
The forces for the abolishment of S377A gaining momentum

Read in YahooNews that a former ST editor by the name of Alan John is calling the people to take a stand for secularism when religious people use religion to impose their values on the secular. He posted an article in in face book and reported in coconuts.com titled,  Former ST editor highlights the importance of standing up for secularism in the face of religious pressure.

This debate arising from the movement calling for the abolition of an 'outdated' law that forbids sex between men is seeing people taking sides for and against the law. Many prominent and eminent and influential elite and natural aristocrats have joint forces with the anti S377A law, calling for its abolition. The religious groups are also up in arms against this threat to the natural order of things, the natural order of creation. With the growing presence of LGBTs, the old natural order of things is looking like unnatural and the new natural order of things is like everything LGBT. So what is the natural order of things?

At the moment the majority is belongs to the old natural order of things. What if the LGBTs become a majority and the new natural order of things? We do not really know how big is the LGBTs as many are still hiding in the closets, many shy to own up to their sexual inclinations and preference, the number could be very large.

While the debate is going on and with stranger and stranger people, once thought of as the old natural order of things, speaking for the new natural order of things, one begins to question where are these people coming from? What is their agenda and who they really are?

Perhaps it is proper for the two camps to come clean and reveal their sexual preference or religious background before making a stand. In this way we will know why are these people taking the stand they chose to and not because of hidden motive or agenda. Ya, please come clean and be transparent. These two words are the key principles of Singaporean affairs. Anyone not coming clean is as guilty and sinister as the devil. When one fears coming clean, it means one is hiding something.

Let the debate continues with everyone declaring upfront who and what they are. I can understand the points raised between a sin and a crime, one a religious norm of what is acceptable and what is not, the other a legal position, a law to forbid a certain act. There are times when the two coincide and there are times when the two differ, sometimes by a lot, sometimes a little.

What do you think? Are the neutral, central, non partisan, hetero bias also taking sides, or those taking sides are actually not the neutral, central but partisan and homo bias, with vested interests in saying what they are saying?

PS. It is understandable that those born with such biological traits would behave or prefer to have their own ways or life style. But there are many that are born straight but unthinking or thinking that it is fashionable, after a few intakes of drugs, to think that this is the in thing to go for, the new natural order of things.


IPSOS- Most think can but cannot spot fake news

How credible are surveys conducted by marketing research agencies? If I were to conduct a survey on whether Singaporeans or any nationals if they could spot fake news by showing them 10 headlines, just headlines, and ask them whether they are real or fake, how many would be able to get the answers correct?
The answer is obvious. Just by reading a headline, it is highly impossible, highly improbable to know whether the content is real or fake. Even the committee members of the Select Committee on fake news would also fail miserably if they were to be put to such a test.

IPSOS is reported in thenewpaper as a global independent market research agency and they conducted a survey with the ‘aims to understand the susceptibility of Singaporeans towards fake news.’ And this is their conclusion, ‘Four in five Singaporeans say they can confidently spot fake news. But when put to the test, more than 90 per cent mistakenly identified at least one out of five fake headlines as real.’

This was how the test was conducted. ‘But when participants were given 10 news headlines from digital channels and asked to indicate which ones were fake, only 43 per cent correctly identified two or fewer fake headlines. Of the 10, half were fakes.’

Even if I were to tell just by reading headlines, I can confidently tell you that I would not have better clue or get better results than those being surveyed. And I can also confidently tell you the result would be the same if all the committee members of the Select Committee on fake news were put to the same test.

What do you think is the problem with this test? How credible and reliable is a test of this nature to understand the susceptibility of people towards fake news?

This is another case of stupidity has no cure. Who do you think are the stupid one?
Incidentally, who is smarter or cleverer to tell the public what is fake news or what is the truth and what to believe and what not to believe? The clever people in the Select Committee or some small groups of people thinking that they are smarter and cleverer than you? Are you nuts or idiots that need some unknown jokers to tell you what is true and what is fake? What is your IQ and what are their IQs?


INSIDE North Korea - Personal Experiences

North Korea or its Official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), is not as well-known as many other countries. Many descriptions of DPRK also do not provide a fair and balanced holistic "big picture" of the beautiful country known by the many who actually have visited her.

Embedded as a DPRK Business Mission Team member is Mediacorp journalist Ms Wong Pei Ting. Her first person account of the Historic Mission is unconventional, fair, balanced, honest and wonderfully informative. 

Read the following:  

Return to the Original DPRK Mission Report:

At The Dawn of Peace


Anyone interested in the above projects or be part of the next DPRK expeditions or just interested in DPRK can contact me:


The Americans are so pathetic

After pledging to give US$113m for a regional cyber infrastructure, read as building castle in the air or space, a pittance to any of the natural aristocrats in Singapore, the Americans are pledging to give another US$300m to Asean for security cooperation. What a joke? A pauper is a pauper. When you have no money, don't pretend to be a rich man and throw a few pieces of crumbs and expect the recipients to be grateful for it. And this is the sorry state of the American Empire, wasting all its money in fighting wars instead of doing something useful for its people and the people of the world, especially its allies.

How big are these few hundred millions compare to the US$350 billion China is contributing to the Belt and Road Infrastructure project for the whole of Asia? This is like a tiny drop in the ocean.

Below was reported in the Channel News Asia.

"SINGAPORE: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pledged on Saturday (Aug 4) to provide nearly US$300 million in new security funding for Southeast Asia.
Pompeo unveiled the figure to reporters on the sidelines of a meeting of foreign ministers from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other officials from around the world in Singapore.
"As part of our commitment to advancing regional security in the Indo-Pacific, the United States is excited to announce nearly US$300 million dollars of new funding to reinforce security cooperation throughout the entire region," he said.
"This new security assistance will advance our shared priorities, especially to strengthen maritime security, develop humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping capabilities and enhance programmes that counter transnational threats.""

Just like the US$113m, where are the details? Or it is just another hot air? At most, the US$300m would be tied to buying American weapons, weapons that they have over produced and have no use for except to fight wars. And to make the weapons meaningful to the Asean countries, the Americans would be agitating and provoking more tensions in the region and then tell the Asean countries, "See, China or North Korea is going to invade and conquer Asean countries. Quick, quick, here are the weapons, take them as cheap price. The low interest rate would be paid by the US$300m we pledged to help Asean."

How many silly Asean countries would fall to this trap again?

The Americans have become another one trick pony. Conduct wars, start wars and sell weapons. There is nothing good coming from the Americans except wars and more wars. They did not know what else they can do to make the world a more peaceful and prosperous place except to conduct wars and create tensions everywhere they go.


Who is behind all the terrorist groups in the world?

When would world leaders, especially little USAs and American cronies, admit that the USA is behind all the terrorist movements and groups attacking legally elected and legitimate govts? The denials or looking the other way cannot go on anymore. The Americans are the number One terrorist organization breeding, training, funding and supporting all the terrorist movements all over the world, from Latin America through Europe, Central Asia, China’s Xinjiang, Middle East, Africa and SE Asia, including those in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar, are all funded by the Americans.

The most glaring example is Syria. The rebels and ISIS were all babies of the Americans. They have been defeated and at the last stage of being totally annihilated by the combined forces of Syrian govt, Russian and Iranian armies, holed up in Idlib.

The Americans are desperately trying to protect and save them and have unleashed Israel to attack, bomb and strike at Syrian and Iranian soldiers fighting the ISIS and rebels. The Americans have also inserted their Special Forces into Syria and have done the inevitable, direct contact with Russian Special Forces. Both sides are fighting fiercely without admitting the direct clashes between two of the most well trained special forces in the world. The Americans struck first and inflicted big casualties on the Russians, killing a Russian general, and the latter had hit back to exact revenge.

The Americans continue to build up more conventional forces around Syria, more warships and attack aircraft to match the Russian presence, all in a last ditch effort to save their poodles in the rebel movements and ISIS. Die, die the Americans want to save them to fight another day. They cannot accept defeat in the hands of the combined Russian, Iranian and Syrian forces. More American Special Forces are moving into Syria to confront the Russians in a situation they have been avoiding but forced to do so now.

There is no reason for the Evil Empire to risk a major war with the Russians just for some rebels and terrorist groups unless these are American assets that they seriously and desperately wanted to preserve and save to be redeployed in other theatres of war at their disposal. This showed how important the rebels and terrorist groups are to the Americans, that they are terror arms of the Americans.

The Americans are still trying to deceive the world, hiding under their deceptions, that the Americans are in Syria to fight the terrorists but in reality helping the terrorists, protecting the terrorists but fighting the Syrian, Iranian and Russian forces instead.

Where is the UN to openly condemn this American mischief and call a spade a spade and put an end to this devious American terrorism?