpkb, now!

What for? No use now! What can you do now? Waste time!

Even if the increase is 300%.......You also "lan-lan"! Yes only "lan-lan"!

Too late! Too late! To do anything.

Anyway, it is predicted that the OK% will likely to be 79.99% at next GE.

So.......be happy and worry less!


Virgo 49 said...

Right Anon 8.50

Wait till the day you have severe draught. The Sultan of Johore cuts off your water. Their peoples need them more. Or made an excuse when.their pop also goes up with their influx of PRCs and Sinkies.

Breaks agreement, so what break agreement.
Then you have to buy bottled water to drink or even your own urine.

So make.hay whilst the Sun shines. Buy a cheap apartment in Matland and you can even bathe ten times a day. One month's only 30Rm at sin 15.

Or you can even bathe in.goat's milk at Melaka


Anonymous said...

//Be sensible and responsible, and stop hitting the poor and lower income households with a sledgehammer.//

Angkor, the poor & low income has been given U-save ( 1-2roomers r given $380 a year an increase in $120, 3rm is $300 increase in $100..) by the miws garmen.
As wat an Ah Neh some years ago ask an MP Lilie -- " ..do u wanna eat in Hotel, Restaurant or food court?"
This wise garmen water hike to everyone so that the rich will not question them why rob from them to subsidize the poor & low income. Furthermore, the rich might even use more water than the rest, so "..wat wrong with that? What wrong with collecting more Assh Eleven?"

Anonymous said...

Stupidity has no cure.
- But voting Opposition can get rid of a lot of stupidity.

True or not?
You tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

/// But the clowns are so thick that they could not understand this. ///

But the motherfucking clowns do understand this.
But they also understand what they have to do to maintain their Millionaire status.

So no choice lah.
Mental masturbate like a sex crazed monkey lah.
And hope to get re-elected again by a bunch of equally clownish voters in 5 years time.

Anonymous said...

Here's a video of a Mental Masturbating Monkey.
Do you think we should vote to make him a Millionaire in GE 2020?



Did a Monkey say "Sex in a small space" ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agreed, the biggest clowns are the 70%. They would keep voting for more tax and fee hikes to feed the hungry appetite and dignity of the millionaires.

Anonymous said...

Cheap wah! Just only 30%! Can afford wah.

Why kpkb. The increase should be 100%. 100%! 100%!

Just 30%! 30% 30%

The masses must sing the song....."Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!"!


Anonymous said...

RB//the biggest clowns are the 70%. They would keep voting for more tax and fee hikes to feed the hungry appetite and dignity of the millionaires.//

Unkol, the above is not a fair statement. Bcos majority of the 70% depends their livelihood on the PAPies govt..some need pension, some need subsidies, some need jobs, some need medical/emotional care, some need facilities..etc
Today, is World Water Day , Save it & Dun Waste it, Dun overprice it, water is our existence & very precious so dun take advantage of it..

Anonymous said...

I think RB is just making mounyains out of mole hills. 30% is affordable. I think it should be more.

Anonymous said...

March 22, 2017 10:32 am
/// Unkol, the above is not a fair statement. Bcos majority of the 70% depends their livelihood on the PAPies govt..some need pension, some need subsidies, some need jobs, some need medical/emotional care, some need facilities..etc ///

You mean a WP government or an SDP government will not give you pension, subsidies, jobs, medical/emotional care, and facilities ??

But certainly an Opposition Government will not be able to help Singaporeans;
will be prevented from helping Singaporeans;
by a pro PAP President aided by a pro PAP civil service.

true or not?

Anonymous said...

//You mean a WP government or an SDP government will not give you pension, subsidies, jobs, medical/emotional care, and facilities ??//

The Teo Chew Ah Hia & Aung Juan Soo Chee can answer that question...

Probably their answers would be ...u think wat? We r Trumph or Cai Shen Ye...not unless we r voted in majority to access the taxpayers monies & ask the Papies to fxxxx o Lah..

Anonymous said...

Increase water tax is not serious, increased electricity is more costly. Go look at the bills.
LTK asked if GST is to be increased. No answer. It means this one is coming sooner. This increase in GST plus the 30% water tax, plus increase in Minimum Sum on CPF, all deserved voters s Celebration.

Play "Celebration" by Kool and the gang today and tomorrow and drink one stout or maxi 2. It s time to ponder if you still want to vote for Pap in 2020GE.

Singapore is the most expensive city by FT. You ask yourself dude. Do you want to invest in a place with highest rental, highest car price, highest household electricity and water? Smallest in area to run when bombing by enemies. Never under estimate the potential for being bombed when war break out. This place is the front for Obama s balance asia against China. If u export to China, u wanna invest in this place and export to china?
Yes you can export to Vietnam, but your made in singapore product will also frighten the vietnamese, not just you singaporeans.

In short, the lavish party of paying foreigners to have good jobs here for them to acquire PR at least monthly billions dollars are drawing out of singapore from 700000x$4000pm=$28,0000,0000, paying foreigners kids to attend schools $360millions, etc

When you look at the figures, you can tell retailers opening shops are just waiting to close shop sooner. Not enough buyers with purchasing power. All are consumers, some have jobs but shipping the earned cash out monthly, some born here have no income to buy simple vege. Banks are doing very well with loans from properties owners that reported on gst. But the time to pay the loans must be supported by incomes, where are the incomes if citizens have no jobs?

The way the elite manage finances is questionable from the outside look inside view. No way there can be a boom as the hired from chennai or pinoys islands are just papers printed masters. They create nothing new to sell, not even working well as product. Wanna export to US or China is impossible. This Population policy is killing Singapore. It is out of sheer for show mentality. To show to the Hillary clan it is a globalization example. But it is a failure. Implode by nature, in next 10 years. Simple: run out of cash to pay the elites lavish plans.

If the 70% are still insistent to vote Pap. Tmr play Kool s Celebration at dawn time is the great reminder. Doom eventually.

Virgo49 said...

Water Resources portfolio given to who???


Yault, drink Yault every day. No need water.

Think his family or for that matter the MIWs families in sinkieland??

That's why now his ministry's tasks back to PMO office.

Cannot even sacj him.Not enough their kind for showroom.

Anonymous said...

AnonymousMarch 22, 2017 11:01 am
///Increase water tax is not serious, increased electricity is more costly. Go look at the bills.
LTK asked if GST is to be increased. No answer. It means this one is coming sooner. This increase in GST plus the 30% water tax, plus increase in Minimum Sum on CPF, all deserved voters s Celebration.

Play "Celebration" by Kool and the gang today and tomorrow and drink one stout or maxi 2///

Anonymous March 20, 2017 2:12 pm
(Under MSN RB 20 Mar 2017 Post:)
///23rd March I very busy lah.

Opening my new bottle of Macallan Scotch Whisky.///

AnonymousMarch 20, 2017 2:34 pm
(Under MSN RB 20 Mar 2017 Post:)
///Thanks for reminder. I didnot know u guys bother to remember someone else s rebirth date haha.

be very gentleman please, do not be greedy on xo or beer.
celebrate celebrate, i like madona s song, celebrate, and open one, is enough, two is limit, no more, WHO s advise.///

AnonymousMarch 22, 2017 8:58 am

/////>>>>> Cheers! <<<<</////

Anonymous said...

AnonymousMarch 22, 2017 3:01 am
(MSN RB 21 Mar 2017 Post:)
///That's why they need a huge team of more than a thousand experts and the duration of 3 years to come out with the a stereo-type CFE, the main parts of which are mere adaptations and modifications of previous Economics papers.///

AnonymousMarch 22, 2017 9:46 am
/////>>>>> Here's a video of a Mental Masturbating Monkey.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdqiF3m8AjU <<<<</////

Anonymous said...

lucky it is just 30%......thank you very very much to our govt.......

lucky it is not 100%......count our blessings.......

lucky we still have water without rationing.......

so just 30% increase it is nothing.......cheap cheap........

btw, 70% voted for this........they asked for it lah........

so never mind lah.....30% 30% lah......let it be lah......

just be happy lah......dont kpkb kpkb lah.....


Anonymous said...

Why thoughtlessly hike the price of water across the board to hit the lower income households who are struggling to pay the water bill with another 30% increase?

Why not? Hike or no hike, 70% will still vote for PAP anyway, so if can increase govt revenue, why not?

Anonymous said...

Who did the lower income households voted for?

If they voted PAP, serve them right with the hike.

If they voted opposition, too bad lah, they are only a minority.

So the solution is to help themselves to make more money to pay for the hike.

Because God and PAP only help those who helped themselves.

Anonymous said...

"if can increase govt revenue, why not?"

This is the kind of loyal resident not citizen or voter Singapore should have many more. Join Pap or RC you can have free chicken rice at rally and tc functions.

When u die, u donate the sale proceeds of your hdb flats to pinky s coffers. Can get public service medal upon your anniversary after death. 70% will agree to this.

Anonymous said...

AnonymousMarch 22, 2017 12:45 pm
>>>>>///Why thoughtlessly hike the price of water across the board to hit the lower income households who are struggling to pay the water bill with another 30% increase?///

Why not? Hike or no hike, 70% will still vote for PAP anyway, so if can increase govt revenue, why not?<<<<<

AnonymousMarch 19, 2017 1:43 pm
(19 Mar 2017 Post)
//Sori ..off topic.

Yesterday in Shin Ming Chinese newspapers a motor cyclist ( named 斯乐马 or Selamat) was being hit by 'flying' wheel & killed & died on the spot..according to the newspaper Selamat is a ruby coach & a active 'supporter' of the Jurong YU Hua ward & even gave speeches in GE 2015 in support of the ruling party...even the minister A Grace Foo came to attend the coach funeral...a sad scene tat such mishaps happened (dunno is it a sign of cause&effect or juz a mere co-incident..NoBoLee knows)..//

Anonymous said...

Selamat is a ruby coach & a active 'supporter' of the Jurong YU Hua ward & even gave speeches in GE 2015 in support of the ruling party...even the minister A Grace Foo came to attend the coach funeral...a sad scene tat such mishaps happened (dunno is it a sign of cause&effect or juz a mere co-incident..NoBoLee knows)..//
3:18 pm

So many are in support of the ruling party...but why they never get hit by 'flying' wheel & killed & died on the spot?

U mean in support of opposition u won't die is it?

If your time is up, God will take u away lah, doesn't matter who u support.

That's why Heng Swee Keat kena stroke jialat jialat also can recover. Even LHL kena cancer also can live long long because God decide their time not up yet.

Virgo 49 said...

Pandol is very saleable at the S11 shop just besides the Maybank Premises. Hordes of casino patrons came and but EXTRA strong pink coloured Pandol at Genting Resorts and then back to fight another afternoon or night.

Can cure stupidity and boost alertness to Huat Huat Huat.


Anonymous said...

"pink coloured Pandol"
No longer sold in little dot. can huat huat huat with white color water electricity taxes car coe petrol taxes conservancy charges lagi gst. Need top killer pink color but out of stock long time ago.

b said...

They are not elected to serve the people. They are elected to serve themselves and milk the people. Irony of elections.

b said...

But the alternative is marxism which is even more dangerous. Afterall, they are all kleptocracies.

Anonymous said...

//That's why Heng Swee Keat kena stroke jialat jialat also can recover. Even LHL kena cancer also can live long long because God decide their time not up yet.//

These people r living phantom reincarnated to this world so that the 70% dafts Sinkies believe in them ...of course in time to come God/or Hades will come to bring them back with the chanting of mudra "..wat's wrong with collecting more monies?..."

Anonymous said...

The spat of thoughtless reasoning behind the sudden and exhorbitan price increase for the basic life-support necessity, the precious water, after a 395% increase since 1990 and a lull of guilty-conscious 17 years of no increase, is a strong indication that there is a HIDDEN REASON which they are trying6very hard to cover up. One thing, though, is very clear: The Govt is DESPERATE FOR CASH! Singaporeans are now entering a New Dark Age, where trusted politicians are becoming unrealistic, unreasonable, unreliable, unconscionable and unscrupulous! It is time to see and take the hard truth by the horns, think deeply and make a definitive decision to put political power back into your own hands. Wake up Singaporeans!

Anonymous said...

The spat of thoughtless reasoning behind the sudden and exhorbitan price increase for the basic life-support necessity, the precious water, after a 395% increase since 1990 and a lull of guilty-conscious 17 years of no increase, is a strong indication that there is a HIDDEN REASON which they are trying extremely hard to cover up. One thing, though, is very clear: The Govt is DESPERATE FOR CASH! Singaporeans are now entering a New Dark Age, where trusted politicians are becoming unrealistic, unreasonable, unreliable, unconscionable and unscrupulous! It is time to see and take the Hard Truth by the horns, think deeply and make a definitive decision to put political power back into your own hands. Wake up! Rise up! Unity is strength, Singaporeans!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

OK you lot of out-of-touch cheebyes, who prefer to have your fear-focused imaginations led astray by name-calling and scaremongering Yellow Journalism instead of looking at facts.

Water has been underpriced for years. Now they've set a "new" price. Is it the actual market price. Of course not. The single, one-only water utility is owned and run by The State and so they have a legislated MONOPOLY, which essentially means they can (and will) set any price they like.

So unless you have water reclaiming tech at home, or your own aquifer and well (like the good old days of idyllic Kampong life), you have NO CHOICE but to get your water from the govt.---you know, those fuckers ==> Y O U <== KEEP VOTING INTO OFFICE...over and over and over again. PAP has been in 50 years, or 2 generations. 2 generations of steady ANAL RAPE. No enough ah? You want some more izzit? OK LAH...you've got it.. GOT KY? 🤡

Singapore is also preparing itself for the devastating effects of global climate change. I know some of you religious fairy-tale believers don't "believe in" climate change. But you believe in an all-powerful sky-wizard. This is mental-illness in play.🤣

Anyway, one of the effects of climate change is water scarcity, which affects water security, which can have severe economic impacts as well as political madness. For e.g.: Imagine sometime in the future where global temperatures are 2-5℃ HIGHER than now. The rate of evaporation is way higher and everything dries up including supplies of water in Malaysia (where we get most of the stuff. Consider that Singapore doesn't have supplementary water sources like NewWater or reservoirs ).

Malaysia says it cannot afford to sell us any more water....at ANY price because they need it for their own people. And then they turn off the water.

Singapore will have NO CHOICE but to attack and occupy Johor to secure the country.s water needs. Rest assured, hostilities will continue and water will become more and more scarce.

So like it or not, govt policy dictates that it needs to make water "more scarce" and thus "raise the price"---to ARTIFICIALLY reflect "scarcity" of the resource.

You can expect the following to occur in the future:

1. Man-made aquifers
2. Enhancement or enlargement of water capture areas
3. More tech into recovering water---such as "grey" water
4. More emphasis on citizens recycling grey water (a fucking pain in the ass, I can tell you from experience)

Also remember that Singapores population target is A LOT MORE PEOPLE. So the govt has NO CHOICE but to enforce "scarcity" upon a rapidly expanding population.

Move on nah. Nothing anyone can do to change it. Even if you vote another party in, that won't change the coming effects of climate change, or the population expanding.

Anonymous said...

No sweat! No sweat!

Only 30%! Just 30%! Can afford! No sweat!

No water rationing!

Our govt is indeed very very kind to the masses!

Thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

@anon 6.59pm

It's futile to Wake Up these 70% dafts Sinkies..majority r in a slumber some become zombie some r in coma worst some r blind-folded ..as wat the old fart said Sinkies have no spurs stuck behind their spines, that's the Hard Truth..worse oppies can't even unite & form a new govt ..u may even see swarms of faithful pilgrims visiting the Old Fart's anniversary at Founders Memorial 2molo these r die-hard fans & dafts Sinkies ...RB called these as Stupidity has no cure..

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

NO 5. Behaviour change. By using campaigns, social shaming and demonising, price controls, water restrictions and possible rationing, the fucking govt will eventually succeed in changing your 'wasteful' habits.

Right now in Australia, the govt has a slogan on posters its plastered on every public surface, electronic billboards and home TVs to "encourage" people to take no longer than 4-5 minutes to shower.

Akan datang, Singapore!

Anonymous said...

Singapore - the most expensive country to live in the world has become even more expensive with the recent hikes in water tax, carbon tax, car-parking fees, etc . . .

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are in good hands. Don't worry too much. You have the hands good in self-masturbating. You have the hands good in dipping into the Reserves to cover the huge losses in greedy, reckless, ill-timed investments of CPF savings and Tax-revenues. You have hands good in picking the coffers of tax-payers' money to enrich and make instant millionaires out of those who think money can buy them the dignity they so badly needed. You also have the hands that make it mandatory for the police to handcuff your 73-year-old granny with qualms or regrets. Last but not least, you have the good hands that control you from cradle to grave. So, don't worry. Be happy!

Anonymous said...

Singapore is a City of Possibilities! A City for Everyone! All are welcomed with open arms, legs, asses (donkeys) and pussies (feline kittens)! Bring along your offspring and oldies. Our greying population is insufficient to meet the rigorous and vigorous demands of the young leadership's yearning and obssession in wanting more and more foreigners to help grow the GDP, so that their annual bonuses based on percentage of GDP can grow exponentially. Money itself is not the root of all evils. Greed for more and more money is the Evil of All Roots! So, if you don't know that your stupidity has no cure, please join the Singaporeans' Stupidity Club. Your desire will be fulfilled!

Anonymous said...

But the alternative is marxism which is even more dangerous. Afterall, they are all kleptocracies.
March 22, 2017 5:12 pm

Who say?
Where's your proof?

Anonymous said...

Stupidity has no cure..
But vote Opposition can cure by sacking a few of those useless Mental Masturbating Millionaire Monkeys

Monkey Masturbating Over People

patriot said...

Of course no need rocket scientist.

Maybe a A Level Student could do a better job.

However, Sinkies have to
pay multi millions Sin Dollars to their Rulers for the Simple Scheme leh.


AhKong65 said...

At this point of time they feel that they do not need to explain anything with their 69.9% mandate given by the electorate to them . How to explain an obsure point and something that IS NOT EXPLAINABLE .
So some says bite the bullet , some preach existential psychology .

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

One said they only need to 'conmunicate' well and the people will accept the price hike.

Anonymous said...

One said they only need to 'conmunicate' well and the people will accept the price hike.
March 23, 2017 10:00 am

It's true! It's true!
If I "communicate" well, the ladies will drop their panties for me.

patriot said...

I say 30% of Sinkies do not mind even a 300% hike on the Water Price.

Those in F&B will hike a few folds more on their customers.
lmagine a 10 cents increase in a kilogram of sugar and the caterers charging extra 10 cents on each cup of drink that
has sugar. That 1 kilogram of sugar should be good for at least 30 cups of drinks.
A 10 cents increase in sugar will allow caterers to gain extra profit of at least 2 dollars and more. So the Ripple Effect of price increase in raw material will always be supported by profiteers.


b said...

They can build floating reservoirs in the sea to collect rain water.

patriot said...

Profiteers shall fleece the People aka the Consumers with whatever reason they can find or offer.

Profiteers are folks withOUT conscience and hence have no qualm in fleecing others.
