
Ukraine - It is happening, white men killing white men

 The days when the white men ganged up together to conquer and rule the world is over. when the white men were united, and with all the superiority in weapons of war, it was so easy to divide up the world among themselves, killing, massacring and plundering everything from the coloured people of the world.

Somehow, something snapped. The white men no longer could get together. They even schemed and plotted to wipe out the Russians. But that is not all. The AngloSaxons have engineered the destruction of Europe, sacrificing Europe to take fight a war of attrition with the Russians. And Europe blindly and haplessly go along, thinking that it was a war of the white men, led by the AngloSaxons, against the coloured people of the world all over again. They needed to unite again to rule the world. But they could not imagine, did not know, that the AngloSaxon plot was to rule the world, including Europe for themselves.

Now, for the first time, it used to be the white men starting wars to kill the coloured people and take over their land and everything. The first phase of the AngloSaxon plan is to take over Russia, follows by phase two, to take control of Europe, and then to set out to conquer the rest of the world.

While the rest of the world is sitting on the sideline watching the slaughtering of the white men by the white men, they must be wary and prepared that the attention and killing would turn to them anytime. Maybe it has already started with the Covid Pandemic and the dangerous vaccines with long term adverse effects.

For the time being, the coloured people of the world should be wise enough to stay clear of the war in Europe. Do not be a smart alec and be drawn into this war that is a prelude to the conquest of the rest of the world, meaning the conquest of the coloured people of the world by the white men. Stay safe, but be prepared for the worst when the AngloSaxons have subdued Europe and Russia, united the forces of the white men to take on the rest of the coloured people.

This day could come if Russia is defeated and with China becoming the next immediate target. After the fall of China, if that happens, it would be Game Over for the rest of the world. Pray hard that the white men would destroy themselves in Europe. Pray hard that Russia would survive this war, and the rest of the world could live in peace and prosperity, minding their own business and not be cannon fodder in this white men's war of self annihilation, self destruction.

God is Great. God works in its own mysterious ways to do away with evil for the good to survive. The white men could nuke each other to oblivion. Both sides are talking about using nukes and both sides are not backing down. This would be the most interesting development in the Ukraine war.



Anonymous said...

According to Chinese news on utube; US has requested the Paki to supply artillery shells to Ukraine as all other sources of ammo is running out...


Title: Large quantities of Pakistani artillery shells shipped to Ukraine

From India side:

Policy-makers and strategists in Delhi should make a careful note of the timeline. The bottom line is, Russia is looking for an all-out victory and will not settle for anything less than a friendly government in Kiev. Western politicians, including Biden, understand that there is nothing stopping the Russians now. The US’ weapon kitty is running dry as Kiev keeps asking for more.


General Winter is coming soon!!

Anonymous said...

Seems like Covid 19 virus is man-made:

JUST IN - US researchers at Boston University have developed a new lethal Covid mutant strain in a laboratory – echoing the type of experiments many fear started the pandemic.


Note that Daily Mail is a gossip newspaper and not a reliable source of info..believe at your own risk!

Anonymous said...

The USA actually had been scheming to get the Chinese and Asia Indians directly involved in the war in Ukraine.

They keep prodding the Chinese to voice their condemnation against Russia's liberation of Eastern Ukraine. They also coerced India, an ally inside the QUAD they control, to do the same. The plan was to throw a wedge between Russia and China, and do the same to India and Russia's mutual relationship. That will cripple Russia's energy export and collapse the Russian economy, besides changing the evolving geopolitical landscape. China and India, leveraging on their thousands of years of civilisation and wisdom are not easily fooled.

But the USA's plan fell short of one important thing - cheap energy for China and India. Moreover, if the USA is doing this to Russia, China and India's turn to be threatened will come, and they will suffer the same treatment at the hands of the Anglo Saxon clique. There will be no Russia to offer help. China and India must keep Russia strong and resilient.

The Indians fortunately found out that ploy early enough, when looking at how the USA is ripping off the Europeans, after fooling the Europeans to get rid of cheap Russian energy. Now Macron and Schulz are complaining that USA's supply of gas is four times more expensive than Russian gas, and is not sustainable for them. The USA's gas producers are making huge profits from Europe and Biden is just standing by and doing nothing, but condemning OPEC+ and threatening Saudi Arabia.

Putin, meanwhile is dangling a carrot by offering gas back to Europe, via the undamaged pipeline serving Nord Stream 2. Would the Europeans take it? If so, that would be a slap on the face of Biden and the USA and foil their plans to force Europe to rely on them, even after sabotaging the two lines, Nord Stream 1 & 2. Will the USA, in desperation, carry out another attempt to render what remains of the functioning pipeline with another sabotage attempt? They are capable of doing that. If that happens, I think the Europeans will really dump the EU grouping, NATO and Ukraine for good, as social unrest is rising, and they clearly could see that the USA is really out to destroy them and their economy.

Yes, Asian and coloured people of the world must avoid getting involved in Ukraine directly. Keep the Anglo Saxon tyranny out of their region and not be implicated. It will be a curse that they will regret.

Then it will really become - "When you see two White Countries fighting, look around and you will see Satan standing nearby, waiting to gather the spoils".

Anonymous said...

When the Paki got dragged into the Ukraine war, India would also follow suit, to prove who is more loyal to the Americans. The Americans are pulling the strings on these two South Asian countries to pitch them against each other.

So sad if the two countries can so easily be manipulated by the Americans and enter a white men's war.

Anonymous said...

Imran Khan, the deposed Pakistan PM, is said to be gaining support in a by election and that is a good sign.

Khan was a keen follower of China's poverty eradication success and he looks up highly at the Chinese system of Government. That is not to the liking of the USA and they materminded his removal.

Anonymous said...

All the coloured people should stay far, far away from this conflict. This is a rare spectacle and they should all stay on the side line and watch the beautiful sight unfolding before them. Take out the beer and potato chips and enjoy in your living room.

Anonymous said...

I and all of Global South hope Putin wins ! We support the Russians !

patriot said...

Russia, China lndia, lndonesia and North Korea can and must combine efforts
to effect a New World Order for Humanity as a Whole.
It is absolutely nonsensical for the Worl to be in chaos just because some want to rule the World.
The Rogues must be removed for good.

Anonymous said...

Russia is not alone.

Other than the handful of former Warsaw Pact countries, Russia has China, India, North Korea, Iran, the Arab world, Turkey, Brazil, South Africa and of course Venezuela and the majority of Africa and Latin American countries rooting for it to prevail.

Not too sure about Asean, but some in Asean are also for Russia. Indonesia should wise up and join BRICS as an equal and respectable partner and not be pushed around by the Americans and the white men. Indonesia would have a much bigger say in BRICS and be treated as equals instead of subordinated to the white men in the white men's world order.

Anonymous said...

Correction, the Americans and Ukrainians are recruiting the Arab and Muslim terrorists to kill the Russians and Russian speaking Ukrainians, ie hiring and paying coloured people to kill white men.

Anonymous said...

The USA and the West were actually lobbying Indonesia not to invite Putin to the G20 meeting held in July in Bali, but the Indonesians would have nothing of that. A wise leader knows how to manage relations and not try to create enemies by taking sides openly. Even if Indonesia were against the war in Ukraine, national interest is more important than currying favour for a Satanic State, that will not benefit the country.

Someone quoted Winston Churchill who said - "Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip". That is the what wise leaders should follow. Throwing weight around by threatening, sanctioning, pushing opponents under water because they are overtaking, fear of competing and resorting to unfair practices, and coercing and forcing countries to support them in their incompetence to compete. That is Mafia diplomacy.

Anonymous said...

It's China's turn:

'The Biden administration intensified its war on China last week when it detonated a thermonuclear bomb at the heart of Beijing’s booming technology industry. In an effort to block China’s access to crucial semiconductor technology, Team Biden announced onerous new export rules aimed at a “comprehensive supply cut-off” of essential semiconductor technology which– according to one analyst– led to an “immediate operations paralysis.”

'Naturally, the Chinese government was blindsided by the draconian new rules which include “all Chinese advanced computing chip design companies” and will undoubtedly “ensure the elimination of all American products and technologies from the entire ecosystem.” The new sanctions regime will likely inflict significant damage on China’s thriving technology industry while causing considerable harm to US partners who were not consulted on the matter. '

'Biden’s onerous new export rules fit perfectly within this broader strategy of persistent confrontation and hostility. It also jibes with the oft-repeated neoconservative view that there is “no hope of coexistence with China as long as the Communist Party governs the country.” So, once again, we can see that the administration’s attacks on China are not merely designed to “contain” Chinese development but are also aimed at regime change. We believe that the recent ratcheting up of Biden’s Tech War has nothing to do with national security concerns (like “still-emerging fields of artificial intelligence and quantum computing”) but is actually another desperate attempt to preserve Washington’s loosening grip on global power.'

'At worst, the damage to China’s economy is likely to be temporary… But the impact of the incipient depression in the Western semiconductor industry may well do permanent harm.'

Full article at:

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

The Evil 😈 USA must be exposed!

There have been too much Evils being orchestrated, organised, originated and initiated by the Warmongers. These have to be stopped

The coloured people cannot allow one group of Evil People to dominate and control the World through sheer might of its military. This is the key factor to tackle first.

Once the Evil USA military has been rendered ineffective, then the rest can follow suit.

However, it does not mean that in the mean time, the coloured people do not do anything on the cultural, diplomatic, and other fields of human endeavours.

Anonymous said...

Have the USA failed to learn anything about their policy of containment, which have largely or miserably failed.

What have they achieved with North Korea in so many decades of sanctions? North Korea still managed to have their nuclear bomb, their ballistic missiles. Did the regime collapse?

Then look at Russia. It was supposed to collapse with, last I heard, more than ten thousand sanctions on almost everything under the sun. Is Russia looking to be collapsing now? Trying to play Russian roulette with Putin on energy has got Europe into deep trouble.

Sure, the chip blockade will do initial damage to China's economy, but it will be temporary, and further down the road, China will surely overcome the problem, as Xi indicated that China will pour huge investments into that sector.

As in many other sectors, a couple of years is all that China needs to be self sufficient. Without the dominant Chinese market for chips, who is big enough to absorb the chip and semi conductor production of the alliance? They would have to sell their chips to MacDonalds, perhaps.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Americans are not trying to bring down China because it is CCP or communist. China can be democratic or whatever, the Americans would want to bring it down like it did to Japan and Germany to remain the top dog. No one is allowed to be stronger and more advanced than the Americans.

This also applies to India, the biggest democracy. Should India threatens to be stronger than the Americans like China now, it would also be destroyed by the Americans.

India must be smart to join force with the rest of the world to bring down the evil American Empire and to bring about a multi polar world. And this is the moment to bring down America while the Americans are destroying Europe and trying to bring down Russia and China.

America is now facing enemies all over the world. The Europeans would soon come to their senses to turn against the Americans before they got frozen to death this winter. The Americans are finishing the Europeans and using them like they are using the Ukrainians, fight to the last Ukrainian and to the last European. The Americans would throw everyone under the bus.

The Europeans are not stupid and would stand up to fight for their own survival against the Americans.