
American Banditry, Terrorism and Hegemony need to be stopped.

The white caucasian Americans have been so used to deal with with the native Americans in whatever savage, wanton and brutal ways they like and got away with impunity that they think in this modern time they can subject other countries and people in the similar pattern of savage aggression and hegemony. They are animals and like wild beasts they only know how to use brute force to attack and kill.

For over 400 years since 1603 white men from Europe had invaded and occupied the north and south American continents including Central America. While the ruthless Spanish and Portuguese Catholic christians were dominating and killing the natives in South and Central America , the even more ruthless Anglo-Saxon British protestant Christians were on the rampage in North America where they attacked, occupied and killed, murdered and genocided the unarmed natives with savage cruelty.

The United States as head of the western carbal of blood thirsty countries are now doing the same to many non European or non white countries which refuse to bow to American domination and control. Countries with rich natural resources like minerals, oil and gas are always marked for attack, domination and control. The evil white Americans and their counter parts Britain, France, Germany and some other west Europeans have no qualms in attacking defenseless countries and killing their people by the hundred of thousands or even millions without betting an eyelid. This is what happened to Afghanistan, Iraq, libya, Syria and Yemen to just quote a few examples.

The people of these countries have been subjected to mass bombings by missiles, jet bombers and drone bombers resulting in countless deaths and untold disasters and great painful suffering of the masses. What do the whitemen care? They see no blood in their mass killings by their missiles and bombers. They have totally no feelings, compassion and sympathy for their victims. They are totally devoid of reason and human morals. All they want and focus is to bring the whole world on earth under their absolute control and hegemony. They are inhuman but great mongrel monsters.

Is there a way to stop America and its western cabal of doing further harm to this world? There must be a way. North Korea has shown the way. But DPRK alone cannot do much. More countries must be armed with nuclear weapons and unite against the Evil Empire and its mafia of evil aggressors
. American aggression and hegemony must be stopped whatever the cost. Russia and China must lead the way without fear.


Wednesday, 24th January, 2018

High time China and Russia put a stop to American mischiefs

The Americans are creating instability and trouble spots all over the world. It bullies small countries that want to develop their own capability to defend themselves from an attack by the American forces, regime change, invasion, supporting insurgencies, blackmail, blockade, sanctions, provocations, bullying, violation of national territories etc etc. The Americans have been instrumental in forcing the UN to impose all kinds of sanctions using all kinds of dubious excuses and reasons against countries big and small.

The sanctions against North Korea and Iran are nonsensical. North Korea and Iran and every sovereign state have every right to build up their own defence capability to defend themselves. China and Russia and the rest of the world must defend this principle of nationhood, to be independent, to be able to defend and protect once territorial integrity. For not standing up to the American nonsense and bullying, many nations would be at the mercy of the evil American Empire. For not standing up and saying no to the American bullying, the Americans they are encouraging the Americans to continue with their intimidation and harassment of small countries.

China and Russia must step up to the plate to lead the rest of the world against the evil American Empire. The world needs peace, not more wars. The Americans are not satisfied just with sanctions. They are everywhere sowing discords, inciting hatred and creating division. Matthis is visiting Vietnam and Indonesia for the same purpose, not for trade but war. They are now gathering a bunch of international gangsters to plan an attack on North Korea and Iran. China and Russia must stop this madness, stop these warmongers from starting another war. There must be no more Iraq, no more Libya, no more Syria.

The rest of the world of smaller and militarily weak nations are crying out for someone to stop the evil American Empire from starting more wars, from bullying smaller countries. A combination of China and Russia and the rest of the world would be strong enough to resist and oppose the evil Americans from their reckless and irresponsible ways to control and rule the world.

The time is here and now. Stop the evil American Empire from starting more wars, from their divide and rule strategy, from bullying smaller nations to do its bidding. Veto all the nonsensical sanctions initiated by the Americans in the UN to protect small countries from American bullying. There will be no peace if the evil Americans are not stopped from their mischiefs around the world, in Korea, in South China Sea, in the Indian Ocean, in the Middle East, in Europe, in Latin America. These trouble spots are created by the evil American Empire. With the evil Americans meddling with them, there will be no peace all in this world.

Stop the evil American Empire before it is too late. The UN must not be used as a tool of the American Empire, writing and serving its agenda of war and mischiefs.


Murphy’s Law must be respected

‘According to the latest Facebook post by Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan, trains running in opposition directions will share a single tunnel under the new software program. It is unknown how far into testing the new system has been, but a glitch may result in a disastrous collision between two trains travelling in opposite direction. Singapore trains travel up to 80km/h in the tunnels….

Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan said he wants to save time to repair one tunnel during operational hours while the other carry commuters….

“Last night, I joined them on the tracks. They showed me how the new Thales signalling system has made single-line operations possible for the NSL. Simply put, trains travelling in both directions are now able to use a single tunnel while the other tunnel is closed for maintenance works. This flexibility gives us another option when planning our works, to minimise inconvenience to commuters. This was not possible under the old signalling system.”’

The above was reported in thestatestimesreview highlighting a potential and very dangerous situation that train commuters are going to be exposed to. According to Murphy’s Law, what can happen will happen, a slightest flaw that could lead to a major accident would lead to a major accident. In a train system that provided for two trains travelling in opposite direction on the same track invites a human made disaster, a disaster caused by the arrogance of man. There are a thousand and one thing that could happen to cause an accident. All nuclear power stations are made not to fail but failed they did. Can this train system be an exception?

Boon Wan once lamented that our train system was built without careful consideration and planning like those in Britain. Now that we have the time and resources to do the best, to make sure all things are considered, should we take this risk for an accident to happen that could cause colossal destruction of lives? It is not a case of it would not happen, Thales system will work. Murphy’s Law said that whatever can happen would happen. Trust me, it will happen. This is unacceptable risk, unbearable risk, unthinkable risk that must be avoided at all cost. This is the same kind of thinking that Singapore can house a nuclear power station. Nothing will happen, absolutely sure?

The stupidity of human arrogance leaves no bound.

PS. Heard of human error, system malfunction, hacking, act of God, sabotaged, negligence, dereliction of duty, terrorism, or forgetfulness, etc etc?


The Americans will not go away, unless driven out like in Vietnam

The Americans are claiming all credit for the defeat of ISIS in Syria, claiming that it was the work of the American coalition. How laughable! They created this beast, financed it to create trouble for the Arab world, and pretend to fight them for several years while allowing them to grow in strength until the Russians stepped in. Even then, the Americans and the coalition were attacking Assad’s forces instead of attacking the ISIS in Syria. 

Now that the Russians and Syrian forces have defeated the ISIS, the Americans are claiming that they did the job. But that is not all. The devious intent of the Americans is exposed. With the end of ISIS, there is no reason for the Americans to be in Syria, just like there is no reason for them to be in Iraq. But no, they must find another reason to keep their soldiers in Syria and Iraq.

What can be a good reason for the Americans now? Oh they admitted a mistake in Iraq by withdrawing and allowing the ISIS to rebuild and regroup. Did they withdraw from Iraq? Nay, they are fully in Iraq, an occupied territory of the Empire. The Americans would never leave Iraq. It is a semi colony.

The same fate is awaiting Syria. Hey, Syria has a legitimate govt and with govt soldiers. Syria is a sovereign state. What right have the Americans to unilaterally decide to station their ground troops in Syria? Who gave them the authority to do so? Oh, must be the emperor of the American Empire. The Emperor decides that it is for the good of Syria that their forces remain in Syria, even if the ISIS has been defeated. They need to be there to rebuild and grow another ISIS or under another name, to justify their presence. Not only that, they are arming and training the Kurds at the Syrian Turkish border to be another ISIS to bring down the Assad govt.

Putin was dumb enough to think he has done his job and started to pull Russian troops out of Syria. The evil Empire is there to stay. The evil Empire will not leave Syria or the Middle East. These are their stakes and protectorates, their colonies.

The daft Arabs still thinking that peace will return to the Middle East and they will no longer see American troops in their countries? Fat hope. The very reason for the Empire to be everywhere is to foment trouble, destabilize a country or region to justify their presence.

The truth, according to retired army colonel Steve Warren, ‘Unless we want to cede eastern Syria to the Iranians, (the coalition) needs to be there.) Period.


Fantasy story – The elusive secret of winning in sports

Singapore wants to be in the World Cup final. Singapore wants to win Olympic gold medals. Finally one came in the last Olympic Game by courtesy of Joseph Schooling, trained in the USA with the USA claiming the credit. Oops, Singapore is also claiming the credit. Other than this flash in the pan moment, no more golds, no World Cup finals, while other smaller and poorer countries are flashing their Olympic gold medals on their chests and being in the World Cup finals.

What went wrong? Every few years Singapore would brag about hiring the best coaches that would bring in the golds but the story always ended with duck eggs. What is this secret of all secrets that Singapore is unable to decipher, with all the money in its pocket, to win some glories for glory hunger Singapore?

It is reported that Singapore has engaged another great coach in a Stephan Widmer for the swimmers. Hope he will concentrate on training the coaches. He is not supposed to train the swimmers. Hope he would not be involved in political fightings among the athletes and coaches and do the things he is paid for, ie coaching. Better remind him before he starts work or else he would think it is part of his job, to play with local sports politics.

Yes, this new coach has many secret strategies for success, eg, ‘He is someone who has to learn how to travel, how to go through time zones, how to adapt to different conditions as quickly as possible’ or ‘So we sent him to some (Fina) World Cup events last August because the only way to gain this experience is to go through it. You can’t read this stuff out of a book’. Wow, revealing great secrets for success. KNN how come our daft coaches did not know of such great stuff that I also know?

Widmer came with a five pronged strategy, to include athletes, competitions, support staff, parents and coaches. I think this will guarantee to bring in more golds. Privately I know that it would end up just like before, more duck eggs. Oops, oops, should not have said such negative things.

Seriously, what we need is a miracle or a miracle coach. Is this Widmer a miracle coach, someone that can produce miracles? But he is telling so many things that our coaches did not know or previous international hires did not know.

PS. Without the right material, without the willingness and commitment to do three times more than what other athletes are doing, you can only dream of gold medals, even with the most expensive coaches.