
Trump versus Bush Jr, between a D grader and a fool

All Americans knew that George Bush Junior was a D grader and did not put much hope or expectation in him as a President. They knew what to expect and accept the consequences of his inept. They never expect anyone to do worse than Bush Jr until Trump comes along.

By now, every American is calling Trump a fool, an idiot, a clown. It is this combination that is unbeaten. Only in such a combination can another president perform worse than Bush Jr. Thanks to their great democratic system for throwing up a D grader followed by a clown, fool cum idiot.

And the good thing about the American political system, they made their choice and would live by their decision for 4 years, maybe 8 years if they are stupid enough to re elect Trump again. The alternative in Joe Biden is nothing wiser or better.  As Trump tweeted, that sleepy Joe would sleep in his job.

But not to worry. Given Trump's ego and unpredictability and penchant to tear the law book, he would by hook or by crook keep himself in the White House if he is not going to win the re election. And the path he has chosen and paving for his stay in the White House would be another text book strategy. Create enough tension and trouble, if not at home, internationally.

Start a war is a high possibility in Trump's playbook and China is the red herring. Everything is about spoiling a fight with China. A new Cold War has started following the Trade War. The only concern is that this is very risky and would cost lives, thousands or millions of life. But knowing Trump, and perhaps the warmongering hate China and hate Chinese mindset of the Americans, this is not something to be ruled out.

What can be worse off than a D grader? A clown, fool cum idiot of course. And what can be worse off than this, a sleepy Joe that will sleep on the job, perhaps.

While Trump and his evil men were desperately trying to incite violence in China and Hongkong, God is working quietly to return violence in the American homeland, just like the return of the virus to roost. Only God can bring these mad men to their knees and destroy this evil Empire.  As the time of the evil Empire is coming to an end, every vicious acts would immediately be replied with a more severe ones in America. What you show you shalt reap will happen faster than you think when the end is near.

How not the Evil Empire shall fall? The cards in hand are just that, blanks.


USA - The uncivilised state, the lying state

The lunatics in the USA are calling China an uncivilised state. When the Chinese were sipping tea the white apes were still struggling in the caves or swing from tree to tree. And the moment these uncivilised white apes got out of Europe, they went on a killing spree across the world, killing the natives and accusing them as half humans or non humans. Millions of natives across the whole were killed brutally by these white apes.

The killing instinct of these white apes is still virulent in their genes. While China is devoting all its energy and resources in economic development peacefully, the white apes continue in their killing campaign, nonstop all over the world since the end of WW2. These uncivilised beasts would not not stop killing even during this pandemic when the UN called for a cessation of all wars. The white uncivilised apes would not. They continue to kill the Arabs and Muslims and the Afghans and threatening to start more wars. And the got the cheek to call a peaceful nation like China, not involved in any wars as uncivilised!

And at home they continue to kill the blacks because they were blacks. Attack Asians because they were Asians. Look at the white beasts and their weapons hanging all over them in their protest for closing down because of the pandemic. The poor blacks, after being caught like wild animals to be beasts, continue to suffer under the hands of the white beasts that claimed to be civilised. Daily, the blacks are being killed in the USA by the white police apes that were supposed to be protect them.

And the white apes keep harping and smearing China, selling the narrative that China and Chinese are liars and untrustworthy. On the other hand their presidents, including the clown in the White House, have been on record, lying for thousands of times to the Americans and to the world. And there is this lunatic by the name of Pompeo that proudly told Congress that he lied, he cheated and he stole. And this big fat ape continuously accused China of lying. A professional liar calling others liars.

The white apes have been proven to have fabricated all kinds of fake news, lies, to kill and kill. Most glaring example is the accusation of Saddam Hussein having WMD. And after the dust had settled, all the evidence of the 911 bombing pointed to an internal job, a false flag incident and blaming on ISIS.

And now, with the pandemic, with all the evidence pointing to origin of the virus coming from Fort Detrick, USA, the white lying apes are trying to put the blame on China by screaming to the world daily and using the white media to do the work to demonise China.

This is outrageous, the most uncivilised white apes accusing China, a peaceful country of being uncivilised. A country of liars headed by a few lunatics, calling China untrustworthy. A bunch of white apes that refused to stop killing other people and claiming to be a peace loving nation.

The poor Arabs and Muslims and their very own black Afro Americans are at their mercy, dying everyday, being gun down on the streets like dogs. The blacks can only cry, hapless, as the country was ruled by white apes that hate blacks and killing blacks is second nature to them, after centuries of slavery and lynching blacks and exploiting the blacks as sub human beans. It would not end until the white apes are civilised, maybe another thousand years.

The cries of Martin Luther King for freedom, equality and being free in the land of the free is still crying to be heard. But the white apes would only turn a deaf ear to him. There is no freedom, no civil rights, no justice in the land of the free for coloured people, especially the blacks and Asians.

A black revolution is waiting to happen to turn the cart against the oppressive and uncivilised white apes.  All the sheepish plea for justice, calls for reasons and less racial discrimination would be futile. It is in the DNA of the white apes to discriminate against coloured people and the coloured they despised most, showed the least respect, is black people. 3 centuries have passed, the fate of the blacks is basically the same, still falling victims of the white apes, daily, on the streets of America. Many blacks are in tears to the news of so many killings of black people by the whites. And this is the only thing they could do, unless they overturn the table on the whites, by violence, the only language the white apes understand.

There is no way to talk reason with uncivilised white apes. They only know the rule of the jungle, when the white apes is superior to the rest and deserve the right to treat the rest as inferior to the white apes, to be oppressed and suppressed, to be bullied and to be killed at will, by the white apes. And this is applicable to the rest of the world.

Is the unnecessary death of George Floyd the straw that breaks the camel's back? Would the white killers in uniform be brought to justice, just like the killers of Ahmaud? Would the killers of the black frontline worker in her bedroom be arrested as well?

Covid19 - The US must come clean and be transparent on the virus outbreak in Fort Detrick

WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump warned on Saturday (Apr 18) that China could face consequences if it was "knowingly responsible" for the coronavirus pandemic.

"It could have been stopped in China before it started and it wasn't," Trump told reporters at a White House briefing. "And now the whole world is suffering because of it."

Trump was asked whether China should suffer consequences over the pandemic which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December and has left more than 157,000 people dead around the world.

"If they were knowingly responsible, certainly," he said. "If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake.
"But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, then there should be consequences," Trump said.

"Was it a mistake that got out of control or was it done deliberately?" he asked. "That's a big difference between those two.  CNA

Trump is so desperate having failed so miserably in his handling of the virus pandemic that he is now looking for a scapegoat, even spoiling for war with China. He is blaming China for it. He even disbelieved that China's death toll is so low. Trump is angry China has such a low number of death. Cannot be, cannot be. Remember clown, China has a President called Xi, not Trump.

Why not, China nip the problem in the bud, locked down the virus in Wuhan, Hubei to prevent it from spreading. The virus was stuck in one city and one province. The small number of scattered cases in other parts of China was quickly snuffed out. Unlike China, Trump allowed the virus to spread freely for nearly 3 months before taking some piece meal actions. The under testing and reporting in the US is a very serious problem and the spread of the virus is tens of times more than it is being reported in the US. And with the opening up for business, the thing is going to explode and millions of Americans and hundreds of thousands would die because of this clown President.

The world is watching how the Trump administration is fumbling along and killing Americans at a rate unknown and unseen and unmatched in history.  When every country is putting full effort in fighting this virus, Trump and his evil men in Washington are trying to pick a fight with everything other than the virus.  Trump still thinks the virus is a hoax, let it wash over America and see how many millions of Americans are going to pay with their lives.


Singapore Education - How to punish AWOL students

'According to recent reports, Mr Ong’s (Ye Kung) announcement of the resumption of classes has raised concerns. Despite the new system that will be implemented, wherein students take turns switching from HBL to face-to-face classes and safety measures are enhanced, parents have found issues with certain aspects of the “new normal” of education. Some of these issues include the length of time children will have to don a mask and the risk of infection. Other parents also asked the Minister if they could opt to stick to HBL as they were concerned for the safety of their children. Though Mr Ong addressed some concerns, his statement regarding the HBL option was, “We cannot make attending school voluntary.”....

“We understand that to date, 10 pre-school staff have tested positive for coronavirus. And the testing is not complete yet and will only be completed by the end of the month,” wrote Mr Lim (Tean), arguing that the number of cases are expected to rise. He then questioned why Mr Ong did not seem to consider this as an increased risk for young children....

“Parents have every right to ensure the safety of their children and if they do not feel comfortable in sending their children to school at this point in time, what right has Ong Ye Kung to force them to do so?” said Mr Lim....'

Above are a few paragraphs in theindependent.sg that raised concerns about school opening in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic. Attending school is compulsory, not voluntary, according to Ong Ye Kung. On the other hand, Lim Tean was saying that given the risk of Covid19, this should not be and parents have the right to protect their children.

Assuming that the govt, in this case the Minister of Education, would have the final say and the law is behind him, school attendance is compulsory and not attending would lead to some penalty or punishment, how should this be dealt with.

In the armed forces, NS is compulsory by law and absence or AWOL means jail terms or minor cases mean detention barracks.  Going to school is compulsory but not really in the same category.  Can't imagine children sent to detention barrack, but not entirely true. Remember detention classes or being retained back in school as a form of punishment?

How is the MOE going punish school children that went AWOL? The consent of parents to keep their children away from school is no excuse.  AWOL is AWOL. There must be cases when children were not sent to school due to poverty, or parents having financial difficulties and unable to afford to do so. Providing financial assistance in a way would help in such cases.

In the context of safety from the virus, would the parents be punished and what kind of punishment should they decide not to send their children to school? Does the Minister have authority to punish the parents for making such a decision?

Or should the AWOL children be punished instead and how? The Minister has made it very clear that school attendance is compulsory and not up to the choice of the parents and children. What if they just vote with their feet, ignored this compulsory requirement and backed by law? The Minister cannot say nothing can be done and move on. If this is so, then what is all the hooha about compulsory attendance? A policy like this and backed by law must also be matched with the ability and will to enforce.

There must be penalties or punishment to the parents or to the school children. It would be interesting to know what MOE or the Minister has in mind in dealing with delinquent children with parental support or how to deal with such parents. Ong Ye Kung has made his position very clear, it is not an option. So what is he going to do about it when this edict is violated?


US admits China's missile supremacy

US rearm to nullify China's missile supremacy

HONG KONG: As Washington and Beijing trade barbs over the coronavirus pandemic, a longer-term struggle between the two Pacific powers is at a turning point, as the United States rolls out new weapons and strategy in a bid to close a wide missile gap with China.

The United States has largely stood by in recent decades as China dramatically expanded its military firepower. Now, having shed the constraints of a Cold War-era arms control treaty, the Trump administration is planning to deploy long-range, ground-launched cruise missiles in the Asia-Pacific region....

The US moves are aimed at countering China's overwhelming advantage in land-based cruise and ballistic missiles. The Pentagon also intends to dial back China's lead in what strategists refer to as the "range war."

The People's Liberation Army (PLA), China's military, has built up a huge force of missiles that mostly outrange those of the US and its regional allies, according to senior US commanders and strategic advisers to the Pentagon, who have been warning that China holds a clear advantage in these weapons.

The above is another piece of disinformation put up by Reuters and republished in CNA.  It is part of their superiority narrative that Chinese weapons are all inferior to them. When has China's military weapons, missiles been more superior to the American's? Now they are claiming that China has overwhelming advantage in cruise and ballistic missiles over the US. The sun is rising from the West or is this just another of their white lies to suit their interest? All the reports that came out from the Evil Empire is that China's military weapons are inferior, backward and unsophisticated, many generations behind the advanced American war machine. And the US has the biggest military arsenal in the world with many times more nuclear missiles than China.

How is it that the Americans have to roll out more weapons to bridge a gap that they are lacking behind in missile supremacy to China? The Americans are more backward than China, have lesser missiles than China, 7,000 nuclear warheads with advanced technology are less superior to China's 300 warheads that are backward and unsophisticated?

What kind of white lies are the Americans spreading? To justify having more and more advanced missiles? Is the world so stupid to believe in this distorted information, fake news? Or it is true the Chinese weapons are so superior that the Americans better run and hide? They did, their B52s and B1s strategic nuclear bombers have fled Guam, afraid of being hit by China's DF26s. But they still left behind a number of nuclear weapons in Okinawa and major Japanese islands and in South Korea which would be the primary targets of a Chinese first strike when hostility is declared. The Japanese and South Koreans could not do anything about it, knowing that they would be the first to be destroyed by Chinese missiles. They die their business as long as the strikes are not at American home bases. That is the fate of semi colonies, to sacrifice and serve the interest of the Empire with the lives of their people in the front line.

How many more missiles must the Americans acquire to be on par with the Chinese? If 300 missiles would demand the Americans to have more than 7,000 missiles, China needs to produce another 300 to force the Americans to acquire 14,000 missiles to be on par with China, and leading to their bankruptcy. 

Well done China, for being more superior to the Americans in missile weapons.