
RB Warns of 'Geopolitical Coercion' by the US and EU

SINGAPORE (MSN) -RB on Wednesday said the global economy was facing "significant headwinds" and that China was working to shore up its supply chains and guard against "geopolitical coercion" by the US, EU and the AngloSaxon nations.

RB told an event hosted by the Red Woods Committee, a think tank group, that China was working to deepen integration with nations of the world and Indo-Pacific countries, including many emerging markets and developing countries, while building to booster its supply chains.

"We know the cost of US's weaponization of trade as a tool of geopolitical coercion, and we must mitigate similar vulnerabilities to countries like the rest of the world," RB said, underscoring Russia's determination to hold the US accountable for the war in Ukraine and its sanctions of food and energy shipments to Russia and several other countries.

Chinese and Russian officials have also been outspoken about the need to reduce dependence on American market and counter what they see as Washington's bad behaviour in the global economy.

"Sanctions is not meant to be only against a few countries. It is a mean policy of protectionism. It's something that's meant to maintain American hegemony...but still get the benefits of trade,"  Allen said.

Oops, below is from CNA.

WASHINGTON: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday (Oct 12) said the global economy was facing "significant headwinds" and the United States was working to shore up its supply chains and guard against "geopolitical coercion" by Russia, China and others.

Yellen told an event hosted by the Bretton Woods Committee, a booster group, that Washington was working to deepen integration with the European Union and Indo-Pacific countries, including many emerging markets and developing countries while building in more redundancies in its supply chains.

"We know the cost of Russia's weaponisation of trade as a tool of geopolitical coercion, and we must mitigate similar vulnerabilities to countries like China," Yellen said, underscoring Washington's determination to hold Russia accountable for its invasion of Ukraine and its initial blockade of food and energy shipments from the country.

Yellen and other Biden administration officials have also been outspoken about the need to reduce dependence on Chinese supply chains and counter what they see as Beijing's bad behaviour in the global economy....


Anonymous said...

Is the rb in article refers to u

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

RB is RB. MSN is MySingaporeNews

Anonymous said...

You really get sick of the propaganda trotted out by the USA and the West.

As if influence, coercion, dicatates and threats can only be made by the USA and the West and other countries are forbidden to follow them in any way.

China's rise in influence over Asia, Africa, South America is not allowed and China's attempts to forge alliance with the Pacific Islands is strongly resisted. Not by the Islanders, but by the USA, Australia and the West exerting forceful policies towards the Islanders.

China's rise is also not allowed and must be stopped from overtaking the USA. It is overtaking the USA that is the crux of the issue, not the interest of other countries or even the EU. The USA tried trade war and obviously failed. They tried biological warfare with the introduction of the COVID19 virus in Wuhan during the Military Games in 2019, but failed to decimate the Chinese population. Now, it is trying the technological war against China, and bringing in the whole world together against China in chips and semi-conductor manufacturing. This is similarly going to fail and will bring down many chip manufacturers and chip equipment makers, once China succeeded to be self reliant.

Today, the gun is pointed at Putin, by the USA and the West, claiming that he is attempting to influence 'Anti-Western' mindsets among Asian countries. Imagine the devil saying what they themselves had been doing for centuries, using the UN, IMF, World Bank and NGOs they funded to influence mindsets against Russia and China and communism in general.

Today, issues against Russia or China go beyond communism and includes mainly human rights, an issue they could exploit to no end. Their self defined 'Rule of Law' uses human rights for all it's attacks on countries they could not control. African leaders have seen though the ploy.

African leaders, in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda have all come out to bash the USA and West for trying to impose their definition of human rights in African countries. The BBC in particular was singled out for it's attempts to educate them on Western human rights issues in Africa. These African leaders told the BBC that they know what human rights is, and do not need the Brits or the BBC to tell them how to run their country. They themselves have tasted the wholesale abuse of human rights in the hands of the Anglo Saxon Whites before, like the days when Blacks were kidnapped to work as slaves for the Whites in the USA. The White's colonisation of Africa resulted in the massive plunder of resources and left the continent poor and backward, until today. China meanwhile is trying to correct the insanity left behind by the Whites.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Western main media are full of trash, lies, disinformation, propaganda, distorted and fabricated news. They should be 'pofma'.

Anonymous said...

It's very funny when they talk with a straight face telling lies

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Why are Singapore's tabloids and newspapers allowing lies, deceits and disinformation to be disseminated down to the commoners?

Why the Singapore government has not POFMA them?

Anonymous said...

In an interview with CNA, Vivian said something like if you want reliable news, the best place is to read our main media. Sure no fake news.

Anonymous said...

Ranked 162! Reliable?

Anonymous said...

How can it be no fake, if its standard is so downwards to 162th/180th?

Is Vivian telling a honest mistake?

Anonymous said...

Please do not question the honesty of our ministers.

Anonymous said...

Low Thia Khiang said before - Self praise has no fishy smell.

Anonymous said...

If it is 160, I believe the media is not lying.

Jokes aside, if Channel News America and other media had not been carrying out wholesale regurgitation of the distorted news of the MSM of the West, how else can they reap so many awards?

If Channel News America were to reflect a pro-China stance, they could never even smell the footprint of the award, no matter how truthful they can be. That is a fact. The Sky in the West would fall if under such a case, they still get the awards. Then they may even land in the very bottom of the heap, last of the last. 181 maybe?

Anonymous said...

He is no more a minister. He is now a pariah, trying to be a minister - a disgraced minister, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, getting so many awards must be real and telling the real news. The awards cannot lie, just like Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace.

Must respect.

By the way, the British and Australian SKY news are about the most notorious, lies and hate spreading channels you can find against China and Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Why the sudden hysteria agsint the East? It's because the Western banking system could implode:

'In this article I have put to one side all the economic concerns of a downturn in the quantities of bank credit in circulation and focused on the financial consequences of a new long-term trend of rising interest rates. It should be coming clear that they threaten to undermine the entire fiat currency financial system.

Credit Suisse’s public problems should be considered in this context. That they have not arisen before was due to the successful suppression of interest rates and bond yields, while the quantities of currency and bank credit have expanded substantially without apparent ill effects. Those ill effects are now impacting financial markets by undermining the purchasing power of all fiat currencies at an accelerating rate.

From being completely in control of interest rates and fixed interest markets, central banks are now struggling in a losing battle to retain that control from the consequences of their earlier credit expansion. That enemy of every state, the market, has central banks on the run, uncertain as to whether their currencies should be protected (this is the Fed’s current decision and probably a dithering BOE) or a precarious financial system must be the priority (this is the ECB and BOJ’s current position).

But one thing is clear: with CPI measures rising at a 10% clip, interest rates and bond yields will continue to rise until something breaks. So far, commercial banks are dumping financial assets to deleverage their balance sheets. The effects on listed securities are in plain sight. What is less appreciated, at least before LDI schemes threatened to collapse the UK’s gilt market, is that the $600 trillion OTC derivative market which grew on the back of a long-term trend of declining interest rates is now set to shrink as contracts go sour and banks refuse to novate them. That means that up to $600 trillion of notional credit is set to vanish, in what we might call the Great Unwind.'

Full article at:

Anonymous said...

In Singapore the main source of news are the States Time and the CNAmerica. Singaporeans by and large are brainwashed and follow the news like sheep to the slaughter. It has been going on like this for decades. The country has been peaceful, so let's go on as it has been for the last 60+ years. Why change it? Singaporeans are happy to be half asleep most of the time and the bochap attitude is so prevalent and a way of life. Long may this go on.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

NEVADA CITY, Calif. (KGO) -- The death of Kiely Rodni, a teen who went missing in August, was declared accidental, according to the Nevada County Sheriff's Office Coroner.

Based on the pathologist's finding, the teen's death was the result of drowning and there was no other information to suggest she was the victim of foul play.

Is this for real?

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. The $600 trillion derivatives are going to bury every bank and everyone when it collapses.

patriot said...

Rewards are given very regularly in Sin and recipients are bathing in glory
as though they have being recognized as outstanding
talents. In actual fact, it is just to massage their Ego.
Dog trainer knows giving the Dog a bone makes it
obedient and blindly loyal.
is use on the
Common Folks.
In the Long Run
the Paper Award shall be as common as toilet paper.


Anonymous said...

The derivatives issue, completely ignored, has not been discussed on MSM at all, but is the most important issue, more than the USA debt of more than US$31 trillion. Compared to the monstrous US$600 trillion, the debt issue is peripheral. This unwinding of the derivatives will bring down the too big to fail big banks in the West. When it unwinds, no bank is too big to fail. They will all go down like a house of cards.

Anonymous said...


Hence, Biden claims not to seek “a new Cold War” with China, but rather reaffirms America’s One China policy, and makes clear that Washington does not support Taiwan’s independence.

But China and Russia view America’s rules-based international order as the incarnation of US imperialism. They pay attention mainly to what the US does — not to what Biden says.

They regard US strategic containment, military buildup, and alliance formation and expansion with alarm and hostility that will certainly undermine the cooperation and coordination needed to meet global challenges.

Another problem is the NSS’s choice of resources and methods to achieve its objectives. It speaks of a desire to build a free, open, prosperous, and secure international order where people can enjoy their basic, universal rights and freedoms.

However, to achieve such a worthy objective, the US plans to grow its power, amplify its influence through international coalitions, and modernise and strengthen its military. This comes even as the US already spends more on its military than the next nine biggest spenders, all of which are its allies.

The Biden administration speaks as a healer but acts like a hammer, believing the US could and should act as the world’s policeman, despite a long and bloody history.

There are the contradictions between US nuclear modernisation and non-proliferation. The NSS commits to modernise the country’s nuclear Triad and related infrastructure, while at the same time, speaking of verifiable arms control and the global non-proliferation regime.

The US persists in its violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty that requires nuclear powers to pursue disarmament aimed at the ultimate elimination of their nuclear arsenals.

The same goes for values and interests that do not usually align with foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, where the Biden administration has been shoring up autocracies and rallying them against Russia, all in the name of democracy.

The NSS also commits the United States to proactively integrate Israel into the region, albeit at the expense of Palestinians and Arab rights. It mentions the two-state solution as the better option, but in practice it panders to Israel.

Like Obama’s so-called “leading from behind” approach, Biden proposes cooperation and support to trusted partners, shifting from a strategy that is “US-led, partner-enabled” to one that is “partner-led, US-enabled”.

This is an overly ambitious strategy with major faults and fantasies. It will give comfort to America’s friends looking for protection and support from the benevolent superpower, but will also provide ammunition to America’s detractors regarding its aggressive imperialist agenda.

If the “political art of creating power”, than the balance of power would suggest, then this National Security Strategy is a masterpiece in theory.

In practice, it confirms what we’ve known for a millennium: When a rising power challenges a dominant power, it is time to put on the seat belts.

The end.