
Graduated to Unemployement...and disappointment

'It is such a crying shame if many of our PEI graduates eventually end up as another private car driver or “protection officers” who are really just security guards. These is a grim situation against a backdrop of thousands of foreigners who are holding Employment Passes and S-passes in Singapore
Singaporeans must pay dearly in different ways when they elect an incompetent government that is unable to create any more opportunities for its people. Our citizens must by now realised that there are heavy prices that they must pay for electing a useless PAP government who cannot fly any higher or any further anymore.'

The above pic and comments were in an article posted by Simon Lim in TRE.

The Graduation Ceremony used to be the pride of parents and their children, the event to ended a regime of self sacrifices, regimentation and financial expenses and the beginning of hope of a better future.

Is this true today? How many of the graduates are walking into the adult's world armed with their degrees and diploma and hope of a good job and better future and to doing their parents proud?

How many would be wallowing in self pity, loss of confidence and in financial straits, unable to repay their loans or their parents for paying for their expensive tertiary education when funny graduates from cheap funny universities overseas are beating them to the valued jobs and leaving them jobless? Who is to be blamed for their plight, the highly disturbing CECA, or the people that signed the CECA or allowed it to happen to seal the fate of our young people?

What do you think? Do our young deserve this bleak future, when Graduation Day is the day they graduated to join the ranks of the unemployed? How pathetic can our young be? Who cares, who did they vote for to deserve this?


MIG 21 shot down F16, MIG did not shoot down F16….shot down, did not….

There is a heated debate going on in the internet about the Indian Air Force MIG 21 shooting down a Pakistani F16.  Many wonderful stories were spun about how this Korean War relic could shoot down one of the most advanced 4th generation aircraft are worth reading if one is in need of some laughters or cannot fall asleep. One version, the Pakistani pilot was a kopi licensed pilot and thought he was on vacation, or was snoozing when the Indian pilot closed in on him and shot him down with a catapult. Another version, the Indian pilot was so well trained that the Pakistani pilot was no match despite having a more advanced and modern aircraft. There are many fascinating stories of this dog fight, some claiming to have videos showing how it went.

The consequences of this modern myth, or was it a fake story, are more interesting. Lockheed Martin, the maker of F16 is going bankrupt as all orders for F16s were cancelled. F16s are now selling in the black market for the price of a song, like junks and no takers. All the American allies that have bought the F16s are retiring their fleet and moving them to the museums. No pilots would want to be seen flying a F16 for the fear of their lives.

On the other side of the coin, closed down MIG factories are roaring to life. Orders are coming in for more MIG 21s. Delivery time is 3 years from date of purchase order. The factories are running over time, working round the clock to reproduce these antiques that are now highly desired by many air forces for their air superiority, to be able to shoot down F16s. This is really a cheap and good story. But the prices would not hold for long as the demands outstripped the supplies and prices are shooting through the roof. Who cares about F16s or F22s or even F35s when all they need is MIG 21s?

Would Singapore be cancelling its buy orders for four F35s and ordering 200 MIG 21s instead for the same money? With the crash of the Japanese F35, Turkey is the first to chicken out and has cancelled its order for F35s and switching to SU 57s. Other European countries are also thinking of doing the same. Lockheed Martin is going to face the same fate as Boeing with more orders cancelled.

Actually I have another version of the truth. When the Pakistani pilot saw the MIG 21 he thought he was dreaming. Where on earth could one find such a relic flying, where was he, watching a Bollywood movie? It could not be true, no modern air forces in the world is flying such antique aircraft anymore. China has converted their MIGs to drones, fly by wire. The Pakistani pilot was in a daze. So, while he was musing about what he was seeing, he forgot that he was in a war zone and at war. So he was shot down before he knew what was happening.

And the shot was so accurate because he was not taking evasive action, and was so near he was blown to pieces, literary turned to dust, and his body could not be found, untraceable. If he was shot down like the MIG 21 by Pakistan, he would be able to bale out in time and be caught like Wing Commander Ahbinandan when he landed on his parachute. And he could then be sent home and received a hero’s welcome for being shot down and captured by the enemies and survived. And the remains of the wreckage would be found and filmed as proof.

This episode has given a big boost to Russian MIG aircraft manufacturer and big profits. There is no better advertisement than an antique shooting down a modern and advanced aircraft that cost a fortune to buy. The most unhappy people must be the Americans, unable to sell their modern aircraft anymore. Who would want to waste money buying expensive American aircraft that could easily be shot down by Russian antiques that could be bought for a song?

The above article first appeared in redbean’s Sunday tabloid.


F35 down - Japan lost $200m

Japan’s first delivery of the American F35 super stealth fighter aircraft just disappeared in the western Pacific Ocean.  Because of its stealth capability, Japanese radars could not detect it and could not find it, not with its transmitter supposedly sending signals to be detected by search and rescue. Hope the F35s are not fitted with the same anti stalling software as the Boeing 737 Max.

The lost of one F35 is no sweat to the Japanese as they are ordering a total of 87 pieces. It would mean a 25% lost to Singapore if we ordered only 4 pieces to play with. This is kinda like a $200m a pop pill. This super aircraft, damn easy to fly as the Americans have boasted, would not be easily detected by enemy radars and be shot down. But the Americans did not guarantee that these aircraft would not go down by itself, without enemy fire, and disappeared completely because of their stealth capability. This Japanese case is a good example of how to lose these aircraft in peace time, with no enemies in sight, no wars.

The F35s are designed like the invisible man, cannot be seen, dead or alive. If it is dead and not moving, you would not know where it is even if it is standing in front of you. There is no point looking for it in the Pacific Ocean.

How could the Japanese fly such a simple aircraft to no where? Maybe the pilot flew it to China or captured by aliens like MH370.

PS. They found the debris of the crash. Pilot missing, also stealth pilot?


Trump's Outrageous Wall

 The Mexicans should invoke their human rights to return to their ancestral lands now illegally occupied by the Evil Empire - the United States. The United States should return all the stolen lands to Mexico and in this way it solves the problem of building the wall which will cost a lot of money . 

     Trump likes to complain and tell the Americans that if China was able to build a wall why can't the United States ?  First before he talks about building his stupid wall I would like to advise him and the Americans to delve into the history, philosophy and social-political cum economic objectives of the Chinese in building The Great Wall of China. 

The Chinese Great Wall is more than 6000 Kilometres long. It was and has been one of the world's greatest scientific, engineering and technological feat. The Great Wall of China has been long lasting and enduring and has stood the test of time and history. It is a great monument to the indomitable fighting spirit of the Chinese people and nation as well as the epitome of Chinese culture.

The Great Wall of China was built more than two thousand years ago  It wasn't built in one year, or ten years or hundreds of years. It was built over a period of over two thousand years. The Chinese started building the Great Wall long before emperor Ch'in Shih Huang Ti or hundreds of years before Jesus Christ was born. Subsequent Chinese dynasties continued to build and extend the wall up to the time of the Ming Dynasty, 1368 to 1644 AD.

Why did the Chinese build the wall ? Since time immemorial China was always incessantly attacked by wild savage barbaric warlike tribes in the north and west of China and beyond who descended from Siberia to the rich Chinese plains to rob, pillage and kill.. They descended on the Chinese plains like the whirl wind and after robbing, killing and pillaging they disappeared back into Siberia on horse backs just as fast as they came. The wild tribes were the fierce barbaric Hsiung Nus in which Attila and the Mongols were their descendants.

The Chinese built the Great Wall to stop and prevent the Hsiung Nus from their frequent aggressive and cruel raids into the Chinese plains. The appearance of the Hsiung Nus usually mean death and sorrows to the Chinese as well as tremendous destruction of husbandry and properties. Thus the Great Wall was built as a bulwark against attack and invasion by the Hsiung Nus, Mongols and at times other tribes like the Tunguts, Junggars and Kymucks. 

The Chinese could have pursued the Hsiung Nus right into the vast Siberian steppes or grassland and destroy them. But they did not do it because the Chinese believe in the philosophy of amity and peace. Each and every succeeding Chinese dynasty would always prefer to talk and pacify the Hsiung Nus and other wild war like tribes with bountiful gifts and provision and even allow as requested by the Hsiung Nus or Mongols Chinese princess or ladies for their tribal leaders betrothal . 

In this way the Chinese wall brought great economic benefits to the Hsiung Nus or Mongols with rich Chinese gifts and provisions and the Chinese plains avoid great destruction by the marauding wild tribes of the north.Thus the Chinese Great Wall served a grand social-political purpose of ensuring peace and harmony between the Chinese and the Hsiung Nus or whichever tribes were concerned. 

But historians have claimed on hindsight that the Chinese Great Wall incidentally deflected the Hsiung-Nu - Mongol attack on China to their subsequent incursions into Middle East and Europe especially on Russia and Eastern Europe, though the Mongol invasion reached as far as France in the city of Toulose.

Now, what nonsense is Trump talking about building a wall to keep out the Mexicans. He better has his head examined in the mental hospital. Does he know what he is talking? The Mexicans were the victims of White American aggression and invasion. The Americans are now sitting on Mexican lands illegally. So Trump and the United States want to build a wall to stop the Mexicans from returning home to their ancestral lands. 

From 1840s t0 1890s the United States took liberty with a weak Mexico and started a brutal war of aggression and invasion of Mexico. By brute force of military might US wrenched from Mexico huge swathes of territories which they are now still occupying illegally and illegitimately. These Mexican lands now under US illegal occupation include the present states of Texas, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and California , a combine territory of over One Million, Six Hundred and Sixty-Five Thousand square miles. 

So US  wants to build a wall to hem in and secure all the stolen lands from Mexico as fait accompli. They should not build a wall to  stop the Mexicans from going back to their ancestral lands . They should not build a wall of sorrow, of grief and tears for the wronged and aggrieved Mexicans whose lands had been seized and robbed from them. The American wall will be a wall of shame, a wall symbolic of American brutal aggression and plunder. The American wall of Trump is thus both evil, wicked, satanic and outrageous . The Trump wall does not and will never change the fact that the stolen lands rightfully belong to Mexico and the Mexicans have the right to go back to their own ancestral lands. 

Trump should not talk about his wall of evil intent in reference to the Chinese Great Wall which is a wall of dignity, pompous and majestic and a wall of peace, hope and tranquility for the Chinese and Hsiung Nus and Mongols.

The Chinese wall was built to preserve and maintain peace and harmony among the Chinese and the various tribes of Siberia and Central Asia. Trump's American wall is built to deprive the Mexicans' right to return to their ancestral lands now under American occupation.


Friday, 12th April, 2019.

Call for vigilance

More than 2,000 dengue cases reported in first quarter of 2019

The National Environment Agency expects an increasing trend in dengue cases in the warmer months ahead, if active steps are not taken to keep the mosquito population in check. Today paper

Is there any need to fear the widespread cases of dengue? Is there any need to fear c. auris fungus? It is reported that half of its victims died within 90 days. Singapore already reported 11 cases with 2 dead. C. auris is imported. What about dengue, due to too many mosquitoes or too many wildlife being imported?
Singapore is taking the influx of wildlife and what that came with them very lightly as if nothing serious will happen to Singaporeans. If only there is a major outbreak of serious and deadly diseases, an epidemic, only then would they think the unrestrained influx of foreigners comes with a heavy price. It may be too late then to unwind the clock.

Oh, other than C. auris, aka super fungus, that is normally found in hospitals, there is also the superbugs that are resistance to antibiotics. Dunno got other more serious ones hiding in the corners and waiting to surface. 

How is the state of TB infection in Singapore, going up or down?

Should Singapore start to spray disinfectants on the passengers in the airline cabins on arrival like the Aussies used to do as a precaution?