
I thought it was a joke or a hoax

Below is posted in the statestimesreview.

‘I am deeply saddened and shocked by the events that took place on March 4. My mother is 73 years old, frail and suffers from a host of medical conditions.

That morning, she went to the Ang Mo Kio South Neighbourhood Police Centre to report a lost pawn shop ticket. However, the officer-in-charge informed her that there was a warrant of arrest issued against her in 2015 for failing to appear for a court hearing on a town council-related matter. They did not provide her with any further details of the offence.

She was detained and taken to the Ang Mo Kio Police Station and, from there, to the State Courts, before being remanded at Changi Women’s Prison (CWP). While in custody, my mother was stressed and overwhelmed, and was unable to recall the contact details of any of her relatives....

Furthermore, when my mother was moved between the police station, CWP and the court, she was handcuffed and had leg restraints on. It is appalling that a weak old woman was subjected to such harsh treatment.

Law enforcement officers must be empowered to exercise flexibility to handle such cases with empathy and more humane considerations. I hope our pioneer generation members will not be subjected to such an ordeal in future.’

When I read this narrative, immediately I don’t believe that this could happen in Singapore. Our police officers are very well trained, very caring, very proper, very professional, as exemplified in the Benjamin case. How could they treat a 73 year old woman like that? This cannot be true, this must be a joke.

The statestimereview must verify the details before posting this kind of articles or may incur the wrath of the police. I hope the statestimesreview double confirm this case or remove it from its site.
Oops, after writing the above I came across a half page article in the ST on 16 Mar stating that indeed this case was genuine. The victim that was restrained/not restrain, is a Gertrude Simon. The police respond on this, ‘A joint statement by the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) and Singapore Police Force (SPF) last night said she was not restrained by the police, and this was done only when she was transferred to prison as part of standard procedure.’

The Police added, ‘The Police and SPS have a duty to enforce the law and to ensure that the rule of law is respected. At the same time, we are committed to ensuring the well being and safety of persons in our custody.’ The Police were just doing their duty and also for the well being and safety of the person to restrain/not restrain a person.  And she was offered food and water, to call home and like Benjamin, ‘She did not show any sign of being traumatised, and was alert in police custody.’

The daughter said, ”When I saw her after her release she was very quiet and when I brought her home, she slept with her hands closed to her face, like in handcuffs,” she added.

Basically she was very well and professionally taken care of, under standard operating procedures, when under police custody. Everything was done properly according to the law and lawful procedure. Case close, no big issue.

Would the kind and compassionate Shanmugam want to review this procedure just like the Police reviewing the procedure after Benjamin’s case, to rethink if it is appropriate to restrain/not restrain a 73 year old woman with respect to the nature of her crime that warranted a restrain/not restrain procedure?

A few questions to ask.
1. Did she commit a serious crime that requires handcuff and leg restraint?
2. Can the handcuff and leg restraint protect her from harming herself?
3. Would she be able to run away from the police?
4. Is it necessary to restrain a mild, weak 73 year old woman?


Anonymous said...

Did she commit a serious crime that requires handcuff and leg restraint?

But then Police said she was not handcuffed and leg restraint what. They even offered video as evidence to the woman's daughter (who had complained) to view at her convenience some more!

So why the woman's daughter lied? Did she have any ulterior motives?

Anonymous said...

But even if the police did handcuffed and leg restraint the 73 years old woman who is frail and suffers from a host of medical conditions, PAP will still win the next election as long as the opposition is not ready to be govt.

So the Police, by not doing so, is already very magnanimous in the treatment of the old woman.

The woman's daughter should appreciate that and apologise to the police or else she may even get charged for telling lies about the police treatment of her mother.

Anonymous said...

But then Police said she was not handcuffed and leg restraint what.
9:56 am

But that was during the lim kopi time lah. During transfer from one place to another, she could have been handcuffed and leg restraint, which was what her daughter was complaining about. Maybe police small fly have to follow SOP mah, or else they themselves may get charged. Also SOP did not say cannot handcuff or leg restraint 73 year old, tio bo?

But then as Anon 10:03 am said, even if so, so what? PAP will still win the next election as long as the opposition is not ready to be govt.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

‘A joint statement by the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) and Singapore Police Force (SPF) last night said she was not restrained by the police, and this was done only when she was transferred to prison as part of standard procedure.’

What does this statement says? Was the woman put on handcuff and leg restraint at any time? Read this part, 'this was only done....'

Anonymous said...

Maybe police small fly...
10:13 am

Should be small fry, not small fly. Police are not insects lah.

Anonymous said...

Elderly woman handcuffed just over summon relating to putting potted plants along HDB corridor . . .

Anonymous said...

"Maybe police small fly have to follow SOP mah, or else they themselves may get charged. Also SOP did not say cannot handcuff or leg restraint 73 year old, tio bo? "

teo lah, teo saying golden principle: 15 yo need 5 police men escort from school, mother cannot see. Old 73 need hand, leg restrain, can fly away u know. Ang mor violent criminal hitting public, do not rush to the scene. The golden principle is to protect yourself lah. If 73 yr old has no leg restrains, he she can run off like olympic 100 meter gold medal. Then jobs as police officer gone to foreigners, citizens will complain again.

Anonymous said...

Law is law and procedures are procedures in sinkie land as lower rank police also bo Bian. Once I was in the lift and saw two police officers with a youth. I was wondering why he was carrying his backpack with two hands like bound from behind till I notice he was handcuffed. The poor guy probably caught for shop lifting. He has to carry is own backpack in a very uncomfortable way. Why can't the police hold his bag for him.

This type of thing one can brush it off till it happened to u or your love ones then u can not tahan.😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰

Anonymous said...

If 73 yr old has no leg restrains, he she can run off like olympic 100 meter gold medal.
10:28 am

Not say run lah, what happen if 73 year old give a flying kick to police LP or CB, then how?

That part not protected, u know.

For your info, although I am 72 years and cannot run fast, but I sure can still give flying kick one.

Anonymous said...

Is it necessary to restrain a mild, weak 73 year old woman?

Without a medical checkup, looks can be deceiving.

So the Police are simply not taking any chances.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the true nature of the event or whatever the truth or falsehood presented or whatever the injustice or cruelty inflicted in the name of upholding the law, and no matter how many cases like this case or similar injustice and police brutality committed in the name of 'proper procedure' of the law, the voters of Singapore are still going to vote for the PAP to control and discipline them like horses whose spurs are not stuck into the hide. The Opposition Parties will continue to be weak, fragmented, kiasu and kiasi, behaving worse than a co-driver and, worst of all, has no inspiration, hope nor ambition to govern the country. Now, foreigners already reached 4 million against locals of 2.5 million (not 3 million as asserted by many). Plus 1 million tourists at any one time, there are 5 million foreigners in Singapore at any one time. It is too late. The mould has been cast and dried and hardened. No amount of public opinions can change the course of events, therefore the fate of the dafts, to come. So, just continue to suffer and suck your thumbs and toes if you need. Have fun sucking!

Anonymous said...

The key & critical question:"who did she voted for in last GE?"
If she voted the PAPies, KJ already told her she got the govt she deserves..
Else ..if she still alive she can change her vote decision in next GE..

Virgo49 said...

Sinkies followed procedures to the Dot.

Transfered out of safe premises to another premise required the suspect or detainee to be cuffed and now even restrained on the legs.

Don't care whether the detainee is 14 years or 74 years. They kiasu, kiasi if things goes wrong. So they said for your own good. Scared you hurt yourself.

However, you know sinkies or nowadays foreign kies, many outsiders also become law enforcers to enforce their own ways of laws on sinkies are SABO kings and Queens.

Even nothing happens, they still on the safe side followed SOPs. If not some body Sabo you for not following SOPS. Chiak lak.

So, whether you are bedridden or on wheelchair, they will still cuffed you. Maybe no need legs restraints.

Previously, SAF detainees brought to Government hospitals are escorted and cuff much much worse than civilian detainees.

Like a dog on an iron lease pulled by MP. Some even have a pole between their armpits and cuffed like an ancient day prisoner awaiting for execution.

They, stupidly brought these detainees in front of the general public. Some parents were shocked and afraid that their sons would land up in this situation make some noises.

Thus, now no more SGH but Cannot Go Home Hospital and they went by the side entrances.

If parents were to see how their sons been tortured in camps, they would definitely shouted for the Repeal of the National Service Act and voted against the PAP.

That's why no cameras phones allowed in camps. Why the Military camps all surrounded with Green opaque fencing???

Some bright sparks will in leak comes out with the happenings in camp will turn the tide against the PAP.

Anonymous said...

"Not say run lah, what happen if 73 year old give a flying kick to police LP or CB, then how?"

This is similar to escorting to imh patient. Normal person to be appeared in court will want to get out legally. Kick police at that time? Only u might do it.

Anonymous said...

Previously, SAF detainees brought to Government hospitals are escorted and cuff much much worse than civilian detainees.
Like a dog on an iron lease pulled by MP. Some even have a pole between their armpits and cuffed like an ancient day prisoner awaiting for execution.
Virgo49 11:36 am

But how many are SAF detainees? 1% of the total SAF?

Always remember, majority SAF are good SAF personnel, just as majority Sinkies will vote for PAP. In general majority of the public, whether in Sinkieland or elsewhere, are good people.

Anonymous said...

/// 4. Is it necessary to restrain a mild, weak 73 year old woman? ///

Is it necessary to send a teenage blogger to IMH?

Is it necessary to stop you from withdrawing all your CPF money at age 55 years old because of an unverified report of one old man spending all his CPF money in Batam island?

Is it necessary for Singaporeans to vote Opposition to ask these questions in parliament?

Anonymous said...

/// Did she commit a serious crime that requires handcuff and leg restraint? ///

It is serious because it's the PAP government.

patriot said...

In Sin,
there is Law.
is there Justice,
humanities and


Goh said...

Moral of story.
Police are kind enough not to pay her a visit or knock on her door since 2015 when warrant of arrest was issued .
They allow her to report as and when she is comfortable.
Where on earth do we find such understanding police.
Should be grateful to them for being so considerate towards our elderly.

Goh said...

73 y.o , frail and suffer from hosts of medical conditions can go NPC alone.
Should blame the children for neglecting the parent.Some more dare complain.
Should propose a law to punish such poot how kia instead.Case close.

Anonymous said...

Rioting Foreign Talents in Little India
- the Singapore Police run like hell

- 73 year old Singaporean slave woman
- this one must teach a proper lesson

You get the government you voted for
- You fucking Singaporean slaves

Virgo49 said...

Anon 11.54.

Whether it is 0.5% or 1% or 50%, it is still CRUELTY and INHUMAN to have your own fellow comrades treated this way!!

Many of the Clowns like to make fun of these on goings, thinking that these would not happen to them.

When the time come for themselves, their sons, their grandchildren to be treated these ways, then NO TEARS would come out from their eyes.

These experiences must be experienced painfully by them before they keep their TRAPS shut.

This old lady should just go to the pawnshop and do whatever she intended to do. Why report the lost of pawn ticket to the numb SPF???

They not gonna help you to trace the lost pawn ticket. The pawn shop owner or employee would be able to help you better. They have your records with them. If you want to redeem, they be gladly to so provided you bring the S$1111 plus interest to them.

Learn this from the Pawnshop King who used to pawn lots of valuables.

Maybe, she just wants to let these dummies and the heartless Town Council silver serpents know that she is already so chiak lat, give chance a bit leh.

This farking heartless government with its Town Councils are pushing the citizens to their death.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Hi to all you bleeding heart motherfuckers,

What motherfucking CUNTRY do you think you're living in huh? This is Singapore lah.

Ever since the one-legged pai kah Mat Selmat bested the entire cuntry's military and police forces, the kia su govt (who are of the same genetic stock as the kia su people who voted for them) are not taking any chances.

Imagine Mat Selamat with his hippity hoppity gait escaping 😝🤡 One legged fella. 😂🤣

Cannot take chances with the old dear lah. Gotta handcuff and shackle her. Sekali she see sees a broom, grabs it, straddles it and flies of into the night.

Next day the front page of Straits Times reads :

❝Police spokesman DSP Chau Goon Doo said "...and it was at that moment we realised we were dealing with a WITCH...." DSP Goon Doo declined further comment adding that "The SPF are pursuing various leads". Law minister Shanmugam suggested parliament should introduce 'anti-witch' legislation.❞


Anonymous said...

Off topic.

Dear redbean.
Info only.

Americans seem to regard China as a serious threat to their country.
But as you can see from the table below, American tourists seem to be very safe in China.
No reported deaths ... unlike in the Philippines (one of America's closest allies).

These Are The Most Dangerous Countries For American Tourists


Anonymous said...

Is it normal to use handcuffs and leg restraints when slaves are being transported?

Anonymous said...

Complain so much for fuck?!?!? You all should be fucking thankful SPF didn't shoot the old woman's head off.

Anonymous said...

You all should be fucking thankful SPF didn't shoot the old woman's head off.
March 18, 2017 5:56 pm

Yes! Yes!
We are grateful to be allowed to live in Singapore.

Wan sui! Wan sui!
Wan, wan sui!

Anonymous said...

Powder n reality suck!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

So far the smartest thing that came out from Matilah is the witch theory. Believe me, many daft sinkies would believe it just like they believed Selamat floated on bottles across the Johore Strait. An old with flying on broom stick is as normal as you can expect in Sin City.

Hi Anon 5:06,

The Americans is branding everyone as enemy and a threat to create fear in the world so that they can become the leader and sell to the stupid more arms. But China is a real threat to American hegemony and the American Empire. They know that if there is a country that can say no to them, it will be the end of their Empire, to rule and bully the world.

Anonymous said...

"But China is a real threat to American hegemony and the American Empire."

Not true. China is too scared to make US angry. US grab the weakness. US form US Japan SK mini nato to attack China now, using NK as an excuse. Little dot may join the attack if Obama is around.

China will be gone. If China helps the 3 enemies to attack NK. These mini nato will be laughing to their guts if China comply to US s demands. Thaad is there to guard China missiles 2000km from SK. When mini nato attacks NK, US expect China to help pressing for more sanctions against fat Kim. Or US promise to let China attack Taiwan in exchange for China hands off to NK,

This Taiwan trap is likely to take up by Xi to avoid direct war with US. When NK falls, US will move Thaad into NK near China border. China is done. This is what i expect from current Xi s possible move: make money, no war, and kena makan. China from then on will break up. Taiwan goes independent, Tibet, and Uighur are following to be pro India. India will be celebrating with little dot for US s total win in Asia. The nato will have US India Japan SK little dot. NK is under US control under the US command center. Habis to china become yes sir yes sir china.

Anonymous said...

Is it true?
PAP's Singapore is all about money?
If you are poor, even if you are 73 years old.
You will be handcuffed and put into leg restraints if you owe money to the government?

Anonymous said...

9.49pm //If you are poor, even if you are 73 years old....... You will be handcuffed and put into leg restraints .........//

Oh dear ......?

This is terrible?

Say it is not true that .....?

With YOU is to "Trap YOU" (with a chicken backside) ?

For YOU is to "Screwty YOU" (with 2 million aliens)?

For Peesai is to "Enslave You" (to a mountain of debt and imprisoned financially in a sky high priced caged pigeon hole hoisted in mid air)?

Virgo49 said...

PAP government enforced Or tang laws very efficiently and very fast. Just tried to Or Tang them even five dollars. Within ond day, you receive ang tuan. (Red letter of notice)

If you ignore summons to pay and finally court letters and still ignore them.

Warrants of arrests out for you.

If kena sua sua spot checked on road side. You straight away have to wear a nice pair of big Rolex cuffs.

Just like the lady who went to station to make report.

So, how difficult, tried to settle any arrears or summons with the Chief Gangster.

Others, you can delay, delay and bargain.

That's why pawnshops so good business.

Even for a paltry sum, they will cuffed you on arrest.

For your own good and safety.

Only patients from IMH can ignore and don't pay arrears. They are afraid that they committed suicide and blame on them.

Others, mo tak king.

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Anonymous said...

"A few questions to ask.

1. Did she commit a serious crime that requires handcuff and leg restraint?
2. Can the handcuff and leg restraint protect her from harming herself?
3. Would she be able to run away from the police?
4. Is it necessary to restrain a mild, weak 73 year old woman? -
Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 9:47 am"

Answers to your questions:

1. A warrant of arrest is issued when a person has failed to turn up in court, even for minor offences, or wanted by the police for a serious offence. Even Interpol did not issue warrant of arrest for the 4 North Koreans wanted by the Malaysian Police in connection with the murder of Kim Jong-nam. So, I suspect this old lady must have committed a crime worst than the murder of Kim Jong-nam. Probably she had made Hitler's Gestapo lost face!

2. Of course the handcuffs and shackles cannot protect her from harming herself. But the police escorting her can prevent her from harming herself. The handcuffs and shackles are meant to limit her movements so that the police's job can be made easier. This is called "Minimum Efforts, Maximum Results", otherwise the police may have to run away and hide in an ambulance, like what they did during the Little India Riot, if the old lady starts scolding them.

3. Oh, yes, of course, she would be able to run away from the police if the police falls asleep. Remember the fairy tale regarding the toitise and the hare?

4. Of course it is not necessary to restrain a mild, weak 73 year old woman. But then the low ranking policeman and policewoman has no say regarding the standard operating procedures (SOP) dictated by the Dictators of Laws and Procedures at the Top. Same as the Japanese Troops' atrocities and brutalities inflicted upon millions of mild, weak, defenceless women and children on Syonan Island. They also took orders from their Dictators at the Top.

Do you agree with the answers? If not, please explain why?

Anonymous said...

@anon 1.58am

" ..l dunno wat to say..." by an miws sarong party gal. This old lady got the garmen she deserves - by RP - KJ ( isn't she been forewarned & RB reminded b4 Stupidity has no cure ).

Anonymous said...

Virgo49 11pm //Others, mo tak king.//

Simple Chinese poem dedicated to msn oldies:

天若有情天亦老, 人若无情不吾老;
孔子使老有所终, 孟子老吾老之老;
老人无敷鸡之力, 无跨山越岭之劲;
报警反被铐牢牢, 老人惊呆又苦恼;
枷锁手铐伺候老, 晚年沧桑又潦到。

Anonymous said...

Google translate:

"If the days of love is also old, if ruthless is not old;
Confucius to the old end, Mencius old old old;
The old man without the power of the chicken, no mountains and rivers of the strength;
The police were handcuffed firmly, the old man was shocked and distressed;
Yoke handcuffs waiting for the old, the vicissitudes of life in his later years."

Anonymous said...

Bing translate:

"If heaven is also the old, who relentlessly not my old;
Old Confucius, Mencius, my old old old;
Not enough chicken for the elderly, no cross the mountains of strength;
Alarm being firmly handcuffed, the old man was shocked and distressed;
Bondage handcuffs to serve older, copied to the vicissitudes of life and in his later years."

Anonymous said...

But then the low ranking policeman and policewoman has no say regarding the standard operating procedures (SOP) dictated by the Dictators of Laws and Procedures at the Top.
1:58 am

Tiok. That's why those who complained are barking up the wrong tree so is useless.

And this one PAP also knows so they will not change their SOP in order to purposely scare those Sinkies unfortunate or stupid enough to be in this situation.

Anonymous said...

Same as the Japanese Troops' atrocities and brutalities inflicted upon millions of mild, weak, defenceless women and children on Syonan Island.
1:58 am

So that everybody also scared mah. If everybody scared, they will not dare to oppose the Japanese so they can rule those they conquered easier, tio bo? It's like that one lah, just only a matter of the degree of atrocities and brutalities inflicted.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The law is the law. A crime is a crime. SOP is SOP is SOP. There is one law for everyone, Singaporeans or foreigners. Singapore belongs to everyone.

Mencius Student said...

Heaven's love is forever there,
Human's ruthlessness age doesn't care;
Confucius said, "Old is End",
Mencius said, "Old is Old";
Old age is like a weak chicken,
No mountain nor river can strengthen;
Like an old man firmly tied down,
In shock, distress and alarmed;
Bondage and servitude till old,
These are the vicissitudes of life!

Anonymous said...

"天若有情天亦老, 人若无情不吾老;
孔子使老有所终, 孟子老吾老之老;
老人无敷鸡之力, 无跨山越岭之劲;
报警反被铐牢牢, 老人惊呆又苦恼;
枷锁手铐伺候老, 晚年沧桑又潦到。

Layman translation:

"If heaven has emotion it will also age;
Human without compassion forsake the aged;
Confucius exhorted respect and care for the aged;
Mencius expounded compassion for other aged akin to own old folks;
Curiously, aged do not possess the strength to hold down a chicken,
Much less the energy to scale mountains and hike ridges;
To be manhandled roughly and handcuffed unexpectedly and humiliatingly make oldies shocked and distressed;
Especially when treated so abrasively at such old aged,
Poverty, misery, impecuniousness seem to beckon to them wretchedly in their twilight years."

patriot said...

The Sin Authority are callous and inhumane in dealings with its' people.

It is very distreasing to read the rising cases of crimes and the HIGH HANDED Ways that they are being handled by the Authority.

Why and how is it that the Authority has become so callous and inhumane to its' Citizens is indeed very worrying and sad.


b said...

If this is true, sinkieland is turning into a third world country.