
Rambling salient thoughts, truths and facts in brief: ( 1 )

The Anglo-Saxons USA, UK and EU countries like to exacerbate other countries quarrels, problems, misunderstandings or issues for their own selfish wicked ends and agenda. Palestine and Middle East The Arabs and the Jews historically are half brothers and half sisters sharing the same ancestor Abraham but with Abraham's two separate wives Sarah and Harga. The Arabs descended from Harga and the Jews from Sarah. For details refer to an article I wrote and published on 19th October, 2023, under the Title : "The Rogues, villains and criminals in the Palestine / Israel conflict : The Anglo-Saxons US and UK. There should not have any issues or wars in Arab Middle East had the white countries not conspired to plant a Jewish state in Palestine in 1948 to serve the Anglo-Saxon US, UK and Jewish agenda of trying to colonise the whole of Middle East and Africa by whites and Jewish settlers. Ukraine and Russia Ukraine war is the result of US controlled NATO's motive of recruiting Ukraine as a member of NATO to undermine Russia's security. The United States plotted a regime change in Ukraine in 2014 and put up an anti Russian government to create serious problems for Russia. Under Anglo-Saxons US behest the ultra NAZIS Ukraine of Zelensky genocided its Russian population in Eastern Ukraine. That was America's first step to weaken Russia with the ultimate aim of overthrowing Putin's Russia and thus open up Russia for US and Western exploitation. And that is not the end of the story. The West headed by US had evil designs to attack and destroy China after the defeat of Russia.But now it looks like the diabolical plots of USA is coming home to roost. It has boomeranged and the West and US are suffering from its consequences. Well, they never learn that "Man proposes but God disposes East Asia After the Second World War 1938 to 1945, US plotted the division of Korea. Instead of encouraging the Koreans to unite as a single nation the United States exacerbated the quarrels between North and South Korea and fomented a war between them to serve US agenda of hoisting military bases in Korea to harass Russia and China. US lost the Korean War and was obliged to sign an armistice, a truce only. So technically the Korean War has not ended yet. Diaoyu Dao After the Second World War the United Nations Organisation legally returned the Diaoyu Dao Islands to China. But the US which was allowed by the UN to administer as trustee of the islands in the interim period treacherously handed the islands over to Japan in 1982 and it encouraged and fomented the quarrels between China and Japan over these islands. The ubiquitous Japs then renamed the islands as Senkaku. South China Sea Historically the Paracel and Spratly islands and all other islands in the South China Sea were recognized as Chinese territorial islands by all the Western powers, USA, Russia and Japan. After the Second World War the United States even helped the Chinese government to ferry Chinese soldiers to claim back and administer these islands though at that time the Chinese government was under the KMT or Kuomintang of Chiang Kai Shek. However, in the 1970s oil was found to be abundant under much of the South China Sea. US then treacherously encouraged the Philippines and other South East Asian nations like Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei to stake some claims to some of the Chinese islands. For centuries or thousands of years there was calm and peace in the whole periphery of the South China Sea. But the calm and peace was soon shattered in the 1970s by the treacherous design of US which hope to exploit the oil for its own selfish ends. The US and its Western allies designed the UNCLOS in 1982 and encouraged many ASEAN countries to stake claims on many Chinese islands and vast areas of the South China Sea basing on the UNCLOS treaty. But inspite of the UNCLOS most South East Asian countries and China were prepared to sit down and negotiate peacefully on the settlement of each country's respective claims. But the US is always stoking fire behind the scenes and tries to block all avenues to a peaceful settlement. The United States is really very evil and it and its Western allies are the embodiment of all evil things in this world. Thus the world need to destroy US in order to have peace and tranquility. Southernglory1 Wednesday, 23rd October, 2024

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