
The Americans must act responsibly - STOP the genocide in GAZA immediately

 The whole world is watching in aghast at the irresponsible American terrorists aiding the Israelis in the genocide of the Palestinians everyday since Oct 7. Oops, this is not true. The American terrorists have been working hand in hand with the Israelis in the genocide of the Palestinian for decades and helping the Israelis to steal the Palestinian land.

Stop the lie, stop the pretence! The whole world knows that the Americans are fully involved in the massacre of the Palestinians and the creation of Greater Israel.

Stop it now! Stop supplying all the weapons and ammunition to kill the Palestinians. Stop fighting side by side with the Israelis to kill the Palestinians. You cannot keep on lying to the people of the world. You cannot keep on lying to the American public.

The Americans are fully involved in the greatest crime against humanity of the 21st Century. Stop thinking that the people of the world are stupid not know what the Americans are doing in Gaza, in Palestine.

Stop it now and behave responsibly. The American people must stop the murderers in Washington. Blood is dripping all over in Congress and in the White House. Stop the war criminals!

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