
The Rape of Singapore

Someone suggested that a good topic to write about is the Rape of Singapore. I was kind of taken aback. I have heard of the notorious Rape of Nankin, how could there be a Rape of Singapore. When I look around, everything is so fine, so perfect, exactly like what George Yeo said. The people are so rich and getting richer. The govt has just announced the building of another 500,000 new homes in the choices part of the island for the people, and everyone with money are eyeing lusciously at the opportunity to live in these wonderful places or investing in them for a quick buck.

What does this Rape of Singapore gonna be? In the context of Nankin, there were the brutal killings of the citizens in hundreds of thousands, looting and raping of the women in the streets. It was the equivalent of a holocaust in fast forward mode. There is no way that this will be allowed to happen in this island. We have the most powerful armed forces in the region and a dedicated pool of National Servicemen all ready to defend and die for the country. And there is no enemy out there, or if there is, they would not be our match.

Can the Rape of Singapore be interpreted in different ways, like the country being taken over or looted, the womenfolk being raped but not physically? With the best and ablest in the govt, selected by a stringent tea drinking session to weed out the opportunists and money grabbers, or people who only think of their self interests, there is no likelihood that the country would be sold out by moles or traitors. This is something that this honourable govt and all the honourable men and women would not do, at least intentionally. The country is like a golden goose laying golden eggs and the people in power would have the least reason to allow a Rape of Singapore taking place. They can’t be doing the raping for sure.

The only possibility of a Rape of Singapore is in the wildest imagination of some deluded people, or in the minds of those fit for IMH. Oh, there is another slim possibility that the rape is taking place but nobody sees it or knows about it, something like a white elephant in the classroom and everyone is blind to it and say, no leh, no elephant leh. Where got? Have we been rape and still dunno? Can anyone tell me? Why are the people crying rape and crying traitors? These people must be mad.

I could not find any grounds to write about the Rape of Singapore and would never see this happening here under this able govt. This country will never be lost to the foreigners and there will not be a Rape of Singapore. By 2030, we would likely have 7m citizens in this ever more prosperous island, and with a bigger Singaporean core of, yes, 7m citizens to strengthen the Singaporean core. That would only make this island more secure in the hands of so many Singaporeans. Singaporeans’ interests have never been in better hands.

Enjoy the Sundays for all you can. No one is raping or looting this island.

Dengue outbreak once in 50 years

The outbreak of this disease and turning deadlier is giving cause for concern to the govt. It has never happened before, 20,000 cases before the year is over and claiming another life, its seventh victim. What is unacceptable is that it is happening right in the heart of Orchard, right in the middle of pre Christmas sales, and so near to the Istana.

Singapore is a small island famous for it efficiency in social policies and wiping out mosquitoes must be a piece of cake. It can’t be more difficult than wiping out the people’s CPF savings for housing and various schemes and minimum sums right? If Singapore cannot prevent this disease from spreading, a bit impossible for it to be wiped out, then no country can do better. Just pray and hope that this is only a once in 50 year incident and will be blown over by Christmas when the tourists failed to turn up and no blood to suck.

The mosquito experts are all busily trying out new solutions to stamp the spread of this disease in a highly dense environment that makes intercourse so convenient.  A company called ‘Oxitec is tinkering with the genetics of mosquito species to produce sterile male mosquitos that would…only mate with the females carrying the disease, leaving the 3,500 other mosquito species across the world untouched.’ The best part is that the males will only seek the females of the dengue carrying Aedes mosquitoes. How could they trained or spiked the drinks of these male mosquitoes to go for Aedes females only is truly ingenious. I thought it would be easier to ensure that the Aedes females are dressed to kill with the most expensive cosmetics to attract the sterile males. Alternatively might as well turn all the male mosquitoes into eunuchs, no desires. That would clean them up in one generation.

There was a stupid and innovative idea floated during the last outbreak that sounded damn silly but I agree could be workable, very effective and inexpensive. The idea is simply to provide maternity hospitals or water receptacles for the Aedes to lay their eggs. There is no need to go hunting for them. Just have these water containers in convenient locations to make it easy and conducive for the Aedes mothers to be to do the necessary. The clearing and cleaning job can be done once a week or a fortnight, knowing the incubation and free swimming lifespan of the larva and pupa. No need rocket science and expensive drugs and technology. And no hussle at all. Only common sense, labour and plastic containers would be enough to do the job.

At times simple and silly sounding solutions work best. And no need to pay the experts silly for their expertise and expert salaries. And we have all the cheap foreign workers to do the job with some responsible locals as supervisors. It is elementary, Watson!

Why, too cheap and cannot charge big bills so not a financially rewarding proposition? Cheap is no good. Must pay more then can be good. Better still if the ideas came from FTs. Perhaps if they appoint a foreigner to head the Ministry of Environment, all the mosquito problems will go away.


We want Michael Fay

Michael Fay and his teenage friends were just mischievous spoilt brats doing mischief out of boredom. It was a phase of growing up, doing some silly things and regretting it later in life, but with no real intent to hurt or harm anyone. The blame can be assigned to puberty and the inbalance of hormones.

That incident of a few young punks spray painting a few cars and caned for vandalism was world news and probably hit the front page of many big time media world wide. The boy was ordered by the court to be whipped 6 times on his butt. His parents went crying to the White House and President Clinton took personal interest by writing a personal letter to the President of Singapore for leniency.

Michael Fay was given 4 strokes of the cane instead of 6. The caning of Michael Fay was nothing personal. It was a symbolic act of caning a boy for his mischief, an act needed to keep vandalism in check. What was more was that it said a big NO to the President of the USA by a small island famously known as a little Red Dot. The people approved and walked around with heads in the clouds. We stood up to the pressure of the world’s only superpower by caning his backside if needed to.

This episode is still remembered today by the people of the world. They look Singapore up for defying the Emperor. Only recently, a political forum in Taiwan spoke of the case again with awe and deference to the Singapore Govt and the man who said no to the Americans, LKY. LKY won a lot of admiration from Singaporeans and peoples of the world, and even the Americans. They respected him more. The Americans despise wimps. When there is a time to stand up and standing up for the right thing will bring honour and dignity, not the kind of dignity from having a big paycheck. In such times, not standing up will turn one into a stooge, a feeble lame prick.

The social climate of the little Red Dot has never seen the days of Michael Fay since. The island is being inundated with foreigners who acted as if they own this colony, and they ride roughshod over the citizens, ridiculing the citizens, abusing the citizens, beating up the citizens and even threatening the govt that they would take their businesses elsewhere. They have no respect for a weak govt. In the corporate world, they discriminate against the citizens and rubbish them no matter how good are the citizens, and favour their own kind, right before the very eyes of the govt. They kicked out and replaced highly qualified citizens with their own kinds. Can you believe that, in someone else’s country, not in their country? The little Red Dot is getting more little by the days. It is at risk of disappearing.

What did the govt do? Better not to say anything to offend anyone. Michael Fay was a juvenile. His naughty act can be forgiven for his youth. The rogues that are running around in this island are supposedly very talented professionals, men who are at their prime, who are expected to be able to think and act sensibly. They acted worse than the boy Michael, and more like beasts.

Appeasement, to let them off easily with little fines, or pleas would not work with bullies and swell headed thugs. They will keep on spitting at the locals and beating them up if they are not hauled in and be given a few strokes on their butts to mean business, to tell them this is our land and they better behave and obey our laws and respect our citizens.

Appeasement is bad. Capitulation is even worse. We need to do a Michael Fay on some of these foreign rogues that think they could bully our citizens and discriminate against them at work, for thinking that the whole island is all fools and whims to be had. The widespread discrimination in employment at high levels is sickening and cannot be condoned even for another day. Have we gone limp, unable to stand up to the humiliating affront by the foreigners that we begged and offered them good jobs and a good life here? Where is our manhood? We had that in the past, even though Michael was a boy. Are we so afraid of the rogues and we have to let them run amok in our country and do as they please, to abuse and insult our citizens?

Where is the man?

To cowpeh cowbu or not?

My article on WP’s silence in many hot and controversial issues has received mixed reactions as usual. Some are still unhappy that the WP has stayed away from making a stand when the people wanted them to say something. Some have complimented the WP for being wise by not being drawn or trapped into a situation like Chee Soon Juan or JBJ and other opposition politicians and be smashed to bits and buried alive.

There are merits and reasons to want WP to speak up. There are also very good reasons not to speak up but speaking up only at a critical moment when it counts. It is easy for WP to fire away at the many issues that the people are unhappy about and score political points and win over more supporters. Other than this, they are not going to gain anything meaningful and may open themselves to attacks just like cleaning the ceilings of hawker centres. Everything they said would be used to slice them to pieces, right or wrong, nitpicking to the tiniest hair. Even if they can say all the right things, all they need to do to get into trouble could be as minor as a sneeze while speaking.

What would happen to the issues if WP did not speak up? The problem could magnify and accelerate to an intolerable level much faster since no protest could be seen as everything is good, no problem, policy well received, or no one can find anything wrong with the policy. It is like allowing the fire to burn itself out.

Speaking out and pointing out problematic areas would allow remedial actions to be taken to rectify the flaws and could even turn a bad policy or issue around. A potentially explosive issue or bad policy could be massaged to become more acceptable. Speaking out, criticizing is helping to solve a problem, helping to make things better. The bad part is that no one likes to hear the bad news, the critiques, and people who spoke out are seen as bad people, trouble makers, the messenger of bad news, and often be kicked in the arse.

This may be a good reason why WP chose to stay reticent, don’t ruffle the feathers, don’t be a smart aleck when it is not welcomed, don’t be the messenger of bad news and don’t get butted for trying to help. What is the point when whatever they said would be received badly and seen as stirring trouble, with the wrong intention?  Must as well let people be happy with their mistakes and let the problem and pain fester and rot, and wait for the opportunity to pick up the pieces when it is too late to salvage a bad situation. Being quiet, non committal has many merits and can be strategically very sound too. It can also be a game of psycho, making the enemies wandering what one is up too and what is brewing. It may force the enemies to panic, to act prematurely and start barking for the wrong reasons. It can mislead the enemy to become complacent, to think there is no threat, all so nice and humble and accommodating. A nice and easy going politician, always smiling and so sweet can be even more dangerous than a barking dog. It is all a game and how the politician can play to his advantage. What is real or unreal?

We are just bystanders watching the chess players moving their pieces. Who will emerge the winner when it is game over, the quiet one or the one that is kpkb for the wrong reasons?


The price of justice

Recently an angmoh was fined $4000 for beating up a taxi driver after his drinking spree. Yesterday another angmoh was charged for beating up an Asian local who subsequently died, and was sentenced to 18 months jail. Oh he also had to pay a hefty $32,000 as compensation to the dead man’s mother for medical expenses. $32,000 must be a very generous compensation for the low life here, and 18 months jail was meant to be a very serious and deterrence sentence for beating a local ending in death. Another silly angmoh cyclist violated traffic rules, taunted a local woman driver in the middle of the road, and nothing happened to him. Maybe someone went to beg him to be nice to the locals.

The price of justice or the cost of justice is pretty affordable in this Sin City. I may want to caution that this price is only applicable to angmohs. I am not sure if the price would be heavier for the locals, or for the citizens? And I could even expect the price to be extremely high if a local were to beat up an angmoh, and worse if it ends up with a dead angmoh. The compensation could be in the millions, taking into account the potential income of the angmoh over a life time.

This is after all an ex angmoh colony and the angmoh tua ki mentality is still prevalent among the ex subjects of the empire. It is in their blood, in their DNA. They would employ angmoh first even for local companies doing local businesses. If I were an angmoh, I would make this place my play ground, to make money, have fun beating up the locals and enjoying the hospitality of the local women who are more than willing to oblige. Many would literally flip over when they see an angmoh, the prize possession of a low thinking local woman.

You really cannot blame them when supposedly high thinking elite also flip when they see an angmoh. Angmoh is best, in everything. How could anyone accuse the daft locals of being xenophobic when they idolize and worship at the sight of angmohs?