The above video clip by CGTN hosted by Liu Xin exposed the dirty western media in reporting everything that is bad about China no matter what China did to help the rest of the world in this pandemic.
China is running its medical supplies full steam to produce all the medical supplies needed by is being condemned by western media for doing so, condemning Chinese products, Chinese intent, Chinese manufacturers are profiting etc etc.
They would not say a good word for China. What would they say if China stop producing these products for the affected countries? On one hand they would not hesitate to grab all the medical supplies given by China. On the other hand they would bad mouth China. These are sick countries, sick people.
Evilness would get their evil karma for sure.
Should China stop exporting these medical supplies to those countries begging for them? Should China stop sending any medical supplies to the USA?
China should tell those unfriendly countries, go away, we are not selling to your countries. Go and ask Trump to help you.
As it is today, China has been sending medical supplies and experts to nearly every country affected by Covid19. Many of the medical supplies from China were pure donations and others were sold often at cost or below market prices. But mischievous western media have been attacking China non stop and smearing and demonising China for helping the affected countries.
The Americans only claimed that they are going to send supplies to help Italy, France and Spain but nothing was sent. The truth is that it is Americans First and the Americans have been seizing medical supplies bought by European countries, hijacking them direct from the airport tarmac and scooted to the USA. These are what the Americans called helping other countries. Germany has called it piracy. Below are some examples of American hypocrisies and treachery.
1. U.S. President Donald Trump has asked manufacturing giant 3M to stop exporting American-made N95 face masks to Canada. Mercedes Stephenson has the pushback from 3M and Canada's political leaders. Plus, Jackson Proskow looks at how desperation is deepening in the U.S., and...Global News
2. The US has been accused of redirecting 200,000 Germany-bound masks for its own use, in a move condemned as "modern piracy".
The local government in Berlin said the shipment of US-made masks was "confiscated" in Bangkok.The FFP2 masks, which were ordered by Berlin's police force, did not reach their destination, it said.
Andreas Geisel, Berlin's interior minister, said the masks were presumably diverted to the US. BBC
3. The president of the Ile-de-France region encompassing Paris, Valerie Pecresse, said this week that a shipment of masks ordered for her hard-hit department was snatched at the last minute by "Americans who made a higher bid".
"The Americans pay cash sight unseen, which obviously can be more tempting for people just looking to make money off the entire world's distress," she said. CNA