
Silly Aussie chopper got shit on its face in the Yellow Sea

 Why need an Australian Military helicopter to keep watch over whether North Korea is breaking UN sanctions? Why can't the South Koreans be entrusted with that role by the UN? South Korea could do a better job than just one military helicopter loitering momentarily around the region. That helicopter could never have the capability to keep a prolonged constant watch on North Korea honestly. So, the excuse has no credibility at all. What then was the Australian Military helicopter really doing and its motive for being there?

It does not need much thinking to assume that that Australian Military helicopter claiming to be working under the UN was just an excuse by the kangaroos and was nothing more than just provocation conducted by another 'Malicious Actor' working for the USA, knowing that Australia is a member of the Five Eyes and AUKUS? Australia is more than eight thousand kilometers or even more away from the Yellow Sea. I was under the impression that Chinese jets must have fired flares around the Great Barrier Reef or Sydney Harbour necessitating such a song and dance response.

The Yellow Sea is the front yard of China, and it is natural for China to make sure that 'Malicious Actors' are not privileged to be near its sensitive regions, which is just a couple of hundred kilometers from Beijing. The kangaroos are lucky that it is China's Military jets firing just flares. The Russians or even Iranians would have shot it down and asked questions later as to what it was doing over there.

All the USA's 'Malicious Actors' are making provocations fast and furious. The UK is thousands of miles from China but could not avoid provocating China and had been making up stories that China is a threat to them. Now the UK is making up more malicious claims that China is conducting cyber espionage on its Military. Why would China bother with the UK's Military, knowing that UK's aircraft carriers are just old bathtubs that may sink by themselves without engaging with China. History is going to repeat itself just like the 'Prince of Wales' and 'Repulse' that were sunk by the Japanese even before reaching the battleground. What a joke!

That tiny Chihuahua in Europe, Lithuania, wants to have boots on the ground in Ukraine. It really wants to be nuked for that. Russia now has tactical nukes in Belarus bordering Lithuania, that can make that loud barking Chihuahua disappear. Yes, Lithuania wants nukes too, LOL. That Chihuahua is barking for attention to show that it is a big player in NATO, antagonizing China and now Russia as well. And it is complaining to the WTO about China cutting off trade and putting hurdles in its exports to China. That little dog really needs to be taught a lesson to keep it quiet.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

In today's Straits Times aka Shits Times an article by the their UAss Paid Parrot dumb Imbecile Denny Roy on

"How new Commander of US Forces in Asia sees the growing China Challenge"

Thought everyone as evils as wars mongering as them?

What's the Hell you doing in Asia as your UAss Forces?

Wah to impose your damn Rules Based Orders on all your perceived vassals?

Still think your Mafia Gangsters
Parasites are still invincible?

Already lame Ducks!

Anonymous said...

The American terrorists are the biggest threat to peace in Asia and the world.

Only their cronies would parrot that China is a threat when China is being attacked and threatened by the American terrorists everyday.

Anonymous said...

Putin must use euthanasia to put that noisy Chihuahua to sleep. It will save people in Lithuania from facing total extinction.

Moreover, if Putin gives them nukes, like what the USA gave to Japan, then the USA and the West will claim it is genocide and the ICC needs to issue a second arrest warrant against Putin.

Anonymous said...

American terrorists are still using Channel News America to spread their toxic lies daily.

Anonymous said...

Sinkieland new PM should make use of this opportunity to send our newly acquired F35/Sub-Marine to patrol the SCS. To show we can punch above our weight as well as telling sillyporean he is his own man. Then he will probably be invited to join Aukus as well as G7 as new member. Modi will also invite him to be his guest of honor in next year ceca-land national day. On top of all this, he can also join our pineapple to earn extra income by sitting on board of western institution. Huat-Ahhh...

Anonymous said...

Australia is the Sheriff in East Asia. Philippine is the assistant Sheriff in charge of China affairs.

Singapore will be the charge d-affaires of ASEAN matters. They all work collectively for the USA.

No ASEAN members dared to talk about 'Principles' regarding Ukraine. See, how powerful Singapore is!

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 12.20

The recent Miltary Exercises by the Pinoys with the Japs and Aussies and also with other 12 Militaries from elsewhere.

Which are the 12 from elsewhere?

One of them must be SinkiesLAND.

Own Fighters take off already crashed wants to take part and contain China ah?

Also what's happened if Mid Air no fuel ah?

They can land on Aircraft Bath Tub ah?

Take off already crashed want to land on Aircraft Bath Tub ah?

Wait whole Bath Tub sank when landed explodes.

PRCs "Fujian" comes to rescue.

Frankly, I would preferred Ong Ye Kuang to be.the PM.

He more balanced with both Yes Sirs and See Pui See mentlaity.

Whilst LauRan Wong from UAssA more banana.

But LHL scared lah Ong's father from Barisan Socialists and scared might turned to China more.

This will anger that Bidamn and had regime changes plans to cause havoc

So better put Wong a safer bet.

He can make tough decisions meh?

Looks like hey hey one!

Ong Ye Kuang more steady poon pee pee and more gangster looks

Bidamn scared.

Virgo49 said...

Biggest military exercise.

Why don't say Alliance ah?

As usual the propgranda of the Western Barbarians.

When China send their warships to threaten anyone?

Anonymous said...

'Poon Pee Pee' business dangerous lah! See what happened to those two Boeing 'Poon Pee Pees'? They died mysteriously.

The USA already tried regime change in Red Dot during old man's time using the CIA. Could not work. Old man tough nut to crack. Luckily no CIA assassination was attempted here.

Old man trusted the Gurkhas for protection, who are not to be meddled with. Even the triads had to run for cover when facing the Gurkhas. Kris drawn means blood.

Virgo49 said...

That's why I said Ong is a better choice. His outlook like LKY. Tough nut to crack.

Wong better as Finance Minister good for Ministerial Work.

PM or Secretary General needed Tough Tough Gangsters Type Personality.

Not Scholars Type lah!

Anonymous said...

Old man really looked like tough tough gangster in his younger days, LOL.

But, over threats to his life by some Mats, he never steps across the Causeway for decades. I cannot remember much about this incident, but it really happened.

Virgo49 said...

PM status is just like a Fighting Cock to ward off World's Charlatans, Scoundrels and Mad Hatters and Bullies.

Must be tough enough to deal with them for the Security and Well being of the Country.

No need have other Ministerial Posts that blogged you down.

Their job is to deal with all the Geo Politics of Threats and any Emergency to the Country.

Leave the Rest of the Ministerial Duties to others.

You must be a Tough Nut to fight threats and fires.

So Scholarly Ones NOT suitable for this Role.

Just like in any Company or Organisation Roles

The Operation Director or Manager must be the Tough One like the RSM.

Not other Desk bound type of Officers for this appointment.

Virgo49 said...


Praises for LHL

If only he were wise enough to lean towards China Decades, decades ago to have China's High Tech Industries and Other Technologies there no need to hear these Casinos.

Where's the Dark Sides creeped into Sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

How could China trust the Anglo-Saxon liars when they bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and claimed they used an old map? That was the most ridiculous excuse. How could NATO's air defense force be using outdated maps is just the 'Mother of all lies'. Why of all targets choose the Chinese Embassy to bomb? It was no accident. It was done on purpose.

This debt and the debt of the Japanese will never be forgotten.