If, I said if, if the virus in Wuhan, China was planted by the American soldiers, then the karma at works is as perfect as it could be. It is acting fast and furious at the perpetrator of this deadly and infectious virus and sending all the virus back to them and hitting them hard and all over the USA. No one is spare.
Though no one is able to confirm if it was started by the Americans, it is very difficult to confirm such a dubious and hideous act done secretly not to be detected, there were many factual things that point to the Americans as the culprit behind this world pandemic. On the other hand, the Americans played dirty by accusing China in the very first instance. If, I said if, this act is proven to be from the Americans, it only confirms how evil they are.
Remember the sinking of the Choenan in South Korea killing more than 20 South Korean sailors? Yes, the modus operandi is the same. Create a false flag incident and blame the North Koreans. In this incident they planted a bomb inside Choenan, blew it up and claimed that it was hit by a North Korean torpedo. Subsequent inquiry found this to be false and the South Koreans quietly and meekly stopped talking about it and dropped the case. Before they found out the truth, they were talking about a war with the North. Once they knew that the culprit was the Americans they could not do anything about it.
If, I said if this is finally proven that it was the Americans that committed this abominable act in Wuhan, then karma has done its job well. The most severely affected country now is the USA, with the most infected cases, more than 3 times that of China and the number of death nearly double that of China and growing. It is not stopping and could be many many times more than China in infected cases and death when this is over.
Not only that, the USA is going to be hit with the worse recession it has ever known since 1930. Unemployed is now more than 6.6m in a week, double the historical record hit last week at 3.3m, and counting. The economy is at a standstill, cannot be restarted though Trump wanted it to be restarted by Easter.
And it exposed how badly prepared the Americans are, in their fumbling ways to deal with this pandemic, not enough medical equipment, not enough medical supplies, not enough medical staff, not enough hospital beds, and medical staff are dying because of everything is not enough.
And for attacking China, smearing China, demonising China, it is now highly dependent on China to help them tie over this crisis. The Americans needed China for most of its medical supplies and equipment, and if they are not so face conscious, they are also dependent on China's medical staff to assist them to fight this crisis and their shortage of medical staff.
And because of this crisis, they are helping a boom in the Chinese medical industry. The whole world is rushing to China for medical supplies instead of the hapless USA. The USA can only talk about helping others when they don't even have enough medical supplies and equipment to help themselves, even have to beg Russia and China for help. They are in a way helping to make China Great again. China is now the most sought after countries for medical supplies, equipment, expertise and leadership while the Americans are showing to the world that they are a bunch of clowns messing around a pandemic and getting worse everyday.
What about the American way of life? No more freedom, stay at home. Cannot go everywhere to commit mischief. Every American is too busy fighting to be alive. No more wars, the Americans soldiers are being attacked by the virus and are dying. Fear is everywhere in homeland America.
Karma is great! Do not play with Karma. Do no evil. Karma will come after you, swift and fast and furious. You cannot run, you cannot hide, you cannot fight your bad Karma.
Down with the evil doers! Cannot imagine what this Evil Empire will look like at the end of this pandemic. And Trump was God sent to facilitate and destroy the Evil Empire. In such a major crisis, you need a clown to make it even worse.
PS. The wicked Americans would be repeating daily that this was started in China and hoping that the world would believe them and forgot that they are the real culprits behind this pandemic. They will furiously repeat this message daily, in all the western media to make it stick. Unfortunately they have been crying wolf once too often and no one is going to believe in them. It is game over. They can continue to stir shit, to want to pick a fight, to slander and smear China and other countries they called enemies, keep doing it, while the virus devours the innocent American citizens and destroys the lives of all Americans.