
POFMA - You Will Never Be Fair

POFMA - You Will Never Be Fair

Water here and water there,
Surrounded by water everywhere;
Yet not a single drop to spare.

POFMA here and POFMA there,
PORMA, PORMA everywhere;
Yet not a single heart to spare.

Correction Order here and Correction Order there,
Correction makes bare, "false" makes good;
Someone somehow shot her own foot.

POFMA, POFMA, what are you?
Are you a vicious weapon new,
To serve not the majority but a few?

You make fake so real
And real so fake
Looks like confusion is our fate?

POFMA, POFMA, who are you?
Are you a notorious few who knew
But hide the facts in order to confuse?

Fair is foul and foul is fair,
No matter what, nothing is fair!
POFMA, POFMA, as long as you're there!

FOG - 16 Dec 2019

I just have to post this beautiful poem in the main column. Thank you Frog Outside Glass

USA - A Rogue State & CIA A Terrorist Organistion: PART TWO

     CIA is the terrorist arm of the United States. Criminal acts and atrocities carry out by CIA include narcotic and drug smuggling and trading, kidnapping, murders, killings and assassinations. Since the end of the Second World War in 1945, CIA has carried out myriads of criminal acts of terrorism involving assassinations, regime change or overthrowing of states which do not listen or obey US dictates, organising and instigating turmoil, riots and public disorders, arson and destruction of public properties.

CIA assassinations of heads of foreign governments and other dignitaries are carried out with the motive to topple governments for regime change. Murders most foul were carried out by CIA secret agents in cahoot with local US lackeys and army turncoats under the direct command of US president.

There are too many countless assassinations to narrate but suffice here to describe only a few of them. Under the order of the US president, CIA would prepare lists of foreign personnels to be assassinated  Very often CIA has no qualms in killing tens or hundreds of other innocent lives though when only one victim is targeted for CIA just callously brushed it aside as collateral or incidental death.

One of the earliest victims assassinated by CIA was a Korean opposition leader Kim Koo. He was murdered in 1949.

CIA made several attempts to assassinate China's Premier Zhou En Lai in the 1950s. In 1954 Premier Zhou was going to Banlong, Indonesia to attend the Afro-Asian Conference whereby all presidents and Prime Ministers of Africa and Asia were scheduled to meet. The plane in Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport in which Premier Zhou was supposed to fly to Banlong was planted with a timing device bomb. The plane exploded in mid-flight. Fortunately at the last minute Premier Zhou changed flight and took another plane and so he survived. Hong Kong was then under the dictatorship of the British colonial government, a strong ally of United States. CIA had colluded with the British to plant the bomb.

In the 1950s and early 1960s CIA made several assassination attempts on President Sukarno of Indonesia whom the United States accused of being a leftist or socialist and of having too close a relationship with Russia and China. So far all these attempts failed. But however, in 1963 CIA managed to infiltrate into Sukarno's military establishment and staged a military coup in which General Suharto put President Sukarno under house arrest. The coup culminated in Suharto's military and secret police arresting and killing of over three million Indonesians whom CIA suspected of being communists or leftist socialists or communist sympathisers. Lists of names of those targeted victims were provided by the United States embassy via CIA.  One of those killed as ordered by CIA was Dr. Subanrio the foreign minister of President Sukarno.

In 1961 President Patrice Lumumba the democratically elected president of the Republic of Congo  was assassinated by CIA  agents who fired at his plane with missiles while it was preparing to land at the airport. The assassination was ordered by President Eisenhower because Lumumba was considered a leftist socialist. Lumumba had very strong public support and so CIA could not immediately install its man. Thus the Republic of Congo was plunged into choas and turmoil for many years.

From 1959 to 1969 CIA carried out several assassination attempts on Prince Norodom Sihanouk leader of Cambodia for refusing to let America use the territory of Cambodia in its war on Vietnam. However, in 1970 due to to the treachery of Lon Nol , a senior general in Sihanouk's army, Sihanouk was overthrown and CIA installed Lon Nol as a US puppet president. Prince Sihanouk escaped the assassination and sought refuge in  Beijing. 

In 1954, CIA overthrew the democratically elected president Jacob Arbenz of Guatemala in Central America in a military coup. Arbenz wanted to nationalize the Rockefeller owned  United Fruit Company which illegally occupied thousands of hectares of Guatemala's land and in which Allen Dulles the then United Secretary of State Allen Dulles was a partner. Arbenz was overthrown by CIA-backed generals who then ruled Guatemala as right wing dictators whose blood thirsty policies resulted in the killing of over a hundred thousand Guatemalans in the next few decades.Rockefeller and Allen Dulles had deprived the impoverished Guatemalans of their lands. The poor Guatemalans were then forced to work for the United Fruit Company with very meager pay. It must be remembered that this same company had in the 1890s occupied most of the fertile land and valleys in Hawaii resulting in Hawaiian resistance which culminated in the slaughter of over three hundred thousand Hawaiians and the lost of Hawaiian sovereignty and independence to the United States.

In Brazil in 1964, a CIA - backed coup overthrew the elected government of Joao Goulart. He was replaced by a CIA-backed junta which ruled Brazil for over 20 years. It was the most blood thirsty coup in the history of Brazil. General Castelo Bianco the head of the junta created Latin America's first death squad and secret police with the full knowledge and backing of CIA. Thousands of Brazillians mostly indigenous natives who were opposed to the junta were hunted down as communists or socialists and then tortured and killed after long gruelling interrogation. The death Squads and secret police of the junta were all trained by CIA .

In Chile, in 1973 CIA carried out one of the most brutal military coup against President Allende Salvador and replaced him with a murderous traitor General Augusto Pinochet. Allende was overthrown because he nationalised the copper mining industries and the International Telephone - ITT owned by US huge global corporations. Pinochet carried out a reign of terror through the death squad and secret police, all trained and supported by CIA. 
Thousands of Chileans and Allende's supporters were rounded up, tortured and shot. Hundreds of leftist Chileans escaped the brutal CIA supported massacre and went to Sweden. The Swedish prime minister Olof Palme gave asylum to many leftist socialist Chileans. This greatly offended CIA. Olof  Palme was labelled a socialist and in 1986 he and his wife were shot by CIA agents in a street in Central Stockholm.  

In the 1960s, CIA inspired and fomented political turmoil in Bolivia. Then in 1971 a CIA - backed military coup overthrew leftist president Juan Torres. In the next two years CIA-backed dictator Hugo Banzer arrested over two thousand political opponents without trial, had them tortured and then executed.

However, in 2005, Evo Morales a native indigenous Bolivian won the presidential election. He carried out a series of reforms and nationalised many foreign control companies mainly controlled by US corporations. His reforms benefitted the majority native Bolivians and he was successfully elected to the presidency four times from 2005 to 2019. However, he and his government was overthrown by a CIA-backed military coup in October 2019, led by a pro-America Jewish ethnic general. Morales and many of his ministers had to flee for their lives and sought refuge in Mexico in which they were given asylum.

In the immediate aftermath of the coup there were mass public protests and demonstrations against the coup in support of Morales. CIA-backed troops and helicopter gun ships hovered over the sky and shot thousands of demonstrators indiscriminately. The United States and CIA is guilty of the massacre of native Bolivians. Bolivia has now fallen under the rule of the white minority Spanish descendants which constitute only about thirty percent of the population.

In Venezuela CIA made several attempts to assassinate Hugo Chavez the president of Venezuela from 2002 when he was first elected president. A coup and an attempt to kill Chavez failed in 2002. CIA constantly sponsored mercenaries in attempts to pull off coups against the Venezuelan government. Hugo Chavez was targeted for assassination because he nationalised the oil industry and refused to give in to US dictates and special interests and would not be cowed by US threats.

The list of CIA targeted foreign dignitaries and other high profile personnels for assassination goes on and on. Suffice here to just simply list below a few more of the targeted victims without having to go through a detail description of each case. They are as follows:

(1)Kim Il Sung Prime minister of DPRK, 1951.( 2.) Mohazmmed Mossadegh PM of Iran, 1953, (3) Gamal Abdul Nasser president of Egypt, 1957, (4.) General Abdul Kassem PM of Iraq 1960, (5) Jose Figures, president of Costa Rica 1950s to 1970s, a few attempts were made on his life. (6) Fidel Castro , President of Cuba 1960 to 1970.  Many attempts and plots on his life . (7) Charles de Gaule President of France 1965 - 1q966. Two attempts on his life for refusing to follow US dictates. (8) General Manuel Noriega President of Panama 1970 - 1981 (9) Michael Manley President of Jamaica 1976. (10) Muammar Gaddafi President of Libya 1980 to 1990 . Several attemptgs on his life. Finally killed  in 2011. (11) Ayatollah Khomeini President of Iran 1982. (12) Miguel d'Escoto Foreign Minister of Nicaragua 1983 . ( 13) Saddam Hussein President of Iraq 1991 to 2003. (14) Slobodon Milosevic 1999 , President of Yugoslavia .  (15) Che Guevara Cuban leader  1967. (16) General Ahmed Dlimi Moroccan army commander, 1983.

CIA schools for saboteurs and assassins use psychologists to induce servicemen who may not be naturally inclined to kill to do so under certain conditions. CIA also use convicted murderers who are released from military prisons to become assassins. The assassins attend courses to be trained on dehumanization of the enemy through special films showing enemies being killed and injured in violent ways to toughen their killing resolve.

Foreign leaders who are against the objectives of the United States foreign policies will definitely be targeted for assassination.

The question is will one day every other country be clamouring for the assassinations of the United States rogue and demonic terrorist leaders. The United States must be made to pay a price for its unprecedented evil permanent wars and brutal assassinations and killings of foreign world leaders and their citizens.


Monday, 16th December, 2019

POFMA, who is spreading fake news

'In the media statement, the SDP is being accused of using the false and misleading statements to “stoke fear and anxiety among local PMETs”.
“Given the current uncertain economic climate, it is understandable that some Singaporeans feel anxious about employment prospects and retrenchments,” the statement said.
“This makes it all the more critical that public debate on the important issue of jobs is based on accurate facts, and not distortions or falsehoods.
“These false and misleading statements by the SDP have a singular objective – to stoke fear and anxiety among local PMETs. It is important to set the facts straight so that Singaporeans are not misled.”...

One of the Facebook posts includes a graphical illustration depicting plunging local PMET (professionals, managers, executives and technicians) employment.
MOM said the illustration is false. According to its Comprehensive Labour Force Survey, local PMETs employment has risen steadily, from 1.17 million in 2015 to 1.30 million in 2019.
As a proportion of the total local workforce, the local PMET share has also increased from 54 per cent in 2015 to 58 per cent in 2019....

Another falsehood that MOM took issue with concerns a statement in the online article which said, “The SDP’s proposal comes amidst a rising proportion of Singaporean PMETs getting retrenched.”
MOM said that there is no rising trend of local PMET retrenchments. The number of local PMETs retrenched in 2018 was, in fact, the lowest since 2014. Local PMETs retrenched, as a proportion of all local PMET employees, has also declined since 2015.'

The above is quoted from YahooNews. The first paragraph is the govt statement accusing SDP of spreading fake news about local PMETS employment falling and unemployment increasing.

The next two paragraphs show the two points the govt is offended. One, local PMET share of employment has increased. Two Local PMET retrenchment or unemployment is falling.

So who is telling the truth, who is spreading fake news? The devil is in the details. Notice that the above arguments referred to 'locals' not Singaporeans. Was SDP referring to Singaporean PMETs or local PMETs? With the influx of foreigners, with many becoming PRs and classified as locals, ie as good as Singaporeans, a few hundred thousands of PRs are here fully employed to justify the statistics that local PMETs are fully employed. The next devil is the new citizens. How many are new citizens or have become new citizens in the last 10 or 20 years? True blue Singaporeans do not regard them as truly Singaporeans as many of them did not serve NS and are fair weather economic migrants. Period. They are here because the weather is fine and would scoot when things turn bad. They are here because of good jobs that pay well, good currency exchange rates, and easy to get by with fake and funny degrees and resumes.

SDP and Singaporeans should be discussing about the fate of Singaporeans, not new citizens and PRs under this big and blur and ambiguous thing called locals. The statistics should be about Singaporeans, the people that called this island our country, our home, the guys sacrificed their lives and precious years to perform NS and Reservist duties to safeguard this country. The PRs and new citizens, did they. Shit, why am I even talking about PRs that are not even citizens? 

Lets redefine the statistics, talked about true blue Singaporeans, not ambiguous term like 
'locals', then we would get a better feel of the pain and suffering of Singaporeans. The govt is voted into power by Singaporeans to serve the interest of Singaporeans, not 'locals' that are not Singaporeans.

Below is a comment in TRE on the seriousness of so many migrants coming to take over the country.

John Richards:
The liberal immigration policy of the PAP, which includes the large influx of foreign talents through various schemes like the CECA, can be likened to a non violent process of ethnic cleansing. Singaporeans you’re being overrun and your PAP leaders are happily playing the fiddle like Emperor Nero did while Rome was being burnt down.
Are you woke yet?


When facts are hard to believe

Calling A Spade A Spade:
You cannot prove the GDP: If ground is very sour as we always perceived since last 3 GE,
There is this high possibility.
So was said about the Cheng San election. No one knows.
A distinctive trait of any dictatorship is to cheat, lie and terrorize.

The above is a comment in the TRE about this unexplained or difficult to explain popularity of the PAP at the ballot box. 70% is quite assured for more than 4 decades.Going under 70% is seen as a loss to the PAP. But many on the grounds perceived that the ground is so sour, so many unhappiness. Then when election comes, 70% or more would vote for the PAP, the party that they saw as being inept, inefficient, overpaid and doing all the wrong things and harm to the country and people.

Why is this so? You have no choice but to believe the ballot papers. You have no choice but to believe that the election system is fair and transparent. You cannot claim otherwise. You cannot claim or insinuate that there is cheating, lying or terrorising as mentioned in the above comment unless you can prove it. Of course no one can prove these.

So the truth remains the truth. The facts must be real. 70% or more Singaporeans would like the PAP to rule over them forever come what may. Do not question facts and truths unless you can prove it. Being suspicious, when things just don't seem right is just an opinion, a feeling, cannot be truth till proven otherwise.

Beautiful Sarawak natives

These are some of the cultural dancers at the Sarawak Cultural Village that I took during my recent trips. Will post more over the next few Sundays for your viewing pleasure. It would be a pity if such beautiful and rich cultural heritage and legacies would to be replaced and covered up by black cloths from the Middle East.