
Paid to produce western propaganda, or too daft to know the difference?

There are thousands of ASEAN citizens who have been exposed to endless repeated toxic western propaganda especially US mass media and their minds have been so poisoned and possessed by the evil west/US that they have lost their independence of mind and thinking. When CIA feed them with fake and rotten lies about China, Russia, Iran or North Korea they take it as truth. Worst still many of ASEAN political leaders and ministers have drunk too much of western/US cocktail concoctions of lies and fake news that they are leading their countries on the wrong side to support US and the west against other Asian countries. These brainless unthinking leaders need to be removed through a revolution.

Pro-Asean citizen SG


Singapore unable to guard its longkangs

We have the most powerful armed forces in the region, the most powerful air force, the most power navy, but we cannot protect our islands from being invaded and occupied by 2m foreigners. Actually we invited them, oops, not we, the govt invited them to occupy our little piece of rock, so short of land even for our Singaporeans to live comfortably and cheaply. We are running out of space and the severe consequence is that we have to pay sky high prices for our homes, even to the tune of millions for 99 year lease govt flats. And some desperadoes are insisting that we should build a nuclear plant in the island to provide for the additional power for more people. And the govt is not stopping this silliness and wanted to invite more foreigners here, to raise property prices and prices of everything.

Now, where am I? Oh, our most powerful armed forces, paid with a very huge budget to protect and defend our islands from being invaded by foreigners. See the irony? No? You are forgiven because self claimed super talents, aka unthinking idiots, also cannot see the irony.

Now the latest, no, I am not talking about protecting our private and personal data, I am talking about protecting our little longkangs. This we also failed miserably. Despite having the most powerful navy, with submarines and state of the art warships, we cannot keep our longkangs safe. OK, if you still did not get it, the longkangs are our little teeny weeny Strait of Singapore, squeezed between our islands and Indonesian island,not more than 10km wide and 50km long, that's all.

It has been reported that this year alone, before the year 2019 is out, there were 29 pirate attacks on ships in our supposedly very safe and well protected and patrolled strait. Is was our responsibility to protect them in our territorial waters. This is more than 2 cases a month. We are one of the biggest ports of call, thousands of ships have to pass through our strategic strait and we cannot keep it safe. And the pirates are not highly armed military forces but kuching kurap robbers armed with knives and parangs. And our sophisticated multi million dollars navy could not deal with them.

How are they going to defend our islands under an attack by a military force if they could not fend off attacks by little pirates? Actually this is a non issue. We do not need to protect islands from foreign invaders. We invited them in, we welcomed them to occupy our little piece of rock, to steal our jobs, to steal our lunches, to replace us and our children.

What do you think?


USA a rogue state & CIA a terrorist organisation : PART Three

     USA   a rogue state and CIA a terrorist organisation  PART  THREE

The  United States and its Western allies are imperialist plunderers and robbers of the earth. Their leaders and politicians are well known cheaters, liars, murderers, killers and charlatans. The United States is the most destabilising force in the world . US is a world gangster, a barbaric terrorist state and is the only country  that creates wars and destructions causing  deaths and sufferings all over the world.

The US avowed objective is for world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost. It has always refused to follow any international rules and conform with any acceptable norms of human conduct.  It does not accept any concept of fair play and is always trying to develop more sophisticated and effective espionage to subvert, sabotage and destroy other countries which it dislikes.

The United States is the world's most unprecedented rogue state in history and excels in its cruelty and unconscionable barbaric aggressive wars. CIA the murderous arm of USA is a terrorist organisation of the first magnitude. It indulges in all kinds of evil doings and wicked deeds and constantly plots against mankind and other countries. It operates schools for the training of all assassins in all kinds of torture , psychology in helping would be assassins attuned to relish in carrying out torture, lessons in making bombs, blackmail and execution. Some of the world's most notorious terrorist organisations initiated, funded and trained by CIA are the Taliban, the Mojaheedin, Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Uyghur terrorist organisation ETIM of the Chinese province of Xinjiang. All assassins, murderers and killers trained by CIA will always be protected by CIA as they are considered American allies whose clandestine jobs are supposed to help to cater to US security.

CIA assassinations are carried out for the sole motive of regime change. Killings are most brutal and widespread when not only all opposition party members who are adversed to US dictates but also large numbers of citizenries which can number into hundreds of thousands can be hunted down and killed for suspicion by CIA for being communists, socialists or leftists. Some examples are the brutal overthrow of President Sukarno of Indonesia in 1963 and President Salvador Allende of Chile in 1973. In the case of President Sukarno of Indonesia not less than three million Indonesians and in President Salvador Allende's Chile many thousands were killed by CIA and its puppet regimes. CIA's puppet regime in Indonesia was the tyrannical dictator Suharto and in Chile the murderer tyrant Augusto Pinochet.

The Evil Empire, the white Americans of USA have given themselves the license to kill non-whites and non Christian just as their predecessors have given themselves the right to kill for many centuries base on divine authority under their toxic militant religious doctrine and ideology, " The Doctrine of
christian Discovery. " The present and modern rights to kill by white men led by the United States is the extension and continuation of the divine rights to kill by white invaders of the "Doctrine of Christian Discovery" era. The white Christian invaders have since the last few hundred years killed hundreds of millions of natives all over the world especially in both North, South and Central Americas as well as in Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

US considers every nook and corner on earth as vital to its interests and security. What about other countries interests and security? Of course blatant bully USA doesn't care a hood. It has always assume the right to interfere and intervene in other countries internal affairs when it sees something is not going right in US interests. It is always illegally using extraterritorial power to bully others base on the extension of its own laws and the imperialistic long arm of its domestic laws. US has interfered in the Chinese and the Korean civil wars which technically have not ended. The evil empire is still holding on to Taiwan under a proxy puppet lackey regime and to South Korea as a colony. Some other examples of US interference in the internal affairs of other countries are in the Philippines, between the leftist HUK and President Marcos 1945 - 1953, South Africa, 1960s - 1980s where US supported apartheid and was responsible for the capture  and imprisonment of Nelson Mendela , Bolivia 1964 to present, Honduras and Nicaragua 1979  - 1990s, Colombia 1990s to present , Venezuela 2001 to present, East Timor, where CIA helped Suharto of Indonesia to gain control of East Timor 1975 - 1999 and Diego Garcia where in 1965 US and UK forced thousands of Diego Garcians out of the island and evicted them illegally and forcibly in the most brutal and inhuman way to Mauritius and Seychelles to make way for a gigantic US military base.

In all these US interventions the CIA had no qualms in mass killings of thousands of innocent citizens which it brushed off as unfortunate collateral incidents so long as it secures US permanent interests and influence in the regions.

In addition to murders, killings, assassinations and brutal military invasions the United States has been using illegal financial, monetary,  economic and cyber terrorism against other countries to weaken and destabilise their countries so as to bring them under US control. US illegal trade and commerce, banking and financial sanctions are weaponise tools to impoverish and destabilise countries so that US can have a basis to instigate and foment internal opposition and demonstrations to bring down governments for regime change.

Further the Evil Empire has for years been using NGOs - Non Government Organisations such as the NED  - National Endowment for Democracy, CPJ - Committee to protect Journalists, and Rappier - a US media front as covert agencies to subvert and sabotage governments that US target for regime change. All these US NGOs are actually US fifth columns and lackeys and they work as CIA secret agents and espionage officers under the guise of diplomats in US embassies overseas so that if things go wrong and the CIA agents are caught they will then be covered under the protection clause of diplomats immunity from arrest and charges. Rappier is a US media front affiliated to CNN and it represents foreign interests and conspires with foreign intelligence agencies funded  by Soros and NED of the US government. CPJ is founded and funded by US corporate foundations for the purpose of promoting US interests overseas. The CPJ does this by protecting fronts like Rappier under the guise of "Press Freedom" from the repercussions of engagging in US government funded subversion.

Fronts like Rappier serves as a propaganda sword while the CPJ exists as a shield to block efforts by targeted nations to defend themselves.

Thus it can be seen the United States has  very well coordinated plans among all its interrelated spy and espionage agencies working closely with US embassies overseas to subvert and sabotage foreign governments targeted for destruction and regime change.

 It is advisable for all non-western or non-white countries to take heed and be alert not to allow any US NGOs to operate in their countries especially in strategic departments like the military, foreign office, the police department, education departments like the universities and institutes of international and higher studies. These are places where US find easy fertile grounds for carrying out its toxic propaganda and subversion.

Hopefully the world must wish and hope that all the wicked deeds and plots of the evil empire will rebounce on itself in natural response and reaction to Karma philosophy.

On this Christmas Day, the 25th of December, the barbaric and savage white European and white American Christians have reasons to celebrate because they have for centuries benefitted from the religion base on the teachings of Jesus and have abrasively been abusing the religion of Christianity to justify their brutal aggressions and conquests and the killings and genocide of all natives and other peoples on earth. Yes, their bible says, "Thou shall not kill and commit murders." But they went on a rampage of killings and assassinations for centuries and the practice is still going on unchecked in this modern times. Look at how they are now killing millions of Arab muslims in the Middle East and the natives in Latin America. Non-Christians around the world should not be celebrating Christmas lesss they will appear to  be complicit in the brutal and sinful crimes of the whitemen.


Wednesday, 25th December, 2019.

So this is Christmas, and what have you done?

Merry Christmas everyone.

Sarawak native dancers and blowpipe hunter