
Would Heng Swee Kiat be the next PM?

This is a funny question indeed. Some may think it is mischievous. He has
just been appointed as the next DPM, the only DPM with the two incumbent DPMs
being sidelined to become senior ministers to make way for him. It is only natural
and only time is in his way to be the next PM. Everything said so far about him
is good, he has the support of Hsien Loong and his peers. The two DPMs
also have good words to say about him. His appointment as the next PM is
double or triple confirmed.

Can anyone be so certain of what tomorrow brings, what would happen
tomorrow? Man proposes, man designs, but they always say God disposes what
man proposed. There is something called destiny, fate, what is yours would
be yours, what is not yours would not be yours. If Swee Kiat is destined to
be the PM, he will be.

Until the day comes, no one can be 100% sure of this event. Should events
take an unfortunate turn and Swee Kiat’s position is challenged, who would
be the next obvious choice? Chan Chun Sing would be next in line if
according to an earlier plan. People were surprised that he was not named
the 2nd  DPM. Is there anything to read into this? And there is Chee Hian
and Tharman still hanging around. Further down the ladder there is Ye Kung
and Shanmugam.

Do not rule out the dark horses. If there is a leadership crisis at this
moment, the game is open to all, and dark horses would likely to emerge to
challenge Swee Kiat for the PM post. He is still feeling around and not
really in it yet.

Until the fat lady sings….whatever will be will be. Anwar’s position is
even nearer but still an uncertainty. He was so near yet so far. It is not
that easy to be a PM unless one has the good fortune to be one.
'A Blackbox survey commissioned by Yahoo Singapore confirmed the results of our poll. In that survey, 69 per cent of 897 respondents said they would support Tharman as a candidate to become prime minister.

Netizens responding to Tharman’s latest post echoed these sentiments as they asserted that they are ready for a non-Chinese PM. Some hoped for a “miracle” that Tharman would assume the top post as others opined that they do not like Heng as much as they like Tharman:'  Copied from theindependent.sg

In another poll from the same article said 92% was in favour of Tharman as the PM, only 8% was in favour of Swee Kiat. Maybe should rule these polls as fake news, unreliable and causing confusion.


Teymoor Nabili, a talent wasted, used in wrong areas

Keyu Jin earned her PhD from Harvard and is currently a professor of macro economics in London School of Economics. She has been giving lectures on China and understanding China, economics, social and political and anything relevant to China from a native Chinese perspective. Her views are refreshing not that Americans or the West would not see China that way, she has a very good grasp of economic issues and speaks very eloquently like an American without the Chinese accent. Google the youtube to have a different perspective of China instead of the dull and mundane silly views from the West and pseudo academics.

Two equally articulate Chinese presenters on contemporary issues concerning China and its relations with the West are the hosts of The Point programme in Tian Wei and Liu Xin. These two ladies are equally brilliant in their understanding of the issues of the day. In particular Liu Xin, she has a very professional and no nonsense approach to the issues under discussion and would brush off any silly bananas or westerners that parrot unthinkingly on stereotype western agenda, myths and smears on China.

What have they got to do with Teymoor Nabili? For those who are in the know, Teymoor Nabili is an excellent programme host/journalist on contemporary issues particularly big power relations and politics. When he first appeared on Channel News Asia, it was something good that finally happened to CNA, a very high calibre professional that could raise the standard of its programmes and someone that I would not mind listening to. This did not last long, as they said about good things.

No, he is still a presenter in CNA, but the topics he is presenting today are so tame and lame in a way. Climate change, green energy and blockchains in the Perspective programme. I would not spend more than 5 minutes on such stuff.

The big question that I am asking is why would such a gifted and talented TV host not be assigned to deal with political issues that were his forte, issues that he is very comfortable with and would generate a lot of interests among the audience? Is it because he did not give face to silly westerners and brushed them off when they started to utter nonsense, something that is unpalatable and unacceptable to western audience? I have seen and heard him did it several times to the chagrin of the westerners in the panel or in the audience. Never have silly westerners uttering their nonsense and parroting political agenda been told off or brush off so abruptly and publicly by the host of a talk show.

Perhaps his Iranian heritage may have something to do with it. The West, in particular the Americans, cannot tolerate Iranians and would not want to be seen sitting at the same table with an Iranian or an Iranian TV host. Worse, to be belittled or made to look small with their stupid comments by an Iranian is something they cannot live with.

It is a pity that Teymoor is not given more opportunity to host more contemporary political issues than talking about the environment. One thing for sure, Teymoor would never use American catchphrases like other silly presenters would do so to promote American agenda. Lame topics should be left to the academically oriented or our young local TV hosts to gain more experience and exposure before they graduate into serious and hard topics like telling the westerners off when they try to patronise the Asian audience with their myths and political agenda.

Liu Xin and Keyu Jin are in the same class as Teymoor Nabili, telling different stories from an Asian perspective that are rare in the English medium media dominated by the West and the bananas. The world needs more of them to give a more balance view of what is happening and calling a spade a spade. They should be given more space to keep the world informed and see things on a balanced perspective, not the American or western perspective that white is good and must be good, any other colours are bad.

PS. Singapore is very good in employing top professional talents, pays them like top professional talents but used them to clean the tables?  Did anyone say waste of money, waste of talent?


Why Sri Lanka a target?

More than 300 died and more than 500 hospitalised due to the latest IS bombings in Sri Lanka. Imagine the same magnitude and death toll happened in Singapore! The question of why Sri Lanka, a Buddhist majority country with only 7% Muslims. According to expert interviewed by CNA, Rohan Gunaratna said it was because Sri Lanka was a soft target. See, being soft target, even a Buddhist country with a small Muslim minority would not be spared.

Singapore is also a soft target, with a small Muslim minority and with legs opened so wide that 10 elephants can crawl pass easily, with so many wildlife coming in and out like their hometown, do you think Singapore presents an excellent soft target for terrorist attacks? I think not, our secret weapon is Newater. I have written a piece on the unmentionable benefits of drinking Newater but have yet to post it here.

Newater is an antidote for many wildlife disorders. Wildlife that are here must have taken Newater, and that has in a way tempered their wildness. Just imagine if there is no Newater, how wild would the wildlife be. This could be a good reason why Singapore is spared, so far. Must be the Newater.

While we think we may be safe, a soft target is a soft target. And Gunaratna has warned in his interview that all govts must be on high alert especially in SE Asia when Muslims are a majority. And the silly asshole in Australia thought he could bomb mosques and killed Muslims and could get away with it. He has just stirred the hornet's nest. For every white extremist there is a Muslim extremist to match his evil and prejudiced ways. You can hit them, they can hit you.

In the Sri Lanka case, the intelligence services were warned of an impending attack but this information did not get to the govt leaders. Dunno what were they so busy about that such an important threat did not get to them in time, after 10 days. We can understand how busy our millionaire politicians are, now buried themselves with the threats from fake news. I think they should take the advice of the intelligence services seriously and give top priority to such threats even if fake news is important.

Which do you think is a bigger threat, a clear and present danger, terrorist threat or fake news? Does the govt or police have enough men and resources to attend to such deadly threats when they have to take care of fake news? Would they be spreaded so thin, just like during the Little India riot that they just don't have enough men in blue to take a hold on terrorist problem?

Is there a need to monitor and tighten the influx of potential terrorists coming in when the legs are open so widely? Would it be futile, too many but too few men to handle? Or should we have faith in our Newater that would make the terrorists lose their minds and become more docile and timid or less deadly like daft sinkies?


The Americans should continue to do what they know best

The Americans have been indulging in smear campaign against anything that China is doing. They boycotted the AIIB claiming stupidly, that there is no transparency, low standard of rules and governance etc etc as if all the countries especially the European countries participating in the AIIB are there as sleeping partners and could not do anything. Such claims insult everyone, including those that are forced to believe in the American white lies.

Next big hit list is the BRI. Again all the stupid comments about no transparency, unfair practices, etc etc and the added thing called debt traps. The Americans are saying that all the countries participating in the BRI are so stupid that they willingly joined the BRI to get into debt traps. And those countries that borrowed money from IMF and World Bank would not get into debt traps if they managed to get a loan in the first place. 

More than 150 countries have joined the BRI, telling the Americans that they don’t believe in their lies of debt traps and all the shit they threw at the BRI.

And of course the infamous attack on Huawei as a security risk but not Apple, Google or Facebook or Twitter that have been doing worse thing than what the Americans accused Huawei of. Anything Americans is safe because the Americans have planted all their spying gadgets and softwares in these systems, and users just have to accept American monitoring and spying on them, cannot question, cannot object. These are givens for those using American systems and gadgets.

What the Americans should be doing instead of smearing and badmouthing what China is doing for the rest of the world is to focus on what they do best, ie sanctions, regime change and wars and selling weapons of mass destruction. While China is holding annual forum to engage countries of the world in infrastructure development to boost international trade, the Americans spent all their energy just to stir shit and to condemn these economic initiatives as expanding political influence and creating debt traps.

The Americans could do itself a big favour by conducting more forum to be held in the US on how to conduct regime change, which country to be shortlisted for regime change, how to support terrorist organizations, how to impose economic sanctions to cripple and destroy countries and to facilitate the bringing down of govts in order to put in place American lackeys that would run and ruin the countries in favour of the Americans.

The Americans can also hold big arms and weapon fairs to sell their weapons for countries to conduct wars, to blow each other up, to bring economies to ruins. Not to forget, to threaten countries with wars by provocations and aggression in sailing warships and warplanes to violate on national territories under the pretext of freedom of navigation. Americans are very good at these things, no one else could be their equal or coming near. All options are on the table, said the evil men in Washington.

These are the forte of the Americans and they would do very well to spend more time promoting such things and selling more weapons. No need to waste time and resources attacking and badmouthing China. They don’t work, the rest of the world see more benefits in trade and economic growth, not in wars, and would continue to support the Chinese initiatives to bring peace and better lives for their people. No unnecessary wars, death and destruction.

Do what you do best, conduct more wars, more sanctions and more regime change and sell more weapons….and tell more white lies.

Oh, I almost forgot, promote more rule of law, the American style or cowboy laws, or outlaws. The BRI is about bringing nations and people together, about cooperation, about a common destiny for human kind, unlike the building of walls and Americans first policy. The Americans should continue to cling to its dwindling hegemony and Evil Empire.

PS. Under questioning by Senator Rand Paul, Pompeo, the former CIA director said, ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole.’ That was, is and his CIA.


More lunches stolen by wildlife

The frustrations of PMETs being marginalized

Met and heard of the frustrations of PMETs being marginalised. Pitiful cases such as a 48 year old man out of job for 1.5 years after being retrenched from his previous work in logistics. Outcompeted by foreign PMETs. He has 4 children to feed and now works odd jobs to make ends meet. Fearful, angry and afraid for his family’s future.

Surely we had enough of the policies that were the caused of this misery to our own citizens made so by a Government focused on their self-serving political interest piling up and locking our money for God knows what.

Assured him and others like him, that we must not give up and believe in the collective power in our own hands and have the courage to use it. We can take back this country from the misguided elites.
Best quote for the night, “… if LKY in opposition now, i think he too cannot make it into parliament with all the mechanism to block the opposition now in place like GRC and others…”. Oh the irony of it all…..

*Facebook post by Damanhuri Bin Abas.

Should we say that he deserved it? Or should we say that he needs to go for retraining to become cleaners since his skills is not needed or he is not better than the wildlife that stole his lunch? Or should he go overseas to steal the lunches of wildlife in their home country?

Or should we say that cannot be helped, we have already signed the CECA, so cannot back out from it or this is the new normal, foreigners are welcomed here, or will be coming here, and we cannot shut the door in the face of the onslaught of the wildlife?

We are hapless, the world is changing and we must keep up with the time. Ohhhhh, why this is not happening in other countries? Why are other countries protecting jobs for their own citizens but we cannot do so?Why are all the wildlife coming just to this little island only and in great numbers, like paradise for them, but turning the island into a future hell for its citizens?

Is this our country or the country for wildlife?