Someone suggested that a good topic to write about is the
Rape of Singapore. I was kind of taken aback. I have heard of the notorious
Rape of Nankin, how could there be a Rape of Singapore. When I look around,
everything is so fine, so perfect, exactly like what George Yeo said. The
people are so rich and getting richer. The govt has just announced the building
of another 500,000 new homes in the choices part of the island for the people,
and everyone with money are eyeing lusciously at the opportunity to live in
these wonderful places or investing in them for a quick buck.
What does this Rape of Singapore gonna be? In the context of
Nankin, there were the brutal killings of the citizens in hundreds of
thousands, looting and raping of the women in the streets. It was the
equivalent of a holocaust in fast forward mode. There is no way that this will
be allowed to happen in this island. We have the most powerful armed forces in
the region and a dedicated pool of National Servicemen all ready to defend and
die for the country. And there is no enemy out there, or if there is, they
would not be our match.
Can the Rape of Singapore be interpreted in different ways,
like the country being taken over or looted, the womenfolk being raped but not
physically? With the best and ablest in the govt, selected by a stringent tea
drinking session to weed out the opportunists and money grabbers, or people who
only think of their self interests, there is no likelihood that the country
would be sold out by moles or traitors. This is something that this honourable
govt and all the honourable men and women would not do, at least intentionally.
The country is like a golden goose laying golden eggs and the people in power
would have the least reason to allow a Rape of Singapore taking place. They
can’t be doing the raping for sure.
The only possibility of a Rape of Singapore is in the wildest
imagination of some deluded people, or in the minds of those fit for IMH. Oh,
there is another slim possibility that the rape is taking place but nobody sees
it or knows about it, something like a white elephant in the classroom and
everyone is blind to it and say, no leh, no elephant leh. Where got? Have we
been rape and still dunno? Can anyone tell me? Why are the people crying rape
and crying traitors? These people must be mad.
I could not find any grounds to write about the Rape of
Singapore and would never see this happening here under this able govt. This
country will never be lost to the foreigners and there will not be a Rape of
Singapore. By 2030, we would likely have 7m citizens in this ever more
prosperous island, and with a bigger Singaporean core of, yes, 7m citizens to
strengthen the Singaporean core. That would only make this island more secure
in the hands of so many Singaporeans. Singaporeans’ interests have never been
in better hands.
Enjoy the Sundays for all you can. No one is raping or
looting this island.