
Kim Jong Nam - Fake news and alternative truth

In the Kim Jong Nam case Malaysia has come up with its version of the truth. All fingers conveniently pointing to North Korea just like the NOT UN backed tribunal or kangaroo court in The Hague on the SCS dispute. Malaysia is walking around like a cock strutting its stuff. They have all the truths and evidence, like indisputable truths similar to the Choenan Incident. The North Koreans did it.


As more questions are being asked and more information is being produced, more holes are seen and the picture is looking murkier. With the Malaysians refusing to cooperate with the NK whom the victim is their people in the investigation, the NK has to conduct their own.


How did the Malaysians become so clever to narrow it down to VX nerve gas? The NK is demanding that the Malaysians produce the sample and let it be confirmed by an international body which the Malaysians strangely refused to do so.


For a victim to die within a few minutes, then the dosage used must be quite high, high enough to be inhaled by the two women who would thus become victims of the gas as well. The fact that the two women were harmless tells a story that either the dosage was so small or it could not be toxic when inhaled, ie not VX. And if the dosage was big, people around them, the toilet used to wash up would likely to be affected. Where is missing towel or gloves that could be very toxic?


NK has raised a point, that one or both women had made several trips to South Korea. Can this be verified? Sure it can if the SK wants to and if confirmed, what would it say of SK complicity?


SK and the Americans have in many occasions planted false flag incidents to tarnish the reputations of NK to blame NK for all kinds of silly things. This is a fact. Could this case be just another false flag incident hashed by the SK or the Americans?


If you look at the cctv clip, the guy looked like Kim Jong Nam. But his hair, the long shaggy hair behind his head did not. His mannerism and the way he walked did not. And for him to walk around to talk to police officers, to talk to airport staff after the incident did not show that he was a victim of a VX attack. There were not sweating, nauseating or vomiting as what would be expected. A Japanese cult member sprinkled himself with the gas and died only 10 days later in Tokyo.


There are many unanswered questions especially with the involvement of Vietnamese and Indonesians. The North Koreans are known to have little contact with other people and would likely work on their own if they would to commit such an attack. Hiring agents is a common trick of the West and western trained operators to cover their tracks and their involvement. The involvement of foreigners, reality shows, contacts with the two women looking like Japanese or Koreans must have raised a red flag. But these leads are not being pursued by the Malaysians. They are conducting a witch hunt in the NK embassy.


The truth is unfolding. Who gave the toxic substance to the attackers? What is that substance if not VX? Where is the evidence of the gas? Is the victim really Kim Jong Nam?


Why is Malaysia acting so strangely and so sure that it was the NK who did it like they knew MH370 ditched in the Indian Ocean? Who has been feeding the Malaysians with all the information or misinformation? Are the Malaysians so clever or so stupid?


From a rather straight forward case of investigating a crime involving foreigners, Malaysia is now having a diplomatic row with the North Koreans and acting so atas. Is it necessary and what is Malaysia benefiting from it?


Now after PNG the North Korean ambassador, the North Koreans are retaliating by not allowing Malaysians in North Korea to leave. Now would Malaysia up the stake and do the same to North Koreans in Malaysia?  Oops, Malaysia has responded with the same ban on North Koreans in Malaysia.


Where would this end? Is there a puppeteer behind all this? If the incident was not committed by the NK, the real culprits would be laughing themselves silly.


Stupidity has no cure.


Anonymous said...

Cannot trust that Matland gonna solve the Kim JN death mystery. It will be akin to the tragic incident of the MH370 three years+ ago. The blue men ah bang could be investigating under the guidance of the US agents or Interpol to pin down the culprits & came to a 'bias' conclusion that is the NK criminals. If Matland Najib is impartial, he would hv allow the case to be witness by NK authorities, but obviously here is a Loophole & NK will not get a actual picture of what's going on as the body of Kim JN torn into pieces for many testing & autopsies..look like the ah bang is giving a middle finger to NK ..Matland Najib suddenly become powderful & smart..

Anonymous said...

There a few mysteries. A glaring one is that Kim JN's family did not show up to claim his body. Could it be a double? Even NK did not mention in their news that Kim JU's half brother was killed. So who is the man? Is Kim JN dead or hiding somewhere? Who is behind? Mysteries lah.

Anonymous said...

Are the North Koreans so sophisticated to recruit foreigners and con foreigners that it was a reality show act?

Anonymous said...

That's the diabolical incongruity and contradiction of matland all these years ......?

U travel around their cities, even in KL, outside often look so "CHUI" (like worst than 3rd world?), then if u step inside a mega mall, u feel like in modern 1st world "shang-zhong-xia hai"?

Could it be bcos the mall inside built by overseas investors but outside the mall and everywhere else built by their world class government?

Anonymous said...

Just like the shares and investments many sinkies punt in matland in the past and many times overnight "evaporate" le?

Just like that ......?

Hope the multi-billions mega investments China Xi Jin Ping made in boleh-land wont end up in "tears" (like what many countless sinkies experienced in the past?

Anonymous said...

Still remember many uncles and oldies CLOB investors kena burnt VERY BADLY (and that is an understatement)?

Total about 14.5 billion riggit sinkies investment stucked in CLOB in the late 1990s, just like that, overnight just suka suka frozen?

Then many oso invest in Johore properties ......

Either build half way developer disappear or (at least) half the kitchen (suddenly) missing when go there for vacation stay?

Only very few select investments can make $$$ but cannot say here lah ......

Anonymous said...

It is getting very very interesting.

Dont play play with NK!

NK will do anything! Beware! Beware!

We shall see, Singapore!

Anonymous said...

The Najib government thinks that it can bully North Korea just because USA and its allies are propagating and promoting an Evil Image on North Korea. However, I believe the Truth will prevail. No liars, however manipulative and cunning they can be, will be able to fight with the Truth.

Truth always prevail.

My gut feeling up to know is still unchanged. Either the US or South Korea or both are the probable culprits who have something to gain for the death of Kim Jong Nam.

To investigate a murder, one always go for the motive. Once motive can be established, all bits and pieces of evidence will automatically fall in line to form the true picture. If a false motive is projected, for whatever reasons, the pieces of information simply cannot gel. They will only provoke even more questions, instead of answers.

The more Malaysia tries to explain, the more the confusion increases. More and more questions arise instead of answers. So, how can that be the Truth?

Anonymous said...

These twits are doing and behaving exactly like the MH370 incident. They knew nuts but were fed with shit and so they vomited everything out believing they were pearls only to find out that shit was shit, could not be anything else.

And their stupidity is such that they did not learn anything from it and repeating the same whole shit in this incident to prove that they have nothing inside their heads.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt Kim Jong Nam is dead and killed by what shown on the cctv. There are words about vx, i think these are not real on the post. No one disputed the toxin kills within minutes, such words were broadcasted over social media in hk tw, besides malasyia. There is no evidence also that some singaporeans may not die from vx toxin in minutes, that i agree: may be.

Malaysia went to the extend to break off diplomatic relationship with NK, and sending police to wait for the 2nd secretary and 1 Koryo airline staff hiding inside embassy, proved to me there was a case of death NK staff need to answer.

Kim jong nam s family did not come out to claim the body, further strengthen my belief that Kim Jong Nam could be the point man to succeed Kim fatty when US SK used drone to kill the latter. However, i have doubt if this can work out as this Nam was seen splashing hundred of thousands at casino in Macau. The money was said to be required to return to NK on order of fatty. This money was from the uncle who died for corruption on order of fatty. If money is the motive, Nam s death is certain in my view. Fatty is running out of cash, from sanctions.

HK Macau neighbors told reporters they did not see the Nam for a long time, and said could have moved out. That did not rule out NK agents could not know the schedule of Nam. The hired 2 women who claimed innocent arrived in KL earlier, last one was in January. The 4 agents sought by KL policy also arrived around Jan. So from the timing of Nam arriving in KL, its obvious to me airlines staff know Nam s travel arrangement and colluded with NK agents.

I have no doubt the dead man was KJnam. He is a playboy who splashed a poor country s money in casino, besides on women, whom was said to live in KL, where Nam frequent.

It is a good story to tell kids, never be greedy, never splash cash that they cannot earn, while ordinary N Koreans suffered so much for it. To me, its a highly probable ending for Nam for being so loose on security while going against a mighty dictator, and he himself had proven to himself, a lesson for ordinary us to witness as lessons to kids in future.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone trust the Americans and the South Koreans on this incident after what happened to the sinking of the Choenan? More than 20 SK naval officers died in the incident. All the evidence pointed to the NK some were clearly fabricated. Such a serious attack would and should lead to war.

Why did the SK and Americans backed off from their accusation? South Korean investigators openly rejected the evidence that said it was the North that did it. It was humiliating. Why the SK dared not proceed with the case and declare war with the North or at least fire and sink one or two NK ship?

The conspiracy to blame the North in that false flag incident fell flat on their face and the SK stopped the investigation, did not want to pursue knowing that it was a false flag and the culprit was on their side. How could they blame the killing of their own naval officers on themselves or the Americans?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 11:24, just to raise two comments on your reasoning. One, if KJN is a rich playboy, why must he take budget airline to save a few dollars when he was noted to splash in casinos? Should not he be travelling first class?

Two, if the money was to return to his brother, he could simply return the money, why threw it away in the casino? Is he mad, out of his mind, stupid, and very happy to throw money away, insane?

Anonymous said...

He drank too much stout le .....?

Half the brain is beer?

Liver and kidney cannot detox le .....?

Anonymous said...

RB. I think KJN is managing NK's businesses on behalf of the regime. Perhaps, NK owns some casino outlets in Macau which is part of China.

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck cares?!?!? Let there be WAR!!!! I wanna see my war stocks CHEONG!!!! My war stocks like General Dynamics, Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, Rockwell, Northrop, United Tech and other smaller players already cheonging so much, much better than other stocks. So happy I started buying them 16 years ago.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous March 08, 2017 11:49 am
///Who the fuck cares?!?!? Let there be WAR!!!!///

Your "war" stocks may cheong and dividends oso up?

But peesai grows nothing, 99% imported?

Got war food prices and everything imported cheong up and "extra earnings" will be cancelled out and in negative territory?

Anonymous said...

So dun hope got war if u want keep your "defence stocks" earning?

Perhaps heightened tensions is the best case scenario?

Then arm race lor, 50% instead of 20% budget spent on generals new toys?

Anonymous said...

AnonymousMarch 08, 2017 11:49 am
>>>>Who the fuck cares?!?!? Let there be WAR!!!!<<<<

Got war peesai first cuntry to starve?

Shipping and air freight costs all cheong up?

Food prices also cheong up and likely global shortage?

Oil and food stock pile need rationing but may not last beyond 12 mths?

Now almost 6 to 7 million le no land to grow anything?

If war beyond 12 mths, peesai confirmed gone case le .....?

Anonymous said...

March 08, 2017 11:38 am
"why must he take budget airline to save a few dollars when he was noted to splash in casinos? Should not he be travelling first class?"

This is an assumption economist will take on a consumer of airline. Economist assumes rich man takes first class, poor man takes budget airlines. By %, i agree can be 70% correct. Some rich man travels on budget airline too. Trump s daughter Ivanka and husband was seen in a budget airline and videos claimed people asked her why should she take budget airline. That was after Trump won. I could not explain this. I m no rich. I only take SIA and Cathay as first choice if available. Only chose Mas when the place has no these 2 airlines. My concern is security.

But for KimJN, he traveled alone. This is very risky. Secondly, he left China territory to expose himself. That is the consequence, i think is natural: killed, if the power theory or and money theory did play a part.

People said about seeing KJNam at Macau casino was on hk media after his death. I did not doubt this, as he travels "frequently" including entering little dot, according to media. Where did he get the money?

Do not think fatty and Nam are real brothers. From reports, they did not know each other. The Nam s mother was a mistress. Only the uncle treated Nam well. So the uncle s money kept overseas passed to Nam. If this is true, that is stolen money. Under little dot laws, the money must not be touched.

"Two, if the money was to return to his brother, he could simply return the money, why threw it away in the casino?"

Obviously, fatty killed the uncle because the latter corrupted state funds. But fatty was prevented from the money, probably due to Nam s handling overseas. These are hear says, as china media hv never said such things to irritate fatty.

The question is whether Nam did splash money in Macau casino. If one believes it, then he might have lots of money. Because the witness said Nam gambled big sums, hundreds of thousands.

I agree with you fully. If Nam loves NK, he should have returned the money, to settle the uncle s mistakes. And to declare his loyalty to NK. But he kept the money. So he should expect NK agents to nab him or kill him. Still travel around alone? This is a puzzle i could not understand. May be he likes screwing so badly, he needs to go to KL frequently. Other places in china which is safest for him have no holes suit him?

As we can see, KJNam s death has no impact on NK stability, or any impact in SK. SK president is equally corrupted, but lacking the enthusiasm to be loyal to SK people. She jointly worked with someone to extract money from Samsung.
From this point of view, do you think KJnam thinks like what u think?
Let me show u some figures i saw: SK has the largest pool of scammers, 290,000. Taiwan has yearly about 400 scammers arrested in SK. Scammers in SK are professionals, nicely dressed, set up phony companies etc, and well organized.

If you believe the figures, you believe honesty among Koerans?

Anonymous said...

1.11pm //This is a puzzle i could not understand.//

After the stout (in your boLEE and kokoNUT) cleared le, u will understand lah?

Go get some chn tea leaves from your panty's chief tiochiu to wake up from the 15 bottles stout last nite lah?

Last nite saw your panty's stalwarts drinking 2gaythe at blk 6xx awkan until past midnite, shiok shiok liao?

But beer $$$ taxpayers de "courtesy of drivers"?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 11:45's view has a high possibility to be right. KJN has been living abroad for many years and where did he get so much money to fund his expensive playboy life style? And a playboy would never stinge to take budget airline like an ordinary rich man trying to save every penny.

Where did he get all the money to live like a playboy? He could be fronting up for NK overseas businesses.

Anonymous said...

1.11pm //If you believe the figures, you believe honesty among Koerans?//

If u believe "drivers and co-drivers Oh G 2gaythe", u dun beeleave honesttea no muar?

If they "Oh G 2gaythe", the "passengers" in the "vehicle" mati-lah?

"Passengers" kena "screwty" by them in their "Oh G 2gaythe" until "pain till no more tears" .......?

Anonymous said...

1.11pm //May be he likes screwing so badly, he needs to go to KL frequently. //

No lah .....?

He likes "mosquitos bite him lah, down there itchy itchy nid go to tiochiu wonkers panty's cheese pie inside scratch scratch lah cos very badly itchy tak boleh tahan ....."?

So "he" needs go "nudist beach" frequently lor .....?

Anonymous said...

Why a person gets assassinated?
1. To silence him from talking.
2. To eliminate him as a threat.
3. To reap benefits from his wealth or life insurance.
4. To take revenge.
Which of the above was the reason for killing Kim Jung Nam?

Anonymous said...

"And a playboy would never stinge to take budget airline like an ordinary rich man trying to save every penny.

Just to trigger some comments.

Budget airlines are not lousy. Sometimes without seats on major airlines, paying high prices for budget airlines are not cheap. I ever tried Jetstar, got the seats at similar prices to main airlines. It starts from terminal 1, only no water food on free service. Ended up more expensive. At the other end, also has no check in outside airport. Had to go airport to check in like changi. So Budget airlines are not cheap at time. Book early when the airlines offer cheap prices for bidding. How many want to commit early?

Where did he get all the money to live like a playboy? He could be fronting up for NK overseas businesses."

This is a real question. He seemed not to have job in corporations, but has guards at his home blocks. Life seemed easy for him. Someone could have passed him a lot of money. Its like those millionaires son daughters grand sons grand daughters, inheriting multiple million dollars, work or not working are the same to them.

I think KJN inherited a lot of cash somewhere. His mother was mistress of KJ An s father, so the father might have passed money to the mother. That is my guess. If he works as front of NK, US and SK would not be so friendly to him. I think this is not a probable guess, may be possible.

Anonymous said...

//Got war peesai first cuntry to starve?//

You fuckers will starve & fight & kena call up for mobilization. And your wives & daughters prepare to dig trenches, fill up sandbags and carry bodybags.

Me??!? I'll be joining the PAPies on 1-way ticket to Oz --> Hawaii --> Canada or US whatever.

Anonymous said...

KJN's mother is not mistress. KJU's mother is mistress.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why a person gets assassinated?
1. To silence him from talking.
2. To eliminate him as a threat.
3. To reap benefits from his wealth or life insurance.
4. To take revenge.
Which of the above was the reason for killing Kim Jung Nam?

March 08, 2017 2:18 pm

5. To be killed as a sacrificial lamb and pass the buck to someone else.

Anonymous said...

Fake News or Alternative Truth - "Singapore has very little land"

a) No land for old folks home. Please send Ah Kong to Johor
b) So our HDB flats must make very small. Singaporeans have to fuck in small places.

But ... But ... But got land the size of Bishan for army.

SAFTI City 'the size of Bishan' to be built for army training

The Singapore Armed Forces’ (SAF) western SAFTI training area will be revamped into a new “SAFTI City” over a decade and at a cost of about S$900 million, said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in Parliament on Friday (Mar 3).


Got $900 million dollars for SAFTI.
But don't have enough money to pay for more facilities for drinking water.
Singaporeans must pay 30% more for water.

Anonymous said...

S’pore’s public prosecutor not appealing against Joshua Robinson’s 4-year jail sentence
The AGC also said: “In discharging our duties, we do not differentiate between Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans.”



The coroner’s inquiry into the death of 14 year-old Benjamin Lim, a schoolboy who was found dead after being questioned by police over an allegation of molest, has confirmed that he committed suicide.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps he's funded by another country (close friend of NK) who has interests in NK. If KJ-un died, then they could place KJN back to NK as a puppet leader.

b said...

CIA may have a branch office in malaysia. So many bad things coming out from there.

Anonymous said...

More people begin to believe that that dead guy is not Kim Jong Nam.

Even CCTV footage which released by Japan media looks very suspicion

All of sudden, CNA released a leak video - man alleged to be son of Kim Jong Nam.

What is the purpose of releasing this video at this moment?

Anonymous said...

Its not useful to watch local cna.

The man who spoke english claimed to he KJNam son had his passport name block out. His where about was also block out.

The video was said to be released by cheollima civil defense org. This young man spoke softly at the back ground with the organization logo, similar to a political party logo at the north. But this is a korean organization. In youtube.

How real is the story? It seemed to tell that thie organization is hiding the KJNam family now. That fit the story as reporters cannot find them at their home addresses.

But Malaysian police and interpol should be able to find him as he is alive. Then his security can be at risk when NK knows? This boy was never grown up in NK. If the fatty wants to kill him, that is too far for the human principles to accept.

I hope US and SK mean what they said. Have a biggest exercise. Then move the troops to then north to settle the score.

Korean war was stopped, there was no peace agreement. Hoot lah. US talks so much, and put thaad. China PLA could be hoping to settle the score of South China Sea, and fatty is too keen to not to avoid the war with US. He sent 4 1000km missiles to Jp sea just 2 days ago. Abe loved it, and talked to SK and Trump.

Trump should want to show his muscle. Go and hoot lah. The fat boy should be dancing war fever, the most modern dance movement.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous March 08, 2017 4:37 pm
/////Fake News or Alternative Truth - "Singapore has very little land"
a) No land for old folks home. Please send Ah Kong to Johor
b) So our HDB flats must make very small. Singaporeans have to fuck in small places.
But ... But ... But got land the size of Bishan for army.
SAFTI City 'the size of Bishan' to be built for army training
The Singapore Armed Forces’ (SAF) western SAFTI training area will be revamped into a new “SAFTI City” over a decade and at a cost of about S$900 million, said Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen in Parliament on Friday (Mar 3).
Got $900 million dollars for SAFTI.
But don't have enough money to pay for more facilities for drinking water.
Singaporeans must pay 30% more for water./////

30% Water Tax,

Anonymous said...

Google translate:

"30% Water Tax,
Let Sinkies heartbreak,
Have ever had a dream,
A moment was punctured,
Future hard-earned money,
More and more robbed,
Left enough to make ends meet,
The rest of my life did not hope,
Instantly fragrant,
Tree withered leaves,
Where people are destitute,
Folk cry,
Evening sunset night,
Each household is incomplete,
Old laughter is not there."

Anonymous said...

Bing translate:

"30% Water Tax,
Sinkies heart
Had a dream,
Blink of an eye was punctured,
Hard earned money in the future,
More and more being robbed
Enough left to make a living,
Trembling spent
Life has no hope,
Fen shattered the moment,
Trees withered leaves residues,
People everywhere,
Folk cry of shock
Sunset caused by night,
Each household is not complete,
Laughter is not the past."

patriot said...

Minister Khaw Boon Wan said PTC will be doing fare review.
ln his message, he has made it quite obvious that fares will move upward.

Think Sinkies did not
see all these hikes in
water, fares and what
not during the 2015 GE.
Or maybe voters were prepared to submit themselves completely
to the Rulers.

The Rulers are reassuring Sinkies that they are with the People and for the People.

The People of Sin must
feel bless and happy.


Anonymous said...

2015 General Elections Results

PAP put up a winning performance in this Jubilee Year general election, wresting back Punggol East from the Workers' Party and securing a strong mandate with a popular vote share of 69.9 per cent.

This was an almost 10% point increase from the 60.1 per cent it got in the 2011 election.

All wards saw huge vote swings to the ruling party, many by more than 10% points and some by even more than 15 points.

PAP took 83 of the 89 seats in 29 Constituencies. The party scored more than 70 per cent in 15 of the 29 wards, results not seen in recent elections.


Congratulations to all Sinkies. You are a group of great people - even greater than the North Koreans. You are so smart that you just cannot resist paying more money out of you monthly salaries and business profits. You know fully well what will be coming for you, and you have voted so wisely.

You have voted for a 30% water price hike, gas hike, electricity hike, transport fare hike, petrol price hike, new environment tax, more and more tax, more and more money to be taken from you every month.

I simply cannot find the right words to praise you enough. May I just say this:

Never in this world has so many done so much for so few!

Anonymous said...

Reality vs Fake News and Fake Hopes - Part 18

On The 'Kim Jong Nam' Murder Case

1. Identity of Dead Man has not been fully ascertained, verified and confirmed - Malaysian authorities requested for DNA to be provided by North Korea in order to confirm that the dead man was Kim Jong Nam but the North Korea government is not giving it to them. So on what basis did the Malaysian authorities so determinedly state that the dead man was Kim Jong Nam?

2. What killed Kim Jong Nam is still uncertain - is could be VX applied on face, Heart Attack, or Injection into the arm. If it is VX, why the two suspects have not been affected? UN classified it as a weapon of mass destruction. So, why only one person is deadly affected, while those around him, plus the immigration officers who tried to help him and the ambulance staff who attended to him and declared him dead, have not been affected?

3. Why when an investigation into a murder case is on-going, the Malaysian authorities simply has no qualms and no self-restrain but were so eager to divulge the details of an investigation the moment each bit of information is available? We know that the police usually will not volunteer information to the public when an investigation is on-going; and this is according to the law on investigation process and procedures. By publishing such information so quickly and publicly would have alerted the real culprits to take necessary evasive actions, isn't it?

4. The identity of the two accused - one with Vietnamese passport, the other with Indonesian passport have been purely based on the information on their passport. Were their families traced? If so, why nothing was said about their backgrounds? Moreover, the two accused stated that they were paid by some people to do the job for some kind of a "reality show" and there were rehearsals done. Any tracing done to the people who paid them to do the job? What is the outcome?

5. One of the accused has visited South Korea several times. Was there any tracing done based on this information? If so, what is the finding?

6. Why cordon off the North Korean Embassy against international diplomatic requirements when Malaysia has not have concrete proof any of the staff in the North Korean Embassy was involved or implicated. They were wanted for questioning only. If the North Korean Embassy, protected by International Foreign Relations Laws, refused to be questioned, shouldn't a court order be issued to force them to cooperate instead of using such unprecedented undiplomatic forceful police actions, totally showing no respect whatsoever to the North Korean Government?

7. Why is the Prime Minister and Deputy PM involved out front in such a matter? Isn't this a bit strange? Why don't he leave it totally to the Police or the Courts to deal with the matter?

8. It seems that South Korea and the US already know something in advance before the Malaysian authorities even release any information. This is a glaring suspicion.

9. North Korea has been keeping quiet all the time, except the Ambassador has politely and reasonably requested for the body of the dead man, and has politely and reasonably requested to be present during the autopsy and to be updated regularly during the investigation, but all three requests were flatly and out-rightly refused and turned down by the Malaysian authorities. Why so unfriendly and inconsiderate?

10. China has been keeping very quiet all this while. If Kim Jong Nam is under China's protection, won't China's leadership want to know what the hell is going on, and also say something to the public regarding China's stand in this matter?

11. Why Interpol was not call in to investigate? Shouldn't this case be handled by Interpol instead of the unilateral actions of the Malaysian Police? Because this is a case involving many countries - North Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, South Korea, USA, etc.

12. Reserved Questions.