
Has China Won - The main theme in Kishore's book


This 40 minute video put up by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs discussed why the Americans are hell bent to bring down China and using a fake reason for it. At the end of the video it was clear that the American could not find anything meaningful to object to the rise of China but fell back on a clumsy excuse that it is the CCP that they were not happy about. They did not want to see the CCP entrenched as the only ruling party in China. That is why, and the only reason you see the Americans shouting and screaming in every opportunity to curse and swear at the CCP as if it is the devil that must be removed from this world. (That is the American agenda, the American narrative, the same narrative repeated insanely and desperately by the American agent that I have booted out from this blog.)

In spite of the explanation put forth by Kishore that China has no ambition to want to conquer the world, to want to export Communism, which they quietly conceded, and not valid arguments to use to demonise China, the Americans could only resort to this weak excuse to attack China. So, what is the problem of the CCP being the one and only political party and power in China to the Americans? What has it got to do with the Americans if the Chinese population want the CCP to be in power?  Why are the Americans not having sleep over the CCP being in power in China or China being a Communist country?  China is not going to change the USA into a communist country and the USA should not insist or demand that China should be like the American democracy. What is so great about democracy when it is so often that crooks, scoundrels and clowns are elected to be the head of a govt?

What is your problem, Americans? Why are you up so uptight, disturb and angry with the CCP? It has absolutely nothing to do with the Americans. Just mind your own business and look after your failing economy and Empire. It is none of your business. China does not need a democratic process to elect clowns like Trump and his evil men to run the country. Can't imagine China would become if clowns like Trump and company would to rule China. Good riddance.

Actually the attack on the CCP is just a red herring. The fear of the Americans is for China to be stronger and richer and more powerful than the USA and China must be brought down, like Japan, Russia and the EU. China must be like before, poor and weak and to be kicked around by the Americans, bullied by the Americans as and when they like it. In a simple analogy, the USA is occupying 60 squares of a 64 squares chess board. China sits on 4 squares and China must remain in the 4 squares, nothing more nothing less. China is assertive and aggressive if it wants to move around in more than the 4 squares it is cornered in. This cannot be, cannot be allowed. That is what the Americans expect of a well behave China.  The whole chess board, ie the world, belongs to the Americans.

As Kishore added, the CCP's primary interest is to make the Chinese Civilisation great again, to be a strong, rich and respectable country. The CCP is not planning to conquer the USA to make America another communist state. Stop lying to the world that it is the CCP that the USA is against and that the rest of the world must blindly go against China for this stupid fake reason. The CCP is just a political party ruling China. Period. And stop lying to the world that the CCP/China is an aggressive and expansionist power. It is the evil American Empire that is aggressive, belligerent and expansionist.

PS. If you are interested, this is another discussion by China Institute on the same subject matter. The die hard pro American and anti China tribe is furious at the comments of Kishore on the rise of China.

"White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted" This is native Americans warning to the world.


Quote:     "White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted"  This is native Americans warning to the world.

Important Points:

1.     The United States has continuously been killings. millions of innocent non-white people                       through  wars and conquests.
2.     The United States has impoverished countless countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America                   through  'Debt Trap' economic activities.
3.     The United States extort and rob hundreds of billions of dollars from all countries in the world
        through illegal sanctions.
4.     The United States has brought endless untold sufferings and hunger in many countries through            naval blockade.
5.     The United States weaponizied the 'American Dollar' and manipulates its currency to exert its               illicit extraterritorial power over all countries in this earthly world
6.     The United States formulated many evil gingoistic hawkish militant doctrines to trample on                other countries democratic and human rights. With these bellicose doctrines the US claims it is
         special and  exceptional and that it will confront and put down any other country that shows                 signs of evolving into a rich and powerful economic and military power. That's the reason it                 tries to put down Russia and China.

From the above points we can see the lunacy of America which has always been run by thugs, rogues, crooks, scoundrels, mafias, gangsters and buccaneers that the world will never have peace unless the United States is taken down once and for all. Hopefully its own created American Coronavirus will do the job, just fine.
     Everybody must know that the use of germs, virus and bacteria as biological weapons on others is not new to the white Americans. For hundreds of years the white European invaders have used them on native Americans with devastating effect. Millions of native Americans have been killed by white men's germs and virus from small pox, measles, dysentry, cholera, typhus and anthrax. The Americans had used them in conjunction with chemical weapons on the Koreans in the Korean War 1950 - 1953 ignited by them. They used both the biological and chemical weapons in the Vietnam War 1965 - 1975, also started by the white Americans. They used it on its war on Iraq  2011 and on Syria 2015 to present.

The deadly Coronavirus or COVID-19 is the brain child of the American government. It is spawned by CIA and The Pentagon. Originally it is supposed to be used in conjunction with genetically modified herbicide or insecticide and genetically modified fertilisers to decimate the populations of Asia and Africa so as to bring down drastically  the population of both continents to around a billion people or so. They target Asia and Africa because they claim most of the world's over population is found in these two continents with non-white people. The white American government work with their counterparts in Europe and with scientists in the big pharmar coperations like Monsanto, Du Pont, Bayer, Glaxo Smithkline, Johnson & Johnson, Lily, Novartis, Merck, Pfizer and Gilead and with the capital support of billionaires like Bill Gates, Rockefeller, George Soros and many more others to design programmes for the ultimate achievement of their draconian objective.

The creation of the American Coronavirus or COVID-19 has been carried out in many US biolabs in the United States and in its many occupied overseas military bases but largely in Fort Detrick. Maryland, North Carolina.

One of the programmes is to create the genetically engineered coronavirus or COVID-19 and then to create a vaccine that not only helps to retard the virus but more importantly to sterilize the people causing infertility to prevent procreativity. But utmost in the minds of the billionaires like Bill Gates and the big pharmas who spent millions to create the vaccines is to make it mandatory for everyone in this world to vaccinate otherwise they cannot travel across borders. Imagine if their evil plans succeed they will be able to reap hundreds of billions of dollars in profit every year from the sale of their vaccines.

You never know how evil and wicked the American political thugs and monsters in the White House, in Washington, CIA and The Pentagon are. They relish at the suffering of the victims and make billions out of the victims who have to pay for medical treatments, for the respirators and ventilators the trade of which are monopolized by the elites in the big corporations. Incidentally treatment for COVID-19 victims is totally free in China for the Chinese people or citizens. In America capitalist democratic society the leaders and the elites look at the perspective of making money during a critical public crisis as more important than saving the lives of the by and large ordinary people. They are really disgusting and shame will be upon them.

Below are quotations from a New Eastern Outlook article, Entitled : "Who is performing human experiments and Why?" Author : Vladimir  Odintsov.

" Another related topic of discussion that is not only provoking a growing outcry in the United
 States, but also abroad, is the possible role Bill Gates has played in human testing and its 
consequences, including work to develop the future coronavirus vaccine funded by the Bill 
Melinda Gates Foundation. Not only that, but people have not forgotten about a story that 
was published in the Guardian back in 2010, which told readers about a meeting attended 
by the most influential people in America called by the Microsoft founder which took place 
in New York, whose guests included David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, 
Ted Turner, Warren Buffett and of course Bill Gates himself. They dubbed their secret 
meeting the “Good Club”, and the main problem they discussed at this meeting was the 
global issue of overpopulation. One of those who took part in this meeting was the media 
mogul and founder of CNN Ted Turner, who had previously stated that reducing the 
world’s population to between 225~300 million would be “ideal” in an interview he gave in 
1996. In 2008, Turner softened his stance, talking about the need to reduce the global 
population to 2 billion, i.e. to 70% of what it was at the time."

"At another invitation-only “Good Club” conference held behind closed doors in California in 
2010, Bill Gates read out a TED talk titled “Innovating to Zero!” about reducing worldwide 
CO₂ emissions, where he spoke of the need to reduce the population, and one of the 
ways this could be done is by creating new vaccines. “Now, we put out a lot of carbon 
dioxide every year,” he said. “It’s an average of about five tons for everyone on the planet.” 
“And somehow, we have to make changes that will bring that down to zero.” “This equation 
has four factors, a little bit of multiplication […] and that’s going to be based on the number 
of people.” “First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s 
headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health 
care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”
Gates does not hide his interest in vaccines, and is able to pursue his goals through 
the World Health Organization, which he continuously finances, influencing the work of 
the organization, its plans and priorities.  The big pharma companies behind him are 
prepared to mobilize large-scale drug deliveries and have done so on many 
occasions, but their activities have often been accompanied by scandals. Mass 
vaccination against polio in India has been linked to paralysis in thousands of 
children. Malaria and meningitis vaccinations administered in African countries have also 
been linked to paralysis, febrile seizures and infant deaths. And a trial for experimental 
human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines rolled out in remote Indian provinces has resulted 
in severe side effects, including autoimmune diseases and infertility in young girls. 
Doctors from different countries have already suggested that what Gates is really trying 
to achieve through his vaccination programs implemented through the WHO is to weaken 
third-world citizens and make them more susceptible to disease and premature death. 
Or perhaps his goal is to make them sterile and infertile. The media has repeatedly 
reported that substances known to reduce female fertility were detected in these vaccines 
when they were analyzed in laboratories.

That is why people are growing more and more skeptical of “the Bill Gates vaccines” 
not only in the United States, but also in many other countries, which are considered to 
be human experiments, along with the wide network of biolabs the Pentagon has set up 
in numerous different countries."
Vladimir Odintsov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine 
New Eastern Outlook“.

The USA Fort Detrick War Biolab genetically engineered COVID-19 is specifically programmed to kill hundreds of millions of the Chinese people in China. It is not suppose to kill the white people.
Part Two will be published on another date.


Wednesday, 20th May , 2020


Trump Adminstration attacks VOA for praising China's success in containing Covid19

The oldies here may be quite familiar with this VOA, many youngsters may not. The VOA is the Voice of America, the official propaganda machine of the Americans against Communism and enemies of the American Empire. The VOA was most active during the Cold War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. VOA is synonymous with CIA and all the American covert operations against the Soviet bloc and China. It is an American mouthpiece.

It is a big shock for the Trump Administration to lash at this mouthpiece. Did Trump take the wrong drug and think VOA is a Chinese network? This is really unimaginable! No American media can say anything good about China even if it is a fact, a known fact to the whole world. This is how the American propaganda machinery works. They only tell lies, untruth and disinformation to the world.  Maybe the VOA is now infiltrated with Chinese agents. What a joke. This reveals how sensitive and desperate the Trump Administration is in this losing war against the Covid19.

Here is what SCMP reported of this piece of bizarre news.

The White House has lashed out at broadcaster Voice of America (VOA), accusing the broadcaster of amplifying “Beijing’s propaganda” by quoting China’s official coronavirus statistics in its reporting and publishing footage of celebrations marking the end of Wuhan’s lockdown.

The extraordinary attack on a government-funded news outlet came as the Trump administration and some lawmakers have intensified their criticism on how the Chinese government handled the outbreak.

“VOA too often speaks for America’s adversaries – not its citizens,” said the White House in a Thursday missive, adding that the outlet, which is funded through congressional appropriations, was “promoting propaganda” with taxpayers’ money.

“This week, VOA called China’s Wuhan lockdown a successful ‘model’ copied by much of the world – and then tweeted out video of the Communist government’s celebratory light show marking the quarantine’s alleged end,” the release said.

The story that the White House appeared to be referencing was an Associated Press article that the VOA had syndicated on Tuesday, not a staff-written story.

“Even worse, while much of the US media takes its lead from China, VOA went one step further,” the White House’s Thursday missive continued. “It created graphics with Communist government statistics to compare China’s Coronavirus death toll to America’s.”


Covid19 - When war and hostility are more important than saving lives

NEW YORK: An attempt by Estonia and Germany to overcome an impasse between the United States and China at the United Nations Security Council instead appeared on Thursday (May 14) to have reinforced their stalemate over action on the coronavirus pandemic.

For more than seven weeks the 15-member council has been trying to agree on a text that ultimately aims to back a Mar 23 call by UN chief Antonio Guterres for a ceasefire in global conflicts so the world can focus on the pandemic....

"All we want to see is a resolution that states the ceasefire," US Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft said during a Thursday online conversation with the Institute of Politics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

"It doesn't matter what country puts forth that resolution. What matters is that it's streamlined, it speaks about the global ceasefire and making sure that humanitarian aid is reaching those people that are most in need," she said, signalling support for Estonia and Germany's draft....

It appeared last week that the Security Council had reached a compromise on the French and Tunisian-drafted resolution. Instead of naming the WHO, the draft referenced "specialised health agencies". The WHO is the only such agency.

But Washington rejected that language, diplomats said. The Chinese diplomat said Beijing had agreed to the compromise.  CNA

The above report clearly revealed what really matters to the Americans, their evil motive and intent. It is not about saving lives but about politiking, about the evil Empire. They want to bring down the Director General at all cost for appearing to be pro China when the DG was merely doing his job objectively and not wanting to play politics. So when the issue is stopping all wars, that the Americans are fighting and killing other people, these are secondary. If the Americans cannot remove the DG of WHO, the wars can continue and people can die, it does not matter to them.

This is how evil the American Empire is. Other than calling for an end to all the wars they are involved, the UN is also calling to end all sanctions to the states that the evil Empire had successfully coerced other nations to abide or else. The sanctions are crippling the economies and lives of victim countries but the evil Empire does not care a damn.  It is all about how they controlled and messed up the world and the lives of other people.

For a better world, this evil Empire must be put to an end.  And Covid19 will do it as no other country is powerful enough to stop the evil Empire. They are still behaving like they are the rulers of this earth. Their arrogance and cockiness will end soon like the silly mirth in their faces when the virus attacked them in full force. They think they can continue with their wicked ways as they liked.

Just because they are unhappy with WHO that would not toe their line or take orders from them, they would not stop their wars and killings and sanctions on other people. What you sow you shalt reap. There is no running away.


Covid19 - What the evil Americans want you to believe

There was only 1 case of infection in early March and in less than 3 months this one case of infection spread across the whole American continent to infect more than 1.4m Americans, and the number is believed to be much more, as much as 20m! This is what the Americans want the world to believe, that their infection cases were imported, not indigenous. And China is to be blamed for spreading the virus to Europe and then to the USA. And this one case could even infect American soldiers in their warship, in aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines out in the Pacific Ocean.

Does anyone have any doubt that this is unlikely to be the truth?

The lie that the Americans want the world to believe is that China did not control the spread of this virus and allowed it to spread all over the world. If this is true, the neighbouring states of China would be the worse affected as the virus were likely to hit them first and spread widely. If this is true, that China could not contain the spread of the virus, the whole of China would be infected with this virus. If neighbouring countries of China are not badly affected, how is it that the virus took a big leap towards Europe and then America? Is this not strange, unusual and illogical?

The facts, other than Wuhan and Hubei province, most parts of China were not affected, there was no spread in China. It is also a fact that neighbouring countries of China where many Chinese traveled to were hardly affected. Even Hong Kong and Macau were practically free of the virus. And Taiwan too has very few infection. How to explain this phenomenon if China failed to contain the spread of the virus? Are these not obvious that the virus was well controlled and contained in China and very few cases did leak out of China.

Then how to explain the widespread of the virus in Europe and the USA? One high possibility, the virus were already very widespread in the USA and Europe. And once they started to test for it, the cases simply got detected and confirmed. This is the main reason why till today Trump is refusing to test the Americans in a big way, better not to test. The virus was already in Europe and the USA long before it was planted in China. The Americans knew about it and deliberately kept quiet about it, sneaked the virus into Wuhan, China and blamed it as the source.

Would WHO demand an explanation, or conduct an investigation into the leaks in Fort Detrick and do posthumous testing on the thousands of Americans that were certified to die from common flu and pneumonia in the months immediately after the closure of Fort Detrick, several months before the outbreak in Wuhan?

Would the New York state provide the data of their antibody test conducted and investigate how far back were the infections of those Americans tested positive of the virus? There is nothing to hide if those Americans that died before the first case in Wuhan did die from common flu or pneumonia. The Americans must come clean and be transparent and cooperate with the WHO on these investigations. Stop being the biggest liar and asking China to be transparent.

The likelihood that the virus originated from the USA, spread across to Europe long before it was inserted into Wuhan is very high. It is near impossible for 1 case in March to spread to 1.4m cases in less than 3 months.  It is not possible for the American soldiers in nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers and warships out in the Pacific Ocean to be simultaneously infected by this virus in the US mainland unless the virus was already there many months earlier.

How did one case in New York spread across the American continent to so many states and counties and nursing homes and prisons and meat production plants in less than a month?

The facts are telling the world that the virus was in American and European soil much earlier than in Wuhan, China. Blaming China as the source of this virus just does not make sense, a diversion tactic clear for all to see. The two strains, one in China and the other in Europe and the USA were different with the latter much more deadlier.

WHO must conduct an investigation into the link between Fort Detrick and this pandemic. The allegation that Wuhan is the source is too obvious to be believeable, that it was a false flag incident. The fact that the Americans are desperately pointing the finger at China is a clear cut case of diverting the attention from the real source in Fort Detrick, to mislead the world that it was from Wuhan, China.

WHO should also investigate the contingent of American soldiers that participated in the World Military Games in Wuhan just before the virus breakout. The soldiers must be made available for investigation on their activities in Wuhan.  The US must also provide their medical records for analysis. Failure to comply is proof that the US is hiding their crimes.