
Freedom of navigation and passage in South China Sea

The latest pursuit and killing of a Taiwanese fisherman is a little revelation on the piracy and danger posed by the Filipinos to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. And this is an ally of the Americans who have been screaming about freedom of navigation and free passage in this area. And for the arrogance of the Filipino coastguards to behave like gangsters of the seas, like pirates, they must have borrowed their gall from the Americans. The latter must be backing them to go chasing Chinese and Taiwanese fishing boats and turning the South China Sea into a trouble spot.

Why are the Americans keeping silent to this hostile act in the sea? What is the real role or agenda of the Americans? You don’t see any other country committing such piracy acts in the sea except the Filipinos. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Many Chinese and Taiwanese fishing boats have been arrested, some shot and killed for many years. And those arrested would have to pay a ransom to these uniform pirates to get their release, fishermen and boats.

The Chinese have put their foot down and will arrest or shoot the Filipinos if they dare touch their fishing boats again. Now it is left to the Taiwanese to do likewise to get rid of this scourge in the South China Sea. Don’t count on the Americans. They are behind the Filipinos to create trouble to justify their military presence here. They want the South China Sea to be turned into a trouble area that needs their protection to keep peace when they are behind stirring shit for the ships passing through.

See how quiet are the Americans over this shooting, and so many earlier shootings and robberies in the sea? It is time for China and Taiwan to arrest and shoot at these pirates of the South China Sea and assume the policing role for the safety of ships and fishing boats in the surrounding seas.


Virgo 49 said...

Addendum to Para five as follows:-

If all the Chinese in the worldwide including the Vietnamese, Koreans and likewise yellow banana Chinese WERE TO BE UNITED AS ONE then the whites will pee and shit in their pants.

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Hi Virgo,

This is just a natural up and downs of civilisation, a changing of fortunes. The West have their days and now seeing their dying days. The Chinese and the Indians are seeing a revival.

Don't worry, China is now strong enough to defend itself. Let the Taiwanese people to push their on vacation govt to act to protect their fishing boats and fishermen. It is time they arrest or sink a few of these pirates and their ships.

Veritas said...

The Chinese will not ascend until we seek moral values. Right now we have moral deficit that translate into weak soft power.

I would say Thailand and their pop culture has bigger soft power than China. Previously HK with Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee project alot of soft power.

So as K-Pop now.

All software power requires the backup of some moral values, and a deep study in traditional culture.

For SG, we can forget about any soft power project. So long as cultural genocide hatchet man LKY around, we will be banana.

Anonymous said...

Best that China let the Taiwanese take care of the Pinoys. Then we can enjoy the show starring one poodle against another.

And let the South Koreans take care of the Japs too. Then we can enjoy another show put up by the imperial household.

That will be fun for the whole world when instead of pitting the whole of Asia against China, it backfired badly on the perpetrators.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the above. Also let pakistan handled the stupid india. China should save the energy and resource up for a good meal with uncle sam. Anyway, the best is to make peace not war.

Anonymous said...

'The West have their days and now seeing their dying days.' -

without the west, we will still be living under the imperialistic china with a useless emperor. i do not care what skin rule the world so long as the skin has a good heart. to be frank, i have difficulty associating a good heart with the yellow skin. most of them are like matilah.

denk said...


guess which is the only country indicted for *state terroism* by a world court.

*The explicit purpose of the mining operations, as NSC staffer Oliver North and his NSC colleague, Constantine Menges, report to NSC director McFarlane in a top-secret March 2, 1984, memorandum entitled "Special Activities in Nicaragua," is "to severely disrupt the flow of shipping essential to Nicaraguan trade during the peak export period." In order to "advance our overall goal of applying stringent economic pressure" and to "further impair the already critical fuel capacity in Nicaragua" they recommend an even more dramatic operation -- to sink an oil tanker in a Nicaraguan harbor. "It is entirely likely that once a ship has been sunk, no insurers will cover ships calling in Nicaraguan ports," states the memorandum, effectively ending Nicaragua's access to Western petroleum.*


Anonymous said...

china can never have soft power as long as people on facebook keep seeing videos of the chinese skinning live animals for their fur. people who watch these videos think the chinese are cruel barbarians with a 5000 year old history.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:38, you don't mind a black skin with a black heart I supposed? What is the colour of your skin, black? White? Brown?
Or some cheap useless skin?

Anonymous said...

RB, after you posted this article, the Americans got no choice but to say something. They said they regretted the incident and asked both sides not to adopt provocative behaviour. Believe me, who is the provocateur behind this incident and who is being provocative?

Edmund Lim said...

Gd morning RB,

Had your cuppa?

Just a sidetrack from our usual discussions, think one of the best white coffee blend is from across the Causeway – Malaysia Perak, Ipoh based Old Town Coffee chain.

Of course everyone has their own preferences. Btw, what's your preference? Hot cuppa or cold, cold mocha ....... ? I think a lot of people prefer hot cuppa ......

As mentioned yesterday, I have said my last comment for that post ( “The lame Taiwanese Govt “) and is moving related discussion to continue here and of course with a hot cuppa ....... to go with :) Make sense?

Some people might want to add some cheese cake, also can right?
Discuss, drink cuppa and nimble cheese cake ...... Sounds good? :))

After all, what is all work and no welfare, right?

Government should also possess such thinking, right?


@ The lame Taiwanese Govt 5/13/2013 Posted by Chua Chin Leng aka redbean at 8:43 am 47 comments:  @ Chua Chin Leng aka redbean  May 14, 2013 8:51 am

You said:
//”When I say China and Japan are in different league, I am referring to military and political clout. China is not the numbber 2 super power for nothing or in vain.”//

Actually, my purpose is to share my observations for consideration. May not be 100% right but LOOK CAREFULLY at the facts and realities.
Again, my purpose is to play the role of the “devil's advocate”.

1) How do we define “Super Power”?
From 1940s to the early 1990s until its disintegration, the former Soviet Union was considered a real Super Power No. 2.

China --- Super Power No. 2?

Where are the facts?

(a) Power Projection:

Where are China's sphere of influence militarily and politically?

In Europe, the former Soviet Union has the entire “Warsaw Pact” or Eastern Europe under its umbrella.

In the Atlantic Ocean, the former Soviet union was at Uncle Sam's doorstep.
Remember the “Bay of Pigs Fiasco” by the Kennedy Administration in the early 1960s vis-a-vis the Cubans?

In Asia, North Vietnam was its staunchest ally in South East Asia and the Ho Chi Min regime promptly went on to “sent Uncle Sam scuttling to take the last helicopter flight” out of the former Saigon. India's current backbone of MIG 29 jet fighters in its air-force speaks volume of its former relationship with the Soviet union.

Now, we look back at present day China.

Where are its current sphere of influence militarily and politically?

In North America? Certainly not.

South America? Where?

Europe? Name me?

Africa? ???

Asia? Philippines? Vietnam? Taiwan? India? Mongolia? Which country and what influence?

Still think China is a Super Power in the world of Real Politics or in the “perceived mind”?

…..... to be continued …..... will be back …...... zzzzzz …..... sleepy liao …...... cuppa drank finished ...... gg get some more


The said...

Blast the Pinoy pirates out of the water.

The said...

Aquino sent apology letter to Taipei: "will convey his and the Filpino people's deep regret and apology to the family of Mr Hung Shi-chen as well as to the people of Taiwan for the unfortunate and unintended loss of life."

WTF - "unintended loss of life"??? When your pirates riddled the fishing with more than 50 rounds - you call that unintended?

chankoro said...

wow...had no idea sinkawhore has been so thoroughly infiltrated by agents of the PRC and their enthusiastic sinocentric propaganda-spouting legion of cheerleaders. do you guys seriously believe the racist, xenophobic bullcrap you're all spouting?! *rolleyes* anyway, the day the South China Sea is turned into the private lake of those militaristic, authoritarian goons in Beijing is the day you'd better started packing...and heading for a place as far as possible away from this shithole of a neighbourhood. it won't be a nice day for anybody in any way... and that's all the more the reason to work in every way conceivable to ensure such a nightmarish scenario never dawns...

PRC? PTUUUUIIIIIII!!! it's just a filthy para-fascistoid regime run by bloodthirsty thugs. yuckxxx...

Anonymous said...

Do not be pessimistic and apprehensive.
Rest assure that Singapore will stay as a paradise. The US of A will ensure all in this island will be protected.
For info of foreigners; there is no match anywhere to find people as friendly as Sinkies. They welcome aliens so much that they are now fittingly called Sinkawhores. Right, where do you find unfriendly whores?

Edmund Lim said...

@ 15/03/2013 9.43am

Hi RB,

To close the loop, there are many other factors to determine a Super Power status.

I shall just deal with one more:

b) Fear Factor

A Super Super must have a "Fear Factor" that it naturally "creates" on others in any "interaction".

During the Soviet Union's era, no periphery nation would attempt to "pull the whiskers of this Polar Bear."

In China's case, we often see small nations' "pulling the Dragon's whiskers almost with impunity".

Therefore, China may be an awakened giant but she could be just in her infant stage. Right now, she has not grown to her full size and it is not a taken others would allow her to do so "peacefully".

LHO said...

hahaha, oh c'mon....oei, denkie boy, you get ur luff-a-min high from sites like "informationclearinghouse", eh? there's nothing down there but a mixture of fruitcake fantasies, fusion paranoia (derived in part at least from an entertainingly palaeoconservative form of american nativism), badly-scripted conspiracy theories masquerading as 'alternative' news as well as the occasional bit of cheerful encouragement for moslem fundie terrorists of every ilk. cute, but not really meant to be taken seriously...

you know the thing about crazies like you...you all like to think the 'knowledge' you have makes you part of a special in-group for whom (and only whom) the inner workings of the world have been laid bare, made comprehensible and controllable...but why, eh, would anyone think that? the uncharitable fact is that folks like you probably have no real control over many aspects of your lives, that really, on a quotidian level, you're probably a sad, sorry loser...