
MOM taking 50 firms to task

MOM has taken 50 firms to task for not giving fair opportunities to employing Singaporeans and another 250 firms put on the watchlist. Is this enough after letting in 500,000 foreigners, so called talents to take away jobs from Singaporeans and still happily employed while many Singaporeans PMETs are unemployed or underemployed or resigned to early retirement? This pathetic situation has been going on for the last 10 to 20 years!

Think of the pain and suffering thousands of Singaporeans have gone through. Think of how many families got into financial trouble or even broke up. Think of the emotional suffering of Singaporeans seeking jobs but got rejected and rejected or not even called up for an interview. Think of the number of dejected cases, depression cases, Singaporeans losing confidence in themselves, some even became IMH cases. Think of the disappointment of parents for raising their children and putting them through the expensive education system. Think of the disappointment of young Singaporeans after spending their parents’ life savings and unable to find a decent job, some were lucky to end up with part time job but not enough to feed themselves, how these young people felt, unable to repay the kindness and generosities of their parents, wanting to be filial but unable to, and feeling ashame and useless.

Are the MOM and the govt doing enough to help the Singaporeans suffering because of the 500,000 foreigners here and depriving Singaporeans from getting a job to feed themselves and to have some pride and dignity as an individual? Oh MOM is partnering foreign agencies to look for jobs for Singaporeans, where, overseas? If Singaporeans could not find jobs in Singapore, how are their chances to finding jobs overseas, to be what, cooks, gardeners? Seow!

What is wrong with this bloody system? Why are Singaporeans being forced out from their homes and country when there are 500,000 foreigners happily employed here? I look around Raffles Place and MBFC and at the young foreigners and cannot believe my eyes that what they are doing cannot be done by Singaporeans? There are easier solutions to helping Singaporeans to find a decent job than trying to send them overseas. Please stop doing nonsense and get the basics right. There is no need to teach million dollar ministers how to do their job unless they are unworthy of their million dollar salaries. It is time to be serious and do the necessary and the due diligence. If they still cannot think out of the mess, just think of immigration passes and quotas will do.  It is not difficult and it is only a responsible thing for the govt to do. I have wasted so much breath talking about this issue while so many Singaporeans are suffering and some people are happily tweedling their thumbs counting their millions and acting innocent.

How much more must Singaporeans suffer from this fate due to govt policies to bring in more foreigners at their expense? Singaporeans mismatched, misfits, foreigners from little villages with funny degrees are better fit and better matched?

Stupidity has no cure. Forsaking the Singaporeans is a crime against Singaporeans.

If no serious and immediate action is taken, if the govt is not going to provide the opportunities for Singaporeans to be suitably employed, Singaporeans will end up without the relevant skills, without the experience to move up the corporate and skills ladder for higher appointments. Singaporeans would become skill less, less experiencede and unemployable with foreigners getting all the on the job training and experience to boot in their CVs.

A good example is the CEO positions. Why give them to foreigners to gain the experience and not to Singaporeans? Soon no Singaporeans would be good enough to be CEOs, even in GLCs.

This is tragedy in the making and Singaporeans would become the dodo birds of the 21st Century, in their own country. This is another kind of ‘Sook Ching’ in a way.

I read somewhere that Lim Swee Say was so emotional in Parliament when talking about the unemployment of Singaporean PMETs. Some were saying that he was shedding crocodile tears. I hope he really felt the pain and suffering of the unemployed or under employed Singaporeans and understood how ‘chek ark’ 折悪is such a policy of giving hundreds of thousands of jobs to foreigners but leaving Singaporeans in the lurch, in despair. I also hope that those MPs and ministers sitting in the Parliament also felt the same and would quickly start to do something to help Singaporeans instead of talking cock, to help the people that voted them into Parliament. They owe it to the voters not to foreigners.


Anonymous said...

Uncle RB, u need to know that in Sinkieland here, Sinkies dun help Sinkies at all most r selfish unlike other society..most SME Sinkies Employers would rather employ the foreigners as they got less commitments like NS, family issues etc..Sinkies employers prefers these FTrashes as they will be like 'slaves' or 'Yes Sir' men/women for at least 2-3years..70% dafts got the garmen they deserve..

Anonymous said...

No point talking anout it. No point kpkb and kpkb.

Dont forget.......70% asked for it!

Come next GE, the % is expected to be up up to 80%.

Singapore is like that. Only kpkb. But when come to voting........!

So.....no point kpkb.......be happy and worry less!

自己保重! 自己保重!


Anonymous said...

//that Lim Swee Say was so emotional in Parliament when talking about the unemployment of Singaporean PMETs. Some were saying that he was shedding crocodile tears. I hope he really felt the pain and suffering of the unemployed or under employed Singaporeans and understood how ‘chek ark’ 折悪is such a policy of giving hundreds of thousands of jobs to foreigners but leaving Singaporeans in the lurch, in despair.//

Angkol, yesterday the Chinese newspaper Sin Ming reported that minionster Lim Sui Sai cried in parliament not becos of the unemployed PMETs Leh.. He cried becos he was moved into tears due to a unemployed single mum whom herself got brain tumour & need to feed her 2 kids & her mother during one of Mr Lim MPS, she later found a job as a clinic assistant, LSS was touched by her determination to find jobs to feed the family despite her medical condition (not the majority PMETs tat r unemployed --this unemployed Sinkies group , to the minionster is 'u die ur own bziness ' , not his obligation to help them become rich la..)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The private employers may be selfish and want to save cost, but what about ministries, stats boards, GLCs? These are govt owned and should be made to do National Service, to serve and help Singaporeans.

Their HR must be headed by a Singaporean, not new citizen with less than 10 years as a new citizen. Made them answerable to MOM in their employment policy with MOM dictating that it should be Singaporean first. MOM can without EP, SP and WP to make sure it works for the good of Singaporeans.

So difficult meh?

jjgg said...

lss cry for unemployed pmet? rb..the mbfc air must have affected your senses..lss didn't get involved with labour movement yesterday..he's been trying to better worker conditions for 20 years n each year it gets progressively worse..lss must have cried cos his paycheck got delayed.

Anonymous said...

@RB 9.14am

Unkol, initially yes these GLC & stats board recruited mostly Sinkies but as time goes by most of these Sinkies left their GLC /stats boards, it become hard for them to train new ones, some 'bo bian' but to recruit foreigners to keep cost down, u be surprised there r FTs ( like Pinoy, PRC, Burmese..) working in GLC , once these FTs return to their hm countries they will become Sinkieland's competitors. Some or most Sinkieland private companies HR hv foreigners & they tend to recruit their own kind & its not their obligations to recruit Sinkies first..

Anonymous said...

No use asking whether this is enough.

As usual, they are just making a token effort to close the stable doors after the horses have bolted.

But as usual, the daft Sinkies, in the majority, will think this is the cure for the sickness, when the patient is already in intensive care. Far from it. This is just wayang at it's best, horned from more than 50 years of extensive experience herding daft sheeps into the pen.

They know the weaknesses, the greediness, the naviety, the kiasism and the easily pacified nature of Singapore sheeps. Those sheeps should be bred for the Muslim festivals. Nothing more, nothing less.

Goh said...

So long as you are not choosy,asking for the moon or lazy,we have plenty of jobs.
Bringing 50 to court is just to tell you they are doing their part.
So continue with your resume writing in full confidence.
Garmen helps those who help themselves.Start with being a cleaners or screwty instead of gong gong waiting for a job at home that meet your requirements.
Now,get moving instead of whining.

Anonymous said...

/// MOM has taken 50 firms to task for not giving fair opportunities to employing Singaporeans and another 250 firms put on the watchlist.
Is this enough after letting in 500,000 foreigners, so called talents to take away jobs from Singaporeans and still happily employed while many Singaporeans PMETs are unemployed or underemployed or resigned to early retirement? /// redbean

NO! It is not enough.
Singaporeans must also do our part.
We must vote Opposition to encourage PAP government to do the right things.

Anonymous said...

/// Garmen helps those who help themselves.///
March 09, 2017 10:02 am

NO! This is not true.
Garmen will only help Singaporeans when we start voting Opposition.

Anonymous said...

/// What is wrong with this bloody system? ///

Singaporeans keep voting and supporting the PAP government and the pro Foreigner policies.
Singaporeans keep discouraging and destroying Opposition parties who are just pointing out the mistakes and fallacies in PAP's policies.

Anonymous said...

/// There are easier solutions to helping Singaporeans to find a decent job than trying to send them overseas. ///

And the easiest solution is to vote Opposition.
To paraphrase PAP Millionaire MessyGoose: "PAP must feel the price of their pro Foreigner policies"

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Singaporeans must ask if they want to be replaced by foreigners in jobs in their own country.

If the govt does not help Singaporeans, who is there to help Singaporeans? What can be worse if the system disadvantaged Singaporeans?

Singaporeans deserved to be in this rut. They brought it upon themselves.

Anonymous said...

Mind you, even though Males go to work overseas, the army will still call them home for Annual In-Camp Training. How's about that? Here also die, overseas also die!

Anonymous said...

" Mind you, even though Males go to work overseas, the army will still call them home for Annual In-Camp Training. How's about that? Here also die, overseas also die! "
March 09, 2017 10:48 am

"And I guess Singaporeans get the government they deserve, so I don’t want to hear any more complaints."
- Kenneth Jeyaretnam, GE 2015


Anonymous said...

Yes. "PAP must feel the price of their 30% water price increase"
Vote Opposition in GE 2020.

Anonymous said...

"And I guess Singaporeans get the government they deserve, so I don’t want to hear any more complaints."
- Kenneth Jeyaretnam, GE 2015


Anonymous said...

singaporeans must be very very happy.......

that is why 70% OK-ed...........


Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are too pampered to be gainfully employed. I was talking to a HR managers who has conducted many interviews for positions in his organisation. Singaporean applicants would always ask questions on topics like whether there is need to work weekends or overtime, whether there will be automatic annual increment in salary or whether they are required to travel on assignments. On the other hand FTs from other countries never ask " sensible " questions like these. If you are in a situation where you have to hire a Singaporean of a foreign FT, who would you employ?? Now be very honest and imagine it is your own company and you are seeking a person who would work hard, be dependable and show willingness.

Anonymous said...

@ Chua Chin Leng aka redbean March 09, 2017 10:33 am
//Singaporeans deserved to be in this rut. They brought it upon themselves.//

Uncle RB,

U certainly have mind "kee chiu" (affirmation) for such statements ......?


Anonymous said...

Lim Sia Suay was crying tears of joy after he saw his monthly CPF statement. Can go back Din Tai Fung and collect more free toothpicks.

Anonymous said...

U see .....?

U watch Olympics sports events like "FENCING" before ......?

Ai m not referring to the sports itself but the "PROTECTIVE GEAR" those "Fencers" wear ..... (especially on their faces)?

Anonymous said...

@ March 09, 2017 12:32 pm

PAPigs are too pampered to know how to lead Singaporeans into a 1st world economy.
PAPigs only know how to run a 3rd world economy-country flooded with cheap labour.

Too busy mental masturbating in their ivory tower to even understand that they themselves are the problem.

A bad workman blames his tools.
An incompetent government blames its citizens.

Anonymous said...

..... con't @ 12.47pm .....

U see .....?

U need such "Facial Protection Gear" for (countless) face palms (when listening to the "noises and voices in the world's largest echo chamber") so as not to unrecognizable (after each "echo chamber session")?


Anonymous said...

It is probably undeniable (and indisputable?) that many (sinkies) are "products" of the system (which old man created) ......?

Many probably will (vehemently) disagree but intrinsically there seems one common denominating feature that was subconsciously (and systematically) imbued, instilled, inculcated and assimilated into part of many (if not most) sinkies ......?



In the "chamber of ...... "("wayang and echo" or) ..... whatever you ....., it is not what is being said but what is being done (outside the chamber)?

In the year of the COCK, nonetheless, noboLEE has any "LICENSE" to talk "COCK" (when they are LEEching on passengers taxi fees, whether 1 driver or have co-driver)?

NoboLEE (has the "LICENSE" to and) can ("talk COCK SS in the taxi while driving) take the passengers round and round and round (for a ride) ..... at a HEFTY expense (to the passengers)?



We need to see ACTION?

And RESULTS pls .......?

Whether in the YEAR of the (TALK) COCK or naught?

Anonymous said...

Finally, the manpower minister LSS is crying for the PMET.

Anonymous said...

High position job and high pay job must give to foreigner so that they will apply for the citizenship as new citizen. Government & GLC must lead by example.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 10.08 who said that 'Garmen will only help Singaporeans when we start voting opposition'. Very true.

This is evident from the changes that came forth from the loss of Aljunied GRC to the opposition. Of course the PAP will deny this vehemently, saying that such changes were already on the cards.

But old timers who have been through the decades under the PAP knows that the PAP never will admit to anything. And the many changes that came about after the loss of Aljunied GRC cannot be co-incidental.

Unfortunately that enlightened momentum has not been sustained, so paying and paying is going to be the norm again. Increases left, right, centre, top and bottom is coming fast and furious.

Just brace for it!

Virgo 49 said...

Just do not understand why the Young Dies voted nearly 50pee cent for the Pew And Poo in 2015.

Thought they are more Helicopter and not senile yet.

Think they want to die as Young Dies

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.40pm

U r mistaken & misled by Lim Swee Sai ...he cried not to the unemployed PMETs, he cried to the unemployed single mum ( who isn't a PMET) who has to support her family with 2 young kids & a mother despite having her medical condition (she got a brain tumor as reported in Sin Ming Chinese newspaper on 7th March 2017)..most unemployed Sinkies tot he cried for the unemployed PMETs ( to him is ' u die ur own bziness ' cos its not his obligation to make u wealthy..)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ rb:

>> Think of the pain and suffering thousands of Singaporeans have gone through. <

I think of it as a much needed reality check for the complacent masses.

I bet they're paying attention now! 🤡

>> Stupidity has no cure. <<

Of course it does! It's called getting the CORRECT education, attaining a reasonable level of CRITICAL THOUGHT, scepticism and a reasonable grasp of statistics and data interpretation.

"Crisis" is nothing more than a mix of danger and opportunity. Call it "excitement" or call it "get the fuck motivated".

If more people did that, they would drown out the incessant wailing of our nationally embarrassing CRY BABIES

Waaahh...the govt....Wahhh life is unfair....wahhh...the world owes me a living....waaahhh... a foreigner ate my lunch....🤡

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ rb:

>> Singaporeans deserved to be in this rut. They brought it upon themselves. <<

@ Kenny J, annoying local politician, not to be confused with Kenny G annoying musical FARTist:

>> "And I guess Singaporeans get the government they deserve, so I don’t want to hear any more complaints."
- Kenneth Jeyaretnam, GE 2015

http://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/i-dont-want-hear-any-more-complaints <<

Motherfuckers, I've been saying this for years and years....since the rocking nascent days of soc.singapore.culture & Straits Times Forum.

Surely by now it should be clear: SINGAPORE---you can't really blame the govt ===>>YOU<<=== CHOSE using your highly educated brains, and the fact that you always WIN ARGUMENTS when talking fucking politics.

May the govt fuck you harder...oh wait...the govt by the people for the people, CHOSEN BY THE FUCKING PEOPLE....that means---

GO FUCK Y O U R S E L V E S ! ! 🤡 (I'm excluded. I stopped voting)

Anonymous said...

MOM is firstly a misnormal. Previously it was Ministry of Labour. Changed to Ministry of Manpower because some egoistic self-indulgent idiots think that the word 'Manpower' shows they have great power to do what they like. And also bring it in line with the SAF Military organisational structure of Manpower Division, Central Manpower Base, G1, S1 and Manpower Officer. That happens during a time when almost every govt agency wants power, authoriiry, number one. That's why you have LTA, HSA, MDA, Spore Power, One This and One That.
Secondly, at present you have an egoistic, self-centred, self-enriching, self-praise, self-promotion, self-interest person who name has been famously associated with talking cock like singing songs, at the helm of MOM, the 50 firms taken to task out of hundreds of thousand firms, is just a tiny drop of water in the big ocean. So, this must be seen and taken as a political gimmick of a monkey who tries to play politics in the normal human world. Nothing else!

Anonymous said...

@ 2.45pm //the 50 firms taken to task out of hundreds of thousand firms, is just a tiny drop of water in the big ocean. So, this must be seen and taken as a political gimmick of a monkey who tries to play politics in the normal human world. Nothing else!//

Ha ha ha

Thought msn commenters "all sleeping including the waya-ing co-drivers?" and noboLEE gg mention abt it .......?

In peesai, (foreign) MNCs alone about 30,000?

Anonymous said...

LSS crying for the PMETs?

This is just swee swee wayang of oscar quality.

Crock-or-die tears, post mortem as always?

Anonymous said...

If 50 (companies), it is like 0.1%?

And there are another 100 hundred thousand SMEs if not more around?

So actually become less than 0.001%?

Anonymous said...

Sinkies are called "DAFT" by old man and .....

..... labelled "Idiotic Blady Stupid Moronic KongCum People" by Taiwanese writer Li Ao ......

..... not for NOTHING?

Anonymous said...

Talking about the 70% or the 30%?

Anonymous said...

Good I support minimum punishment to companies. We need more foreigners, degree mill also can. Jack up GDP as well as rentals and property prices. The fuckers here jealous only becoz no extra condo or property to rent out. Who ask you?!?! PAP already make it so easy to buy 2nd property to rent out you also don't want/ don't know. Too bad for you fuckers. You're the type of sinkies that S'pore can do without. That's why PAP all along trying to get rid of you losers. And it looks like we're succeeding. Good!!

patriot said...

l like this Comment very much.
lt really captures the Fact that Sin Rulers are exactly as described.

Very accurate, appropriate and befitting the Sin Rulers.

Just keep blaming Sinkies
and rule them like they are daft which they are.


Anonymous said...

@ March 09, 2017 12:32 pm

/// I was talking to a HR managers who has conducted many interviews for positions in his organisation.
Singaporean applicants would always ask questions on topics like whether there is need to work weekends or overtime, whether there will be automatic annual increment in salary or whether they are required to travel on assignments. ////

This is a typical PAP straw man argument.
There is no proof that Singaporeans are like this.
But this PAPig anyhow just manufacture a slander against Singaporeans to justify PAP's policies.

You can also call it the "one sparrow makes a summer" type argument.
Here the one sparrow is: "I was talking to a HR manager"

The other famous "one sparrow makes a summer" PAP type argument is the famous and unproven Singaporean.
Who withdrew all his CPF money and spent it all on women in Batam.
Thereby trying to justify PAP's policy of not returning our CPF money back to us.

Know your enemy.
Understand his sneaky lancheow way of talking.
Don't be fooled.
Vote Opposition in GE 2020.

Anonymous said...

@ March 09, 2017 12:32 pm

//// On the other hand FTs from other countries never ask " sensible " questions like these. If you are in a situation where you have to hire a Singaporean of a foreign FT, who would you employ?? Now be very honest and imagine it is your own company and you are seeking a person who would work hard, be dependable and show willingness. ///

Observe how this lancheow cheebye PAPig try to slander Singaporeans.

Number #1
Why are we even allowing foreigners to anyhow enter into Singapore to steal jobs from Singaporeans in the first place?

Number #2
If you think foreigners so good ... ask them to serve two years National Service first ... before allowing them to apply for a job in Singapore

Better still, why doesn't this PAPig go to India and get a job there?
Oh. I'm sorry. George Yeo did that as a Chancellor of Nalanda University right?
Did George Yeo get the sack?

b said...

Actually sinkie managers to blame. Many prefer to hire foreigners. Many even force women to leave their jobs after giving birth. Many even kept those foreigners as mistresses. Cannot all blame the gahmen.

Anonymous said...

@ March 09, 2017 12:32 pm

/// Singaporeans are too pampered .... Singaporean applicants would always ask questions on topics like whether there is need to work weekends or overtime, whether there will be automatic annual increment in salary or whether they are required to travel on assignments. ///

You mean like this Singaporean?

“When I made the decision to join politics in 2006, pay was not a key factor.
Loss of privacy, public scrutiny on myself and my family and loss of personal time were.
The disruption to my career was also an important consideration.
I had some ground to believe that my family would not suffer a drastic change in the standard of living even though I experienced a drop in my income.
So it is with this recent pay cut.
If the balance is tilted further in the future, it will make it harder for any one considering political office."
- Grace Fu

Anonymous said...

No shame. People don't want you and you use force to force a relationship. How can any reject be happy working for an organisation which has been forced to hire them?

Why don't the brainless leaders force eligible bachelors to marry ugly bitches?

Such relationship usually won't last!

Anonymous said...

/// No shame. People don't want you and you use force to force a relationship. ///
March 09, 2017 6:32 pm

Exactly the reason to cancel and revoke National Service.
Make National Service voluntary.

Anonymous said...

@ March 09, 2017 12:32 pm


Number #3 these companies HR after employing FTrashes, as time goes by these FTRASHES r not stupid & they will come to their senses & wake up after comparing the market they found they r being short changed or become exploited, remember the aSshMrt bus drivers strike 3 -4 years ago ? Many of these Foreigners drivers were unhappy bout their salary & working hours; & is it the HR of local companies never learn any lesson at all?..

Number #4 the indiscriminate increase of foreigners in the Spore work force will eventually lead to other social repercussions such as riots (eg. The Little India riots)..who know there may other riots coming up next...think the garmen cam safeguards all these ? when the times come all the men in blue all run away like cowards...

Anonymous said...

You build Babel, communication will break down and end up, talking cock!

Anonymous said...

The Pathetic and Tragic Story of the Little Red Dot - Part 12

The following are excellent comments that Daft Red-doters must read, think, analyze, self-reflect, learn and start to become smart, wise winners, instead of pathetic losers, for the sake of your own future and your children's future:

1. "Good I support minimum punishment to companies. We need more foreigners, degree mill also can. Jack up GDP as well as rentals and property prices. The fuckers here jealous only becoz no extra condo or property to rent out. Who ask you?!?! PAP already make it so easy to buy 2nd property to rent out you also don't want/ don't know. Too bad for you fuckers. You're the type of sinkies that S'pore can do without. That's why PAP all along trying to get rid of you losers. And it looks like we're succeeding. Good!"

by a non entity (a soul without a body) @ March 09, 2017 3:47 pm.

2. "Singaporeans are too pampered to be gainfully employed. I was talking to a HR managers who has conducted many interviews for positions in his organisation. Singaporean applicants would always ask questions on topics like whether there is need to work weekends or overtime, whether there will be automatic annual increment in salary or whether they are required to travel on assignments. On the other hand FTs from other countries never ask " sensible " questions like these. If you are in a situation where you have to hire a Singaporean of a foreign FT, who would you employ?? Now be very honest and imagine it is your own company and you are seeking a person who would work hard, be dependable and show willingness."

by a non entity (a soul without a body) @ March 09, 2017 12:32 pm.

3. "Mind you, even though Males go to work overseas, the army will still call them home for Annual In-Camp Training. How's about that? Here also die, overseas also die! " @ March 09, 2017 10:48 am

"And I guess Singaporeans get the government they deserve, so I don’t want to hear any more complaints."
- Kenneth Jeyaretnam, GE 2015


by a non entity (a soul without a body) @ March 09, 2017 11:00 am

Anonymous said...

Foreign and local mismatch and die or be hypocrites also die

Anonymous said...

PAP's Strategy of Governing

PAP has been in power since 1959. Once the Opposition Party, the Barisan Socialist make a big blunder of boycotting elections and let PAP into the Parliament Full House, they can pass any law they wanted.

Once they experienced this heavenly sent gift of easily acquired unfettered power, they perpetuate this strategy for as long as they wanted.

Right from the very beginning, the strategy is three-prong approach:

1. Money. Make sure majority only have sufficient money for their own daily living, so that they cannot become rich. Because human nature is such that once people become rich, they would want to have status, once they have status, they would want to become famous, once they become famous, they would want to become powerful .....

2. Time. Make sure the majority of people do not have to much time to spare, otherwise they will be too free to participate in many activities, especially political activists' activities such as protests, strikes, work-to-rule, sit-ins, demonstrations, organising fund-raising and charitable organisational activities, etc.

3. Freedom. Make sure the majority of the people do not have much freedom regarding freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of movement and freedom of assembly.

If you examine into all the policies of the PAP government, you will find, in one way or the other, all or at least one of the above is the main objective of most of their policies.

Always bear the PAP's three-prong approach in mind, whenever one examine into any of the new PAP policies and observe the subsequent actions they take.

The central idea of the three-prong approach is to LIMIT and RESTRICT the capacity and capabilities of the masses from up-rising; in other words, to prevent a mass revolt against PAP's Supreme and Everlasting Power.

Anonymous said...

Talk cock nation. Leaders talk cock the people talk cock and foreigners all talk cock. How not be "confuse" and stupid?

Stupid people sure die!

Anonymous said...

The one single thread holding the hotpot of confusion in languages and culture is money. You must be an idiot to think there is lon( term stability and future for such compact.

Anonymous said...

To add on Dragon fly, PAP strategy of Governing,

Point 4 ...Brainwashing or Propaganda..this is done via local media, social networks, local newspapers, PA staffs, Aunty Lucy, local newspapers..every brainwashing about how great & good the garmen is. One ah NEH auntie even tell residents to be grateful to her when the garmen increase water price else u all have no even 'sai jui' to drink...these white people r world best in praising themselves...

Anonymous said...

@ patriot March 09, 2017 10:19 am
///As I was saying above about assets becoming liabilities, the Defunct
Tang Dynasty City was a classic example.
Built at a cost of about $100 millions in the 90s, it was demolished about a decade ago when it failed to fulfill its' intended purpose.
Since then and or before, many other artificial structures were built, amongst them the Sentosa Sea Aquarium which had just recently closed down. Others that I can foresee as potential candidates for demolitions in future shall include the Ferris Wheel, Garden by the Bay and much of Sentosa. There is also no guarantee that the Integrated Resorts at Sentosa and Marina will not suffer similar fate or be transform to other purposes.

I will even go as far as to say even some of the Airport Terminals at Changi could become liability in time to come. Maybe, the demolished Budget Terminal did not count as one.
The Beauty and Viguor of ones' youth are definite.
All ends sooner or later, however, too ambitious and too much artificial intervention, hothousing
and steroid boosting could hasten demise by a big margin.///

Angkor Patrait,

Tq for raising several good points here.

To add some points to the mai thrust of the theme in your comment, Mee has been observing the retail and f&b sectors in various parts of peesai for the past 6 years .......

Anonymous said...

On (most if not all) Mon to Wed, the probability of "pak mang" and fill up a full transparent ziplock plastic bag with a bagful of "dead mozzies" is near to 1?

On Thur and Fri, demand at most F&B and retail outlets are quite "patchy" and (the) probabilty of a bagful of mozzies is about 0.5 upwards?

On weekend peak hours, even in high traffic areas, probability some if not many retail F&B outlets being more than 3/4 empty is near 1?

Anonymous said...

(Btw, above comment refers to the period in the recent past ......)

Also the number of units vacated seemed to be at an accelerating pace with more (empty) units with "FOR RENT" posters?

Are the various strategies recommended for retail businesses in the recent 2017 CFE report of any use for many (struggling) retail SMEs (or only those [talking {cock} on paper about [fighting] a war)?

patriot said...

Dear Anon 1047 and 1054 pm;

Oh Yes, some big electronic retailers will have to scale down if they are not doing exports.
The Fashion and Non-essential products retailers too shall have to close shops or scale down as well, no other way.

With costs of living rising many times faster than wage and worse more unemployment, Sinkies do not have the Spending Power anymore. Many will be facing money problems and crimes will be climbing affecting the safety and security of living in Sin.

Things are coming to a head and failing to deal with them in time shall result in dire consequences.
As l have said many times,
Sin Rulers are using consumption as a source of growth, hence they have to grow the Population as fast as they could. And to accommodate the Alien Settlers, more woll have to be built to sell to them(alien) to keep the Economy going.
But, when there is no more
space to build in 30 to 40 years time, how?

Many friends are telling me that l am stupid to think and talk about the
Situation and the Future.
Reason cited is that me will not be around for long since l am a senior citizen. They say l am worry for nothing aka 杞人优天 in Chinese.

To some extend l do agree.


Anonymous said...

Lee Con Yew

Anonymous said...


You see lah.
Unlike Joseph Schooling ... this Singapore slave still hoping PAP gahmen will help.
You either tan ku ku or learn to vote Opposition.

Anonymous said...


Good idea Uncle Teo.
Everybody ... let's buy Uncle Teo a plane ticket and fly him to North Korea.

Anonymous said...

In Economics research, one area often covered by the economic fraternity is consumer confidence and consumer spending .......?

There are many good articles written on this subject in economic journals such as the "Journal of Economic Literature" (JEL) and "Journal of Economic Perspectives" (JEP) .......?

To quote from one such article published in 2004 by Professor of Economics Sydney C. Ludvigson of New York University and Faculty Research Fellow of NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research):


"At least since the work of John Maynard Keynes, economists have pondered the ways in which consumer and investor sentiment - what Keynes (1936, Chapter 12) referred to as "animals spirits" -- might influence the real economy.................. In the New York Times alone, more than 15 articles about consumer confidence and its potential impact on the economy appeared between July 2002 and June 2003. Consumer confidence is often cited by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan as a key determinant of near-term economic growth (for example, Greenspan, 2002)."


Anonymous said...

The Madness in the Political Leadership of Singapore - Part 19

Red Marks or Hallmarks of High Quality Debate in Parliament?

Lately, Singapore's self-praising PM in his Facebook post wrote:

By international standards, our Parliament is less dramatic than some others, but the quality of our debate is high.

He indirectly praised himself by saying that the speeches made by several MPs during the Budget Debate were "hallmarks" of the high quality of debate in Parliament.

As he was too shy to praise his own PAP MPs, he made use of three No-power MPs' hypocritical small talks to illustrate his point on high quality debate -

1. Kok Heng Leun's diversion-of-important-water-hike-issue-speech on arts and culture to help bond and build resilience in society,

2. Randolph Tan's self-praising close tracking of Singapore's economic restructuring efforts, and

3. Ganesh Rajaram's wasting-parliament's-time by telling his mother self-praising grandmother story about how dignified she was in the face of prejudice.

He said, "These three NMPs exemplify the purpose of the Nominated MP scheme. They have brought their expertise and experience to bear, and enriched the public discourse."

He also pat Low Thia Kiang on the back by praising the Workers' Party MPs for cooperating with the PAP in letting down their voters, thus saying:

"Some opposition MPs made good speeches too. MP Low Thia Khiang, leader of the Workers' Party, had set out succinctly how the strategic landscape is changing, and how this challenges our foreign policy..... This is how parliamentary democracy is supposed to work. Sometimes we fall short of this ideal, but in the case of these four speeches, we have not done badly."

I am so embarrassed that I really don't know what to say about this side-stepping of the main issues at hand at a time of uncertainty ahead, followed by a callous, greedy, irresponsible, insensitive, unreasonable and totally absurd decision to raise water price by a hefty 30% all of a sudden, plus introduction of new taxes and increase of other taxes, especially so when Singapore's economy is not doing well and is likely to fall further.

All I can think of is his own sister calling him "dishonorable son" and he has not brought her to court to prove that she was wrong.

What do you think? Should give him red marks or hallmarks?

Anonymous said...

... con't @ Anonymous March 10, 2017 12:07 am
//In Economics research, one area often covered by the economic fraternity is consumer confidence and consumer spending .......?
There are many good articles written on this subject in economic journals such as the "Journal of Economic Literature" (JEL) and "Journal of Economic Perspectives" (JEP) .......?

To quote from one such article published in 2004 by Professor of Economics Sydney C. Ludvigson of New York University and Faculty Research Fellow of NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research):


"At least since the work of John Maynard Keynes, economists have pondered the ways in which consumer and investor sentiment - what Keynes (1936, Chapter 12) referred to as "animals spirits" -- might influence the real economy.................. In the New York Times alone, more than 15 articles about consumer confidence and its potential impact on the economy appeared between July 2002 and June 2003. Consumer confidence is often cited by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan as a key determinant of near-term economic growth (for example, Greenspan, 2002)."


Given recent news in about several NEW and HEFTY tax increases being implemented over the next 3 months to 2 years, oppo MPs Miss Sylvia Lim and Party Chief Mr Low Thia Khiang raised some good questions (though more could have been done)?

Going forward (for the economy), the immediate impact (and likely "first casualties") could be the retail sector?

With the impending tax increases coming one after another within the next 3 months to 2 years, consumer confidence is likely to take a (hard) hit.

This is unlikely a helping hand for the retail and F&B sectors as many are already reeling from subdue consumer spending in the past few years?

In the above cited article written by Professor of Economics Sydney C. Ludvigson in 2004, some of the conclusions in the research findings are worth examining:


"Consumer Confidence and Precautionary Saving

If higher consumer confidence levels capture reduced uncertainty about the future and therefore diminished the precautionary motive for saving, then higher consumer confidence should be associated with higher level of consumption today, relative to tommorow."


If this is the case, isn't it true in reverse?

Going forward, is it not possible that besides not opening up their wallets as often, consumers likely would also undertake "more precautionary savings"?

This is where it could "prove DEADLY" for the retail sector?

As "proven beyond doubt" in the theory of "Paradox of Thrift", in the near and mid term, both national output and final saving would be likely "negatively impacted"?

denk said...

two anehs went into sing shiong to buy beer at 11pm,
sales girl told them no sale of liquor after 1030 by law. the duo started hurling abusive language 'chao jee bai' , even wanted to attack the petrified girl.
i was going to call police when their gang pull them away, while still abusing the staff and onlookers .

on the same morning i witnessed an aneh abusing a sinkie in a bus, ugly scene like these are getting more common these days,
remember the serangoon riots ?

as if sg has not enough barbarians, still want to import 500000 more from abroad.
no wonder they'r getting lu lai lu guai lan !

patriot said...

As survivals in this sick Sin Society run by sick and avaricious Rulers, more Sinkies shall become
emotionally and mentally disturbed.
lt is plain to most that things from structural to human behaviours are breaking down and falling apart almost everyday and everywhere. lt is not wrong to say Sin is in haywire.

Cant help having fear that the Future is very dark for the Younger Generations of Native Sinkies.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

Same same pinoy lah ......

At a cashier counter this pinoy guy gave the SINKIE middle-aged lady some vouchers and she was verifying sthg but this pinoy guy just out of the blue shouted loudly and very rudely:

"You COLOUR BLIND arh ......?"

The cashier was STUNNED and looked like had a very bad fright, just like many other customers standing near the cashier counter queue.

But this pinoy really acted like a gangster from his body language and the sinkie lady could be seen "trembling" a bit and face turned colour from the sudden verbal intimidation and abuse ......?

Mb many foreigners including this pinoy guy running out of $$$ and feeling very stressed by high COL in this most expensive peesai sin city in the whole world but the super rude abusive sudden shouting at the cashier is definitely uncalled for and more like "VENTING anger" and "taking out" at those weaker and can be "eziLEE" bullied members in sinkieland society ......

From the way this pinoy guy blatantly did it, properly that was not the first time ......?

More (trouble) to come down the road ......?

Likely this may not be an isolated incident?

Could be (many) more (such similar incidents) occurring across the sin city island?

Anonymous said...

///lt is plain to most that things from structural to human behaviours are breaking down and falling apart almost everyday and everywhere. ///

Good morning Angkor Patrait,

So early?

Can you share (in msn) some of the incidents you witnessed (previously)?

This is after all "MySingkielandNews" site .....

Let's share "some news" (in msn) seen and witnessed across the sin city island (but not reported in the ["sterilised"] msm?


Uncle RB the good guy is called "MSN" .......

The other is called "MSM"?

Sound close but ocean apart "in value, essence ........."?

patriot said...

"So early?", unquote.

Hardly slept, quite normal to be restless whence visiting My Singapore News.
Tragedies and woes are all over the Media everyday. Train breakdowns, teen suicides, underage girls having sex with ang mos, driving against traffic flow, raining lifts and trains, falling concrete slabs and humans etc.
Do we have to have more to see and understand the
mess in our society?
Not scare that Sin will be in deep trouble?
lndeed, the Sin Rulers seem not to care or worry much and can afford to make livelihood challenging for the People.

lt is true and a fact that Sinkies are daft and kiasi, such that they will bear with whatever exploitation and even allow themselves to be bullied by their Rulers who exercise their power with impunity.

Being Ah Q myself, l do tell myself that l am lucky to be an oldie. Hence, l shall NOT have to face living hell in Sin for too long.

Good Luck Folks.
One bad turn and hell
will be upon Sin.
Pray hard, real hard.


patriot said...

Correction to the Word
本 to

in my post above.

My apology.


Anonymous said...

@ Patriot 9.49am
//lt is true and a fact that Sinkies are daft and kiasi, such that they will bear with whatever exploitation and even allow themselves to be bullied by their Rulers who exercise their power with impunity.//

Mee recalled (if not incorrectly) in the late 1970s a meeting between the paramount leaders of an Asian sleeping BIG DRAGON and a barren rock and the essence of that part of the conversation was sthg like this:

//The Chinese culture ...... or rather people ..... oops ...... or rather ancient Chinese had immense and unbelievably tremendous threshold for sufferings and hardships ......?//

Unless they got nothing else to eat, the //ancient Chinese will still not rise against their supreme rulers (aka Dragon Emperors aka Sons of God) if they still can subsist on tree barks and roots ......?//

Many Sinkies ancestors are from Mainland?

Dun doubt the (extent of) hardships and sufferings sinkies can bear (or willing to bear) to be "with the LEEders, for the LEEders, and for (the LEEders') Sinkieland)?



"Lives in Sin, Dies in Sin."


That is a very sharp and shrewd observation of typical Sinkies (trained, housed, educated, kapalawashed, programmed like robots) to live an old farted's lives, glories, egos ......?

But what's wrong with that?

(Paraphrasing old farted?)

denk said...



Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ patriot 631

» ❨1❩ lt is plain to most that things from structural to human behaviours are breaking down and falling apart almost everyday and everywhere. lt is not wrong to say Sin is in haywire.

❨2❩ Cant help having fear that the Future is very dark for the Younger Generations of Native Sinkies. «

Hey patriot, if you shift your focus and "world view" (interpretation, perspective, weltanschauung etc. ) you'll get the meaning of 危机 (weiji).

❨1❩ "Creative destruction"---if the stuff is breaking down, then probably the time has come where they are no more relevant, effective or even useful. Perhaps they're hanging around and just getting in the way.

Therefore, "new things" are needed. Will they be better? Who knows. Try lah...if succeed, then keep. If chow kah, throw away. Make sense?

Our species and minds did not evolve for rapid change. Whilst we humans are an adaptable species, we adapt quite well if the change is slow, steady and at a rate we can more or less "predict" what is coming next.

However, that is not our world now. Change is rapid and DESTRUCTION is swift. Implementation of the "new" happens so fast it's hard to keep up or even understand WTF is going on.

However, creative destruction comes out of nature itself. That's how evolution progresses. The very basis of the formation of elements like precious metals come from destruction. When stars go "supernova" they massively explode, and in the process "create" elements like gold, uranium, platinum etc.

Destruction is absolutely necessary. And I am a HUGE FAN of destruction. Matilah Singapura! 🤡 (can you imagine what comes after? Better than rebirth...A NEW Singapore? )

❨2❩ You'll find that some of the best "creative destroyers" are YOUNG people. Very smart young people, who can see better ways of doing stuff, and so they "create" new things, and the old, less effective ways die out.

Email killed snail mail. Online news killed newspapers. A.I. writing algorithms are replacing human journalists. HFT/ algo trading are quickly making traders obsolete, YouTube will kill TV, WhatsApp is killing Telcos revenue from overseas calls, Uber has hammered the taxi industry, Air BnB is forcing hotels to cut prices, as are Budget Airlines. Global labour force is killing off local labour wage rates and security.

Facebook and other social media platforms are out-performing mainstream media in shaping public opinion. DJ Trump is a Twitter EXPERT. It is doubtful his campaign would have been as effective if not for Twitter, as the whole media HATED (and continues to hate) him

Uber's creator is young. Zuckerberg was a fresh-faced 22 yr old when Facebook was born. Bill Gates (our generation) was in early 20's when Microsoft was created.

⦿ Guys who've been on my radar for sometime are Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed, and Amir Taaki of DarkMarket, which evolved to OpenBazzar. They are both young guys.

Cody is famous for his 3D printed gun, and the authorities all over the world are shitting. Download digital file from internet, run on computer, plug 3D printer in computer...and run. After a few hours, you have parts to build a GUN. Present projects are 3D printed AR15 and 1911 Colt 45---pretty serious hardware.

Cody has "destroyed" the system of govt-controlled/ prohibited GUN OWNERSHIP. Now anyone can have guns---as many as they like. Cost of manufacture: under $100 per weapon 😂😂

Amir Taaki is the father of OpenBazzar---100% anonymous, 100% absolutely FREE MARKET where anything goes.

Check then out for yourself.

I think the young people are going to be more than OK. They are going to be living in an awesome world, where they can do whatever the fuck they like, and govts. will have NO POWER to stop them. 🤡

☆ ℳℴ𝓋ℯ ℱ𝒶𝓈𝓉 ℬ𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀 𝒮𝓉𝓊𝒻𝒻 ❢❢ ☆

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Let the destruction, and creativity CONTINUE:

Make your own guns: https://defdist.org/

Sell and buy anything (legal or otherwise) : https://openbazaar.org/

Balls to regulation! Fuck the laws! 🤡

patriot said...

Matilah Singapura;

Thank You my Idol.

Me agrees with You that
the Youngs are indeed the
more revolutionary ones.
However, youth in Sin are definitely a great disappointment as far as politic is concerned. Majority or most could not be bothered. They are
only interested in themselves. ln many ways,
they are educated and inculcated to be such.
Many observed and said that the Youngs are indoctrinated by Pappy Culture the Moment they are send to PAP Kindergartens.
l would also say that the Youngs being born to PAP brainwashed parents and grandpaŕents, naturally are not having much brain
of their own.

Young Sinkies are liked factory produced canned products. They are contained, preserved and shaped and canned by tge Manufacturer.
Do not harbour much hope
about their ability to change things.
Maybe, the Best they do is to make Sin their hotel and enjoy Sin in rocking style.

Always enjoy Your Rejoinder. Thank You!
