
China has risen...peacefully. Who is still waiting for China to rise?

7 min by Prof Zhang Weiwei on China's peaceful rise

 China's rise cannot be peaceful. This is the narrative the Americans are trying to tell the world, that China is an aggressive power just like the Americans, that when it rises, it would be as destructive and warmongering as the American terrorists. Is that so?

China has risen. China is now as powerful and technologically advanced as the Americans. Now who is saying that China has not risen? And China's rise is not peaceful? Has China got into wars with anyone during its rise? Has China fired a bullet in the last 40 years of its rise?

No, no, China has not risen enough. Wait for China to rise and become more powerful, then you will see the evilness of  China, just like the Americans. Of course the last part the Americans would not say so. But this kind of argument is like saying the end of the world is coming. If not tomorrow, maybe another century, another millenium, China would definitely be as hostile and aggressive as warmongering Americans. Is this a legitimate or reasonable argument, basing on an obsession presumption that China must be aggressive and its rise must not be peaceful? So childish. Anyone peddling this kind of thought is but a twit.

How much more must China rise if it has not risen today? How many donkey years to wait for China to become aggressive? If China's rise is not peaceful, it is not China's own doing. It is the Americans and the West that would not allow China to rise, and to rise peacefully. It is NOT China's fault if its rise is not peaceful because the Americans and the West are bent on preventing China to rise and now engaging in all kinds of wars and threats, sanctions and provocations to stop China from rising.

China just wants to be richer, more prosperous, to build a better life for its people, by being more competitive, more innovative, more hard working, to produce more and better and cheaper products for the world, to benefit the rest of the world. Is that bad, evil, hostile, unfriendly, starting a war?

The Americans and the West have been smearing and demonising China, that its rise must not be peaceful, like it would wage wars against the world, to be a world hegemon like the Americans, to bully and oppress the world. Those are the ways of the Americans and the West, the colonialist and imperialist mentality, to conquer and rule the world. China has never been a colonial or imperialist country, never colonise or rule big swathe of countries as colonies.

Why can't China's rise be peaceful, when it has proven to be peaceful so far? The Americans and the West have been selling this poison to the world, and bananas all have this stuck in their thick heads, that China's rise must not be peaceful, because the Americans and the West planted it there.

Still waiting for China to rise? China is a super power flows freely out of the lips of westerners. China is more advanced than the Americans in many fields today. Even in military weapons, American weapon superiority is all hype. They said and they claimed to be the best, all hogwash. When put into action, they are found wanting. The American allegation that China's rise must not be peaceful is based on the presumption that China must browbeat everyone, invade and conquer or start wars with everyone like the white savages. China has risen, has done it, without doing any of these. No?

PS. There are nitwits that are waiting for the Americans to provoke a war with China and then turn around and scream, see, see, China's rise is not peaceful.


Anonymous said...

China has risen. The big question is how far would China rise and for how long. For those that want to believe that China has not risen yet, be glad to hear the western narrative that China has peaked and collapsing with only 5% GDP growth instead of like the American economy, 1% rock solid growth! 1% is definitely far better than 5% growth to the unthinking.
So this is the end of China's rise, so have no fear of a not peaceful rise of China. Go enjoy your coke and hamburger. No need to fear a non peaceful China.

Anonymous said...

Just repeating what Gordon Chang said twenty years ago with his predictions that China is collapsing is not going to happen. Gordon Chang already lost his credibility long ago. Instead, throughout those twenty years of collapsing, China has risen beyond recognition. And instead, it is the USA and the EU that is collapsing. Gordon Chang should re-orientate his views to indicate the real situation. But he cannot do that for sure.

Never trust the gloating about how Wall Street is breaking records every day. It is just window dressing to help the Democrat's in November to mount any semblance of a chance for the White House. The Fed's cutting of rates runs counter to all the attempts to paint a rosy picture of the USA economy. It is all grandstanding without any sensible basis.

With BRICS coming out with its alternative global currency and settlement system, the US$ hegemony is facing a oncoming storm that it has never faced before.

De-dollarization is undoubtedly giving Trump worrying nights, knowing he has to deal with it if he gets elected. He is now openly hostile, threatening countries joining de-dollarization, which means joining BRICS. He is going to use 100% tariffs against them without thinking what this will do to the USA economy and inflation that USA citizens have to face. If I may say so, this is going to escalate the de-dollarization movement rather than slowing it down.

Countries will join BRICS in droves to stay away from the US$ by trading under a system which the USA is not even able to monitor, not to say that Trump will know who is trading with whom and supporting de-dollarization. It will all be done outside the US$, outside the purview of the SWIFT system. Which country is Trump going to target? The whole Global South, including India, it's troublesome in trying to control ally?

Now, even trying to pinpoint who is still buying Russian oil is impossible, other than China, India and Saudi Arabia. For all we know, even EU countries are now still buying Russian energy under the nose of the USA. And these are the countries sanctioning Russian energy. What a sick joke!

Anonymous said...

The Anglo-Saxon doctrine of might is right and how the Whites rose by using war and conquest is not lost on the rest of the world. The USA and the West have done that for centuries in North America, Middle East, Africa and they attempted to do that to China as well for centuries.

They still want to do that today, in Europe against Russia using Ukraine, in the Middle East using Israel against the Arabs and Muslims, and still having their mindset about recolonizing China, which has never faded. But China today is not the China of the days when China was deeply divided and weak. But China will not resort to using wars to counter.

China's peaceful rise is just as eye opening as communism giving democracy a fight for the money and a lesson in how the battle is changing the perception of the whole world. Communism was never believed to be able to lead to the rise of China. It was a stifling ideal, inferior to the democratic superiority myth that existed for decades.

China changed that perception, once and for all with its peaceful rise. And countries are not blind to the changes that communism brought to China. It was nothing stifling, nothing holding back economic progress, with all the infrastructures, the manufacturing, the domination by China in many sectors to show. Who dares to belittle communism, with not even the beacon of democracy, the USA, daring to tout again the superiority of democracy triumphing communism.

That narrative died long ago and now the USA, and the West is using manufacturing overcapacity by China and all the hogwash associated with it and using the world as scapegoats to carry the burden of being threatened by China's overcapacity. That is such a lame argument, when the whole world is benefitting from cheap products made with China's overcapacity. It is the USA's inability to compete that is the only interest that made the USA to fabricate narratives against China's overcapacity. Nothing more and nothing less.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately many of the bananas and English educated are as blind as a bat. Actually the bat has better vision than them. They are still parroting that China's rise cannot be peaceful, must counter or balance China's rise by inviting the American gangsters as policemen, China is aggressive, Americans are so peace loving, never mind the genocide in Gaza. These dimwits cannot see.
The American devils said got genocide in Xinjiang, and they believe, while the genocide happening right before their eyes in Gaza they pretend not to see, not to know.

Virgo49 said...

The White Barbarians been living in the past on the loots and plungers of the Coloured Peoples and now had lost all their abilities to work and compete, except those useless activities of larcencies and sloths.

So now still wants to gang up and have their cronies, lackeys and doggies to once again tried to loot again.

Now finding that it's not easy meat yo bully and invade and robbed and plundered again.

With Russia and.China their main stumbling blocks, they had to recruit imbeciles like Philippines, Sinkies Land etc to be on their side and used them as cannon fodders and pawns to sacrifice and fight for them.

Also their imbecile Whites
of the Euro Nuts and the Convicts Aussies and the Canadians.

India as usual the triple headed snakes now had Canada, the usual barking doggie picking a fight with them and should have by now wake up their Stupidity and be on the Asian side.

In ASEAN, we had two lepers and pariah of the UASSA doggies.

MOT be kicked out as outcasts.

Virgo49 said...


Rejected if applied to join.BRiCs.

Also Indon as according to the Western Media and that's why our PeeAyam purposely goes there to convince him.on his inauguration as the President.

Saddled and sucked up as usual.

Anonymous said...

The West have the audacity to claim that these four countries are threatening global security - Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. They have no shame saying that when they are the ones starting wars and the USA being the lonely nuclear terrorist that everyone knows for a fact. Now using propaganda to whitewash their sins and putting the blame on others.

They claim just being dictatorship equates to security threats to the rest of the world and democracy is peace loving when all through the centuries it was the democratic Whites that have been going around fighting wars and stealing lands. Has the world forgotten who was the only country that ever used two atomic bombs on another? There were many occasions that that global terrorist had wanted to use nukes against North Korea, against North Vietnam and against China on numerous occasions. Who is the real threat to the security of the world and leading proxies to threaten others?