
More details on IB organisation and modus operandi

OPINION: Inside the World of PAP Internet Brigade (PAP IB)

Singapore Hall of Shame, 11 Nov 2012

There are 4 “My Compass” administrators whom co-ordinate communication strategies for 260 members. Access to this by invitation-only group, is via recommendations of existing trusted members.

Upon receiving instructions by the administrators, unquestioning members spring into action to counter unfavourable chatter forming against PAP members or its linked entities. They operate in large numbers with the primary objective of drowning out negative comments and derailing the discussions on the internet.

In addition, they also monitor Facebook activities of opposition parties, and call for reinforcements to help counter statements that are critical of the ruling party. On mundane days, typical actions including like-ing the FB pages of the PAP MPs to boast the popularity of MPs. Some of their communications and actions are captured below:

PAP Internet Brigade gives an artificial impression that PAP members (especially MPs) are well-liked, and that PAP policies are well-loved by its citizens. More importantly, their actions are counter-productive to efforts by netizens to critically engage policy makers, and present an inaccurate picture of policy reception….

The above is part of an article posted by Singapore Hall of Shame in the Singapore Alternative News. I am not sure how true and accurate is the information mentioned. If it is true, a few questions need to be asked.

Is this a legitimate organisation funded by the govt? I would not think so as such acts are hideous and morally improper and I don’t think the govt would dare to use public fund to support such an unethical group of people.

The second question to ask, who are these people? Are they honest, decent and respectable individuals, professionals or even civil servants? Would honourable people indulge in such low base activities? The things they are doing are slippery and shameful.

Third question, would anyone think such activities are healthy and decent, or amounting to criminal acts of harassment, drumming, misleading the public, creating disinformation?

Fourth question, would any govt official or politician dare to approve such activities and endorse them? Who approves the setting up and financing of such an organisation?

Fifth question, where is the fund coming from for such thuggish activities?

Kopi Level - Red

R(60) – A new restricted category

If I am not mistaken we have restricted categories to protect people of different ages from watching harmful movies or TV programmes. I can recalled seeing R(13), R(16), R(18), R(A) and things like parental guidance advised or PG.

The above categories are needed as children are either too innocent, too young, too immature, impressionable, gullible and may not be able to handle sexual, violence or adult teams in the movies. Children are vulnerable and need protection from the wise adults. It is for their own good.

Now, when the adults grow older, they will gradually lose their ability to think rationally too. Some will start to lose control of themselves and their mental faculty. And some will be easily lured, tempted by sex and money. Many would not be able to handle their money wisely. But when you ask them and they would not think so. They will fiercely defend their independence, their maturity and wisdom, eating more salt than you ate rice, and claimed to know what they are doing.

What is wrong if they find a beautiful young nymph that is so attractive that they would want to give all their money to, to live with her for a few days or a few months or forever, something to die for? What is wrong if he wants to give away his money happily. You know, when a person is happy, deeply in love or infatuated, money is not important. They will tell you it is good to die standing, to die happy, to live and die for the moment. Can you fault that?

And this is applicable to the feline sex as well. They too want to spend their money when it is worth spending, when the heart feels so good. They too want to have their one night stand or their fling as long as money is the only thing that matters. Can anyone say no if they want to spend their money the way they choose to?

The only time or condition that someone can say no to people spending their money, with the audacity, is to pronounce another person of unsound mind or mentally incapable to protect himself, to make sound decisions concerning his money. The person is retard and needs his protection. And many immortals believe this is so and they are the audacious ones, the chosen ones to just do that. Many or most adults are simply incapable of protecting or looking after their money once they reached 55 or above when they qualify to withdraw their life time savings from the CPF. This is the precise moment when these people are ruled as retards. These people must be protected from abusing themselves, from amusing themselves by exploiting their new found wealth from their life savings, money. They must be protected from the money they have saved and rightfully belong to them to do harm to themselves. They must be pronounced to be of unsound mind when money is concerned.

Let’s invent a new category called R(60) to protect these folks. They must not be allowed to watch movies or programmes that encouraged hedonism, freedom of choice, freedom to do what they want, freedom to spend their money.  They could still be allowed to watch movies under R(A) as long as they are kept from touching their money. They can ogle and imagine and fantasise, but not allowed to do the real thing with the money they have, like going on long holidays or having great meals or drinking sessions with their loved ones or friends, or pampering themselves.

R(60) category will be very useful to protect these retarded old folks from their life savings. These are people that cannot be trusted with their own money. They can will their wealth to their loved ones or nominees when they die. The more I think of this R(60) the more useful I think it can be.

Kopi Level - Red


Reconstruction after Haiyan in the Philippines

The devastation left behind by Typhoon Haiyan 6 months’ ago is still laid bare out there in the provinces of the Philippines. 41 provinces in all were affected with many totally wiped out. 9.7m Pinoys were left without homes or have their lives shattered. Relief and reconstruction efforts are in full swing by international agencies at the moment and will be a work in progress for the next 10 years or more.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN, FAO, projected to continue with their relief work for another 3 years to help the affected Pinoys up on their feet, building homes, fishing boats, schools, infrastructure etc etc. The Singapore Red Cross is doing its part and expected to continue to be committed in the Philippines for 10 years. First priority will be to get the children to schools, power, clean water, etc etc. Millions will be spent trying to help the victims of Haiyan to rebuild their homes and lives.

What is the Philippines Govt doing? No plans yet. They are busy conducting war games with the Americans and buying warships and weapons to want to fight with China. They have just arrested a Chinese fishing boat on charges of smuggling wild life. They have no time and money to reconstruct and rebuild the flattened cities and villages of the Pinoys. They have more urgent matters to deal with, fighting China. 

And the Pinoys in Singapore will be celebrating their Independence Day in a big way in Ngee Ann City.

Kopi Level - Green

CPF Minimum Sum raised to $155k effective 1 Jul

‘The CPF Minimum Sum will be raised to S$155,000, up from S$148,000, from 1 July.
This will apply to CPF members who turn 55 between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015, the Central Provident Board (CPF) and the Manpower Ministry said in a joint statement....

The Medisave Minimum Sum will be raised to S$43,500 from S$40,500 from 1 July.
A member will need to have this amount in his Medisave Account and also meet the CPF Minimum Sum before excess funds can be withdrawn.

The Medisave Contribution Ceiling will be increased correspondingly to S$48,500 from S$45,500’ CNA

The govt is so proactive and caring. They know that your money will be eaten away by inflation. So they will constantly monitor how much you have in your CPF savings and if they think you would not have enough they will top it up for you, by using your own money. What am I saying? Oh, it means more of your savings cannot be touched when you want to withdraw them at the moving withdrawal age of 55/62 or maybe 65/72 in the future.

I would believe that if this is a govt pension scheme, if there is a govt pension scheme, the amount of pension will also be increased proportionally so that the pensioners will be getting the real monetary value they were supposed to get when they retired. So those old civil servants and ex teachers should be getting adjustment to their pension payouts. Got or not? Any pensioners reading this can confirm or not? With inflations running away in the loose, your few hundred dollars of pension would worth only a fraction of their real value in the past.

And for those who are drawing half a million or quarter of a million dollar pension, think they will be adjusted for inflation or not?

This govt really deserves to be paid out of this world salary for being so meticulous and forward looking and caring towards its citizens. All the citizens will not have a care when they retired at 80 or 90. There will be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow waiting for them, due to the good planning and grace of the govt. Say a word of thanks to the ministry managing this CPF Minimum Sum Scheme. If the saying that people with good heart, good intent, a heart of gold, will go to heaven, these people definitely will go to heaven. St Peter will be at the Golden Gate to receive them personally.

What is the point of having so much money when one is about to die? What is the point of saving and saving when one is supposed to work till one drops dead?

Kopi Level - Green


CPF Nomination

Date of Nomination : 05-Jul-1982
Your nominee(s) details are as follows:
No. Identification No. Name Share% Type* Mode^
---- ------------------ ------------------------------- ------- -------- ------
1 Sxxxxxxxx XXX XXXX  100.00 C
* Type:
C - Cash Nomination Scheme
E - Enhanced Nomination Scheme
S - Special Needs Savings Scheme
^ Mode:
1 - Nominee to receive moneys in his/their Special Account (SA) or Retirement Account (RA) first, subject to the prevailing Minimum Sum limit, and thereafter into Medisave Account (MA) subject to the prevailing Medisave Contribution Ceiling
2 - Nominee to receive moneys in his/their Medisave Account (MA) first, subject to the prevailing Medisave Contribution Ceiling, and thereafter into Special Account or Retirement Account, subject to the prevailing Minimum Sum

Hi all,

The above is what CPF sent to me when I requested to know the details of my nominations. In my case my nominee will receive 100% of my CPF savings in CASH.

The other schemes available are Enhanced Nomination Scheme and a Special Needs Savings Scheme. We already have a fair idea of what ENS is all about. I am not sure what SNSS is. Those who want to know would have to check with CPF.

Please note the mode of payments 1 and 2. In Mode 1, likely to be for ENS, the nominee will receive moneys in SA and RA, subject to the prevailing Minimums Sum limit and thereafter into Medisave Account…. I think what these meant is that if Minimum Sum and MA of the nominees are insufficient, they will be topped up first. Not sure if my reading is right. So the moneys could go to SA, RA, MS and MA, the latter two probably the deceased has no intent or no idea how much as they are subject to the balances in those accounts of the nominee.

Mode 2 is likely to be for SNSS and money will be paid to the MA subject to the other conditions, ie SA or RA.

To me, as long as my nominee is getting everything I left behind in cash that would be good enough. I do not want to bother with the rest.