
Ukraine - Truth from the americanthinker.com

The truth from an American. So cannot dismiss this as disinformation.

March 9, 2022
Here's the truth on Ukraine, as far as I can tell
By Dan Truitt

First, and most importantly, virtually no one in the U.S. has got this right, including conservative outlets and pundits. Putin's a thug, but he's an excellent politician and a strong leader. And he's not crazy, as some seem to surmise. He is a cold, calculating, strategic thinker who has disciplined his mind and body for decades. He's a Russia first guy. Think Donald Trump minus all the hot air and Big Macs, and add a willingness to off his enemies.

We promised Russia we would not expand NATO when the Soviet Union fell. We went back on that promise and incorporated almost the entire Eastern Bloc into NATO.

Then after 9/11, Bush II unilaterally canceled the '72 ABM treaty, which until then had frozen nuclear weapon development in the Soviet Union and the U.S., effectively ending the arms race. Bush's rationale was that we needed to develop new nuclear weapon tech to defeat terrorism. As if we were going to nuke Osama bin Laden.

Bush's rationale for NATO expansion was also terrorism. So Bush triggered a fresh arms race. Bush was a decent man, but the more time goes by, the more he looks like an absolute moron to me.

Ukraine belonged to Russia for centuries. The two countries have almost identical cultures and languages. Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia. Putin's war is a war of defense. Russia (rightly, in my view) feels threatened by NATO expansion. Russia is a mainly land-based, continental power that desires a buffer with the West. Ukraine serves that purpose perfectly.

The U.S. triggered a coup d'état in Ukraine in 2014, overthrowing the democratically elected president who was Russia-friendly and installing a pro-Western, pro-NATO leader. Putin has had his eye on Ukraine ever since but dared not do anything when Trump was in power because he feared and respected Trump.

So Putin in the meantime brilliantly helped move along a green revolution in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, leaving Europe, with its wind farms and solar panels, hungry for more energy, which it bought from Russia in the form of natgas.

Trump's right: Putin is a genius. Unfortunately, we seem to be in a historically rare period in which the leaders of 1.5 billion people — i.e., the West — are to a person feckless, obtuse, senile, or some combination of the three.

Now that we have President Potted Plant in office, Putin has made his move. By the way, the story is that Russian annexed Crimea some years ago. Putin's version is that the Crimeans had a plebiscite, and over 90% voted to leave Ukraine and join Russia. That alone should give you an idea of what a dysfunctional country Ukraine is.

Putin has no intention of "reconstituting the Soviet Union." That's a big fat lie. This war is the West's fault, not Putin's. At any time, we could have discussed these issues with him. Instead of seeking closer ties with Russia (as Trump was attempting — he even talked about disbanding NATO, since Russia is no longer a territorial threat to Europe), we constantly antagonize Russia with our NATO expansion.

What we should be doing is assuring Russia that we are not a threat, making treaties with Russia bringing us closer together (after all, they are a European, Orthodox Christian nation), and turning our united efforts against the real threat: China. We couldn't have mishandled this more.

Contrary to popular opinion, the Ukrainians are not making a heroic stand against the Russkies. They're getting their asses kicked. They're hiding in population centers, and Russia, trying to get to them, is killing a lot of civilians as collateral damage.

They're fighting a relatively clean war (if there is such a thing), and all Zelensky has to do is meet with Putin and agree to Putin's four demands: 1) Ukraine cannot join NATO, 2) NATO arms out of Eastern Europe (honoring our promise to Russia's then-leader, Gorbachev), 3) a ban on NATO missiles within striking distance, and 4) autonomy for the two predominantly Russian provinces in east Ukraine.

Numbers 2 and 3 are a pretty big ask, but here you see how Putin himself may have read The Art of the Deal: always ask for more than you want.

Zelensky could end this in two hours if he wanted. Instead, he seems to have developed a Churchill complex. He's begging for money and arms, which will prolong the bloodshed. No one is reporting the billions in medicines, foodstuff, and other aid the Russians are shipping into Ukraine.

These insights I'm getting from the Greek press (I live here), which is being much more even-handed; from people inside Russia; and from Ukrainians whom I know. I also watched the four-hour Putin interview documentary by Oliver Stone, which skewed left but provided a fascinating look at Putin the human being. I repeat: he is not crazy. He has a surprisingly good sense of humor. Just to remind you, I'm not a fan.

The U.S. can't seem to kick its Cold War habit of looking at Russia as the enemy. The enemy, the real threat, is China, not a country of 125 million with a GDP less than that of 16 million Canadians.

I'm wondering what President Potted Plant is going to do when China invades Taiwan. Now, that is a threat to world peace. We get almost all our microchips from the Taiwanese. I wonder also how we will survive the next three years with this idiot in the W.H. The answer, as always, is prayer and lots of it.


Ukraine - The Russians took care to avoid civilian casualties

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh4ClXnv9w8 (21 minutes of truth that the Americans and the West would not want the world to know.


George Galloway interviewed Scott Ritter, an ex Marine Corp intelligence officer who explained how the Russians were avoiding attacking civilians. In so doing, they suffered unnecessary casualties when the Ukrainians took advantage of this kind act and attacked the Russians in the cities. The Russians did not hit back but withdrew from the fight not to kill more civilians. 

The Russians could have flattened he cities and killed the civilians in them. Instead, they created safe corridors to let the civilians flee before attacking. Compare this act to the ruthless monsters in the American and Brit invading forces in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The monsters just bombed everything killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, women, children and old folks. The Americans and Brits were evil to the core, treating the Arabs and Muslims as subhumans, with no respect and concern for their lives. 

The Russians could have done the same, but no, the Russians were more humane and compassionate despite the Americans and the West demonising them everyday in every media. But this restraint would not be long if the Ukrainians continue to fight back. Once the civilians are out of the way, the Russians would unlease the full might of their fire power on the Ukrainian soldiers. The Russians are giving them a chance to lay down their arms. Russia's objective is for the Ukrainian govt to take a neutral position and not become a front man to threaten Russia.

The world could see and be witnesses to the the invasion in Ukraine and the invasions in Iraq, Syria and Libya and judge for themselves who were the devils and who were more decent human beans.

Do not be blind, do not be deceived by the evil Americans and the West. Look at the facts on the ground and form your own conclusion.

PS.  According to western media, the Ukrainians are winning the war. Their statistics are like they have destroyed all the Russian tanks and armoured vehicles. Only contradiction is that they are pleading to China to help to stop the war. Why would they need to when they are winning?

And the evil Americans are accusing China for not helping to sanction Russia and not helping to stop the war while they keep in fanning the fire and sending more weapons and contractors to fight in the war. They are goading Zelensky to keep on fighting with them supporting from behind. 

The Americans did not want the war to stop. And criminal Zelensky is aiding them and conning the Ukrainians to die fighting a lost cause against a very powerful invading force that has yet to unlease its full fire power. Do not underestimate the military strength of Russia and the will and determination of Putin.

The lies by the Americans and Zelensky are giving false hope to the Ukrainians and leading them to be killed unnecessarily. Just declare Ukraine as a neutral state and not allow Americans and Nato to station nuclear and offensive weapons in Ukraine to threaten Russian security are so simple to do. But Zelensky and the Americans chose to lie to their people and to let them die, including civilians. They made the choice for the people of Ukraine, to die for a wrong and unfriendly act against Russia.


Bank run on American and western banks imminent

 The desperadoes in Washington have slammed in the last nail to the coffins of American and western banks, including the banks of allies and lackey countries with their reckless and thoughtless freezing and confiscating of Russian assets and funds, including deposits of rich individual Russians. This callous and senseless breach of faith has destroyed all confidence in American and western banks and all their associates. Which country would still dare to put money into these banks? Which individuals would still think their monies would be safe in the hands of white men and their lackeys?

The Middle Eastern countries, African, Latin American and Asian countries, including those in Southeast Asia, are all potential targets to have their assets and monies supposedly kept in the safe hands of the white men would now be shivering in their pants.  When would it be their turn to have their monies seized by the white men?  They would all be panicking and thinking seriously where to park their money safely and when to move them out quickly from the American and western banks. And if they are to pull out their deposits, in what currency would they be converted to for their own protection. 

If there is a bank run in American banks and western banks, the American dollar and Euro would likely be hit badly and their values would also take a nose dive. The daily barrage to discredit Chinese banks may now sound hollow and AIIB, Bric banks and major Chinese banks and the yuan may now look safer and more attractive a bet.

How much money would flow out of America and Europe and how many would be seeking new safe havens is still in the making but surely a big sum would flee America and Europe. Not only the American and western banks would lose customers and favours, the American SWIFT banking system would also be questionable. It's reliability is no longer a guarantee and could be weaponised anytime against any country, hijacked by the white gangsters to serve their political interests.

This rash and desperate act of the Americans have upset the whole international banking and finance system and the value of the US dollar. The Americans did not see the nuclear bomb they have set off in the financial world. Their exceptionalism to do as they pleased with no concern for the interests of the rest of the world means payback time. They are no longer trustworthy, their banks are hellholes of pirates, bandits and mafias.

It is the end of American hegemony, American dollar, American banks and banking system. It is the end of the American Empire, dismantled and destroyed by the Americans themselves. The rest of the world would be seeking a new system to replace everything American and western.

Thanks and no thanks to the idiots in Washington, a brave new world and a new world order would rise from the ashes of this Ukraine debacle. The world would not be the same again.

Good riddance to the evil American Empire.


PMETs - Jobs protected and waiting for them

March 21, 2022 at 5:07 am (Quote)

No worries,FTs will create even more *Food Panda* jobs for sgs.
The PM said he will *PROTECT* FOOD PANDAS’ jobs so that NO FTs can take away PROFESSIONAL FOOD DELIVERY BOYS’ JOBs from local graduates upgrading their jobs from bankers to FOOD PANDAs???
Else,be a professional hawker.
Learn how to make MEE SIAM MAI HUM?!

The above is a comment in an article in TRE about how lucky a 50 year old PMET landed a job after being on a $1,200 traineeship with SGUnited. PMETs should be happy now with so many jobs being protected for them. If I could still remember, driving taxi was once protected also but now any PR or so called resident or local, not citizen, can apply and drive taxis.

But never mind, delivery boys also good. Better than nothing.

The future of Singaporeans are well taken care of. Now got point system to be more selective and discriminating in bringing in foreign talents from third world countries here. But they still recognise all the funny degrees from very cheap universities that were not even ranked to compete with our world class universities. Would they be checking for fake degrees, degree mills degrees, or never mind, no way to check, too costly to check?

Singaporeans are so lucky with such a caring govt to protect their interests.

COVID-19 Likely Originated in United States


In late Dec 2019, Wuhan was first to report a pneumonia never seen before that spread rapidly locally. Before that, an unexplained pneumonia broke out swiftly in the US. Over the past 2 years, there've been many different theories and assumptions on the origins of COVID-19. The connection between the 2 bizarre outbreaks in China and the US remains a mystery.

What's puzzling is that the WHO has adopted a completely different attitude towards China and the US. On one hand, the WHO has sent international experts to China twice to carry out origins-tracing joint studies. On the other hand, the organization has repeatedly turned a blind eye to the US, where new evidence is constantly being discovered, as if its hands are tied, completely ignoring the true origins of COVID-19.

2 years into the pandemic, scientists and research institutes around the world continue to discover new signs of COVID-19 spreading within their own country even earlier than the outbreak identified in Wuhan. Among the most shocking revelations, US National Institutes of Health announced that COVID-19 has been spreading within the U.S. ahead of Wuhan due to antibodies found in local human samples collected by the end of 2019. The finding helped Americans explain the "strange pneumonia" they got in 2019. The mayor of Belleville, New Jersey said that he showed clear symptoms of COVID-19 in November 2019, and tested positive for the COVID-19 antibody in early 2020. In May 2020, the Florida Department of Health announced that as of Jan 1, 2020, there were 171 local COVID-19 cases that had no travel history to China. Among those cases, some showed symptoms in late 2019 and tested positive for COVID-19 antibody in early 2020.

After conducting research and review in China and finding no evidence leading to a "lab leak theory", the WHO expert team came to the conclusion that lab leak in Wuhan is extremely unlikely. However, across the Pacific Ocean, Fort Detrick, a military base that had the highest safety level biological labs shut down due to severe leak accidents right before the pandemic, has managed to stay out of the limelight repeatedly.

As a former biochemical weapon research base, the military base still experiments on a list of high-risk contagious viruses categorized by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as "a serious threat to the public, animal or plant health, or plant or animal products", including the coronavirus.

In May, 2018, the wastewater treatment plant at Fort Detrick had a malfunction and unsterilized wastewater leaked into the compound, which led to a mandatory shut-down of facilities. Upon review, the CDC found that the highest-security labs causing accidents did not have "sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater", and thus issued a "cease and desist order" in July 2019. However, the CDC refused to disclose to the public what the biological agents involved in the leak were, citing "national security reasons".

Right afterwards, the neighborhood surrounding Fort Detrick began to report a type of lethal respiratory disease. From July 1 to 11 in 2019, a nearby apartment building "Garden Ridge" reported 54 cases of respiratory diseases that caused 18 hospitalizations and 2 deaths. On July 15, a community 15 miles away from the initial site reported another similar respiratory disease outbreak. In the same month, outbreaks of a mysterious "e-cigarette disease" began in Maryland, where Fort Detrick is located, and its neighboring state Wisconsin, where patients developed pneumonia of unknown origin. Ever since COVID-19 was diagnosed in 2020, the occurrence of the mysterious "e-cigarette" pneumonia went on a steady decline and its area of occurrence was basically consistent with the area where COVID-19 first appeared in the United States, which seems to reveal that the great number of "unexplained pneumonia" cases could very likely be COVID-19.

According to the phase-one origins-tracing report released by WHO, more than 80,000 animal samples were collected in China and no positive result was identified for COVID-19 antibody or nucleic acid soon after the epidemic broke out in China. The intermediate hosts and animal origins not being found have been used as proof by lab leak theorists to insist on investigating the Wuhan Institute of Virology over and over again. However, perhaps this is showing that international research has been looking for the source of the virus in the wrong place.

The virus has been widely spread among white-tailed deer in the United States, and a case of antibody was also found in serum samples collected from white-tailed deer in the northeastern US in 2019, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. Whether the infection of the North American white-tailed deer was caused by an animal virus spillover or leakage from a local laboratory, the earliest existence of the virus once again points to the United States.

The earliest virus variant, type A, come from the US

In April 2020, the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) published a research finding that among the earliest COVID-19 virus, there were three earliest variants: type A, B, and C. The genealogical analysis revealed that type B and C developed from type A.

And type A is mainly found in the US and Australia, while type B mainly emerged in China and East Asia and type C is mainly discovered in Europe and Brazil.

Conclusion: the Coronavirus pathogen definitely originated in the U.S. ! 
