WASHINGTON: It started with eight
helicopters flying low in the dark across hostile territory. It ended
two hours later with one of the most wanted men in the world cornered by
US soldiers, then blowing himself up.
And thousands of miles away in the White House Situation Room, President Donald Trump says he witnessed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's end on video in amazement.
"As though you were watching a movie," he said....
"A large group" took part, with "eight helicopters, and we had many other ships and planes," Trump said....
And when they landed at the targeted compound, "all hell broke loose," according to Trump.
And thousands of miles away in the White House Situation Room, President Donald Trump says he witnessed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's end on video in amazement.
"As though you were watching a movie," he said....
"A large group" took part, with "eight helicopters, and we had many other ships and planes," Trump said....
And when they landed at the targeted compound, "all hell broke loose," according to Trump.
That "was something really amazing to see,"
he said about his experience in the Situation Room, where he was joined
by Vice President Mike Pence and senior military and national-security
"We watched it so clearly."...
A "large number" of Baghdadi's supporters died in the return fire, Trump said, but no US troops....
And then came the call everyone was waiting for.
"Sir, there's only one person in the building. We are sure he's in the tunnel trying to escape but it's a dead-end tunnel," Trump recounted being told.
It was Baghdadi....
The US troops sent dogs down the tunnel and the Islamic State mastermind "blew himself up."
"We watched it so clearly."...
A "large number" of Baghdadi's supporters died in the return fire, Trump said, but no US troops....
And then came the call everyone was waiting for.
"Sir, there's only one person in the building. We are sure he's in the tunnel trying to escape but it's a dead-end tunnel," Trump recounted being told.
It was Baghdadi....
The US troops sent dogs down the tunnel and the Islamic State mastermind "blew himself up."
reached the end of the tunnel as our dogs chased him down. He ignited
his vest, killing himself and the three children," Trump said....
The above is a hunting raid conducting by the Americans in Syria, and the prize, not a bear but Baghdadi and his 3 children and many other civilians including women and children. And Trump and his other predators were enjoying every minute of it, in great amazing at the brutality of it all, just like a hunting campaign. What had Baghdadi and those people killed in the raid, including women and children done to the Americans? Nothing, but being branded as terrorists.
Well done Trump and Pence and the American terminators. Didn't the hunters take any scalps as trophies to hand on the walls of their dining rooms? No human rights, no war crimes? Oh, Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. Don't you think so? And the hunters aka terminators would be awarded medals of bravery, for killing women and children, for a hunting spree in Syria.