
US programming Asian and African minds to balance/counter China...NOT to counter balance American Terrorism

 The Americans have been the ruling power of the world and the sole super power for 20 years. The Brits and the West were ruling the world for centuries. There was no talk of balancing their influence and their abuse of power in the world. The only balancing was between the white men fighting each other for greater influence and control of more colonies.

During the 30 years of abusive and destructive rule by the American Empire as the only super power, invading countries, massacring innocent people, turning countries in the Middle East into their protectorates or colonies, the western narrative was silence about nudging the oppressed countries of the world to support or align with another great power to counter or balance the American influence. It was the right thing for the Americans to rule, it was the best thing for the white supremacy countries. The coloured countries should be ruled by the white men, by the Americans. No need to balance or counter the evil American Empire.

Now China is rising, has risen, to be the second super power, but still not as powerful as the Americans. Shouldn't the rest of the world, at least the Global South, be happy and cheering that there is China to counter balance the aggressive and rogue American Empire? Instead, the narratives coming out from the white men's capitals and the western media is to counter China's peaceful rise. Why counter a rising power that is still much weaker than the Americans and not the American menace? And the cronies' media unthinkingly just repeat the chorus.

This is how the American and western media have been programming the minds of Asians and Africans and the rest of the world, to see China as a threat, not the American terrorists that are involved in all the wars, invasion and meddling of countries internal affairs, while China's interests are basically economic growth and trade, and not in wars. 

Reading the media of the Global South, especially Asian and SE Asian media, one cannot miss how freely this concept of countering China, balancing China, slips loosely from the mouth of western educated elites, journalists and reporters, as second nature. They did not know that eating too much hamburgers would make their minds sick and easily programmed by the western media and narratives. To them countering China, balancing China is the right thing to do. There is no need to counter or balance the influence and rogue behaviours of the American terrorists because the Americans did not tell them to do so. Many subconsciously still regard the Americans as the good guy, wanting the Americans, the international gangsters and number one terrorist state, to be the policemen of the world. 

This is especially true in the minds of the Arab and Muslim states despite the Americans and the Israelis committing genocide against their Arab and Muslim brothers everyday...while the Americans/West regard the Arab and Muslim states as their perpetual enemy number one for centuries because of their religion. The fact that they are happily buying American weapons, and knowing that they are not getting the same quality as what the Americans and the Jews have of the same weapons, speaks a lot about their grey matter. They did not even bother about the kill switch embedded in the aircraft or ship to malfunction or self destruct.

Very likely, their minds have also been programmed to think the Palestinians are subhumans, below them, and it is ok to massacre them. No need to be bothered, never mind. The Americans and the Israelis are doing the right thing to genocide the Palestinians, no need to be wary of them, no need to counter or balance against the world's number one terrorist state, the American Empire. Did China invade Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or any country in the world?

Stupidity has no cure. Oops, they did not know that their minds have been programmed to love the American terrorists and to fear the peaceful rise of China. It is so easy to programme minds that cannot think critically and analyse, just read and absorb everything at face value, even lies and disinformation.

The American programming has been very successful on the English educated and bananas. They cannot see what the Americans are doing with all the wars and massacres and sanctions.

PS. This programming of the innocent and the young gets worse when the media of American cronies continue to do the work for the Americans. It is the same as the unthinking or ignorant asking silly questions like why the Americans hate Chinese. 

The Americans have been living on a diet of hating China and Chinese for centuries, with hate narratives spreading in their homes, schools, playgrounds, societies, on their literature, in their media, in Hollywood, from birth to death. How are they not going to act and behave differently towards the Chinese?  All the nitwits should stop asking this silly question, and equally dimwits should stop trying to explain this away by not wanting to know the real reason why the Americans hate Chinese. Some dimwits even try to explain and justify, with silly excuses, for the Americans' racist, savage and primitive aggressive behaviour against the Chinese.

They have been programmed for centuries, in everyday of their existence, to hate Chinese, to bash Chinese, to demonise Chinese, to believe that the Chinese are evil people with no talents, inscrutables, faceless and characterless, and with no dignity or pride. The Americans are still in shock, refusing to acknowledge their stereotyping of the Chinese people is a lie they created for themselves when the Chinese are now showing exceptional talent in all fields of endeavour, beating the Americans hands down.


Anonymous said...

Recently our G also jump in the act by arresting a 17yrs old "so call" radicalised youth. Over the years, whenever the terrorist USAss kill innocent muslim people in other countries, in no time our G will arrest "someone" radicalised. I guess it is also a way of shifting the anger away from the terrorist Israel genocide of Palestinians. Sillyporean should wake up to such propaganda use by the G & western mainstream media (CNN,Bloomberg,Reuter..etc)

Anonymous said...

The term 'terrorist' is an American code word for Arabs and Muslims.

Anonymous said...

The programming already happened centuries earlier in China, trying to convert the Chinese to adopt Christianity, which had succeeded beyond imagination in North America and Australia. But they failed and they also failed in India. Otherwise, China and India will just be like North America today, with Whites calling the shots and owning the land with the Bible in exchange. Chinese and Indians in their motherland will now be living in concentration camps touted to be reservations to protect them. Most of us may probably not be here today, being descendants of residents of such concentration camps. Later attempts were to follow like drugs, forming gangs to divide up China, using trade wars, and now technology wars and propaganda fabrication.

It looks like the West indoctrination also failed in Africa, with many African leaders, though educated in the West, are now more intent on looking after their own country's interest instead of helping the West to exploit Africa.

More and more Chinese are now avoiding having higher education in the USA and are opting for Chinese Universities at home - nearer, cheaper and more attuned to Chinese mindsets. As more and more Chinese academics and scientist leaves the USA, the brainwashing is not going to help the USA to program Chinese minds against China. Only bananas outside of China can be programmed, but the numbers are falling.

Anonymous said...

Election is coming, so fear mongering is important. We all know most Sinkies are kiasi, kiasu and kia chenghu.

Anonymous said...

That is why the case against WP in the courts is so timely. Give the dog a bad name and then hang him.

Virgo49 said...

Who are the REAL terrorists?

The Americunts and their White Mafias Gangsters or the Muslims?

The Whites on their sprees of Immunity that no one dares to censors them of their killing of Coloured Peoples are the REAL Terrorists.

If I were a Muslim, I would definitely take up arms and fight and kill them.

So much for been radicalised.

Virgo49 said...

What's nonsense making mountain out of the molehill.

Americunts Donkey and Elephant Senators and CON- Gress Men and Women spouting all sorts of lies every day and no one got charge in Court.

SM can said that if PRCs were to be in Sinking Land as enterpueruers they must obey
our laws.

Thinking that they are unscrupulous beans ah?

Just because of the group of PRCS who monies laundering here.

How about the Rest of the others who are here?

Just who are to be blamed?

Sinkies Leaders just loved to have all these so called rich and wealthy scoundrels in to have what's nonsense trickled down effects to the beggars of us here.

They simply closed their eyes to this lot of cunningly smarties who outwitted them.

Now they then woke up.

Saying the PRCs must obey our laws.

These lay down laws are been formulated long long ago by our fore Leaders and not them.

They themselves does not make sure that these laws are in effects and caught napping.

No eyes see.

Anonymous said...

Like American propaganda, PRC Chinese never obey laws. Who broke all the laws in Brazil? American also never break laws, because they are lawless, above the laws, no one dare to arrest them, war criminals, war crimes, all walking freely, got Nobel Peace Prize some more.

Anonymous said...

Nobel Piss prize is more appropriate.